The plan of Hamas to conquer Kibbutz communities and bases that was presented in May 2022

Ayala Hasson, Kan News | Dec 3, 2023

Hamas trained for a long time for the October 7th massacre. it happened in front of the IDF eyes. The IDF belittled Hamas’s capabilities. on May 2022, a dramatic presentation, that was named “Jericho wall”, and was shown to the Head of intelligence department. A publication by Ayala Hasson. 11.28.2023

December 4, 2023 | 6 Comments »

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  1. I believe that it will fail.

    I am on record as saying that the inquiry had to start at the same time as the military war. But no Caroline would have none of that.

    In fact the facts have been clear from long ago.

    Islam is Imperialism in every way.

    And there has been a division of labour through fossil fuels
    Of Islam and British conniving

    And now those same fossil fuels are ending all life on earth

    The things you talking about are rooted in Christian religion…we are the chosen and the physics of global warming

    Oh go to hell.

  2. In fact the leaders of Israel now face a massive challenge.

    For example

    We now have the Israeli MILITARY EXPERT on TV and radio

    Netanyahu and co have divided Gaza into Irish parishes

    All to save the poor civilians of Gaza

    But they knew anyway. Get out and organise to go south

    The more they explain the more they are seen as grovelling.

    Reply instead to the BBC we didn’t start this.

    And reply to the BBC by talking only about the hostages.

    Do not chat to the BBC. Attack them say army in Ireland black and tans.

    How can YOU advise us you Brit assassins.

  3. This brings to mind Obama calling ISIS a ‘junior varsity team’.
    Also, shortly before the Japanese invaded Hong Kong in Dec 1941, the British commander of the garrison there was said to have remarked that the Japanese by their stature were ‘little people’ who would have no chance of defeating the British.
    It happens time after time.
    Arrogance, hubris, complacency, and cockeyed optimism will do you in everytime.

  4. Watching the presentation it was frightening to me that Israeli leaders were making decisions based upon assumptions not on data.

    In the face of new data, they dismissed the data and returned to their same assumptions.

    So this is a psychological blind spot for all political leaders. When faced with the possibility of a terrifying attack and the potential for terrible loss of life that would happen on their watch, they dismissed the data in favor of a scenario that was not based upon data, but wishful thinking.

    A politician is not a scientist nor is he or she necessarily an expert on military strategy. A politician relies on experts to advise him or her. That does not negate the responsibility of the politician, but it does mean that the politician has to realize how much he is depending upon certain people. He must ask himself what would happen (to his own future and to the future of the country) if this advisor were wrong.

    With defense and security analysts, these people should be trained to be extremely focused on data as opposed to using assumptions upon which to base decision recommendations.

    This experience for the entire military, security, and political leadership in Israel should become a lesson taught to all future personnel who enter positions of responsibility for national security decision making.

    What should be taught is the concept of blind spots and how to recognize them.

    In medical training we are taught from the beginning that not examining the patient’s body and just relying on test data leaves a doctor vulnerable to blind spots. Nowadays doctors are not taught the art of physical diagnosis to the same degree we once were, because now the technology has improved such that some technologies give more information than even the best doctor could get on examining the patient. But still, a doctor starts with a patient, and if he or she takes the time to carefully listen to the patient’s heart and lungs, especially if there is a complaint involving those organs, or listen to abdominal bowel sounds if there is a GI complaint, a doctor will have a head start in making the diagnosis. Even so the road to diagnosis can lead to false side tracks and blind spots, and doctors are trained to go back to the data rather than hold onto assumptions that are not supported by the data.

    I hope that the investigation will be thorough and apolitical. This way the most people possible in positions of national security decision making will learn from it.

    From Caroline Glick’s video it would appear that politics indeed led to some of the blind spots, but this video makes it seem people with a very wide range of political opinions all relied on assumptions rather than questioning the assumption in favor of examining the intelligence data very closely.

  5. It’s Israel arrogance. I knew it would catch up with us. All that – we are superior to the Arabs talk. We are just so superior. Well ,never underestimate the competition.