The political right prefers Bennett to succeed Netanyahu

Special poll among 450 Likud and Rightist voters points to Jewish Home Chairman Naftali Bennett with Gideon Sa’ar behind

Responding to the question of who is most loyal to the Land of Israel 48 percent answered Naftali Bennett, 11 percent Avigdor Liberman, 7 percent Moshe Ya’alon, and 9 percent Gideon Sa’ar.

Who most reflects the values of the right? Naftali Bennett won 45 percent against Gideon Sa’ar, who won nine percent. 15 percent said Avigdor Liberman, Moshe Ya’alon got only four percent, while eight percent said Yisrael Katz reflects the values of the right.

The survey examined the respondents’ position on the question of which of the following personalities will most strongly stand against Arab terrorism: 33 percent believe in Naftali Bennett, five percent Gideon Sa’ar, 27 percent Avigdor Liberman, seven percent Moshe Ya’alon, and nine percent Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan (Likud).

Which of the following figures will most likely preserve a united Jerusalem? Sixty percent believe Naftali Bennett, five percent Gideon Sa’ar, 11 percent Avigdor Liberman, five percent Israel Katz, and three percent believe in Ya’alon.

Who needs to head the right after Netanyahu? Twenty-six percent believe that Naftali Bennett should lead, 20 percent think that Gideon Sa’ar is most fit, 12 percent believe in Ysrael Katz, and five percent believe in Moshe Ya’alon.

August 10, 2017 | 3 Comments »

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