The Palestinian Authority Exposed

Ambassador (ret.) Yoram Ettinger, “Second Thought”
“Israel Hayom” newsletter
, December 23, 2011

Abu Mazen’s December 20, 2011 public embrace of Amna Muna – a ruthless Palestinian terrorist –exposes Abu Mazen’s authentic ideology. Notwithstanding Abu Mazen’s moderate demeanor, the televised session with Amna Muna, and other Palestinian terrorists, was consistent with Abu Mazen’s own K-12 hate-education system, which heralds terrorism, in general, and suicide bombing, in particular. It is compatible with the monthly allowances paid by Abu Mazen’s administration to families of suicide bombers and imprisoned terrorists; with his naming of streets, squares and sport tournaments after terrorists; with his 50 years track record as Arafat’s top confidant and deputy; with his holocaust denial Ph.D. thesis at Moscow University; with his involvement in the 1972 Munich Massacre of eleven Israeli Olympians; with his active support of the 1990 Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Kuwait; with his betrayal of Syria’s Hafiz Assad, Jordan’s King Hussein, Lebanon’s government and Kuwait’s Sheikh Sabah; with his stewardship of PLO-Communist Bloc ties and his KGB training.

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While Western policy-makers and public opinion molders assume that Abu Mazen has renounced terrorism and violence, the “Good Cop” accords enhances the legitimacy of Amna Muna, whom fellow female terrorists named “the Ramallah Satan” for her sadistic virulence, biting and pouring boiling wax and oil on the face of those who dared challenge her.

Abu Mazen is true to his roots from the 1950s, in Egypt, where he was a key operative of the Muslim Brotherhood , which fervently believes in a divinely-ordained Islamic domination of the globe, religiously and territorially. Abu Mazen refers to terrorists and suicide bombers – who intentionally and systematically murder, maim and intimidate civilians – as “freedom fighters.”

In fact, Abu Mazen’s engagement with terrorism is in line with Islamic history since the murder of Muhammad’s successors: Umar ibn al-Khattab was stabbed to death at a mosque in Medina in 644 AD; Uthman ibn Affan was assassinated in 656 AD; Ali ibn Abi Talib was slain in 661 AD outside a mosque in Kufa. Most contemporary Muslim regimes rise to power through violence and terrorism, rule through state-sponsored terrorism and lose power to elements, which are more skillful with tools of violence. In 1829, John Quincy Adams, the 6th US President, wrote: “The precept of the Koran is perpetual war against all who deny that Mohammad is the prophet of God.”

While most Muslims are not terrorists, most contemporary terrorists are Muslims, haunting Muslim societies, and increasingly exporting Islamic terrorism all over the globe: the USA, India, Britain, Russia, Australia, Holland, Argentina, Sri Lanka, Israel, Thailand, Columbia, Spain, France, etc.

The Abu Mazen/Arafat regime, which has dominated the Palestinian Authority since its establishment in 1993, has indoctrinated an entire generation with terrorist-driven hate-education and incitement via PA-controlled schools, mosques and media. For instance, the Palestinian Authority curriculum and incitement machine include the following excerpts from the Quran: “Jews and disbelievers [defined as Christians in 5/73] are the most vehement in hatred for the Muslims (Quran 5/82);” Jews are damned (Quran 5/64); “Believers, take not Jews and Christians for your friends. They are but friends and protectors to each other (Qur’an 5/51);” Jews are children of monkeys and pigs (Quran 5/60); Jews are murderers of prophets (Quran 2/91); Jews falsified the Holy Scriptures (Quran 1/7); Jews must pay head tax while humiliated (Quran 9/29); Killing Jews is a prerequisite for Latter Days (Hadith-tradition).

The Abu Mazen education system has entrenched the idolization of martyrdom/suicide bombing and terrorism. Thus, a significant segment of the population believes that Paradise is awaiting Shahids, who are killed while conducting Jihad (“Holy War”) against Jews; that Shahids will be rewarded, in sickness, poverty, humiliation and predicament-free Paradise, by 72 beautiful dark-eyed virgins, by the potency of 100 males, by jewel-platted beds, by commutation of all sins, by ushering 70 friends and relatives to Paradise, by becoming celebrities among their peers and by benefitting from eternal youth.
Former First Lady, Laura Bush boldly expressed, in a 2002 interview with The El Paso Time, the typical Western attitude toward Palestinian mothers: “Can I empathize with a mother who sends her child out to kill herself and others? No!”

Terror-driven education and the disregard and abuse of human rights – brainwashing people to terrorism and suicide bombing – have been the root cause of Islamic terrorism since the 7th century. It has been the core of 14 centuries of raging intra-Islamic conflicts, and the crux of the Arab-Israeli conflict.

The focus on Road Maps, Quartet Initiative, UN resolutions, sweeping Israeli concessions (e.g. importing the PLO from terrorists camps in Yemen to the gates of Jerusalem and Tel Aviv), and US pressure for further concessions, have not produced peace. They have diverted attention away from the heart of the matter: state-sponsored terror-oriented education. They have fueled the fire of terrorism, which was dramatically lower before Oslo.

The pursuit of durable peace on one hand and hate-education on the other hand constitutes an oxymoron, which has haunted all peace initiatives since Oslo. The pursuit of durable peace – and not a delusional, ceremonial peace process – mandates the uprooting of hate education and incitement as a prerequisite to any negotiation.

Ambassador (ret.) Yoram Ettinger, “Second Thought: US-Israel Initiative”

Speaking engagements may be scheduled per list of topics on my website (

December 25, 2011 | 14 Comments »

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14 Comments / 14 Comments

  1. There are a number of rational plans to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. One of them is the Martin Sherman plan, which was detailed in Israpundit recently. But before we embark in any of them, I think it is essential for the Government of Israel to lay down the fundamental question, i.e. the title to the land which is still being viewed as “disputed.”

    A concise book on this issue (The Jewish People’s Rights to the Land of Israel) is now available here.

  2. The GOI is being smart about it. Bibi hasn’t given an inch. Meanwhile he keeps building albeit at a slow pace. As for the peace process it keeps demanding things that the Palestinians won’t concede. Thus they are laid bare.

    It is keeping its eye on two balls.

    First it is slowing showing the fruitlessness of the process and the two state solution. It expects that in time the west will be more amenable to a paradigm shift. In other words he is tilling the soil before planting. Secondly, it is staying close to the center in Israeli politics while the country keeps moving to the right. This will pay off in the next election.

    Be patient.

  3. The rights are not proven by studying history.
    They are proven by the firm resolve to uphold them.
    nobody cares about Jewish proofs of where the Temple Mount was or was not. But everyone care about facing Jewish guns, rockets, bombs.
    There is only one way to prove that the land belongs to us: Declare it proudly and loudly and seek ways to make Israeli synonymous with Jewish.

    France is French, Ireland is Irish, Russia is Russian, and likewise there should be no question about Israel being Jewish. So non-Jews should face the choices:
    Become Jewish, if they really are sincere.
    Live as guests in the Jewish state if they behave well.
    Or look for another place to live if they don’t behave.
    Above all, all expressions of antisemitism and anti-Israelism should be reason for the expulsion.

  4. “I say that if Jews stand on the Jewish right to the Land of Israel as strongly and uncompromisingly as Pals stand on their perceived “rights” than the world would not dream of pushing the Jews to compromise any more than they would dream of pushing Arabs to divide Mecca.”

    Your point is well taken. We should be talking about rights.

  5. ” The hope is for peace, not sympathy and most Israeli’s (that is, not the stupid ones) realize by now that land for that peace is not the answer.”

    When one party wants unconditional victory, and the other wants “peace”. The first party will win.
    This is the essence of the Palestinian success and Jewish defeat.

    I say that if Jews stand on the Jewish right to the Land of Israel as strongly and uncompromisingly as Pals stand on their perceived “rights” than the world would not dream of pushing the Jews to compromise any more than they would dream of pushing Arabs to divide Mecca.

  6. You have a warped sense of fairness. You respect the persistance of the Palestinians and blame the Jews for not being as persistant. Being more resolute doesn’t merit admiration and frankly comments or thinking like that paradoxically embolden their cause. Are you saying you have more feeling or respect for the Palestinians simply because they are so determined. Calling the Jews “stupid Jews” for allegedely not being as determined or persistance smacks of blaming the victim and legitimizing the Palestinian’s uncompromising stance. And who says or believes that the Jews believe they can get uncompromising support and sympathy from the world for giving up their ancestral homeland. The hope is for peace, not sympathy and most Israeli’s (that is, not the stupid ones) realize by now that land for that peace is not the answer. Your contempt is misdirected.

  7. Israeli GOI’s present and past know the score, but are forced by the West to play along and carry on to Israel’s detriment, with the peace process dance macabre.

    Pls. explain how you think the GOI has been forced to do anything. Emphasis on the word forced.

  8. In 1829, John Quincy Adams, the 6th US President, wrote: “The precept of the Koran is perpetual war against all who deny that Mohammad is the prophet of God.”

    John Quincy Adams must have been an islamophobe. Too bad people in power these days are hindered from speaking such truths in our era of political correctness and concern for cultural sensitivities. There was no such inhibitions in the 19th century.

  9. Pro-Israel advocates are not worth a bag of peas. They are drowned out by the numerous voices that are opposed to Israel

  10. The West will be forced to face the Palestinian hatred, if Jews/Israelis are serious about it.
    If the GOI simply refuses to move even an inch before all of their demands about cleaning up the Pal-Arab act.
    No negotiations with PA until all streets are renamed, all school books are cleansed, all support for murderers of Jewish civilians and their families stopped.
    If the Israel PM stands firm on this, then the West WILL hear it.

  11. Arafta’s/Abbas’ authentic ideology being exposed this time is the same as it has always been exposed and promptly ignored by the West intent on pushing a peace process going nowhere, except downhill for Israel. Israeli GOI’s present and past know the score, but are forced by the West to play along and carry on to Israel’s detriment, with the peace process dance macabre.

    Until the West is prepared to confront the reality of Palestinian Jew hatred and dreams for Israel’s destruction, admit that it is this hatred that has been generationally perpetuated in the Palestinian/Arab world that stands in the way of peace and find solutions to eradicate that hatred, there will never be peace, but Israel will continue to be forced to give up pieces of itself, which at some point will expose Israel to a final hate filled Palestinian/Arab/Muslim mortal blow.

    Israel must find a way to state this stark truth in no uncertain terms. Pro-Israel advocates must become far more effective in removing the blinkers of a blinkered West.

  12. I admire our Pal-Arab enemies.
    I wish Jews would have the same resolve as them.
    They never compromise their demand for all of Palestine. By standing firm they gain credibility.
    On the other hand, stupid Jews think that they can gain support and sympathy by compromising their ancestral homeland. They only gain scorn.