The Right plays by the rules. The left plays by no rules.

By Nachman Kanovsky

I recently wrote a short blurb about the chutzpah of Andrew Cuomo to have recently accused Trump of causing Covid in New York. One of my recipients claimed that it was all politics and that everyone does it. Below is my response to him.


One of the most pervasive and insidious tactics of those who debate from the left side of the political spectrum (as rarely as they do) is the argument of “equivocation” i.e., “both sides do it,” “there is good and evil on both sides,” etc., ad nauseum.  In the cold war days when the ruthlessness of the communist system was in full display, it was typical for intellectuals to argue that America, representing the democratic “free world,” was equally “imperialistic” as the communists. Of course that was utter nonsense.  The Left accused the US of “economic imperialism,” or even worse by citing some covert CIA tactics or missions. But was the US even remotely as authoritarian and freedom-depriving of its citizens as were the Soviet bloc countries, Red China, North Korea, North Vietnam, and Cuba? Did America choose to occupy and control the countries it liberated in WWII? Both sides did seek to impose its influence and way of life on the world as a whole. One side did it with guns, armies, and with other accoutrements of the police state while we peddled our “influence” far more gently, and often magnanimously. America was hardly the equivalent of the other side.

You are right, corruption is everywhere…but it isn’t remotely equal. The Left today, as it is led by the swelling armies of Marxists within it, operate on the broad principle that the ends justify the means. This principle is de rigueur in all radical playbooks. The Left considers its “end” to be sacrosanct.  America’s radicals consider free-market “capitalism” as the bane of the world. To them it reeks of white, male, “racist” domination…and it must be eliminated at all costs. Some like yourself may just be anti-Trump – for some valid, and for many more false and exaggerated reasons. Most of today’s Left are acolytes of the BLM movement, which is supported by the overwhelming majority of academia, Hollywood, the media, and hi-tech corporations. However, BLM’s activists and leadership are mostly hard core Marxist, as is its charter and principles. It is therefore fair and accurate to conclude that none of the “soft” and hard left have any equivalent “corruptors” on the right side of the political spectrum. While there definitely is corruption on both sides, it is hardly equal.

The extreme (alt) right or white nationalists and neo-Nazis are not a part of the overall conservative American majority and are relatively a very small segment of the large swathes of our population who oppose the Left. Contrary to the lies the Left spread about what Trump said at Charlottesville, Trump is not a racist or a white nationalist. He is, however, decidedly pro-American. If you believe otherwise then you are accepting the constant barrage of lies, distortions, and dehumanizations the Left has spewed upon Trump since his election. As an American, let alone as a Jewish American, you should think twice about your visceral hatred of this man. He has done great things for America and great things for the Jewish people.

America always had a party in power and an “opposition” party. Today’s opposition accurately calls itself the “resistance” and is actively pulling all stops to overthrow our system of government and replace it with a socialist model. They are convinced that they would implement socialism better than all previous attempts in the last hundred years. That “experiment” saw over one hundred million deaths, an absolute absence of personal freedom, an open abuse of human rights, and a sizable diminution of a country’s wealth and standard of living. (Post Mao China’s mostly capitalist economy – with absolute political control of the CCP – is the exception.) The frightening reality is that recent polls show that fifty percent of America’s millenials support socialism. This is the direct result of their indoctrination in our education system, especially on our campuses.

The Left lies – repeatedly and grossly. Andrew Cuomo is not an outlier. His lies are mainstream in today’s Democrat party. The Republicans – including Trump – are pikers in comparison. The Left’s only equivalent were the Nazi fascists who invented the “big lie” technique. The radical Left perfected it. In fact, fascists and radical Marxists are alike in every way other than the Marxist’s claim to the mantle of “equality.” Think of that when you go to the polls this November. If by some miracle you change your mind and vote the “right” way, be sure not to do it by mail. There is a strong likelihood that such a vote will be altered. Remember, the ends justify the means!

September 13, 2020 | Comments »

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