The Words We Need to Win in ’24

By Joan Swirsky | August 19,  2024

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Living in one of the most far-left communities in the United States for the past many decades, I am intimately familiar with the mindset of the left — the liberals, leftists, progressives, or whatever they’re calling themselves today.

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And as the entire world has witnessed over the past eight years, since the man they used to lionize and admire — and rewarded with a 15-year boffo success TV show, The Apprenticedescended the escalator in Trump Tower in 2015 and announced his candidacy for the presidency of the United States, a true mass hysteria erupted to denounce, vilify, degrade, reject, and ultimately try to destroy — including with a bullet! — one Donald J. Trump.


The primary reason was because America had just survived the eight-year hate-America regime of Barack Obama, whose communist leanings had successfully ushered in socialized medicine via Obamacare and socialized education via the Common Core Curriculum — both disastrous contributions to the devolution of America.  The left fully anticipated that presidential candidate Hillary Clinton would spend the next eight years completing the left’s hundred-year mission to turn our dastardly capitalistic system with its allegiance to the horrific Constitution of the United States into the communist paradise on earth they all so fervently believed in…and do to this day!

The Trump Imprimatur

In spite of non-stop harassment, bogus accusations, and vicious lawfare suits, President Trump ushered in — this is the very short list — low taxes, low regulations, low food prices, low gas prices, sky-high employment across all demographics, a challenge to our NATO partners to pay their fair share (which they had never done, but complied with immediately), energy independence for the next thousand years, unprecedented success with peace initiatives via the Abraham Accords in the Middle East, and — ta-da — no wars!

It will be amusing to watch this stellar record go up against the Harris-Walz slate, which features virtually not a single policy or action that has benefited America.

Yes, they will have non-stop positive coverage from a craven media, but the Trump team will have what to liberals is the most terrifying lethal weapon imaginable: cold, hard facts!

Just a Few Examples

Five words: Darfur, Yemen, Myanmar, Ukraine, Israel — all raging wars that did not exist four years ago.  These are the sole responsibility of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris — and are costing American taxpayers trillions of dollars.

Four words: Eleven million illegal aliens have crossed our southern border who were not here four years ago, again “thanks” to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.  All of these uninvited invaders were never vetted for disease, which may explain the bubonic plague in Oregon (preposterously blamed on a pet cat), tuberculosis surging in New York City, epidemics of measles in 16 states, and God knows what is being withheld from the public about other potentially fatal diseases extinct in America before this Biden-Harris-created welcome mat.

Many of these illegals were found to be drug- and sex-traffickers, gang members, communists, Islamic terrorists, Chicom soldiers with tats of elite Chinese units, Venezuelan prisoners, et al., which prompted writer Kristen Ziccarelli to explain how our open-border policy leaves us even more vulnerable to terrorism and which prompted the Congressional Committee for Oversight and Accountability to call the border crisis “overwhelming.”

Meanwhile, this massive invasion is now draining our economy of, again, trillions of dollars and actualizing the Cloward-Piven Strategy of 1966 to precipitate a crisis that will result in a collapsed economy, total dependence on Big Government from cradle to grave, and a guaranteed annual income that would end poverty and usher in the socialist/communist state.

Two words: COVID-19 Shots. While “follow the science” leftists were wagging their sanctimonious fingers at us to keep our distances; wear our masks; and take not only the Covid vaccine, but every booster than came down the pike, journalists like Kelleigh Nelson were writing tomes about the deep corruption of Big Pharma and the “scientists” pushing what turned out to be highly dangerous inoculations.  They were dangerous that the founder of Vaccine Safety Research Foundation (, Steve Kirsch, concluded that the virus was safer than the shots!

By now, everyone has read about the dire aftermath of the shots — the great number of pilots developing blood clots in flight, of teenage boys contracting myocarditis, the mountain of miscarriages, athletes at the peak of health and vigor dropping dead on playing fields across the world, much of which — but not all — has been reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) (

Three words: October 7, 2023.

Liberals, including millions of Jewish liberals, are pretending that the virulent anti-Semitism vomited forth from the Democrat party — including traitorous Jews like the quisling Chuck Schumer, et al. — won’t affect their vote for a Democrat because…why?

My theory is because the stupid Jewish women who vote for Democrats, along with their “whipped” husbands, believe that nothing on Earth is more important than abortion.  Nothing quite beats the taking of a viable human life, in many states up to the moment of birth!

Two words: United Nations.

For decades, this rancid, anti-American, anti-Semitic organization has contaminated both our foreign and domestic policies, and now we know that it is deeply implicated in the terrorism in the Middle East, specifically in the mass murder of Israelis on October 7, 2023.  Hopefully, a newly installed President Trump will kick this monstrosity out of the United States for good!

One word: Trump.

Let’s face it.  If there is one thing we’ve learned since President Trump exposed the Deep State in all its nefariousness, it’s that the voters don’t really count.

It is the government, with its gigantic controlling tentacles — think State Dept., Dept. of Justice, the CIA, FBI, NSA, et al. — that really calls the shots, no matter which political party is in power.

And just think what this gigantic controlling machine has been doing — full time — for the past nine years, since Donald Trump descended that escalator.  They have been working — feverishly, fanatically, obsessively — to get rid of him.  As I mentioned, even with a bullet…and now with an emergency landing of his airplane!  Because of “technical issues.”  Right.

This machine comprises men and women, people with high I.Q.s, degrees from fancy universities, often impressive credentials, and reputations to uphold.  Can you imagine not only the embarrassment that this thunderous failure has caused them, but the fulminating fury that makes their blood boil every minute of the day, and often while tossing and turning in their beds at night?

I have no crystal ball, but I would not be surprised if this campaign season features more of the same — colossal dishonesty from the Democrat camp, a fact-saturated agenda from the Republican camp, and a late-August surprise, a September surprise, an October surprise, even an early November surprise from the Deep Staters who will go on to wonder why the one assignment they had was such a crashing failure.

Joan Swirsky is a New York–based journalist and author. Her website is, and she can be reached at

August 20, 2024 | 1 Comment »

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  1. Joan for president! No, that won’t work, but maybe secretary of state or some other useful position. As the saying goes, “Common sense isn’t so common.”