The SAVE Act and election security

Peloni:  The question which must be asked is why is it that this bill was not introduced when the Republicans took power after they took power, or at the very least after Speaker Johnson became Speaker of the House.  Is this a sincere effort to return power to the people, to restore the govt to being by the consent of the governed, or is it simple posturing, reminiscent of such Republican shenanigans as Lindsey Graham’s infamous claim that “we’re going to get to the bottom of this” as he actually got to the bottom of nothing?  It is a real tragedy, but an even greater crime, that so little has been done by the Republicans at any level, federal, state, national RNC, to reinvest the American people with their unalienable rights which have been stripped from them by an electoral system which obviates the will of the people.  What is needed to achieve this is not the Graham-like faux gesticulations, but the Trump-like substantive actions which made America great again.


July 9, 2024 | 5 Comments »

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  1. @inna1

    In the Congress, it is not visible.

    I didn’t mean to suggest that the Dem politicos in the congress were coming to support Trump. The Dems move as a block, like a group of automatons. I was speaking about the Dem voters. Many of the MAGA faithful are former Dems. My favorite is Batya Unger-Sargon, but there are many many others. Forgive me for being unclear in this matter. As to the Reps who vote with the Dems, it should be recalled that this is not about party lines, as the alliances are divided between those who are allied with the institutions of the American empire, and those who are allied with the American people.

  2. @peloni1986
    “…many former Democrats have moved to support Trump in his commitment to win this fight”. In the Congress, it is not visible.
    Dems are voting as a united army according to the order. On the other hand, Reps have many RINOs who vote together with Dems.
    GOP is not working. It’s painful to watch.

  3. @John Galt III

    The Democrat Communist party loves to cheat

    True enough, but do recall that the cheat which Trump faced in 2020 was very much supported by a bipartisan effort, and that most of the contested outcomes were in districts overseen by Republicans either at the state or local levels, or both as was the case in AZ. So, it isn’t entirely based on party, unfortunately. Mike Benz likens it to a battle between those who are championing the American empire against the American people and those who are championing the American people against the American people, which is a better way to understand the complex nature of the divisions at play than simple party lines. Others like to simply call it the Deep State. No matter how you would like to describe it, t must be understood to be greater than party lines, and in fact, many former Democrats have moved to support Trump in his commitment to win this fight, a fight he just recommitted to earlier today.

  4. The Senate won’t go for it and Biden would veto it anyway.

    The Democrat Communist party loves to cheat and they have no moral issues with it whatsoever. They want power and will use any means to get it.