The Nazis and the Arabs of Palestine: the Untold (yet Documented) connection

August 15, 2024 | 2 Comments »

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  1. The prevous email should have stated that: “…The Mufti was a key AUTHOR of the Final Solution.” I’m sorry I neglected to see that the word AUTHOR was missing.

  2. Ths is – in my opinion – THE crucial connection. My understanding is that the British – with the support of the League- betrayed the international legal committments of the Mandate and other documents which demanded help for Jewish immigration ONLY. Instead they encouraged massive illegal Arab migration, Arab violence and the lie of Arab indigineity. ON THE BASIS of these three phenomena – they blocked Jewish immigration BEFORE, DURING and AFTER the HOLOCAUST. Initially the Nazis wanted for the Jews to get out. When the Jews were denied refuge elsewhere, millions should have been saved through refuge in their ancestral Homeland – sole Jewish sovereighty rights having been recognized and enshrined in international law, decades before. At the same time the Mufti was working closely with the Nazis – according to the taped interview (in the almost never seen documentary: “Among Blind Fools” of Rabbi Weissmandle’s group – the Mufti was
    a key of the “Final Solution!” The Mufti organized 30,000 (please correct if that is the wrong number) Muslims to guard the trains to the death camp to ensure that no Jews escaped. The Mufti was involved in other ways with the Nazis to try to ensure Jewish extremination.
    Therefore the current occupation blood land libel where these Arabs claim land rights is ONLY and SIMPLY the continuation of the Holociaust. The two-state final solution is the continuation of the Arab-Nazi Jihad.