“The Geneva Agreement is a defeat for the United States and the West. It fails to uphold even the minimum demand of repeated U.N. Security Council resolutions that Iran must stop enriching uranium. For the next six months, the centrifuges will not be dismantled and will continue to spin, uranium will be enriched, the 20 percent enriched uranium will stay in Iran, and a reactor designed to produce bomb-ready plutonium will remain just months away from completion. Iran will continue its march to nuclear weapons, with perhaps a brief pause in some parts of the program — but it will be a pause that refreshes, since Iran will be rewarded right away with significant sanctions relief, with the additional likelihood that the rest of the sanctions regime will begin to crumble.
“Congress should make clear that it does not support this deal. Congress should make clear that just because the Obama administration seems to have taken all our options off the table, our allies need not follow us down this futile path of accommodating the Iranian regime’s nuclear ambitions. In particular, Congress should make clear the United States will support Israel if Israel decides she must act to prevent a regime dedicated to her destruction from acquiring the means to do so.”
For any questions or media inquiries, please contact ECI’s executive director, Noah Pollak: noah@committeeforisrael.com, 202-600-6220.
This is an historic deal like Munich 1938. I expected nothing else. The Obama administration and Europe want a deal for the sake of a deal. The Iranians had the upper hand knowing the west was desperate for a deal. It’s all about appearances while nothing of substance was accomplished to dismantle Iran’s ability to develop nuclear weapons. Iran will get the bomb. The real purpose of these fake negotiations was to prevent Israel from taking military action. With the illusion that a deal was reached, it makes it that much more difficult politically for Israel to strike Iran without looking like the aggressor undermining “peace” in our time.
Let’s look at the BIG picture. First – Tactics. Getting Congress to support Israel against the President of the US is not good at all.
The US public will not accept this and historically never has accepted this. The Deal Obama has made is bad policy for the US and is not in US interests. This is the argument that should be made.
With regard to US interests: Remember that Iran seized our embassy hostages, was behind the Beirut bombing that killed over 200 US Marines, abuses the human rights of its citizens, supported insurrection that killed US troops in Iraq, supplies arms to enemies in Afghanistan, has been implicated in the Lockerbie Pan Am bombing, in short is a direct enemy of the US. Why let up on Iran when the sanctions regime is now having the desired effects, we get no admissions of wrongdoing and promises to refrain from anti-American activity going forward, and worst of all, the deal leaves their nuclear arms program intact?
But the bigger picture question is WHY THIS DEAL NOW???? The big picture answer – it is to pressure Israel, since there is NOTHING in the deal for the US. From an objective analysis, Obama and this administration has done nothing but strengthen Israel’s enemies. There were hints of linkage between Israeli negotiations with the PA and the Iranian nuclear program. Now, clearly, given Obama’s relations with Turkey and Erdogen, Egypt and Morsi, and now Rouhani and Iran, whom Obama has expressed gratitude to, AND HIS SYMPATHIES WITH THESE political Islamists reveals that this is part of his scheme to squeeze Israel. And he has the Europeans coordinated with this squeeze. There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in this deal that benefits the US. The only purpose of the deal is to embolden Israel’s enemies.
Yes, one might state that the US has had closer ties with Israel under Obama in security agreements and arms deals. Well, this may turn out to be detrimental to Israel and looking at the BIG picture we can see why the US has pretended friendship in order to gain Israeli confidence. What secret Israeli information does the US now have because of closer ties that can be transferred to Israel’s enemies? Will the US warn Iran of an impending Israeli surprise attack? The actions of Obama have been DESIGNED to strengthen Israel’s enemies in the Muslim countries and Europe in order to put pressure on Israel that he, Obama, cannot exert (because of the American public and Congress.) Obama’s modus operendi is to ratchet up external danger to Israel to exert pressure, while sending over another few bullets to Israeli pretending to help with the bigger threats he has created!!!
So now we can see why Kerry stated that Netanyahu is his ‘good friend’ and that Israel will be ‘safe’ with this deal with Iran. What Kerry didn’t state publicly he told Netanyahu privately: Give in to Abbas or else!
So the BIG PICTURE is this: Israel CANNOT depend on the US. Israel cannot depend on the US in its strategy against Iran. The US is using the enemies surrounding Israel and in Europe to put pressure on Israel. The Israeli government needs to guard its secrets from people like Obama, Kerry and Hegel who will WARN Iran of an Israeli strike! Israel needs to plan future strategy keeping in mind the hostility of the Obama administration.
AND THE MEDIA: The US media is in the tank for this deal with Iran and has portrayed Israel as the only stickler holding up a deal that will avert war. This deal will be sold as a great accomplishment for Obama and Kerry & Co. The media cheerleading this deal will give Obama cover for his recent set backs and will portray Israeli objections as a ‘crisis’ of sorts. Obama will be made to appear strong in standing up to the Israeli Lobby. Nowhere will you hear that Obama has abandoned the people in Iran who seek freedom from the Ayatollas’ terror regime.
ISRAEL’S MILITARY OPTION: The BIG PICTURE is this is in deep trouble! Even if Israel would want to strike now, the US will warn Iran and otherwise thwart any Israeli military attempt to strike the Iranian nuclear sites. WHY? First, a successful strike by Israel will undermine Obama strategy to pressure Israel. Second, a successful Israeli strike that devastates Iran will reveal Obama as a weakling and undermine him politically. He does not want to be shown up by a bold leader like Netanyahu. Israeli success on the battlefield against Iran will humiliate Obama! In short, under current circumstances, Israeli action will need to be a ‘surprise’ to both Washington and Iran.