The Trump Revolution


Ignore what he says about Israel. No where does he mention Soros or the Globalists or the NWO. That surprised me.

Ignore what he said about 9-11 and Mossad. All official sources have labelled his theory as a conspiracy theory.

I don’t buy it for a minute.

January 24, 2018 | 28 Comments »

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28 Comments / 28 Comments

  1. Lenin on Quigley, I mean, Trotsky’s theory of permanent revolution: “Calling for permanent revolution is like calling for permanent surgery.” And to think Trotsky lived in New York before going back to Russia.* Maybe Russia got the idea of, not only the public library system from New York, but the practical application of permanent revolution from our subway system which dates from around that time.

    *Apocryphal story, reputedly, Trotsky’s aunt, with whom he lived in the Village where he was a fashionable fixture at Left and liberal (Progressive for short) artistic, intellectual, and social gatherings, before going back to Russia on the eve of the revolution, told him, “Don’t go back there, you’ll just cause trouble.”

  2. @Felix Quigley


    Movie trailer for the 1954 Garson Kanin comedy “It Should Happen to You” starring Judy Holliday, Jack Lemmon and Peter Lawford. Directed by George Cukor. A dizzy model in love with fame rents a billboard and puts her name on it.

    Perhaps, if you become famous enough in politics, you could, let’s see, go into Manhattan real estate? There, I made it relevant.

  3. I look forward to seeing your name adorning an intersection or vest pocket park some day and knowing with proud tears welling up in my throat that I had some small part in that. Let that be my epitaph: “Was of some use to Quigley, the prophet armed.”

  4. Sebastien

    This conversation is taking a very bad turn indeed and I am getting right out of it. But I will say that the Jewish issue and the Holocaust is an issue for all of humanity. And what I meant in the case of Hitler is that he cannot be understood by one sentence. If you read any of the good histories on Hitler you will see that at different times he said one thing and meant another, his mind was a jumble of half formed ideas. But you have adopted an attitude just there that is outside limits for me. I will build a Trotskyist Party and people will see what that Trotskyist Party is made of. And this is a good and useful experience for me. You Sebastien are a good and useful experience for me.

  5. Felix Quigley Said:

    And you take Hitler at his word?

    Yes, you fool.

    “If somebody says they want to kill you, believe them.”- Elie Wiesel

    And, if you’re not even Jewish, yourself, you are stomping on very sensitive ground. What was that anti-semitic sounding crap about Jews stabbing the President in the back? You wanna walk that back? If you’re not here in solidarity, what are you here for?

  6. If Trump is killed or overthrown this will be a very bad thing for the Jews…so what are the majority of Jews doing in America to defend Trump?

    How are you fighting to ensure that Trump survives?

    What does this mean all these Jews in America back stabbing the President?

    At the time I told Ted he should stay and fight from within America but he followed the advice of this douchbag Yamit and rejected my advice…America today is where it is ALL happening and where everything depends on these hours

    Typical of big mouth Yamit it was a terrible move and total waste of energy.

  7. @ Sebastien Zorn:

    But capitalism has ben just so wonderful? the Capitalist Systema nd the Jews IS the Holocaust of the Jews

    The Capitalist System was and is the system that carried out the Holocaust of the Jews your people and your ancestors!

    What a fool you are to not understand that!

    What WAS the system? Hunter gatherer eh!

    I am not even Jewish but here I am having to point out basic truths to you!

  8. @ Sebastien Zorn:
    “Cuktural marxism” is a bullshit term. As soon as anybody uses that term I know I am talking to a complete nonsense person but usually one animated by one great desire to kill Marxists just like the Nazis and Franco did, and they certainly did that.

    Show me one time, just one, when Marx and Engels, Lenin and Trotsky or any Bolshevik, ever used that term?


    And that is the real best answer to you!

  9. @ Sebastien Zorn:
    What did Gramsci do nothing…he is a side issue…a nothing person.

    And what the hell is Lenin “boring from within” all about”? Is that all you know of Lenin?

    Sadly you are showing yourself to be a complete fool.

    Like this idiot on Jones site talking about marxism…you are all complete fools and worse arrogant ignorami!

  10. @ Sebastien Zorn:
    And you take Hitler at his word?

    Of course Adolf was a man who throughout his life always told the truth?

    A completely rubbish answer by you.

    You have to go a lot deeper into Mein Kamph than that!!!

    So what was Fascism anyway in your opinion…go on give it a sincere try to answer…

  11. Where can Bernard Ross be located now?

    I agree here with Stone…

    I agree with some of this by Roger Stone on the Alex Jones Show, not though with the selling of these crap products in his phony store. But I AS A MARXIST agree with Stone,
    whatever about his fascist anti communism and anti Marxism, same as Hitler, that Trump needs to

    1. Fire Rosenstein

    2. Pardon Flynn

    3. DIRECT this slouch bag Sessions to PROSECUTE Meuller on the Uranium One deal issue

    That will immediately bring this Meuller set up of Trump to an end.

    Above all Trump must reject totally his lawyers in the White House and must NEVER talk to Meuller in ANY form. Meuller simply seeks to trap the President!

  12. Sebastien Zorn

    You come with this creepy answer to me making yourself out to be kind and me to be the opposite…Just start discussing and not evading and if you do not want to discuss and just evade then do not pretend to be some kind of answer on anything

  13. Communists in the government?
    Ridiculous, of course. Except for:
    Van Jones, Obama’s climate change czar


    Leon Panetta
    Valerie Jarrett

  14. And you will find the same hatred of Communism in Commentary Magazine. Communism wasn’t good to the Jews (how’s that for understatement), except in the very beginning in the Soviet Union when professional, educational, residential and travel restrictions were lifted, in case you hadn’t noticed.

  15. @ Felix Quigley:
    You can’t tell whether one comes before the other? Yes, you are misreading. How much clearer does this quote from “Mein Kampf” have to be?

    “In Russian Bolshevism we must see the attempt undertaken by the Jews in the twentieth century to achieve world domination. ”

    It was all about racial eugenics not class for the Nazis. Wiping out the Jews was their main goal not a means of distracting attention from open Bourgeois dictatorship.


    In fact, Hitler enacted the same social reforms as the New Deal here for “Aryan” workers. Originally Bismarck created the first New Deal inspired by Lassalle.

  16. Sebastien I may be wrong and I may be completely misreading what Hitler was about but he built Mein Kamph around hatred for Marxism and hatred for Jews and they were so closely interlinked I cannot say which was first and which was second. What do I find coming out of the Democrats Russia hatred. As if that was not enough…What do I find on Breitbart and Infowars … it is pure and sustained hatred of Communism and Marxism. I read these often and closely. Have you nothing to say about this? Does this mean nothing? Where is it leading? Is it not something of note?

  17. And, just for the record, Hitler didn’t hate Jews because he associated us with Bolshevism; he hated Bolshevism because he associated it with Jews.

  18. @ Felix Quigley:
    I agreed with much of what you said and politely “sidestepped” around the parts that sounded crazy but probably harmless. That’s the reward I get for trying to be tactful, huh?

  19. Oh absolutely not Ted do not even think of removing this. People learn not by some kind of grand clinical but barren isolation.

    Of course the military are the huge threat. Think Allende!

    I learn greatly so thanks for posting and do zero in on this stuff and on Infowars, especially links of Jones with Icke.

    For goodness sake get off your high horse and come down to earth.

    As a bonus I learned ALSO greatly as to how Sebastien sidesteps my CENTRAL point re Hitler and his weaving into one Jews and Bolshevism…

  20. @ adamdalgliesh:
    Perhaps I was wrong to post it. On the other hand I learn from you guys who take issue.
    There is no question that the military have a lot of power in this government. I have heard before that Trump made a deal with them to give them what they want in exchange for them keeping him as president.

    I made it clear that he shouldn’t be taken as the gospel. Doesn’t mean that he is wrong in everything. If anyone else says I should remove him I will.

  21. Ted, what the ______is this anti-Semitic madman doing on Israpundit? If he is telling the truth that he is speaking for many higher-up people in the “intelligence community” and the military, then we are in much bigger trouble than I ever imagined. It would mean that the Intelligence spooks and the military are a far greater threat to the American people, Israel and the Jews than the ‘left.” In that case, you should point out what a dire threat he represents when posting Piecnezik. If on the other hand he is just a paranoid neo-Nazi, making all this up, then clearly he has no legitimate place on a pro-Israel . Jewish website. What’s with you, Ted?

  22. He’s right about the Koreas (I did comment on that in posts here and on other sites), Syria, the tax reduction. He’s right about the irrelevance of CNN. They know it. I saw the CNN coverage of Trump’s offer to a path for citizenship for DACA provisionally, it sounded sympathetic to Trump. They even aired a pro-Trump ad asking callers to call in their support. They backed off suddenly there. We may see more of that. Up until now, all I have seen is all the smears. He’s right about the President’s use of Twitter, and Europe being in trouble, don’t know about China being in trouble.

    Obviously, there must have been progress behind the scenes in the intelligence community for all this stuff to be coming out, though President Trump also credited Wikileaks a lot.

    I don’t believe a word about what he says about 9/11, the neoconservatives or Israel.

    He and his friends launched the conservative opposition from Montana against McCain not Sarah Palin after the failure of the McCain/Palin bid? Hmmm.

    Takes credit for Wikileaks?

    I am remembering the murdered DNC staffer whose murder Asange put out a reward for information on. I think whistleblowers are a likelier source.

    I think he went from over-paranoid to over-confident. I don’t think it’s over. We’re winning but I don’t think it’s over.

    Wow, pure antisemitism at the end. “Which Jews were involved in 9/11?

    And, Pieczenik is Jewish!

    It’s ridiculous how anti-semites try to enlist the words of Jews to slam Jews in general. Our greatest strength, our ability to be self-critical, has been our greatest weakness, as well. It has created armies of Jewish anti-semites who, consciously or unconciously, will say anything to win approval for themselves from our persecutors at the expense of their own people. Disgusting!

    Obama’s mother was a CIA operative?

    I’m only finding this on crackpot conspiracy sites like that of Lyndon Larouche.

    Abedin was just incompetent and not an Islamist mole?

    I learn more from reading Front Page Magazine’s, “Discover the Networks” than from him. The things he says that I agree with I can see with my own eyes, thank you very much. The things I can’t know because I don’t have the security clearance to, I am unwilling to take his word for. That part strikes me as just more fake news.
    But, then, to make a lie believable, you have to put some, maybe a lot, of truth in there. Any disinformation expert, such as he is, would know that.


    The wheels are beginning to come off this outfit belonging to Jones. I made two comments in response to Edgar about Jones and Icke but no response. (Now you would think that anybody that ever associated with Icke would be steered) There better be on this video from Jones.

    Colour me cynical but much of the motivation for this group is money. It is like star soccer players. Jones pays big.

    This guy Pieczenik is the ultimate conspiracy theorist very like Yamit82 in many ways. He knows not a lot. Here he follows the method of the conspiracist. He simply goes over events of the past and just regurgitates it all to give his spin.

    But what a dangerous spin.

    He loves Iran.

    The Mother of Obama was CIA but that was already very well established. Still needs checking. My point is Pieczenik just lifts it from another and regurgitates as if he thought it up. There is a word for that…theft!

    He is adopting an attitude of lecturing the Jones outfit but this is all mothers milk to Jones..he with Icke are long masters.

    These things are of note…

    He is downplaying the active role of Trump. He is dissing Trump.

    At the same time he is resurrecting the reputation of the CIA and FBI…the complete opposite of truth

    He is dissing Congress. He places Infowars at the centre instead of Congress. Infowars tool of Intelligence and Military are going to take over and run America! Like Hitler a Fantasist!

    He refers to the tweets of Trump as being a “distraction and denial mechanism” and this is a classic put down of Trump.

    At 11.30 aprox. he is blaming Israel for the Iraq war…again he links with the Fascist lefts like Corbyn and in America wsws…It could be David Icke speaking on this video…Icke will certainly adapt this video by Piecnezik!

    At one point here he says Iran were the real victims…I knew in fact that Piecnezik is very sympathetic to the Mullahs…classic left fascist BDS stuff

    At one point he says “I came to the forefront” and I suspect the opposite. He is a nobody and rescued by Jones for sensationalism and lies.

    His hatred for Israel is enormous and he is at the centre of all Israel hatred thinking today…which is that the “Jews” did 9/11

    The whole thing is a complete fabrication by Piecnezik…he uses the Icke technique of going back over events and rewriting them with a spin.

    You always find the same technique in Yamit82 on your site Ted. And the big enemy for these, like it was for Herr Hitler in Mein Kamph, is Marxism. especially Jewish Marxism, or Jews and Marx, or Jews and Communism. the centre historically of conspiracy in our times! That is what it is all about in these very circles. Waken up EVERYBODY!