Deception 3: The White Paper Deception.

Peloni:  Here is the second installment of Joseph Shellim’s 12 Deceptions, an excerpt from his important work, Philistine-To-Palestine.  We are posting one Deception each, and here the links to the previous installments:

Deception 1: The Name Deception

Deception 2: The Balfour Deception

Worst Crime of all.

Britain – The Holocaust – And Hajj Amin. 

  • “One of the great tragedies, or crimes – depending on who is asked – of the 20th century, can be laid at  the feet of the English. This is either omitted from our history books or downplayed into insignificance.  Of course, the British passed themselves off as disinterested noble guardians stuck between two  irreconcilably irrational opponents, but what seems to have been their chief interest was protecting the  Iraq-Haifa oil pipeline.” – (‘The White Paper of 1939’ by Mike Konrad; American Thinker, June 2,  2013)


The Docks of Haifa. 

A group of 90 British citizens travelled to Israel and gathered at the docks of Haifa. This was by no  means an official government or royal sponsored delegation, but a group of British soldiers and British  citizens who came of their own compulsion. Their speeches were recorded in a film called as ‘The  Sorry 90’. Some examples:

  • “Remembering what happened here 68 years ago, the small ship crowded with 2,664 intending  immigrants which had been captured off-shore and moored by the dockside. The smell was  considerable, with Jews of all ages and sizes trooped out to the concrete. I remember being astonished  that such a tiny vessel could contain so many people and the conditions they endured during their  voyage. I was close enough to be emotionally involved of the wrong our British nation was doing.” – (Jeffrey Ore, British Army; delegation of the “Sorry 90”)
  • “We have taken our confession and prayer with deep sorrow for our nation’s reneging of the Balfour  Declaration and for turning our backs on the Jewish people during the British mandate. We praise the  preservation of the political, spiritual and legal rights of the present state of Israel. The injustice,  humiliation, cruelty and betrayal your people have suffered from our nation of Britain are  indescribable. We are deeply sorry.” – (Lady in white attire; delegation of the “Sorry 90”)
  • “Our task was to intercept any Jewish ships before they could land their passengers in Palestine. We  had no interest in politics and it wasn’t until many years later I recognized the failure of the system and  the need for repentance of our failings” – (Tom Dale, British Army; delegation of the “Sorry 90”)
  • “We are sorry for the White Paper that all but closed the gates of escape from Europe. We are sorry  for every ship that was turned away from these shores. We are sorry for holding you in detention and  deportation camps. We are sorry we were untrustworthy friends for failing you when you most needed  us” – (Lady Speaker; delegation of the “Sorry 90”)


The overwhelmed Jews accepted Britain’s 2-state division of Palestine. It removed 80% of the land  allocated for one ‘national Jewish home’ for the creation of Jordan. Its given reason was to house the  Arabs in Palestine (‘one for the Jews and one for the Arabs’). The Jews accepted Britain’s revised texts  of the 1917 Balfour Declaration which they previously miss-understood and were corrected of its  understanding by Britain in 1922. Now the Jews required Britain’s corrected textual rendition to be  ratified and implemented, desperately seeking a safe home in the 20% remaining land. Especially now  in their simultaneous situation of desperation in both Europe and the Arab controlled regions in Arabia.  Namely, the Jews were now focused on the new revised assurance of the text, with the article ‘IN’ instead of ‘THE’ home in Palestine, and ‘A’ instead of ‘THE’:

  • “His Majesty’s government view with favor the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the  Jewish people, and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object..” 

Many Jews enlisted in the British army as a mark of alliance, under the flagship of the ‘Jewish  Palestine Brigade’. Thereby did the Zionist advocacy promotions in America also begin earnestly  assisting in the implementing of the British Mandate’s National Home for the Jews in Palestine, no  matter of its diminished meager size. But the British responses of the Jews accepting Britain’s edicts  are far from over; they will enter their darkest hour of this history. Britain’s deceptions will continue in  compounding escalation.

What the Jews did not fathom was Chamberlain’s agreement with Hitler and Hajj Amin was a recipe  for the extermination of all Jews; that it rendered any British Mandate irrelevant. The Jews never  anticipated that the Jews would face Hitler’s Mein Kampf of extermination in Europe and the same  proclaimed in Arabia – barred from leaving Europe and barred from entering Palestine. That all  Christian and Arab states would slam their doors to any Jews fleeing Europe; that refugee ships would  be blown up at sea or turned back to the camps of Europe; how utterly foolish of the Jews. They believed Britain was only at war with the Nazis; the Jews were wrong.

Following the corruption of the Balfour Declaration, Britain was focused on oil in the dire situation of  facing a second world war; and after the war, oil was a precious means of wealth and power. The Jews  will be made the soft target to pay its price. Britain now issued its ‘White Paper Policy’ in 1939 to  again appease the regime states she created, even as most of the Arab states allied with Hitler, and were  handed vast new states and 80% of Palestine. The White Paper policy was a numerously utilized factor  of the British against the Jews, enacting restrictive immigration since the 1920’s to appease the  landlords of oil rich lands; it was in contradiction of her Balfour Declaration. But the1939 White Paper  was used as the final solution by Britain in conjunction with Hitler and the mayor of Jerusalem she  appointed. It will bar the Jews from leaving Europe – Chamberlain did not require the safety of the  Jews from Hitler; Britain was fully aware of the Jewish situation at this time for many years.

While Chamberlain made no provision for the Jews in his infamous agreement with Hitler, Hajj Amin  will compel Britain to forbid any Christian country from receiving Jews; Britain granted this and complied. Britain was aware its appointed mayor was promoting the extermination of all Jews in  Arabia. The barring of the Jews even from the 20% portion west of the Jordan was a violation of  Britain’s revised 2-states in Palestine division that allocated all land west of the river for the Jews.  Namely, the Jews again correctly regarded the land left after ‘Trans-Jordan’ as the Jewish homeland.  Britain will again differ in her explicit textual interpretation, this time regarding the most sacred land  portion of the Jews, the same patch of land the Britons and Arabs were destroying a Holy Temple in  Rome’s legions 2,000 years ago.

  • “In 1939, Great Britain reneged on the Balfour Declaration by issuing the White Paper, which stated  that creating a Jewish state was no longer a British policy. It was Great Britain’s change in policy  toward Palestine and prevented millions of European Jews from escaping Nazi-occupied Europe to  Palestine.” – (By Jennifer Rosenberg, 20th Century History Expert; About-Education Org.)

The Nazis did it – Britain caused it. 
The White Paper Policy is the greatest crime perpetrated upon the Jews and among the great crimes  against humanity. Britain’s action will be exploited by Hitler and Hajj Amin, the Jerusalem Mayor  appointed by Britain. The situation is clouded in the fog of war who was exploiting whom, Britain or  the Arabs against the Jews, or both in unison. There were two White Papers executed by Britain in  1939; one was instigated by the Jerusalem Mayor Hajj Amin who became a confidant of Adolf Hitler.  A legitimate question is incumbent here, one that has been fully avoided by the Christian community.  Is it possible that Chamberlain, the British PM who negotiated with Hitler, was unaware of his two  White Paper policy impacts on the Jews? Or what are the conclusions to be derived when Britain  declared that the Jews cannot be saved in Europe and the camps not be targeted, by reason of the  preservation of her vital war assets; yet accepted the Jews barred from fleeing Europe and barred entry  by Britain anywhere else, even using war ships to blast any that tried to escape, and compelling all  nations to forbid entry to Jews? Britain never released the Minutes of the Meeting between  Chamberlain and Hitler, or of Hajj Amin and Hitler; yet some of these details will emerge from an  unlikely source.

Britain’s actions against the Jews not been widely recounted and examined, despite WW2 being a most  discussed and reported issue becomes a curious lacking. Whether by default or otherwise, the British  action that forbade the Jews fleeing Europe in World War II any entry in Palestine became the chief  cause of the Holocaust’s large human toll. The new edict allowed no exit from Europe and no refuge  for the Jews to go to; it is highly implausible its consequences were not anticipated. Britain’s action  further compelled all Christian countries to close their doors to Jewish immigration; many refugee  ships of Jews fleeing Europe were sent back to W.W.2 Nazi Germany or blown up in the ocean by  British war ships. It culminated in the greatest human toll of the Jews with the Nazi regime exploiting  the situation with an expedited response it termed as its ‘Final Solution of the Jewish Problem’. Britain  will not waste a bullet to respond, citing the Jews were not importantto waste vital war assets. The  White Paper Policy was an in-human act that constitutes a crime against humanity, representing a  darker side of a great nation. There are dark shadows of a conspiracy here; Chamberlain was  negotiating with the requirements of both Hitler and Hajj Amin with two White Papers emerging in  1939, with the Jews the targets of both. This assessment must correctly consider whether Britain was a  covert enemy of the Jews at a most precarious period of history, or merely acting the only way feasible  given the conditions which prevailed; there was a disastrous outcome either way.

Thereby it is an incumbent inquiry and one that should be left for posterity and to the reader’s well  considered conclusions: was there a broader well designed master plan here, one aside from the known  intentions of Hitler or Hajj Amin, one that required an even better stratagem of guile? One perspective  is that Britain had much to gain by acting against the Jews and much to lose if she did not, a view that  must be backed by firm historical data. It is the advocacy recorded in the archives of Britain’s Prime  Minister during WW2 and that Britain will choose the first alternative. Thereby is such a conspiracy  premise legitimately evoked and well founded, even to track the true cause of the modern world’s  chaos and mayhem. Unless, one favors the view the Jews are to blame for daring to still exist. Great  Britain is untouchable.

World War II. 
The Second World War began following Adolf Hitler’s handshake of deception with the British Prime  Minister Arthur Neville Chamberlain. As in Europe, the situation of the Jews deteriorated in Arabia  where they lived for thousands of years; rampant persecution, murders and property confiscations  erupted in the Arab controlled states of this region in parallel with Europe. Both the Jews of Europe  and Arabia began fleeing to Palestine and other countries, now their only refuge vested in Britain’s

hands. In 1939, the biggest blow for the Jews will unfold. The deception of a White Paper Peace  accord that was made to Britain by Adolf Hitler happened in the same year as Britain enacted another  White Paper Policy for the Jews in Arabia. While the White Paper with Hitler may be a genuine  misadventure for Europe and Britain, the one concerning the Jews has been highly shrouded and  remains highly questionable.

Britain saw it necessary to abandon Israel and appease Nazi Germany and the regimes she created; yet  long suppressed archives say it was more intended to appease the Arab demands. Its underlying  reasoning and negotiations are shrouded, yet if aligned with Neville Chamberlain’s hand-shake with  Hitler it did not result in anything positive for humanity. Over 50 Million lives will perish in the  European and Russian regions; and mass killings will erupt in Arabia; 50% of the Jew population will  perish. Those Jews fleeing Europe will find they are now barred from entering the 20% land in  Palestine promised by Britain’s 2-state division, and barred from all Christian and Arab states that  covered more than 50% of the earth. Britain’s Prime Minister had to be aware that the Jews  simultaneously faced the same situation of expulsion throughout the Middle East; and that almost all  Christian countries globally barred Jewish refugee’s entry, many turning the ships back to the German  camps. Britain’s two White Papers of 1939 gave the Jews few options.

• “This morning I had another talk with the German Chancellor, Herr Hitler, and here is the paper  which bears his name upon it as well as mine. We regard the agreement signed last night…as  symbolic of the desire of our two peoples never to go to war with one another again. I believe it is  peace for our time. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Go home and get a nice quiet sleep.”” – The British Prime Minister declaration, September 30, 1938.

Britain’s White Paper with Hitler.

British PM Chamberlain’s infamous hand-shake with 
Adolf Hitler; 1939. 

Britain’s White Paper with the Jews. 

London Conference, St. James’s Palace, February 1939. Arab Palestinian delegates with Sir  Neville Chamberlain presiding and to his left, Malcolm MacDonald. 

The Great 20TH Century Error.

Chamberlain holds a white paper signed by both Hitler and himself; 1939. 

A handshake of an agreement between Hitler and Chamberlain became the adverse policy issued for  the Jews. Britain’s flaunting of the Balfour provisions gave no provisions for the Jews with his  agreement with Hitler; it became a stark alignment with her other White Paper Policy with the  requirements of Hajj Amin that barred immigration into Arabia, even to the land left over after Jordan  was created. Entry into Arabia was shut down, both for the Jews fleeing from Europe and for the Jews  fleeing from the Arab controlled states:

  • “A clerical error by the British Colonial Secretary Malcolm MacDonald, that was intended to be seen  only by the Arab delegates, arrived at the office of Dr. Wiseman. In the letter, MacDonald promised  severe limits on Jewish immigration and land purchases in Palestine, and no Jewish national home  without Arab consent.” – (The conference, London St. James Palace; Rafael Medoff/
  • The Jewish world was stunned and shaken by Britain’s edict. Global protests erupted. Conditioning  the national home for the Jews, their very existence, on Hajj Amin’s approval was a deathly employ  and charges of genocide were issued by the most prominent Jews of the time:
  • “A death sentence for the Jewish people.” – Dr. Weizmann, WZO President.
  • “The greatest betrayal perpetrated by the government of a civilized people in our generation.” – Ben Gurion, Israel’s Prime Minister.
  • “The “death sentence for the Jews” was handed down while the U.S. remained silent.” – Dr. Rafael  Medoff, JNS Org.
  • “What a heinous, collective crime of history! An act of national perfidy which will dishonor the name  of Britain” – (Lloyd George, the Prime Minister of Great Britain; national radio speech.)


Jews Protest Britain’s White Paper Policy.

‘A Heinous, Collective Crime of History’ – British PM. 


Consequences of Britain’s other White Paper. 
HMAS Power Unleashed on Jewish Refugees Fleeing Europe. 

The Struma, one of many ships of Jewish refugees fleeing Germany is torpedoed in the Black Sea  by the British. All but one of the 769 Jewish refugees perished. – (‘Holocaust at Sea’ by Douglas  Frantz and Catherine Collins.) 


Britain deems Jews as Enemies. 
The Jews who fled Germany’s destroyer warships in whatever boats and ships they could secure were  now hunted down by five of Britain’s most powerful war assets, the newly produced destroyers of His  Majesty’s Royal Navy, including the HMS Hero warship (flagship), HMS Havock, HMS Henward,  HMS Hotspur and HMS Ivanhoe. Such was the obsession of what can only be seen as a genocide  premise inflicted on the Jews, for Britain ought to have no justifiable reason to bar their return to the  only refuge assured and pledged to them, and similarly from all colonized countries under her control.

Arab demands for such a response is hardly a meriting; the Jews had every right to enter the land  accorded them and should have been facilitated to do so. Britain’s Foreign Office instruction was that  Jews are no less the enemies than Germans. Thereby Britain’s colonies Australia, New Zealand, South  Africa and India were also ordered to uphold the barring of Jewish refugees, evidencing only a  genocide provision for the Jews fleeing Europe:

  • “A Division of Destroyers supported by five smaller launches was being employed to ascertain that  those who had escaped Hitler did not escape the British capture as they approached Palestine. – [Mr.  Malcolm MacDonald, the Colonial Secretary, PRO House of Commons Debates, July 20, 1939].
  • “The Allies would be ‘relieving Hitler of an obligation to take care of these useless people.’ – [Richard Kidston Law, Parliamentary Undersecretary of State for Foreign Affairs].
  • “On September 1,1939, His Majesty’s ship Lorna opened fire on a rickety overcrowded refugee ship,  The Tiger Hill, crammed with 1417 survivors as she neared Palestine. “She did not, could not, heed the  order to turn back toward Germany. The encounter between HMS Lorna and the Tiger Hill ended with

a victory for the Royal Navy. (William Perl, Holocaust Conspiracy: An International Policy of  Genocide. New York: Shapolsky Publishers, 1989, pp.85-87).

  • The rejection of the refugee ship ‘The Atlantic’ resulted in 1700 Jews on it being sent back to Nazi occupied Europe. Most ended in concentration camps and were exterminated.
  • On November 25, 1940, a ship called Patria was sunk near Haifa carrying 1800 Jewish refugees to  Palestine.
  • The British played a double-edged deception against the Jews: “The British were secretly importing  thousands of Arabs from all over the Arab world into Israel and by the time 1948 came it was a  continuation of immorality not the beginning” – [Joan Peters, ‘From Time Immemorial: The Origins of  the Arab-Jewish Conflict over Palestine’, 1984].

Thereby did two White Papers emerge that impacted the Jews in Europe and in Arabia. Such factors  allow the strong indicator of Chamberlain’s dual agreement with Hitler and Hajj Amin. Britain’s White  Paper Policy against the Jews became the most forthright indicator of two paradigms, indicating  pledges made to both Hitler and the Arabs, and both relating to the Jews: 1. The determined focus on  Jewish refugees fleeing Europe, especially using warships, renders the given reason not to bomb the  Nazi camps as a means of preserving precious war assets as dubious. 2. The creation of Jordan, the  West Bank and accepting Arabs as Palestinians are thus based on appeasing oil rich regime  arrangements against the Jews. Britain must be seen as the last nation to accept such implements by  virtue of the control given her and the agreements made with the Jews.

Global Caliphate Consequences. 
Thereby, the premise of a Caliphate doctrine that rejects a minuscule state for the Jews, and its global  spread in the 21st Century, must be correctly ascribed to Britain’s deeds in the 20th Century. Britain’s  actions represent the dominant factor that condoned a Caliphate, and is the only one that could have  prevented the Middle East becoming subject to such a doctrine. It is also evident that except for the  merit of a Jewish state, and the restoring of Lebanon as an intended Christian state, it is not possible to  stem a Caliphate in this region or its extension across the nations. Britain’s silence, even support, of  Jordan’s destruction of synagogues, churches and a host of sacred sites and monuments, should be  viewed as the reason of the depletion of these areas of Christians and Jews. Thereby, these errors  should be corrected if any stability is contemplated in the global extensions. Fair and reasonable  conditions of rule, including the negation of a perpetual ‘emperor rule’ governmental system, one that  adequately safeguards the rights of minority inhabitants, should be made on the states created by

Britain, and as a priority of any other issues. The latter is the truest cause of the world’s refugee crisis  in the modern world. It is noteworthy the new government of Egypt is progressing such a theme.

A Crime Against Humanity. 
Britain’s barring of the Jews must be seen as a crime against humanity; it was also illegal. It should not  be withheld solely for a nation held greatly by Christians; Britain’s miss-deeds are too numerous and  successive.

In the Balfour text of 1917 there was no mention or provision of another state in Palestine, despite that  it contained the article ‘a’ state instead of ‘the’ state. As noted by Britain’s own officials, Britain acted  in contradiction of its treaties and prominent figures such as Lord Balfour in the numerous divisions of  Palestine as well as the Arabs prior to the appointing of Hajj Amin as the Mayor of Jerusalem. The

agreements between the Zionist Jews and the Emir Faisal were accorded without any inference of  another state in Palestine, and an acknowledgment of both the land and the titles Palestine and  Palestinian were referred exclusively to the Jews; that Arabs also entered the region are not valid  reasoning of a heritage name transfer and made as the antithesis of the Jews. Thereby, the inculcation  upon a worldly multitude that use the terms Palestinian and West Bank as anti-Israel charges must be  seen as errors committed by Britain; these are more than falsehoods and hold the most sinister  implications by design. In a sense, Britain mocked not only the Jews but the entire worldly multitude,  most of all the British people themselves with a poor legacy. The later deeds when oil was discovered  renders the creation of Jordan thereby bordering on a deception, or else it is a most un-reasonable  usage of the Balfour texts and intent. Any reasonable understanding says this text, although open to  inexplicably subjective variant readings, says Palestine was promised to the Jews with no conditions of  land divisions, only strong conditions of safe guarding the privileges and rights of all peoples. Britain’s  removal of 80% of Palestine for a 2-state division affirms the shock and dismay by the Jews of such a  sudden decision; its darker side is that the immigration was substantially fostered by the British.  Thereby, Britain chose to manipulate the textual understanding to placate the most unreasonable  demands of the Arabs and accept any requirements against the Jews, even one bordering on the  comprehensive and total annihilation of the Jews, a declared goal of the two parties Chamberlain  negotiated with.

No Nation should be held as above the law, especially so a great one such as Britain that was handed a  judgment portfolio. Israel, now a separate enclave from Jordan, and yet to declare her independence  and an official naming of the land, accepted the British proposed 2-State compromise; it was by an  overwhelming force on an overwhelmed people; a choice-less issue propelled by Britain. Jordan’s  creation, notwithstanding its subversive reading of the Balfour text, can be seen as corrupting an  agreement under extreme duress. That Britain’s 2-state division was followed by the White Paper  Policy aligns with dire human rights abuse and may also be open to a conspiracy charge of genocide; if  credible then the statutory period cannot impact, nor whether Britain holds a prominent seat in the UN  Security Council. The issue is bigger than its impacts on the Jews and aligns with the underlying  causational factors of the entire Middle East conflict and its continuing global impacts.

  • The world must consider forthrightly what transpired following the first 2-state that created Jordan.  The remaining 20% ought to have rendered the remaining portion of Palestine, the land west of the  River Jordan, now among the smallest landmass of all states in Arabia, as the Jewish state with a  further requirements of a third state as fully unreasonable and a continuing genocide premise. Britain  ought to have been assisting the Jews to reach safely at the meager state left for them instead of  implements its reverse provision. This was the only place the Jews could proceed to, yet it was now  barred to them with battle hardy war ships; Britain took time out from a world war to blast boats of  Jewish refugees fleeing the Nazis that Britain was at war with.

The White Paper Policy made the 2-state treaty an open deception and the flaunting of Britain’s  declared pledges that the Jews fully relied upon. It says Hitler was appeasing Hajj Amin, and Britain  was appeasing both with a White Paper for each. The Jews were being targeted both in Europe and  Arabia; it is difficult to raise another plausible explanation to justify such actions.

Essentially, the Jews now faced the same situation in Europe as they did in Arabia and confronted two  calamities; an openly declared potential genocide in Arabia, and what became an actualized holocaust  in Europe; both under Britain’s watch. The reasoning for such a dual-wedged pursuit against the Jews

will remain outside the scope of this presentation; however, its consequences are manifest as among  the greatest disasters in human history. And the world’s silence has resulted in an expanding disaster  that continues as one unconnected with Jews or Israel. Namely, the acceptance of the terms West Bank  and Arabs as Palestinians are master-plans of Britain and the Arabs, and equally impacting potentials  as those of the Nazis; by subsequence they have the same impacts extending outside of the Jews.

Although the White Paper Policy was also supported by America [the S.S. St. Louis Tragedy of June  1939], it was America’s soldiers that made the greatest effort to disclose what occurred following the  White Paper Policy in 1939. General Eisenhower correctly foresaw the Holocaust denial that became

widespread in Europe and Arabia. Eisenhower thus embarked on a campaign of distributing letters,  photographs, films and archives to preserve this history’s memory; it marks a variant disposition with  Britain and Arabia.

“The Things I Saw Beggar Description.” 
In the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington DC, four monuments showcase its  facade with quotes from its presidents, including President Dwight D. Eisenhower. General  Eisenhower’s Letter to General George Patton said:

  • “The things I saw beggar description…The visual evidence and the verbal testimony of starvation,  cruelty and bestiality were so overpowering…I made the visit deliberately, in order to be in a position  to give first hand evidence of these things if ever, in the future, there develops a tendency to charge  these allegations to propaganda.”

– [Filed under: Germany, Holocaust, World War II. Tags: Captain Alois Liethen, General Dwight D.  Eisenhower, General George S. Patton, General Omar Bradley, Merkers Mine, Ohrdruf, USHMM — furtherglory @ 6:44 pm]

Eisenhower also retrieved from the British Intelligence Adolf Hitler’s Final Will, Political Statement,  his suicide note and his marriage certificate, despatching these to the American President and  requesting their display in a special museum monument. All blame by Hitler for the Second World  War was placed on the Jews on behalf of the Aryan race [‘Hitler’s Final Will’ is in the index section].

Declassified Letter from Eisenhower to Gen. Marshall.


In EuropeEisenhower views burned bodies at Ohrdruf. Right: Eisenhower “deliberately” visited this shed.


In Arabia

850,000 Jewish refugees flee Arab controlled countries. 


Holocaust and Refugee Denial.

‘The fantastic lie that six million Jews were killed.’ 

– P.A. President.


Eisenhower correctly forecasted the future decades. As part of its rejectionist war with Israel,  Holocaust and Jewish refugee denial became widespread in the Middle-East, ranging from outright  denial to attributions of exaggerated Zionist Plots; also un0mentioned was the genocide vitriol of Hajj Amin and the charters of destruction in the PA charter. Notorious falsehoods in Arabia were promoted,  including claims of blood libels and the Protocols of Zion, met with silence from Britain, the Vatican  and the Russian and European communities where these falsehoods emerged from. 

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) condemned the Palestinian Authority (PA) president and  Fatah leader Mahmoud Abbas for reiterating his long-standing Holocaust denial. In 1984, Abbas  published an Arabic language book derived from his thesis called ‘The Other Side: The Secret  Relationship between Nazism and Zionism’ (Arabic: al-Wajh al-Akhar: al-Alaqat as-Sirriya bayna an Naziya wa’s-Sihyuniya). In this book, Abbas repudiated what he called “the Zionist fantasy, the  fantastic lie that six million Jews were killed.” (ZOA Press Release, Jan 29, 2013). Significantly of this  lie, Abbas’ organization was initiated by Hajj Amin, the mentor of the P.A., who had intimate ties with  the Nazis. 

Muslim leaders visit Auschwitz. 

It is known that some 30 to 60 Million people of various nationalities perished, establishing that the  numbers are vast and that the Jews were especially focused on with Hitler’s Mein Kampf’ book; it  illustrated his determination to erase one race of people termed as ‘The Final Solution to the Jewish  Problem’. The genocide support was in fact a fundamental inculcation of Hajj Amin, and we learn this  was a more entrenched doctrine than those of the Nazi regime that collaborated with Hitler. 

Arabs Deny Arab Denial. 

A more forthright first-hand Arab team also emerged, one that made a historic journey to Europe and  denounced Mahmoud Abbas, Hamas and the Iranian and Syrian regimes. The President of the Islamic  Society of North America issued a joint statement condemning denial or justification of the Holocaust  

and rejecting anti-Semitism in any form. A total of 14 Islamic leaders from Bosnia, India, Indonesia,  Jordan, the Palestinian territories, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Nigeria, and Turkey were in Poland as part  of an anti-genocide program organized by the US State Department’s Office of International Religious  Freedom on May 20, 2013. Their response to Abbas: 

  • “We acknowledge, as witnesses, that it is unacceptable to deny this historical reality and declare such  denials or any justification of this tragedy as against the Islamic code of ethics.” 
  • “If the British Mandate authorities did not lock the gates of the Land of Israel to the Jews of Eastern  Europe, as they did even before Hitler decided to exterminate them, we can certainly assume that the  extermination of the Jews, the Holocaust would not have happened. So Britain has a large part of the  responsibility for the murdering of six million Jews, between the years 1939-1945, when WWII came  to an end.” – (“The Story Behind the Sorry Video” News Blaze; by Nurit Greenger, Author and  Essayist)

Britain’s White Paper is far from ceasing. It persists with the false allocation of Arabs as Palestinians,  one that is an extermination premise for the state of Israel. It is a name deception that was devised as a  master-plan; the Palestinian Jews will be forever charged of occupying Arab Palestinian land. The  transfer of the Palestinian term from Jews to Arabs appeared soon after the White Paper Policy of 1939  with the initiation of a 2-state in 1948.

The Jordan Deception
[See Next week]

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October 12, 2024 | 1 Comment »

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    I have always avoided any Holocaust movies or books.

    As I’ve posted here, I was at school with some smuggled into Eire Kindertransport children and knew them well. They never spoke of their tragedies…… Never.