Peloni: While I agree with the general sentiments cited by Kirkland in this article, it has long been my view that what was achieved at Nuremberg was less than justice, and I would argue that what is needed in this moment is not to empower such a tribunal with powers greater than that of the individual nation states.  The source of many of the crimes which Kirkland suggests should be tried in another extra-national tribunal extends from the globalist ambitions, ambitions which would only be augmented by empowering such an extra-nationalist court.  In fact, I would argue that these crimes should be weighed in the local communities in which their toll was exacted.  Ceding this responsibility to something presumed to be more powerful or legitimate than the nation states in which the crimes were committed would only serve to delegitimize the nation states as the model best capable of serving justice for the respective communities of the world.

You Say You Want a Revolution? YOU GOT IT!


The Zapruder Film of the Trump Assassination Attempt, July 13, 2024

The original fighting of the Revolutionary War began with a shot that has unknown origins, although most historians and witness accounts place it on an agitated British Soldier.

I concur. Had it been an American, he would have come forward after America’s shocking victory against what was then the greatest standing Army in the Western hemisphere.

He’d have been hailed an HERO.

So yes, that first shot was taken by an arrogant enemy of America.

Back then it was known as “The Shot Heard ‘Round the World.”

The Colonies rose up after that first shot at America’s birth, April 19, 1775. The war was on, the Declaration drawn, the Constitution formed and sealed, and the greatest nation in history ripped itself out of the ethereal womb of freedom and roared at its own oppressive monarchistic Nursing Mother nation.

And the infant won.

Over the past 8 years we have seen the same oppressive tactics on display, from those who are supposed to believe like we do. They have been building up to inevitable assassination and it is clear to every moral, Judeo/Christian, critical thinker in America.

The Left, the Democrats, have drawn first blood. The Democrats fired the shot that every real American heard. WE THE BOSSES HEARD THAT SHOT. And WE THE BOSSES WILL respond to it.

The Democrats have called repeatedly for destruction. Violence. Theft. Murder. 2020 was NOTTHING but demonic leftist murder, mayhem, and epic assholery of Communist limpdickery. The Democrats have violently and repeatedly raped our beloved Constitution—born of that first shot heard ‘round the world—and gotten away with it.

The enemy Democrats, like the Enemy British, have stopped at NOTHING to destroy America, our hard-won “birth pangs of freedom nation,” and the man we chose twice—in MASSIVE LANDSLIDES—to protect the freedoms of the real power of the USA: WE THE BOSSES.

So now that the Democrats have fired the first shot, drawn first blood,d WE THE BOSSES have decided to give you what you warmongers want.

You’ve changed the rules of the game. There is NO coming back from treason, murder, biological weapons Flu Coup, your rampant racism and DEI faggotry, child mutilation and grooming for your perverted midget-dicked fag-f*cking asses. There is NO coming back from TREASON.

You are NOT just walking away from this. The crimes you’ve committed—including the despicable, impotent, not-a-man RICO defendants FBI, DOJ, CIA—are punishable by death, and WE THE BOSSES demand death.

One down…

You absolutely, positively, must die for what you’ve done. THE LAW AND WE THE BOSSES DEMAND IT. No life in prison, no judge faggotry, no cowardly Marxist tactics of the weak and infirm.

Your sex won’t save you. Your age won’t save you. Your “status” won’t save you. Your money won’t save you. You are paying full measure for your crimes just like your fathers did at Nuremberg.

You are NOT just walking away from this.

I suppose I should thank you, however, just like our men thanked King George for hs arrogance and for the British army brutality and constant line-crossing that finally galvanized a nation of peasants with pitchforks to beat back the greatest standing army on earth at the time.

It was American ideals that beat the British (multiple times) and made us the most secure, free people in history.

It was this grand Republic that beat Mexico to secure the western half of this nation. (You lost, be men and stop your bitchin.’)

It was REPUBLICANS (Real American Values) who shed their blood to end slavery and free the slaves. Democrats shed their children’s blood to KEEP slavery, then immediately formed the KKK when that didn’t work! (On the eve of the Civil War, not a single slave was owned by a single Republican. ALL were owned by Democrats. And the first slave owner in America? Free Black man Anthony Johnson *see pic at bottom*.)

It was American values that fought oppression in WWI. And won.

It was American values that ended the Leftist Totalitarian god of the Democrats Adolf Hitler and his Communist fagatronics.

And it was American values that demanded full accounting and the death penalty at Nuremberg for the Holocaust. (Democrats were too busy with Operation Paperclip, saving their NAZI friends.)

We did it before. We need to do it again.

So we will.

The Democrats must be arrested, tried, and hanged at Nuremberg. ALL. OF. THEM. We are not taking them back because it is impossible to coexist with racist, sexist, perverted, pedophile, genociding, flu coup-ing, biological weapons fagging, election stealing treasonous, murderous Hitlerites hell-bent on death and destruction.

We are NOT the same. We don’t ACT the same. We don’t BELIEVE the same. We don’t REACT the same. Democrats are NOT Americans; they’re murderous Communists.

They have to pay with their lives for what they’ve done. And then like Germany did after WWII, we must eternally outlaw and ban the Democrat Party from politics. Like Germany recognized after WWII, we can NEVER AGAIN allow any LEFTIST anywhere near power in this nation again. NEVER.

America, you have a choice. Listen to Communist murderers child molesters child mutilators perverts pigs traitors and greedy satanic cucks….?

…Or to God Himself? “There’s a time for war…There’s a time to kill.”

There’s no coming back for the Democrats. They are NOT just walking away from their arrogant, Adolf atrocities.

It may be a hard choice. It was hard for Eisenhower too. But he made it, and made the right one. He understood who had started it all. So he knew he would have to end it. And end it he did with the hangings of multiple very hideously guilty men, women, elderly, and teenagers.

We have to too now.

President Trump, Congratulations on your threepeat Presidential landslide win. Erik Prince, please take over Trump’s security. Leftist broads are profoundly mentally ill and cannot be trusted. WE THE BOSSES demand big, toxic, steroid-crazed MEN around the greatest President in American history.

And make sure they can shoot to kill.

Keep the faith, bros, in all things courage, and no substitute for VICTORY.

July 17, 2024 | 3 Comments »

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3 Comments / 3 Comments

  1. Yes to this courageous article. To restore America’s freedom it is necessary to talk of treason and the core values of the first revolution. The big picture must be looked at, and not just the smaller, piecemeal political and legal actions taken, though they are necessary too.

  2. The writer gives him or herself away.

    Pigs who are fellow cousin animals to us humans have a right to full and happily fulfilled lives just as much as humans

    The writer who correctly opposed the assassination mentality is ironically enough still at the savage stage.