The true reason for Palestinian support

Build, Bibi, Build

David Efune, Algeminer


The true reason why governments around the world are rushing to take the anti-Israel position was acknowledged in a moment of honesty from Australian Foreign Minister Bob Carr who, according to the Australian Herald Sun,explained his country’s United Nations vote for “Palestine” by saying, “I don’t apologize for the fact Australia has interests in the Arab world. If we had voted no that would have been a body blow to our interests in over 20 Arab countries. The truth is they all see this is as bedrock issue.”

At its bottom line, the international argument for halting Israeli building in East Jerusalem, upgrading the formal status of the Palestinian Authority and for limiting Israel’s operations against Hamas in Gaza is; because the Arab states don’t want it.

These are the same theocratic and radical Arab states that for the most part, in one way or another propagate vile anti-Semitic material, insist on Israel’s destruction, are guilty of oppressing their own people, are intolerant of religious freedom and have abysmal human rights records.

No wonder Israelis are resistant to their message, no matter if it comes via Europe.

In this regard, Israel is increasingly isolated but not alone. States and citizens of moral conscience have stood by Israel and will continue to do so.

This experience of isolation is not new to the Jewish people, but for the first time in recent history we are sidelined not as individuals, but as a robust unified collective in the form of the state of Israel.

If Israel is being offered up by the international community as an appeasement sacrifice to the Arab states, the Jewish people’s only recourse is to strengthen its position and secure its citizens in every possible way.

And this is why it is imperative for Israel to build and settle Jews in every corner of Jerusalem and the West Bank territories; because a Qassam rocket has never been fired from a Jewish neighborhood.

In Israel, no amount of international pronouncements has the ability to stem Arab terror as the building of one Jewish apartment block.  But from the lands controlled by Israel’s enemies has sprung forth hate, terror, intolerance and bigotry.

As such the Prime Minister of Israel has but one prerogative: Build, Bibi, build!

The author is the editor of The Algemeiner and director of the GJCF and can be e-mailed


December 7, 2012 | 40 Comments »

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40 Comments / 40 Comments

  1. Canadian Otter Said:

    Everyone wants Transfer, but that word is radioactive. It stops conversations.

    I beleive that transfer is more likely to happen in the context of a war or a reaction to terror. However, a lesser transfer could be implemented under the pretext of a reaction to Oslo’s breach. PLO & fatah were allowed into Israel under the Oslo agreement. I see no legal reason for their being allowed to remain if Oslo is declared void, and the PA becomes a questionable legal entity. They could be deported as a return to “status quo ante” rather than as a general west bank arab transfer. It is also important to demonstrate that Israeli control trumps illegal international declarations; E1 is a start but not enough. Another legal approach would be implementing a law which requires automatic deportation of muslim, and foreign, inciters and anti semites. Who can argue with a jewish state deporting anti semites and inciters to jewish genocide(as currently obtains with muslim clerics)

  2. @ Bernard Ross:
    Canadian Otter Said:

    Persuading a reluctant majority takes strategy, determination, persuasion, and a lot of patience and hard work. In this case it may take several trial-and-error approaches until activists hit the right button

    Polls would yield data that is true rather than trial and error. How long will it take to “persuade” a majority of Israelis. what should be done in the meantime while the world is taking away YS because the Pals have learned to use their minds better than the Jews?
    Canadian Otter Said:

    Israel would be much better off if you transferred your leftist elite out of the country. … They are a minority dictating over the majority. They don’t win wars.

    How do they accomplish this: through the media(PR) and legal means. Their legal cases are always covered in the media. They have been successful in the battle of the israeli Jewish mind and the foreign mind through tactic and strategies rather than truth.
    Canadian Otter Said:

    my otter-sense tells me that annexation with Arabs still on the land is the best available option.

    Who, realistically, will execute this annexation in the short term and what will convince them to do this?
    Canadian Otter Said:

    Everyone wants Transfer, but that word is radioactive. It stops conversations. It gets those who could support annexation all riled up. Just the slightest plans for Transfer could really bring catastrophe to the country.

    I agree, but I also think that annexation is also radioactive at this time. Jewish settlement is a lot less radioactive because it has an unassailable legal basis, obstructing it conjures up anti semitism, if successful it will lead to the same result,it stalls the radioactive issues until a time when they can be accepted by Israelis. Furthermore, the internationals are afraid of this issue and try to obscure it with the separate issue of Israeli annexation, occupation, arab rights, transfer,etc . Jewish settlement alone is simple and clear.
    Canadian Otter Said:

    I reiterate. Annex first

    I would love this but who will do it in the short term?

  3. @ Canadian Otter: Dear Otter,first let me say that I am for annexation and transfer of the hostile population. Not only am I for these concepts but I have many times put forward specific plans which could accomplish those goals which include(a)unilateral( without requiring agreements)(b)practical logistics of transfer(c)legal bases for settlement, annexation & transfer(to deflect sanctions and to educate/mobilise Jews)(d)practical facilitation of adjusting internationals to new scenario(economics, political, etc).

    In the same way I have identified a parallel plan for a legal attack for facilitating jewish settlement which does not rely on GOI approval. This attack would involve the filing of suits in the venues of all the relevant parties who were signatories to San Remo, LON mandate, UN charter,etc.(UN,EU,US,etc) including the GOI. These suits would employ estoppel to compel the relevant entities to cease violating their agreements and to cease facilitating the obstruction of Jewish settlement(credit to Dweller for this attack). The suits would also employ Mandamus to compel the entities to fulfill their obligations to “encourage” settlement. This is an approach which can be initiated immediately, requires no govt agreement, does not require convincing the majority of Israelis ), and can be initiated by any jewish entities or even individual Jews as a class action demanding the rights of jewish settlement(standing is for “Jews” as a collective). Convincing the GOI to annex will take longer and I dont know who has the ability to accomplish this task as it appears not to have advanced since 1967. The advantages are (a) the mere filing of such cases would attract global media attention and coverage (b)the assertion, and publicity, of these suits would draw the attention of Jews (b) if the cases proceed then the exposure of details would educate the Jews to past swindles and highlight current swindles which their which their political and religious institutions have neglected; if the cases are obstructed then the reasons for obstruction are exposed(c) It would focus attention on jews rights rather than pal rights. I am a person interested in specific plans rather than generalizations which go nowhere. I dont remember ever hearing of a legal case being filed in any venue which asserts the rights of jewish settlement west of Jordan River and seeks to compel the relevant parties to observe their agreements. In my view every weapon should be used.

    You appear to have the belief that those who desire annexation can convince a majority of Israelis to pressure the GOI to execute annexation. Since 1967 they have not been able to convince their countrymen to do so why do you think that at this last moment this can occur? The right has no new plans beyond whatever they have always done, which has failed. The left and the pals are using these approaches and have gained a UNGA state and positive PR which has turned their global swindle into a Goebbles like success., the Israeli right just doesn’t get it.
    Canadian Otter Said:

    They need to learn new tactics from the masters: the Israeli and international left….How the left gets things done. An example: Just a tiny number of individuals with a small budget but fully committed to their cause, and with the smarts to reach out to people, managed to solidify Jewish support for Obama.

    Read your own words: this is what I have been trying to tell you. They are better organized and perhaps more intelligent. They identify ways to accomplish their goals, they create plans to implement those ways, they execute their plans. The right second guesses potential solutions and decides they will not work, they first try cases in their minds and then have an excuse to undertake nothing. The left commits to try and sometimes have successes where none are expected. The left is fighting a battle in the real world whereas the right fights it in their mind while preaching to the converted. If the left had carried the banner of jewish settlement and/or annexation it probably would have happened already. The right is content to moan and whine about their predicament but does not wonder why? Yamit said a poll has never been taken on annexation. I think this should be done and the reasons for those who dont want it should also be polled so as to be able to target those reasons in “re-education”. The question is: why hasn’t the right done this in 4 decades?

  4. If Israeli Jews were polled today, what would they answer?

    – Would Israel be safer today if it had it annexed Gaza, with all those Arabs in it?

    – Once there is a Palestinian state, regardless of its size, do you believe that Israel will be able to defend itself fighting against urban terrorists hiding behind women and children?

    – Are you OK with an Arab land corridor between Ramallah and Gaza that cuts Israel in two, for the sake of Palestinian contiguity?

    – Do you trust that the border between Israel and Palestine will keep Arabs from infiltrating using means such as tunnels?

    – Do you expect Arabs will stop their aggressive demands after they get their state?

    – Will the chances for peace greater after the Arabs get their state?

    – Will the chances for Israel’s survival be greater after the Arabs get their state?

    Sometimes asking questions such as these can help the population make up their minds.

  5. @ yamit82:
    Transfer your elite first 🙂 Israel would be much better off if you transferred your leftist elite out of the country. They’re more dangerous than a million Arabs. They are a minority dictating over the majority. They don’t win wars. They value Arab lives more than Jewish lives. They are the true cause of your misery. They are the fifth column.
    – I’m still not convinced by your arguments, Yamit. Although I have only a fraction of the facts that you Israelis do, my otter-sense tells me that annexation with Arabs still on the land is the best available option. (Maybe you could elaborate.)
    – Because there are only two options: (1) Status quo while allowing the elite to partition the country slicing what’s left in two to give the WB and Gaza territorial continuity, as promised. (2) Mobilize the public to make MKs take a vote and then proceed from there. All in baby steps because they’ve been conditioned to do nothing about the land.
    – Everyone wants Transfer, but that word is radioactive. It stops conversations. It gets those who could support annexation all riled up. Just the slightest plans for Transfer could really bring catastrophe to the country. Israel has accepted such a low sovereignty status that anything that contravenes humanitarian law (as your enemies interpret it) would be the pretext they’ve all been waiting for to pounce on you. As long as Israelis can’t build a doghouse without UN/EU/US permission, they can’t dream of Transfer.
    – I reiterate. Annex first while being ambiguous about citizenship. Once the dust has settled, enact legislation for citizenship, but with so many hoops that it would be practically impossible. All the while offering them incentives to leave.
    – One factor to keep in mind: The US is no longer your so-called ally. Congress is losing power, while the president can rule by executive order. Future elections will be won through massive vote fraud and a tsunami of Hispanic immigrants. After them will come a wave of Muslim immigrants (I heard it from an expert). The US is toast (and maybe headed for secession). So the pretense that Israel can count on the US is over. You’ve always been on your own, anyway.

  6. @ C.R.:
    C.R. Said:

    One need only to read and understand the Tanakh–to understand the why!

    I have read the Tanach, so? What verses and chapters explain your reasoning and opinion?

  7. @ Canadian Otter:

    A majority or near majority of Israelis favor Transfer of Arabs with Israeli citizenship already.

    The option of Annexation to the best of my knowledge has not been polled to public. Not even asked in any context. At best a 2 state solution or a one state solution with it’s followup questions re: Democratic nature of the country, Jewish nature of the country and the maintenance of a Jewish majority tying them all together.
    Annexation without population transfer will not solve the problem but cause more difficult ones without removing the cause and threats we now face with the Arabs within our own borders as well as the territories.

    You do not ever under any circumstance include a large mostly homogeneous & antagonistic ethnic minority group within the borders of your national sovereignty. NEVER WILLINGLY!!!!!

    First Cleanse the Land then Build The Nation.

    What would we be debating about today if those 400,000-500,000 Arabs had not fled in 48? Or What if Israel had forced all or most Arabs to flee in 48. The idea of transfer in itself is not new to Zionism. Israel Zangwill suggested it in 1920, the British put it forward in the Peel Report of 1937 as did Avraham Sharon and Avraham Stern in the ’40s.

    Official Zionists opposed the plan due to moral hesitations (not a Jewish morality), but one influenced by liberal emancipation and in continuation of their naive belief that the Arabs will agree to coexistence if we succeed in convincing them that Zionism is beneficial for them.

    We are today paying the price of fallacious thinking and wrongheaded concepts of right and wrong, and non Jewish ethics and morality. Then those in the position of decision making were only JINOS!!

  8. @ Canadian Otter:

    A majority or near majority of Israelis favor Transfer of Arabs with Israeli citizenship already.

    The option of Annexation to the best of my knowledge has not been polled to public. Not even asked in any context. At best a 2 state solution or a one state solution with it’s followup questions re: Democratic nature of the country, Jewish nature of the country and the maintenance of a Jewish majority tying them all together.
    Annexation without population transfer will not solve the problem but cause more difficult ones without removing the cause and threats we now face with the Arabs within our own borders as well as the territories.

    You do not ever under any circumstance include a large mostly homogeneous & antagonistic ethnic minority group within the borders of your national sovereignty. NEVER WILLINGLY!!!!!

    First Cleanse the Land then Build The Nation.

    What would we be debating about today if those 400,000-500,000 Arabs had not fled in 48? Or What if Israel had forced all or most Arabs to flee in 48. This idea in itself is not new to Zionism. Israel Zangwill suggested it in 1920, the British put it forward in the Peel Report of 1937 as did Avraham Sharon and Avraham Stern in the ’40s. Official Zionists opposed the plan due to moral hesitations (not a Jewish morality but one influenced by liberal emancipation and in continuation of their naive belief that the Arabs will agree to coexistence if we succeed in convincing them that Zionism is beneficial for them.

  9. @ Bernard Ross:
    How the left gets things done. An example: Just a tiny number of individuals with a small budget but fully committed to their cause, and with the smarts to reach out to people, managed to solidify Jewish support for Obama.

    If they could sell Obama to the Jews, why couldn’t Israelis deprogram Israelis from their fear of annexation and convince them that they not only have international law on their side, but that the country’s security demands annexation and the prevention of an Arab terror state in their vecinity?

    Outstaffed and outspent, tiny team nailed down Jewish vote for Obama – With media savvy and an insider understanding of the community’s key concerns, ‘the Hub’ helped Democratic incumbent stay in the White House

  10. @ Bernard Ross:
    – Most Israeli Jews would favor annexation, but they fear the Arabs. This fear has been whipped up by the left. The leftists say that what matters is preserving the Jewish nature of the country, so no annexation. Then they turn around and voice their support for admitting an unlimited number of Africans into the country. The citizenship issue is a manipulation tool. There is no obligation to grant citizenship to former Jordanian nationals and their families, to supporters of intifada, to anyone who refuses under oath to abide by the laws of the Jewish state. That covers just about all of them. And then stop granting them benefits that induce them to stay and procreate. The citizenship issue can be sent to committee for study, but immediate automatic mass citizenship for all shold not be in the cards. And to those who protest, send them to talk to the Arabs and see if they would give residency to any Jew in their dreamed Judenrein state.
    – Even if the majority do not favor annexation yet, who says they can’t change their minds?. With proper information public opinion can be changed. When Herzl first began to promote his idea of a Jewish state most Jews thought he was absolutely nuts, that ‘it could never be done’. Persuading a reluctant majority takes strategy, determination, persuasion, and a lot of patience and hard work. In this case it may take several trial-and-error approaches until activists hit the right button (most likely the security issue).
    – You say governments have wanted peace so they gave up on Israel’s rights. The media often characterizes them as inept but well-meaning. I don’t buy it. There have been dark forces at work in Israel and they’ve persuaded officials to enact policies that have been shockingly harmful to the country.
    – So, based on experience, Israelis can’t just wait for their leaders to do the right thing. They will have to mobilize, particularly students, those still not busy raising families. They have to find their new leadership at the grassroots, but not the old leadership saddled with compromises and big egos.
    – Nothing is static, everything is in flux. If nationalists are not advancing, they are retreating. They need to learn new tactics from the masters: the Israeli and international left.
    – Every day that passes by without annexing the land. the dream of a Judea and Samaria gets farther away, and the reality of an Arab Palestine gets much closer.

  11. Almost since the birth of the Jewish People, the nations have had an unnatural obsession with this small, seemingly insignificant people. The question that begs to be answered is ‘Why?’

    One need only to read and understand the Tanakh–to understand the why!

  12. @ yamit82:
    The fate of North America – I’ve always been a great fan of geology. I’ve been re-reading Ghost Mountains and Vanished Oceans about the geological history of this continent. There have been huge mountains chains that now are flat terrain, and oceans have appeared and disappeared. But geology is not the main threat, although I live very close to a fault line, and the Yellowstone supervolcano is bound to blow up some day. The main threat is humans themselves. The media does not talk about it but most nuclear plants in the US are leaking. And now there is the problem with the Louisiana sinkhole: ~~~ And this:

  13. @ Canadian Otter:
    yamit82 Said:

    Either Israel annexes the land NOW or says good bye to it forever. And without the heartland, the rest of Israel cannot survive. Dear Bernard, there is no time for your legal arguments. Israel is losing its land!

    War it the great historical mechanism for correcting past mistakes. That said, anyone living in North America should move away from close proximity to water woodlands and forests, geological fault line or any area where a natural disaster can happen. While Israel and we Jews may pay a steep price many if not most will survive what’s coming whole and intact. Not so North America.

    America in the Bible?

  14. Canadian Otter Said:

    In the meantime an entire narrative has been created around another partition of the land and the creation of a Nazi-Arab state supported by Israel’s own govt! Either Israel annexes the land NOW or says good bye to it forever. And without the heartland, the rest of Israel cannot survive. Dear Bernard, there is no time for your legal arguments. Israel is losing its land!

    dear otter,
    i am TOTALLY with you on this one. with all the respect i have for the clear concise and elegant posts of mr ross, my position is
    1. ‘posession is 9/10 of the law’
    2. no apologies and no paper waving that proves ‘the right’
    and to be on the safe side,
    3. a ‘lt. col.eisner treatment’ to any european OR american bastard that questions this position

    what’s going to happen?
    the goyim are not going to love us?
    big deal!
    they don’t anyway

  15. @ yamit82:
    The cause for this irrational hatred lurks inside the human mind, in places where nobody wants to look. The Jew has been characterized as the mythological demon because there is a place in the mind for such a notion, as well as for hatred, greed, sadism and cruelty.

    But behind hatred there is often fear. I believe that Judaism is THE WORLD’S CONSCIENCE, and so the world fears it and wants to make it go away.

    On a more superficial level there are many reasons and excuses why the world picks on the Jews. In the case of righteous Jews, for example, it is because of their ethics and morals. But in the case of materialistic secular Jews, because of their success. Authorities, and now the powerful media, have often channelled the population’s worse instincts against the Jews. Those authorities, frequently connected with the Church and now increasingly with Islam, have had their own motivations, as outlined by your comment. ~~~~~ The population, though, have acted out their ugliest instincts on the Jews while telling themselves they were doing the right thing because the Jews killed their god, or had too much money, or simply because it felt good to victimize others. ~~~~~ This hatred is so irrational that in European towns without Jews, residents attack Jewish graveyards to release their anger. And Japan, with no Jewish population to speak of, has developed anti-Semitic attitudes –

  16. Canadian Otter Said:

    Because Jews got wrapped up in “Build-Build” instead of Annex.

    What building? Hardly any settlements has occurred since Israel occupied YS and communities have been dismantled. They dont settle because they dont want to annex. It should have immediately annexed but successive Israeli govt ruled it better to give up the jews settlement rights for peace with the arabs. They wanted this so much that they made sure their children did not even know they had internationally guaranteed legal rights there.
    Canadian Otter Said:

    as time passes, the Mandate becomes less relevant.

    not legally, it is only less relevant because the state of Israel has deemed it to be so.
    Canadian Otter Said:

    Israel annexes the land NOW or says good bye to it forever

    Who do you expect to annex the land: the same govts who cant even put jews on a hilltop, the same govts who have removed gush katif and other communities? Israel does not want YS, if you want Israel to annex it you must convince a majority of Israelis to do so. Religious zionists are already convinced and so are nationalists but what will convince the rest of a majority; especially a people who see nothing wrong with jews being banned from Jerusalem or YS by Jews? In fact they seem intent on leaving it and view the settlers as their only obstacle. The settlers and the nationalists want YS and perhaps if Jews settle there they can form their own separate state(Israel & Judea) Those who want the Jews to keep YS are in opposition to Israeli govts of all stripes. Perhaps if they had pursued legal avenues through the decades to fulfill the responsibility to settle Jews it wouldn’t be a problem now. In any case it is a moot point because it appears that there it is a minority of Israelis who want to annex and those Jews who want YS have never been interested in pursuing legal avenues which is the only usual avenue left for minorities whose legal interests are obstructed. I note that the left, who is a minority, has pursued well organized legal and PR avenues with ongoing success. Perhaps the right would have accomplished more had it also done so.
    Canadian Otter Said:

    there is no time for your legal arguments.

    It appears obvious that they(ISRAEL) are not going to annex YSand are putting their toe in the water with the small E1 settlement. Either they dont want it or they are afraid to do it. I wish they would but I dont see it happening. However, the pursuit of jewish settlement, could grow. The Levy report must have been done for a reason and that might be an easier battle in PR and legality to pursue. The fact is, with Israeli disinterest, not much can occur with either. I see no organized movements protesting for annexaton or jewish settlement that can pressure a GOI to act.

  17. More “Hitler Speaks”

    “If only one country, for whatever reason, tolerates a Jewish family in it, that family will become the germ center for fresh sedition. If one little Jewish boy survives without any Jewish education, with no synagogue and no Hebrew school, it [Judaism] is in his soul. Even if there had never been a synagogue or a Jewish school or an Old Testament, the Jewish spirit would still exist and exert its influence. It has been there from the beginning and there is no Jew, not a single one, who does not personify it.”

    “who see in National Socialism nothing more than a political movement know scarcely anything of it. It is more even than religion; it is the will to create mankind anew.”
    “They refer to me as an uneducated barbarian. Yes, we are barbarians. We want to be barbarians, it is an honored title to us. We shall rejuvenate the world. This world is near its end.”

  18. Hitler showed deep insight and said it plainly and to the point.

    Jew Hatred is a rebellion against the G-d of the Jews and if you kill the Jew you kill his G-d, proving that he isn’t G-d.

    “Hitler Speaks”

    “Providence has ordained that I should be the greatest liberator of humanity. I am freeing man from the restraints of an intelligence that has taken charge, from the dirty and degrading self-mortification of a false vision called conscience and morality, and from the demands of a freedom and independence which only a very few can bear.”

    “The Ten Commandments have lost their validity. Conscience is a Jewish invention, it is a blemish like circumcision.”

    More to follow:

  19. @ Bernard Ross:
    Facts support the need for annexation first.
    – All Israel has to show since 1967 is settlements over 1.7% of the entire J/S area. AND the loss of the entire Sinai and Gaza. AND the worst possible image in the whole world. Why? Because Jews got wrapped up in “Build-Build” instead of Annex.
    – By building without annexing Israel is acting as an occupier. Even well-intentioned people won’t bother to study the law backing Israel’s right to the land. All they see is the Big Bad Jew stealing land from poor Palestinians.
    – I reiterate my point that building guarantees nothing. The govt has already destroyed large successful settlements and smaller communities. And it can do it again. It’s not just the EU and the UN against settlers. Their enemies are everywhere, including the Israeli govt itself, the courts, and their own ‘grassroots leadership’. Same ‘grassroots leadership’ who have betrayed them in the past and who lead them to Build-Build, but never to annex.
    – One more important point is that as time passes, the Mandate becomes less relevant. Forty-five years have been PLENTY to annex. In the meantime an entire narrative has been created around another partition of the land and the creation of a Nazi-Arab state supported by Israel’s own govt! Either Israel annexes the land NOW or says good bye to it forever. And without the heartland, the rest of Israel cannot survive. Dear Bernard, there is no time for your legal arguments. Israel is losing its land!

  20. Why are they after us?
    Almost since the birth of the Jewish People, the nations have had an unnatural obsession with this small, seemingly insignificant people. The question that begs to be answered is ‘Why?’ Of all of the tiny, dispersed and alien populations, the world has only set its sights on us. Even back in our own Land, with a rebuilt and prosperous Jewish State, the world still hounds us and no one else. Attributing this constant and consistent focus on the Jewish People to antisemitism is a gross misnomer, for even those who claim to love us, such as the Baha’is and the Christian Right would like us to melt away from being a distinct culture and religion.
    Every culture we have interacted with, from the Egyptians and Canaanites, to the Christians and Muslims have tried to get rid of us, sometimes by the sword and sometimes by converting us. Our presence and our Torah were, and still are, such a threat to the greatest Empires, such as Babylon, Persia, Rome and Greece have outlawed our religious observance and tried to root it out through the sword and forced assimilation. And when both failed to remove us and our Torah, they resorted to the next best thing: demonization. For those of you who think that antisemitic libels started with Christian Europe, you are mistaken. The Egyptians(under Roman occupation), Greeks and Romans all had antisemitic libels against the Jews. But the great Empires never enacted similar actions against any other conquered peoples or their religions, they never banned their worship and put their holy books on trial as they did with the Talmud. Even Christianity originally declared the pagan religions as ‘innocence’, while from the outset Judaism was outdated, and the Jews were forsaken and hated by their ‘god’. The Muslims pressured both Christian and Jew, but they added more restrictions and humiliations upon the Jews, they massacred Jews and took their children in Algeria and Yemen respectively. Recently, when the Pope, as they saw it, insulted Muhammad they rioted and went a little crazy for about a week. No one was killed. When we reclaimed our Land, offering protection and respect to Islam in our country, we have had nothing but constant terror, war and bloodshed against us, they have destroyed and desecrated many of our holy sites and had as banned from the Temple Mount. The Greeks and the Romans not only allowed their conquered subjects to continue worshipping their gods, but they adopted them as their own! Yet when it came to HASHEM and His Torah, they were made illegal, Sabbath observance was banned and the Greeks took our Temple and slaughtered pigs inside it to intentionally desecrate it, and the Roman Vespasian had sex with a prostitute inside the Holy of Holies on top of a Torah scroll before having the Temple destroyed. Hitler, arguably the most powerful man to have ever walked the earth since the Roman emperors, was so threatened by us that even our absolute assimilation and renunciation of Judaism was not enough, and the only solution was the Final Solution. READ MORE

  21. Hitler showed deep insight and said it plainly and to the point.

    Jew Hatred is a rebellion against the G-d of the Jews and if you kill the Jew you kill his G-d, proving that he isn’t G-d.

    “Hitler Speaks”

    “Providence has ordained that I should be the greatest liberator of humanity. I am freeing man from the restraints of an intelligence that has taken charge, from the dirty and degrading self-mortification of a false vision called conscience and morality, and from the demands of a freedom and independence which only a very few can bear.”

    “The Ten Commandments have lost their validity. Conscience is a Jewish invention, it is a blemish like circumcision.”

    “If only one country, for whatever reason, tolerates a Jewish family in it, that family will become the germ center for fresh sedition. If one little Jewish boy survives without any Jewish education, with no synagogue and no Hebrew school, it [Judaism] is in his soul. Even if there had never been a synagogue or a Jewish school or an Old Testament, the Jewish spirit would still exist and exert its influence. It has been there from the beginning and there is no Jew, not a single one, who does not personify it.”

    “who see in National Socialism nothing more than a political movement know scarcely anything of it. It is more even than religion; it is the will to create mankind anew.”
    “They refer to me as an uneducated barbarian. Yes, we are barbarians. We want to be barbarians, it is an honored title to us. We shall rejuvenate the world. This world is near its end.”

    More to follow:

  22. Numbers 23:9
    “Lo, it is a people that shall dwell alone and not be reckoned among the nations” (Numbers 23:9)

    The reality; the reality of Israel against the world. The reality that is so terrifying to so many; the reality that cannot go away – for upon it is based all of Judaism.

    More to follow:

  23. Numbers 23:9
    “Lo, it is a people that shall dwell alone and not be reckoned among the nations” (Numbers 23:9)

    The reality; the reality of Israel against the world. The reality that is so terrifying to so many; the reality that cannot go away – for upon it is based all of Judaism.

    Hitler showed deep insight and said it plainly and to the point.

    Jew Hatred is a rebellion against the G-d of the Jews and if you kill the Jew you kill his G-d, proving that he isn’t G-d.

    “Hitler Speaks”

    “Providence has ordained that I should be the greatest liberator of humanity. I am freeing man from the restraints of an intelligence that has taken charge, from the dirty and degrading self-mortification of a false vision called conscience and morality, and from the demands of a freedom and independence which only a very few can bear.”

    “The Ten Commandments have lost their validity. Conscience is a Jewish invention, it is a blemish like circumcision.”

    “If only one country, for whatever reason, tolerates a Jewish family in it, that family will become the germ center for fresh sedition. If one little Jewish boy survives without any Jewish education, with no synagogue and no Hebrew school, it [Judaism] is in his soul. Even if there had never been a synagogue or a Jewish school or an Old Testament, the Jewish spirit would still exist and exert its influence. It has been there from the beginning and there is no Jew, not a single one, who does not personify it.”

    “who see in National Socialism nothing more than a political movement know scarcely anything of it. It is more even than religion; it is the will to create mankind anew.”
    “They refer to me as an uneducated barbarian. Yes, we are barbarians. We want to be barbarians, it is an honored title to us. We shall rejuvenate the world. This world is near its end.”

    More to follow:

  24. @ Canadian Otter:Otter I wanted to add re jewish settlement:not only is jewish settlement legal but the legality of jewish settlement is one of the bases for proving that the state of Israel is not violating the GC regarding occupation. There are other reasons such as territory acquired in a defensive war but I want to address the unique nature here. As the mandate was unfulfilled between the green line and the jordan river Israel can claim to be the mandate successor and/or agent of the jewish global community. It can claim that it will remain in occupation in order to ensure the fulfillment of the Palestine mandate and that the mandate fulfillment is its prime directive for administrating the territories rather than any object of fulfilling arab political aspirations. In that way it can legally govern without extending citizenship, as did the UK mandate, at this time if it desires. The creation of a pal state contradicts law but will supersede existing law if Israel signs a treaty(assuming it to be the succesor agent of the jewish people). This is what frightens them all. Like I said, I have heard no legal arguments against the right of jewish settlement but tons on Israeli occupation and sovereignty. Focusing on the original mandates and jewish settlement removes the focus from rights and self determination. Its about the Jews not the arabs in laws regarding the mandate.

  25. Canadian Otter Said:

    Priority number one should be ANNEXATION. Assert the right to the land based on international law, annex, and then build all you want.

    I think, when considering International law, the reason for “BUILD BUILD” is that the relevant international laws “encourage the settlement of Jews west of the Jordan River”. This is a simple statement that is almost impossible to interpret differently. Annexation is based on different laws and is concerned with the rights of a state rather than the collective rights of the Jewish people. This is a much more complex issue and it is the issue of the states rights of sovereignty that is always used to obscure the Jews rights to settle in arguments. If Jews are settled and become a majority then under all aspects of law there is no conflict between Balfour or rights to self determination. Settling Jews does not prevent annexation however making Jewish settlement dependent on annexation happening first is what holds back Jewish settlement. The mandate trust was based on settling jews until they became a majority and then given sovereignty. As Israel is in control it is effectively the successor to the mandate trust and as such is obligated to “encourage” the settlement of Jews as a duty regardless of whether it extends sovereignty(obviously to “encourage settlement” you must also provide security even as an occupying govt). However, it has not done so because the interests of the state, as perceived by successive GOI’s, are in conflict with Jewish settlement. There is no valid legal reason to obstruct Jewish settlement but many legal reasons brought up for obstructing Israeli sovereignty. This is what the internationals are afraid of: separating the issue of Jewish settlement from the issue of Israeli sovereignty over the west bank. I am a “Settle-Settle” advocate because its legal basis is simple and unassailable and if begun again there can be no doubt that the end would be Jewish sovereignty over the west bank. I do not want Jewish settlement to wait on GOI politicians. Have you noticed that no govt or institution has brought up the “illegality” of Jewish settlement but instead refer to illegality of GC laws regarding occupying forces. they are afraid of the issue of thelegality of jewish settlemnt because they know it is not illegal. NOt only is it not illegal but its legality is also a basis for proving that the state of Israel is not an occupying force

  26. Israel is being offered up by the international community as an appeasement sacrifice to the Arab states, the Jewish people’s only recourse is to strengthen its position and secure its citizens in every possible way…no amount of international pronouncements has the ability to stem Arab terror…

    Hear, Hear.

  27. @ the phoenix:

    I should have thought the question was obvious, the answer, less so.

    How come of all the bigoted, genocidal hatreds of the world the one directed at the Jewish people is the most enduring, intense and unrelenting? One that is entirely unaffected by what the Jews do, where they live or who they support or oppose? Heck there is even a name for it!

    That’s my question. One every one intuitively understands but seldom stops to ponder, much less attempt to answer.

    I have an answer but I am curious to hear what you and others think.

  28. @ Yidvocate:
    sorry yid,
    i need just one more hint so as to underestand what you are asking…
    i noticed you’ve posed the same question to the otter as well
    there could be quite a few answers, please be more specific.

  29. Canadian Otter Said:

    Falling for the ‘oil issue’ excuse turns anti-Semites into mere boys and girls looking after the interest of their own individual countries – patriots, really – instead of the hateful and genocidal mobs they’ve been through the centuries.

    dear otter,
    once more you’ve hit the ball out of the park and into the bull’s eye!
    hateful genocidal mobs is exactly right!
    for starters, i’d love for this ugly truth to be exposed far and wide and to be followed by retribution.
    and the list is VERY LONG.


    The Build-Build strategy as the sole response to the international mob attack on Israel has been DISCREDITED every time the Israeli government destroys Jewish homes and entire communities. This Build-Build chant has mesmerized Jews to such an extent that they fail to see how settlements alone can not protect Jewish land. Priority number one should be ANNEXATION. Assert the right to the land based on international law, annex, and then build all you want. One has to question whether some of those promoting Build-Build really have Israel’s interest at heart, or they do it to distract the Jews from the more serious idea of annexation.

  31. OIL IS NOT THE REASON. It’s the current excuse.

    If we had voted no that would have been a body blow to our interests in over 20 Arab countries. The truth is they all see this is as bedrock issue

    – There was no oil issue during the centuries-long hatred and persecution of Jews by Europe and Islam. There was no oil issue in Roman times, in the Middle Ages, during Tzarist and Stalinist times, and during Islam’s expansion all over the world. Hitler and his many followers (to this day) were not motivated by a need to please the Arabs. ~~~~~ This sadistic hatred against Jews goes MUCH DEEPER, and this phenomenon must be acknowledged. It has several facets, one of the most important ones is of a religious nature. Among those leading the mob are Christian churches, still determined to demonize and then destroy the Jews, in order to usurp their place in Jerusalem and in the Christian narrative. And Islam, wanting to devour not only the Jews but the Christians too.

    Falling for the ‘oil issue’ excuse turns anti-Semites into mere boys and girls looking after the interest of their own individual countries – patriots, really – instead of the hateful and genocidal mobs they’ve been through the centuries.

  32. The true reason why governments around the world are rushing to take the anti-Israel position was acknowledged in a moment of honesty from Australian Foreign Minister Bob Carr who, according to the Australian Herald Sun, explained his country’s United Nations vote for “Palestine” by saying, “I don’t apologize for the fact Australia has interests in the Arab world. If we had voted no that would have been a body blow to our interests in over 20 Arab countries. The truth is they all see this is as bedrock issue.”

    I don’t apologize for the fact that I oppose the creation of a fakestinian terror state. I don’t apologize for supporting the building of Jewish settlements and for Israel to control the land from the river to the sea. I don’t apologize for the fact that I don’t give a shit if the arabs kill each other in Syria, Egypt or elsewhere, the only country in the region I care about is Israel. And I don’t apologize for not giving a shit about Australia.

  33. Yes the true reason is money – $$$.
    Money and power over morality and humanity – this basically is the definition of fascism.
    The world’s people’s probably wouldn’t think of themselves as fascist but by selective awareness it is exactly what they are . The ideology of fascism is rampant in the world.

    It should be no surprise that Democracy has been at war with this ideology for the last two centuries.
    A lot of people think …well .. it’s the anti-semitism but the anti-semitism would not count if it were not for MONEY.
    Just follow the money and you will find all the reasons and all the culprits for all of this, both in Israel and abroad.

  34. Dear Mr Efune,
    That is a brilliant talking point and should be repeated whenever discussing the situatiuon with people of the world and esp our liberal (mis-guided) Jewish brothers: “No Kassam missile or suicide bomber ever came from a Jewish neighborhood”
    Chazak Ve’amatz and keep spreading the light. Happy Chanukah.