Francisco Gil-White tells me that the inspiration for this article came from a comment Canadian Otter made on Israpundit.
Historical and Investigative Research
by Francisco Gil-White
Hajj Amin al Husseini is the father of the Palestinian Movement. He created PLO/Fatah (now better known as the ‘Palestinian Authority’), the organization that will govern any future Palestinian state. And he was mentor to Yasser Arafat and Mahmoud Abbas, the leaders of that organization. Husseini was also, during World War II, a top Nazi leader who co-directed with Adolf Eichmann the death camp system that murdered between 5 and 6 million European Jews, also known as the Final Solution. These facts are not widely known or understood. Neither has their implication for our understanding of Israeli ruling elite behavior been properly appreciated. We present a short documentary and a discussion.
Table of Contents
? Introduction
? The Video
? Discussion
? Readings relevant to this video
For many years now, almost every day, all over the world, the Arab-Israeli conflict is headline news. And yet most people still don’t know that PLO/Fatah (now better known as the ‘Palestinian Authority’), the organization that will govern any future Palestinian state, was created by a top leader of the German Nazi Final Solution. In other words, the ‘Palestinian state’—to be carved out of strategic territory of the Jewish state—will be governed by the spawn of the man responsible for the Nazi murder of between 5 and 6 million European Jews.
The short documentary below explains PLO/Fatah’s history.
This documentary is now on Vimeo, but it was first uploaded to You Tube. In the first two days, almost with no publicity, the You Tube webpage quickly logged more than 1,500 visits. Then, on the third day, Israelis began reporting that You Tube was not allowing them to access the video.You Tube’s explanation is that when a video is blocked in this manner it can be due to only one of two reasons:
1) the You Tube account-owner placed country restrictions on the video; or else
2) You Tube is complying with local laws
We did not place country restrictions on the video. That leaves us with the second possibility.
But what local laws can You Tube be complying with? To my knowledge, no laws have yet been passed by the Israeli Knesset against the dissemination of historical facts.
Some have speculated that “we are complying with local laws” is a cover for “the Israeli government told us to block it.” Others ask: “But why would the Israeli government even want to block this video?”
Let us consider the following:
1) PLO/Fatah—created by a leader of the Final Solution—was brought inside the Jewish state—created (supposedly) to protect the Jewish people from Final Solutions—because the Israeli government signed the 1993-94 Oslo Accord.
2) But why? In 1982 Menachem Begin had already (essentially) destroyed PLO/Fatah and chased the remnant out of Lebanon to its new base in Tunis. So in 1993-94 the Israeli government was breathing new life into a defeated, moribund PLO/Fatah.
3) In doing so the Israeli government gifted PLO/Fatah with its most important victory: legitimacy on the world stage, and lordship over the Arab Muslims in the strategic ‘disputed territories’ of Judea and Samaria.
4) The Israeli government did all this this without informing ordinary Israelis about the roots of PLO/Fatah in the German Nazi Final Solution. Instead, it legitimized PLO/Fatah’s claim to have abandoned terrorism for ‘peace.’
5) With PLO/Fatah’s entry, terrorism against Israelis immediatelyquintupled, and the security situation worsened for the long term because PLO/Fatah has been indoctrinating the Arab Muslims in the disputed territories into its ecstatic genocidal ideology (not precisely a secret).
6) The Israeli government is still trying to sell the Israeli people—and Jews worldwide—on the idea that a sensible solution to Israel’s security woes is to give the strategic high ground of Judea and Samaria (a.k.a. the ‘West Bank’) to PLO/Fatah.
7) There is a real possibility that the Israeli government will make this strategic territory judenrein (this is a German Nazi term meaning ‘cleansed of Jews’) for PLO/Fatah. They already did it in Gaza.
8) During the long years since the so-called Oslo ‘Peace’ Process began, the Israeli government still hasn’t informed the Israelis about PLO/Fatah’s origins in the German Nazi Final Solution.
But perhaps the most important points are the following:
9) This Oslo ‘Peace’ Process could have been quickly killed in its tracks if, when the US government first began bullying for it, the prime minister of Israel had simply called an international press conference to explain the origins of PLO/Fatah in the German Nazi Final Solution.
10) At any point since 1993-94, by holding such a press conference, the Israeli government could have scored a major propaganda victory in favor of Israeli Jews, and in favor of ejecting PLO/Fatahfrom Israel. But no such press conference has yet been called.
On the basis of the above 10 points one may conclude that, if the information in this video becomes widely known, those running the Israeli government will have some egg on their faces. In fact, this information raises the sharpest questions about them, and about their intentions. Here then is a plausible motive for the Israeli government to block the video: to stop Israelis from asking such questions.
But in fact questions must be asked not merely about the Israeli government (in the narrow bureaucratic sense) but also about the Israeli ruling elitemore broadly. For none of the major politicians who declare themselves opponents of the Oslo ‘Peace’ Process and its ‘Two State Solution’ have educated Israelis about the German Nazi Roots of PLO/Fatah. Why?
The video follows below. And below the video is a discussion about the evidence it presents, and how this evidence has been either ignored or lied about for many years.
Let’s string him [Ross] up? You’d get your boney ass kicked over your shoulders, Quigley. Go back to your anti-Semitic Republic of Ireland. We don’t need your rote-learned lunacy here. How many times must you be told. There is no “we” for you here, Quigley. You’re nothing more than a salesman for your communist, sycophantic screed. Bugger off.
Felix Quigley Said:
evidence please. I am still looking for your evidence or support for this premise. It is an odd premise especially since the US has been supplying arms and training the GCC mercenary jihadis against Assad who is Iran’s ally. Please don’t keep avoiding the question in the same way you keep failing to supply your reasons for why you believe Trotskyism is good for the Jews. Felix Quigley Said:
another absurd statement with no support. This statement could only arise from your strange imagination. evidence please.
Felix Quigley Said:
who is this guy “ross”….I say let’s string him up
Felix Quigley Said:
apparently Ross has become an idealist
(I have never been accused of that.
I am not sure if this is a new reality show called “Quigley Gone Wild” or you are part of the new rock band called “Twisted Knickers”.
Felix Quigley Said:
Ross don’t need no stinkin evidence!!!!!!!!!!! Sugar Pie
Pure nonsense by Ross.
Ross imposes HIs theory onto the situation with NO evidence.
It is pure idealism, straight out of his brain Bishop Berkely style.
According to Ross the talks are aimed not at destroying Israel but at defeating the Fascist Regime in Iran.
I say to Ross that ALL the evidence points to the former. The talks are designed to destroy Israel and in fact the US will encourage Iran and will defend Iran and will help Iran in the defeat of Israel.
Two opposing views.
It is remarkable to me that Ross enters this comment here and he is not taken up on it. Ross is in total and complete opposition to Gil White, the article is about Gil White’s work, yet Ross comes across with this garbage and is not challenged BY ANYBODY ON ISRAPUNDIT
@ M Devolin:
Good to see you back eh? Yamit is fine. He does a lot of posting. He is probably getting some much needed rest because he usally stays up most the night flirting. hahaha
I hear ya about Christians. They can be tougher than Catholics. They shouldn’t worry so much about us ‘heading to hell’. I wonder sometimes where some of them may end up.
Way back when, dove, when I worked in the Kensington Market in Toronto, I told an old Jewish guy whom I talked to every day (he knew I drank a lot at that time; I had just finished boxing) that I was thinking of converting. He replied, “If you convert, I’ll hang myself.” Remembering this still makes me chuckle to this day.
The same friend one day, after I told him I was in a bad mood because I was so hung over, said to me, “Right now you should feel happy.” When I asked him why I should feel happy “right now,” he told me, “Because later you’ll feel worse.” Something else that still makes me laugh to this day.
The first Jewish friend who introduced me to the 7 Noachide Laws was Meir Weinstein, national director of the JDL Canada. I was his personal body-guard at the time. Many Jews to this day do not know about the 7 Laws of Noach. Christians do not know that they can convert to the G-D of the Jews without getting snipped.
Where is Yamit? Haven’t seen him posting. Is he alright?
@ rongrand:
rongrand said – You know like the nuns taught us in Catholic school, its not necessary for you to think you need to convert Jews or other Christians, they already have faith in G-d, besides we don’t have exclusive rights to heaven.
Some feel the need to convert to another religion that can better serve them. In Judaism we do not proseltyze and rather discourage people from considering converting.
Good to see this posted again. Palestinian Nationalism is fake nationalism. Palestinian Nationalism is nothing but an antisemitic Muslim cult bent on the destruction of Israel and the extermination of its Jews.
Sorry I haven’t been posting. I’ve been busier than Michael Jackson at a Boy Scout’s convention. I had no idea Ted was under the weather. Hope he’s well again.
@ dove:
I believe and pray it will be good.
You know like the nuns taught us in Catholic school, its not necessary for you to think you need to convert Jews or other Christians, they already have faith in G-d, besides we don’t have exclusive rights to heaven.
The good nuns of the IHM taught at and graduated from Immaculata.
Be sure to watch the trailer
No problem, rongrand. Thanks for thinking of me.
The Chilling History of How Hollywood Helped Hitler (Exclusive)
@ potofgold:
potofgold said –
but only in the Good Shepherd who comes from the line of David
@ rongrand:
rongrand said – Dove, I know where you are coming from and what you say has validity having said that please recognize there are a lot of folks out there who claim to be Catholics, not practicing Catholics rather Catholics in name only, similar to JINO
I know what you mean. For the past fews at the synagogue I attend there has been a great influx of ex-catholics studying Judaism. Most of them take the plunge and convert.
An American Christian pastor told me the story (I think it was in the Olklahoma area) where an ex catholic converted to Christianity and his family had a mock funeral for him.
It will be interesting to see how your new pope addresses the Jewish nation.
It is indeed of the utmost importance to denounce the roots of the Palestinian movement from its very beginning during the nazi regime, and to divulge the connection between Hitler and the forefather of the movement, al Husseini, called “our hero” by Arafat himself.
Further to the Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act adopted by the USA in January 27, 1998, the purpose of which was to disclose records regarding persons who committed Nazi war crimes, CIA and Army files established, among other things, that al Husseini was well known for his wartime activities to consider him a war criminal.
The goal of the Palestinian movement did not change since that time and the final solution is still on their agenda, as declared recently Abbas without any ambiguity or reservation:
“In a final resolution, we would not see the presence of a single Israeli – civilian or soldier – on our lands” said recently Abbas to reporters in Egypt.
In other others, we will witness a second Judenrein state on the Land of Israel, the first Judenrein state being Jordan until today.
The least that can be said is that the Israeli government does seem concerned about the gravity of the situation.
@ bernard ross:
I am not sure about anything anymore however, Israelis are great for surprises and I hope and pray soon they will announce mission successful.
Not only the importance of the mission but equally important to put the fear in the hearts of her enemies.
rongrand Said:
i suspect it is a cover for the destabilization of Iran and its proxies. The main commitment of the parties is to talk for a minimum 9 months without leaving the table. Nine months is the latest “red line”. this is what I think is going on but not what I am promoting. This is why I think Bennet “doubts” there will be any final agreements, I think he knows rather than doubts. I think this is what the GCC wants in order to recruit jihadis against Iran and proxies without the distraction of Israel.
@ dove:
Dove, I know where you are coming from and what you say has validity having said that please recognize there are a lot of folks out there who claim to be Catholics, not practicing Catholics rather Catholics in name only, similar to JINO.
You may even be familiar with the cafeteria Catholics who pick and choose only what they feel comfortable with.
As far as the hierarchy of the church we have no voice in their selection, they had been infested with some old European fogies and anti-Semites.
Practicing Catholics and our priest and Bishop are too busy in maintaining our parishes and schools and less attention to the Vatican.
I trust our relationship will grow stronger with the help of Pope Francis
@ dove:
Dove, without meaning to be unkind to my Catholic friends, I would have to agree with you. The official Catholic Church and the gang in Rome are some of the worst enemies of the Israeli people. Your true friends are the evangelicals who do not believe that God has replaced you as the “chosen people” and who take the prophecies of Scripture (such as Ezekiel 33-48) quite literally. The evangelicals – informed by a literal interpretation of Scripture – believe that things are going to get worse before they get better for Israel, and they further believe that these same Scriptures warn that unfortunately some of your own people will be traitors to your country. But – things will get better. When the Gog & Magog invasion happens – and nobody comes to your defense (including the USA) – but God, then your people and the rest of the world will know that HaShem has not forsaken you. He is your defense. Most Israelis strike me as being fairly secular: that’s going to change. We evangelicals believe that Elijah is literally going to return, followed by the return of the Messiah himself who will rule & reign from Jerusalem as the clear & undisputed capital of Israel (and of the world, for that matter). Ezekiel 34 warns about the so-called shepherds of your nation who will not lead your people to peace. May they not place their hope in these men and their concocted “peace treaties,” but only in the Good Shepherd who comes from the line of David.
@ rongrand:
rongrand said By the way Dove, please we Catholic don’t believe that Jews are Christ killers, Messiah rejectors the anti-Semites and liberal left media wants you to believe it.
The majority of Catholics support Israel and the Jewish rights to the Holy Land.
@ M Devolin:
Missed you, sorry
@ dove:
@ yamit82:
@ simba11:
@ Canadian Otter:
@ NormanF:
Now folks this revelation is not so surprising as it is more scary.
Good grief, the devil never rests.
Why put on a false front and partake in phony peace talks.
If there were ever a reason to remove the Pals from Israel it doesn’t get better than this.
Above all please tell the leadership “No more giving up land”.
By the way Dove, please we Catholic don’t believe
the anti-Semites and liberal left media wants you to believe it.
The majority of Catholics support Israel and the Jewish rights to the Holy Land.
I’ve never read before that Husseini “co-directed with Eichmann the death camp system.” This is news to me.
Our deepest thanks to Prof. Francisco Gil-White for this and other studies exposing the Nazi ideology of the so-called Palestinian movement. And also, very importantly, for mentioning the participation of Israeli leaders in this conspiracy to deprive Jews of their land in the name of ‘peace’.
And thank you Ted for continuing to post columns on the subject. It will take a lot of repeated efforts to make Israelis realize that their ‘partners for peace’ are actually long-time Nazis who openly tell the world that their ultimate goal is the destruction of Israel and the Jews. Perhaps it’s time to confront ‘Zionist’ leaders and ask them why their silence in this matter.
al-Husseini did not create the PLO/Fatah but an Arab political Movement to try to upset and prevent the renewal of the Jewish Nation in Palestine. There was never a people, a nation, a race, a specific, distinct ethnic group of people called Palestinians. The PLO was created during the 1960s. as was the fraudulent invention of a previously unknown Palestinians identity to serve their fake narrative.
dove Said:
Parashat Balak –
The heirs to the Nazi Mufti.
They are serious in demanding a judenrein “Palestine.”
In the face of their anti-Semitic tirade, Israel’s leaders say nothing.
continued from last comment…..
Hashems chosen people so their standard is not quite as high as ours but that does not mean that they will not be held into account of past and current transgressions. It is overdue.
This has been posted here before – perhaps not the same article but same principals. It’s good to see it again. Repetition is sometimes helpful. All these goons want to do is save face. The Jewish G-d has seemed to disappear from the Jewish people so this is what they are banking on – that they can call the shots. They really believe that it is justified because of their false accusations – that Jews are Christ killers, Messiah rejectors etc. Contrary to how harsh we can be on each other I think the catholic church has some serious issues to deal with since they now hold the ‘golden calf’. Now of coarse catholics are not