This letter will be sent to former Prime Minister Stephen Harper, with everyone’s signatures, once it reaches its goal.
Please sign and share widely
Dear Stephen Harper,
Thank you.
Thank you for always saying it as it is, never letting political calculations cloud your moral integrity. This probably cost you your job, but it earned you our deepest respect.
Thank you for giving Canada its moral voice back on the world stage after years of moral relativism.
Thank you for your steadfast support of Israel, for your opposition to radical Islam and to all other tyranical regimes, and for your fight for freedom around the world and inside Canada.
Thank you for being the only world leader to understand that in the choice between the Islamic Republic and the Islamic State, the right choice is to oppose both of these hateful apocalyptic regimes.
Thank you for making Canada skip the worst economic crisis the world has seen since the great depression through responsible fiscal policies.
We will never forget this period of time where Canada led the free world in terms of moral clarity and moral stance. You became the moral compass of a too often immoral world.
You will be missed. No: you are already missed.
The Undersigned,
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