“The Trump Plan – A Regional Disaster”


Following the publication of the details of the Trump plan to establish a demilitarized Palestinian state and to divide Jerusalem, the Sovereignty Movement calls on Netanyahu to state his position and to stand strong, even against Trump’s embrace.

The Sovereignty Movement responds with shock to the reports circulating in the world press about the Trump plan for a settlement of the conflict between Israel and the PLO. The movement expresses the hope that Prime Minister Netanyahu will have the strength to stand up to the Trump administration’s “tough love”, but also warn against any disastrous plan of this sort, which would bring about the division of the Land and the establishment of a terror state in its heart.

These things were said in response to a report in the newspaper Asharq al-Awsat (“The Middle East”, in Arabic), which presents the main points of the Trump plan, according to French sources. According to this plan, the American president will present a diplomatic plan including recognition of a Palestinian state not based on the ’67 lines, while the Jordan Valley will remain in Israeli hands, the Palestinian demand for a right of return will not be implemented and the Palestinian refugees will be compensated and remain where they are.

The plan also states that the large Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria will remain in place but some of the smaller communities would be evacuated. The Palestinian state would be demilitarized and have limited sovereignty, with Israel responsible for the external security
envelope of Judea and Samaria and Egypt connected to the external security envelope of the Gaza Strip.

This Plan includes the transferal of other security and administrative responsibilities to the Arab authorities in Areas A and B. The capital of the Palestinian state would be in East Jerusalem and the Old City would be given a special international status that would place the Holy Basin in international custody.

The heads of the Sovereignty Movement, Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar, view this plan as a recipe for historical and regional disaster. “The People of Israel expects, at this time, to see leadership both from Prime Minister Netanyahu and from the entire Israeli government. The people, who saw how Netanyahu was able to stand firm against the Obama administration and his disastrous proposals for eight years, also expects Netanyahu to stand firm in the presence of “tough love” from the Trump administration, which is considered to be extremely warm toward Israel”.

The two women add, however, that “if Heaven forbid, Netanyahu allows such a diplomatic plan to proceed, this would mean that Netanyahu would be the one to divide Jerusalem, he would be the one to establish a Palestinian terror state in the heart of the Land and he would be the one to miss the historic opportunity that is presented to him”.

“If the French reports are correct, that agreements have quietly been made between Netanyahu and others, allowing, even if silently, this dangerous diplomatic channel to exist, then these are the things that justify investigation, and not nonsense like champagne and cigars”, say Katsover and Matar. “Netanyahu must come to his senses and make it clear to his American partners in these discussions and to his friend President Trump that an Arab state in the heart of the Land of Israel
would bring disaster upon the State of Israel and would totally undermine the security and economic stability in the entire region. If he does not do so, he will see us in the streets and there will be thousands more who will say to him, ‘Mr. Prime Minister, ‘You have gone too far!’ ”

It should be noted that according to said report, Trump intends to present his plan at an international conference that will be held in one of the Arab states, apparently Egypt, in which representatives from Israel will also take part.

March 1, 2018 | 13 Comments »

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13 Comments / 13 Comments

  1. @ yamit82:

    I saw later that the Church officials are getting together with a few experienced Israeli negoriatiors to work out a suitable method. I suspect that it may end up as “no payment for 5 years, then 50% for the next five etc.etc….” The Arab curse….haggling… and getting a lot less than you wanted, or paying a lot more than you expected….. We have to wait and see. Nothing is clear, always side-turns and dead ends.

  2. @ yamit82:

    You know Yamit, I suggested many years ago already. that 10,000 Jews should just go up in a bunch to the Platform and show that it was ours with no doubts.. At that time we were being told NOT to walk on the Mount because nobody knew what the Kadosh Kadoshim was exactly. But I myself had walked over every part of the Mount, including inside the Dome, and down the few little steps beside the Rock, to the supposed “cave” merely a depression that might fit a 3 year old etc.

    Didn’t think about the WAKF, because then, they were very modest and kept out of everyone’s way. In fact I don’t think I had heard the name of their organisation at all. I just remembered the picture of Dayan handing over the keys to these 2-3 funny little men with the toe-turned up shoes and the odd looking baggy drapery they used as trousers. They looked as if they were ready to faint. Today, they throw their weight around and need a good lesson, exactly the sort you’ve just mentioned.

  3. Nothing to worry about. The fakestinians will NEVER accept even a quarter of those points, so Israel can simply wait for them to say so (as they already have)… but the “plan”to divide Jerusalem should be rejected out of hand, as soon as the plan is officialy unveiled.

  4. @ Bear Klein:

    They are well meaning idiots….. what matters fighting for every hilltop when in an hour the army comes and demolished what took them years to build??? Then they continue to support the same politicians and political parties that allowed the destruction of all their hard work. If BB makes the deal and agrees to a Palis State then every settlement will be demolished and residents tossed into trash heap of history…. No Israeli government fears these goody goodies, therefore they have no power…. IMO they are a distraction from main obstacle to jewish sovereignty the Temple Mt. what could the government do if 5-10-30 k Jewish zealots stormed the mt and end the restrictions for Jews remove the Wakf and return real Jewish sovereignty over the Mt……????? Settlements are a waste of time energy and the government welcomes to a point the movement because it is a distraction from the real issues we face//// “He who controls the Temple mount controls the whole of the Land of Israel in every direction.

    In 1967 The Temple Mount was conquered and not liberated. We are down below and our enemies sit above as if we are not living in the State of Israel, as if we are not in charge in the age of Tzahal . We deal with the recidivism of an exilic soul. Zionism had two sources: a positive root in the sovereign will to redemption, to return, to renew our days as of old, and a second, negative root, in escape from oppression, in the despair of emancipation. It is this second one that won. For truly Zionism was forced on us. Even that miraculous war, with its liberation of Jerusalem, was forced on us to our shame. The Jews abandoned the Mount and went down to the Wailing Wall. At that moment, it dawned upon the Muslim Arabs that the battle might be over, but the war was not. There was no decision, and the heart of El Quds remained in their hands. To this day!!!!

  5. Nobody knows what peace plan is,’ White House says after report on framework
    Official dismisses claims in Arabic daily that proposal would recognize Palestine, offer ‘international protection’ for Old City, as ‘more of the same’ guesswork.

    Also Trump and his people have over and over said that both sides will have to agree to the plan he comes up with and neither side will be forced to accept the plan.

    Why bother with a plan when the Pals already said no way not matter what you do? Seems like a waste of time.

    Once again for the umpteenth time rumors get printed and around and around people get upset about nothing!

  6. @ Edgar G.:

    In BB’s 1st term when he was under pressure by Clinton to give up territory and other concession Olmert advised him “If you really believe the Palis and Arafat, then give them what they demand. But if you don'[t believe them then give them nothing” ……. I am not a fan of Olmert either but even AH low lifes like Olmert can come up with some wise advice….. BB didn’t listen to Olmert’s advice went to Wye Plantation, gave up 7-12% of Y& S was promptly tossed out of power on his stinking ass and Likud lost the election to Barak and labor… that lasted less than 2 years. BB hates the religious right and will get his revenge anyway he can get away with it politically….. He will use them to get power stay in office but while in office work to undermine the settlements and settlers….. That’s his MO!!!

  7. @ yamit82:
    These women are persistent, dedicated and do not needlessly try and make powerful enemies. They are role models for Israelis.

  8. If Women in Green still have faith in BB, still believe he will do the right thing… even (sic) still believe him… then they are more of the problem then BB. Wonder what they are smoking???

  9. The Pals have already rejected all plans from Trump and basically any plan that calls for a Jewish State no matter the borders. So it is time for Israel to assert that the PEACE PROCESS IS DEAD and assert its own plan instead .

    Time for Israel to go step by step in making sure Israel secures all the land via measures that legally and physically safe guard Israel.

    1. Apply Israeli Civil Law to all Jewish Towns. State that Israel reserves the right to apply Israeli Civil Law to anywhere else in Judea/Samaria.

    2. Build in all of Judea and.Samaria. Focus on E1, the Jordan Valley, Gush Etzion to start.

    3. Plan for the day the PA implodes or explodes or stops security cooperation. Getting ready to take over and administer the Arab Cities and surrounding villages. Any villages or cities that turn violence will be closed off and workers will not be allowed to exit to work in Israel.

    4. Form an NGO to buy Palestinian Properties in Jerusalem and elsewhere in Judea/Samaria starting with Area C in villages next to Jewish Towns. Resell these properties to Jews and recycle the money to buy more Arab owned properties.

    5. Form a different NGO to help Arabs quickly move to other countries. Provide financial incentives to help them go. Make sure they receive their funds when it is confirmed they are leaving.

    6. Residency for Arabs in new areas where Israeli Civil Law is applied shall only be possible after a vetting process which determines they are not a security risk.
    They will need to demonstrate loyalty to the Jewish Democratic State of Israel.
    This will require learning Hebrew; your children will be required to provide civil national service at age 18 to 20.
    Arab residents will be required to inform on anyone planning terrorist acts including family members. This will be a condition of residency!
    If after 10 years of residency they wish to apply for citizenship they may. There then will be at least a two year period to investigate if they have successfully fulfilled the requirements of residency prior to bestowing citizenship. If they and their immediate family have met the conditions citizenship can be bestowed upon them.

  10. If this is true (hardly)…… although sounding like Arab speculation set a-floating in the breeze, I would be able to say…”I told you so” where I would hate to have been proven right. It will encourage the continuation, at a much higher rate, the endemic Arab terrorism and may even result in the formation of underground Irgun style Jewish groups. Israel could become a mini-battleground, depending on the terrorism level, possible -although doubtful.

    This supposed plan show no resemblance to what Trump and all his assistants have been repeatedly saying…”that the boundaries and dimensions of Jerusalem and etc, are to be left completely to the agreements of the two parties”.

    Trump’s Plan can at best, be no more than a series of suggestions, the acceptance or dismissal being left up to Israel and the PA .

    I don’t see any chance of a “Plan” like this even getting even a Sam Goldwyn “definite maybe” from Israel, pusillanimous as the government is. Trump is far too smart to think that it would ever be accepted, and likely has a “compromise” plan hidden up his sleeve…..ready to drop…