The Walk Away March

T. Belman. The Walk Away movement and Candace Owens are destroying the Democratic Party and ushering in a whole new world. There are some great video speeches from this March. I have seen Joy Villa and Gina Loudon and Brandon Straka. Check them out. Very entertaining.

That’s the caravan to watch. It is unstoppable.


It was historic. It was energizing. It was telling. As the Fake News Media is engaging in a non-stop campaign of rhetoric and accusations against President Donald Trump, his “America First” agenda and his supporters, it was a clear illustration of what is really happening all across our nation: The Democratic Party is self-destructing. They are losing what’s left of their base and are in a panic as the mid-term elections approach.

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Don’t expect to see favorable pictures or honest video footage (except here) from the Walk Away March held this weekend in Washington, DC. The Fake News media was conspicuously absent Saturday when a large group of former members of the Democratic party and supporters of President Trump held a march and rally deep inside in the belly of the beast. The Hagmann Report was there to document the event and support those in attendance.

Former card-carrying members of the Democrat Party

Cold temperatures, wind and saturating rain kept only Leftist protestors away from this event but did nothing to dampen the resolve of the people who’ve shunned the ideology of the party of hate, division and intended destruction of our great nation.

The Walkaway March was a weekend event. It kicked off Friday night with a gala and dinner at the Trump International Hotel where about 500 people were in attendance. Brandon Straka, the face and founder of the march, cheerfully greeted people on the red carpet as reporters from various media outlets including The Epoch Times, CRTV, Alicia Powe (Gateway Pundit), The Hagmann Report and others documented the event.

The people who attended the gala and dinner were jovial and candid, as they found like-minded people from all over the United States who “walked away,” ripping up their Democratic voter cards in favor of President Trump’s pro-American agenda. They exchanged stories of events that led them to their decision and described the surprising level of intolerance exhibited by co-workers, friends and even their own family members. Such shunning and shaming by the “party of tolerance” only strengthened their resolve.

Brandon Straka

Keeping America Great by returning it to a nation under God and a Republic guided by the Constitution

Despite adverse weather, attendance at the rallies (beginning at John Marshall Park and culminating at Freedom Park) was as strong as the resolve of these former card-carrying members of the Democrat Party.

A stream of people filled the march route that extended about eight-tenths of a mile long, often engaging in patriotic chants and songs.

Some carried signs, others carried flags, and some held their Bibles. Clearly, it was a classy display of American greatness under God and a President who cares deeply about our nation.

Everyone was happy and positively energetic, which is in stark contrast to the opposition rallies that are seemingly ever-present on cable news networks.


#Walkaway March Full Coverage

Speakers at the event, (in person or via remote) included movement founder Brandon Straka and key organizer Tracy Beanz, Stacey Dash, Diamond & Silk, Joy Villa, Mason Weaver, former Clinton staffer Buzz Patterson, Pastor Mark Burns, Tomi Lahren and Herman Cain. The message was clear: Keeping America Great by returning it to a nation under God and a Republic guided by the Constitution.

This unified movement – a whole greater than the sum of its parts – is something that the Fake News Media does not want you to see. While the media is obsessively attempting to drive a wedge through the heart of America, real, patriotic Americans are “walking away” from such toxicity and lifting others – and our nation – to greatness.

October 29, 2018 | 3 Comments »

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3 Comments / 3 Comments

  1. @ Uzitiger:

    I absolutely agree. dd not see your post so inserted mine under the ADL heading. above. This March s terrific for the Republicans mid term chances. These people will mostly if not all, vote for the Red Wave….

    It’s odd to be mentioning a “Red Wave” instead of the better known “Red Scourge”

  2. I hope that the next march won’t be on a Saturday so observant Jews can join in. The DemocRats have become openly vile and deserve no Jewish votes nor money.