PERFIDY by Ben Hecht

By Ted Belman

Francisco Gil-White unmasks the Jewish leadership in How the mainstream Jewish leadership failed the Jewish people in World War II. This chapter deals with the failure of such leaders as Reform Rabbi Stephen Wise as opposed to the valiant efforts of Peter Bergson among others to avert or lessen the holocaust.

As a specific example of this failure, he posted the entire book called Perfidy by Ben Hecht. Hecht, according to Wikipedia was a very prolific and prominent screenwriter in the first half of the 20th Century. In addition,

    He became an active Zionist shortly before the Holocaust began in Germany, and as a result wrote articles and plays about the plight of European Jews, such as, We Will Never Die in 1943 and A Flag is Born in 1946

Hecht attended the trial of Malchiel Gruenwald in 1953 in Israel. He was charged by the Government of Israel with slandering one Dr Rudolf Kastner by writing that he collaborated with the Nazis and contributing to the death of 400,000 Hungarian Jews in WWII when Kastner served as a major leader of the Jewish Agency Rescue Committee in Hungary. One wonders why the Government of Israel brought the lawsuit rather than Kastner.

Hecht’s account of the trial is riveting. What started as an open and shut case for the government ended up in a decision that vindicated Gruenwald and condemned Kastner along with the Jewish Agency.

The Supreme Court of Israel overturned most of the judgment in January 1958, stating in a 4–1 decision that the lower court had “erred seriously,” but not before Kastner had been assassinated.

I urge you to read this fascinating account.

This book discloses that “failure” is too kind a word for the activities of Kastner and the Jewish Agency. Perfidious is more apt.

July 12, 2013 | 9 Comments »

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9 Comments / 9 Comments

  1. mrzee Said:

    I believe it was Kastner, not Greenwald who was murdered before the appeal could be heard.

    . You are absolutely right. I corrected the text. The SC or Israel overturned most of the decision after Kastner’s assassination.

  2. Shy Guy Said:

    Here! Have some fresh perfidy! Just about right for Shabbat Chazon.

    I do not understand how in a small country like Israel elected politicians can operate clandestinely against the interests of the electorate without any transparency. this is not a security issue therefore on what basis is the secrecy and withholding of consultation with the people of Israel. the place that really needs a “spring” is Israel.

  3. @ bernard ross:
    I think I copied one line too many.
    Nonetheless, I posted it following shy’s comment, and knowing that you are now reading some of chamish articles.
    As I have said before, it is mind boggling

  4. @ Shy Guy:
    @ Bernard Ross

    After 60 Years of Pressure, Israeli Government Caves In to Vatican

    From Barry chamish

    They are pleading John Paul’s II and Arafat’s Feb. 15, 2000 Covenant
    A Covenant Between the Pope and PLO Leader Yasser Arafat
    On 15th February, 2000 at the Vatican, the Pope and the leader of the PLO terrorist organization, Yasser Arafat, signed a covenant against the G-d and people of Israel and Jerusalem.
    According to this agreement, Jerusalem should be an international city based on international resolutions and an international guarantee. (The UN decided on more than one occasion that Jerusalem should be an international city.) They also decided that any step or activity taken by Israel to change this position of Jerusalem is against the law. The agreement also recognizes a “Palestinian” state in the land of Israel and agrees on cooperation between the Vatican and the PLO and the Vatican committed itself to assist the so-called “Palestinians”.
    Authorities in the Vatican explained: “the agreement paves the way for establishment of full diplomatic relations with a Palestinian state when it is founded”. The PLO representative in the Vatican stated: “This is an historical covenant.

    The Wording below is from the Illuminati Plan:
    “Moslem and Jewish areas in Jerusalem will be combined with Christian to create the New Jerusalem Covenant. Then, and only then, will it be possible to build a combination Temple/Church/Mosque in Jerusalem.”
    “At the proper moment in history, the Pope will visit the combined Jewish/Christian/Moslem sector of Jerusalem to announce that all religions should be combined into one. This action will then finally break the Middle East logjam.” (Ibid.)