The Myth of MAGA Isolationism

June 27, 2024 | 28 Comments »

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28 Comments / 28 Comments

  1. You can follow him on X. As for listening to him, he often appears on talk radio, FOX and Newsmax as a guest. I’m not aware if he has his own podcast or anything like that. But if you follow him on X, he will announce his various appearances.

    Laura, you say we should listen to Gordon Chang, but you fail to say where we can listen to Mr. Chang. You have a way of doing this. You ask us to read what someone has said and/or written, but fail to say where on the www we can find his/her words to which you refer. If you want us to listen to Gordon Chang, please inform us where, on what site, we can do that. Please understand the work you are doing, including your comments on Israpundit.

  2. We didn’t “set up” labs in Ukraine, the labs in Ukraine were already existing old Soviet labs. Kremlin talking points again.

    Notably, the same claim as Chang imagines here is being made against the US in their documented collection of specifically Russian and Slavic biological samples in Ukraine and Georgia in the innumerable labs setup by the US across those nations.

  3. I can’t stand Bannon and I’m not surprised he’d be attacking Israel. Yes Israel is different than all of the others. Israel isn’t bilking America, it’s fighting a war for its survival and if not for Biden’s policies in the Middle East, it’s a war which would not have been necessary in the first place. Israel has been forced into this war and needs weapons, what are they supposed to do? As I said, if anything, it’s the Biden administration taking advantage of Israel by holding up weapons to force Israel to bend to its will. Fuck Steve Bannon, the slob. It’s outrageous that we’ve made it so that Israel is dependent on American weaponry, then when they need the weapons, scumbags like Bannon accuse Israel of “bilking” and “taking advantage” of America, when its actually the other way around. Once again, this administration’s policies FORCED a war on Israel, its people are fighting and dying, but now far left and far right kooks have the audacity to accuse Israel of bilking us.

    Some people on the “Right”, like Steve Bannon & Co., have lumped Israel in with all the others who ludicrously bilk the American workers:

  4. HI, Adam

    All ai know about Bill Browder and his generations, besides his pro-Ukraine and anti-Trump interviews on Time Radio, is in the Wikipedia article. He’s an articulate, talented swamp creature — and a disappointment to me.

  5. Bill Browder’s grandfather, not his father, was Earl Browder, who was the General Secretary of the U.S. Communist party from 1933 to 1945. In 1945, athe yearly convention of the U.S. Communist Party ousted him as their leader when he refused to tow the line dictated by the Soviet Union and launch a campaign against :American capitalism.” Throughout his tenure of office, he had always claimed that “Comunism is twentieth century Americanism.” Apparently he believed his own propaganda on this point. Be that as it may, some Russian former Soviet apparatchiks during the early year’s of Putin’s regime remembered Earl, and that gave Bill Browder an “in” during the early years of Putin’s presidency. He proceeded to exploit this “in” to make a fortune as one of the few American businessmen permitted to own shares in Russian corporations. However, when the Russian governmen ttried to collect all the back taxes he owed after many years of reaping profits in Russia, he fled the country, leaving his lawyer holding the bag. According to Browder, his lawyer, who was named Magnitsky or something that sounds like that, was imprisoned, totured in jail, and died there. He managed to persuade the U.S. Congress, after testifiying before Congressional comittees, to enact a law sanctioning a number of Russian banks, other institutions, and government officials and others whom he linked to the imprisonment of his Russian lawyer.

    More recently, Browder somehow managed to acquire British citizenship, despite athe absence of any previous connection to that country, as was knighted by the late Queen Elizabeth herself, becoming “Sir Bill Browder.” I guess he will go back to live on his luxurious Texas estate, British knighthood and all, even though it is illegal for an American citizen to accept a foreign title of nobility. Forbidden specifically in the U.S.constitution, in its earliest, pre-amended draft passed by the constitutional convention of 1787, no less. What a guy.

  6. Laura, you say we should listen to Gordon Chang, but you fail to say where we can listen to Mr. Chang. You have a way of doing this. You ask us to read what someone has said and/or written, but fail to say where on the www we can find his/her words to which you refer. If you want us to listen to Gordon Chang, please inform us where, on what site, we can do that. Please understand the work you are doing, including your comments on Israpundit.

  7. Hi, Peloni

    I mentioned Bill Browder in a previous post. He’s an interesting character:

    From 1995 to 2006, Hermitage Capital Management was one of the largest foreign investors in Russia,[30] and Browder amassed millions through his management of the fund. In both 2006 and 2007, he earned an estimated £125–150 million.[31]

    In March 2013, HSBC, a bank that serves as the trustee and manager of Hermitage Capital Management, announced that it would end the fund’s operations in Russia. The decision was taken amid two legal cases against Browder: a libel court case in London and a trial in absentia for tax evasion in Moscow.[32]

    In June 2018, HSBC reached a settlement with the Russian government to pay a £17 million fine to Russian authorities for its part in alleged tax avoidance.[33][34]
    Conflict with Russian government

    In 2005, after ten years of business deals in Russia, Browder was blacklisted by the Russian government as a “threat to national security” and denied entry to the country. The Economist wrote that the Russian government blacklisted Browder because he interfered with the flow of money to “corrupt bureaucrats and their businessmen accomplices”. Browder had earlier supported Russian president Vladimir Putin.[35]

    This conflict appears to have nothing to do with anything anyone has said about it — including, seemingly, you. Russian history has nothing to do with it. “Denazification” has nothing to do with it. It’s Mob Struggle at the highest level, all about getting unbelievably rich and rubbing out your competitors.

    Browder was born a US citizen, the grandson of a Russian Communist. Back in the US, Browder’s father came under fire from the McCarthyites. In the late 1990’s, when he was a friend of Putin, Browder amassed up to US$150 million, after which he was apparently outmaneuvered as a criminal by Putin. Now he’s in tight with the Globalists and Anti-Putin, and he appears to want Trump to stay out of the picture.

  8. @Laura

    Read and listen to Gordon Chang.

    Gordan Chang is a Chinese dissident, and while I have a great deal of respect for him, his unsupported commentary here is easily disputable, and requires validation. Failing such facts as do not exist to support his hyperbole, it should be noted that such fables sold as science are recklessly damaging to the facts which already exist in implicating China in purposefully spreading the China virus far and wide beyond China’s borders.

    Also, do recall that, to the degree to which this assertion has been made about China, it has also been made about Askenazi Jews based on the notion that the China virus is slightly less complementary to the ACE2 receptors of certain races. This however is an academic claim which has in no way been demonstrated to have any support in any epidemiological study to date.

    Notably, the same claim as Chang imagines here is being made against the US in their documented collection of specifically Russian and Slavic biological samples in Ukraine and Georgia in the innumerable labs setup by the US across those nations.

    No doubt, the villains working behind such bioweapons programs as exist in all the great powers of the world would find it to be a nice party trick to simply develop a Caucasian poison, but biology is more complicated than were passing the Jim Crow laws.

  9. @Michael
    Good comments.

    the Ukrainian allies, namely Ukraine War Room, Denys Davydov and Bill Browder, have routinely attacked President Trump

    Yes, well, Trump has a history with Ukraine going back to when he was president. The bag man for Ukraine, Victor Pinchuk, was spreading money all around Washington in 2018, and tried to gain Trump’s ear. Trump shut him down and ordered that his cabinet not accept any donations from him. The reason for this was that Pinchuk made a $150K donation to the Trump foundation back in 2015, and this was used by the Mueller probe as they tried to tie the Manafort scandal back to Trump thru that donation. Also, Trump opposed the Ukraine arms funding in the 2018 Omnibus bill as well, but signed it to get the military spending needed to repair the delapidated state of the army. So Pinchuk focused his donations on those Never Trumpers and Dems.

    Aside from this ancient history, Ukraine’s leadership is not ready to stop fighting. This was true back in 2019 after Zel was first elected, and it likely remains more true today then it was back then.

    So the anti-Trump rhetoric among the Ukrainian milbloggers should not surprise anyone. Of course, I am sure you are aware of most of this already.

  10. Hi, Laura. You said,

    I disagree that Israel is taking advantage of America in any way.

    I did say,

    just upset because they (Carlson and Owens) treat Israel just like every other nation that wants to take advantage of us?

    Actually, that remark doesn’t have much to say about Israel’s actions; It concerns a possible reason for Peloni’s apparent distaste for Carlson and Owens; and secondarily, how the latter two treat Israel as though it were similar to every other nation (which DO seem to universally take advantage of the US).

    Some people on the “Right”, like Steve Bannon & Co., have lumped Israel in with all the others who ludicrously bilk the American workers: our NATO partners, the UN and all its agencies, the WTO, multinational investors like Vanguard, State Street and Blackrock, the Joe & Hunter Bidens of the world, our own Treasury (the fox that keeps the henhouse), the leaders and cartels of Latin America… Who isn’t in on the “Great Grab”? Is Israel any different from the rest? God knows.

  11. Hi, Peloni. You said,

    Trump personifies the movement


    Trump, whether Carlson or Owens or anyone else likes it, is very much an internationalist with an America First agenda.

    Hang all the labels. Trump is basically an honest man. That’s good enough for me. I would not like to see Carlson or Owens on the ballot. Elon Musk Might be OK, but that’s another story.

    Trump will not carry Ukraine’s water for them

    I seriously doubt that he will, especially after the Ukrainian allies, namely Ukraine War Room, Denys Davydov and Bill Browder, have routinely attacked President Trump

    whether isolationists such as Owens or Carlson or globalists such as Schwabb and Soros like these facts,

    What they think, or what people say about them, or even whether they are “globalists”, doesn’t make much never-mind to me.

  12. Read and listen to Gordon Chang. China is working on such ethnically targeted viruses. Covid may have been a failed experiment but that doesn’t discount the fact that they are trying.

    I rarely disagree with Laura, but I have to disagree with her about this one. The viruses created by by China’s laboratories attacked the Chinese people just as badly as any of those of any other country. THey were not directed at any specific ethnic group but at the human species as a whole. And there were American physicians and laboratories in this process of creating these anti-humanity viruses’ Apparently reflecting a widespread belief among some some physicians and government agencies concerned with “public health” population increase throughout the world had to be stopped or slowed down or even reversed to prevent a “climate change” crisis.

  13. I agree with this.

    It is irrellevant if you believe this or I don’t. The simple reality is that Trump will not support Ukraine in its fraternal war against Russia, just as he will not tolerate Russia making any agressive moves in Europe, should Europe pay and arm themselves as they are committed to do. Putin will not tempt fate with Trump at the helm,

  14. @Laura

    It’s real, just listen to Putin’s own words.

    It is irrellevant if you believe this or I don’t. The simple reality is that Trump will not support Ukraine in its fraternal war against Russia, just as he will not tolerate Russia making any agressive moves in Europe, should Europe pay and arm themselves as they are committed to do. Putin will not tempt fate with Trump at the helm, and never would have done so with Biden if there had been any negotiable path forward, but there wasn’t. So when Trump wins in November (hopefully), the war will end, Ukraine will be rumped, and Russia will be contained, even if their containment is mutually agreeable.

    It is just that simple.

    I favor arming Ukraine and statehood for the Kurds.

    Sadly enough, the Kurds have no chance at statehood which they can not win for themselves, which means they have no chance of statehood. I wish it were otherwise.

  15. I agree completely with Laura about arming Ukraine, statehood for the Kurds, and kicking Turkey out of NATO if a way can be found for doing this. Unfortunately, the NATO charter doesn’t include any provision for expelling a member. There is no question that Turkey is guilty of war crimes against the Kurds. Also, in earlier generations, genocide against Armenians, Greeks, Bulgarians,Turkish-speaking members of the Greek Orthodox church (Turks in all things but religion). My grandfather told my father that he and his relatives all fled Turkey for the United States in 1908, and the “Committe for Union and Progress” seized power from the sultan in 1908, because the Committee regime also discriminated against and harassed Turkish Jews. What lovely people!

  16. I rarely disagree with Laura, but I have to disagree with her about this one. The viruses created by by China’s laboratories attacked the Chinese people just as badly as any of those of any other country. THey were not directed at any specific ethnic group but at the human species as a whole. And there were American physicians and laboratories in this process of creating these anti-humanity viruses’ Apparently reflecting a widespread belief among some some physicians and government agencies concerned with “public health” population increase throughout the world had to be stopped or slowed down or even reversed to prevent a “climate change” crisis.

    As for nuking Beiging, that would precipitate a nuclear world war in which there would be very few survivors in any country, including the United States. Not a good idea.

  17. I also favor nuking Beijing since it’s waging a covert war against us including trying to create ethnic virus’s that make the Chinese immune. So, China is literally planning on global genocide. I think that more than justifies using nuclear weapons preemptively against China. Unfortunately, we don’t have the political will to do so. The west would rather commit suicide than actually confront china and muslims. But the reality is that its either us or them. Will America gather the courage, fortitude and toughness to destroy muslims and china before either destroys us?

  18. I favor arming Ukraine and statehood for the Kurds. Turkey should be kicked the hell out of NATO.

    The basic reality is that Trump personifies the movement and is the force which determines what changes the movement will bring into effect, both in the US and abroad. And Trump, whether Carlson or Owens or anyone else likes it, is very much an internationalist with an America First agenda. Hence MAGA is an America First internationalist movement. This is why he opposed arming Ukraine, abandoned the Kurds, and why he supported Israel.

    It’s real, just listen to Putin’s own words.

    Meanwhile, America under Trump will remain as a deterrence against any Russian expansionist goals which many such as yourself have deluded themselves into believing is real.

  19. I’m not among those who complain about America. I am American.

    I disagree that Israel is taking advantage of America in any way. Rather it’s clear that the Biden regime at least is taking advantage of Israel at a time when its fighting for its survival and using this urgent time in Israel to blackmail it by holding back weapons until Israel bends to its will. Israel is about the only American ally that actually fights its own battles without American boots on the ground. Israelis are fighting and dying on the front lines of a global jihad, which means its less likely that America will have to be fighting if Israel wins. You’re way out of line on this one Michael to be accusing Israel of taking advantage of America while their people are dying and fleeing their homes in the North from hezbollah rockets and still have hostages in Gaza all largely due to American policies under the Biden regime, like lifting Iranian sanctions and directly funding the PA and funding hamas through UNRWA. Israel would have every reason to be angry with the American government for all of those reasons. Candace Owens is an antisemite and far from treating Israel like any other nation, she and fucker carlson push outrageous lies and blood libels. If you feel this way about Israel and you’re an isolationist, why are you even here? There are those such as yourself who are arrogant and shortsighted into believing America doesn’t need allies and we can go it alone. Those attacking our allies are coming for us.

    As for the people on Israpundit (yes, even the Jews) who complain continually about America, let me not be a hindrance to you while you leave.

    BTW Peloni, need I mention, that Owens and Carlson have almost identical views with you concerning Russia and Ukraine? Are you against their being “isolationist”? or just upset because they treat Israel just like every other nation that wants to take advantage of us?

  20. @Michael
    The isolationists do not speak for Trump any more than the RINOs or Globalists do. Only Trump speaks for Trump, and he is emphatically opposed to any antisemitic or isolationist tomfoolery as espoused by both Carlson and Owens.

    Every talking-head has their own spin on what MAGA is and is not, and both Carlson and Owens do so as if the movement were their own to fashion, which thankfully it very much is not.

    The basic reality is that Trump personifies the movement and is the force which determines what changes the movement will bring into effect, both in the US and abroad. And Trump, whether Carlson or Owens or anyone else likes it, is very much an internationalist with an America First agenda. Hence MAGA is an America First internationalist movement. This is why he opposed arming Ukraine, abandoned the Kurds, and why he supported Israel.

    Trump’s definition of an ally is a nation which can and will advance US interests while doing so independently with minimal support from the US, which will be provided at a profit for the US. Think of it as a US franchise system whereby all the franchise owners are themselves aligned with US interests and capable of maintaining US interests in their own regions. Ukraine was never so aligned nor so capable as to fill this role, nor were the Kurds, whereas Israel clearly is.

    Notably, Trump will not carry Ukraine’s water for them, which the US has been doing since it overthrew the Ukrainian govt back in 2014, as Ukraine has had whole armies dissolve under its inept attempt to, first crush the ethnic Russians, and then to regime change Russia. Neither of these goals are of interest to Trump, any more than creating a new nation of Kurdistan was, and he will not support a war to achieve any of them. Meanwhile, America under Trump will remain as a deterrence against any Russian expansionist goals which many such as yourself have deluded themselves into believing is real. Regardless of whether such thoughts are valid, you say yes while I say no, this is a goal which Trump will oppose, but only to the extent that Europe acts, financially and militarily, to support its own opposition to such a regional threat. Also, this will require Europe to act in support of American interests rather than America acting in support of European interests. And this means no regime change in Russia,

    The relationship with Israel is very different from that of Ukraine. Iran, as opposed to Russia, stands as an existential threat to the West, and to America specifically, and Israel stands as the vangard force in opposing Iran’s growing power to bring those threats to the West and to America. This is why a successful, strong and regionally dominant Israel was an essential component of the Trump foreign policy, and no other regional player fill the role of acting on behalf of America as it acts on behalf of itself as Israel does. This and the popular support between the US and Israel, is the defining difference which places Ukraine and the Kurds on the losing side of Trump’s foreign policy agenda, while Israel does the opposite.

    So whether isolationists such as Owens or Carlson or globalists such as Schwabb and Soros like these facts, they do represent the vision pursued by the Trump doctrine, so to speak, and as a result, they represent the MAGA agenda which will most likely be pursued further under another Trump presidency, should we all be so fortunate enough to see such an undertaking take place.

  21. Peloni,

    I just did some lookups on Carlson and Owens. Ladies first:

    1. Owens was criticized for this statement:

    ““Obviously Ukraine wasn’t a thing until 1989,” Ms Owens argued in the footage, shared by MediaMatters on Wednesday. “Ukraine was created by the Russians. They speak Russian.”

    Carlson’s latest was:

    “Carlson’s advocacy of the Kremlin’s positions is so consistent that when US Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell condemned Republican Party members spreading Russian disinformation to obstruct aid to Kyiv, he singled out Carlson as the chief media figure “demonizing” Ukraine to support Putin’s war.”

    I don’t know how these views represent MAGA sentiments. I don’t think they represent mine.

    Concerning, I think Owens and Carlson are both in the dark. I don’t know how much they represent MAGA here either. Owens is a convert to Catholicism (and its “LIberation Theology” Jesuit pope; and Carlson claims to be an Episcopalian (a pretty “Woke” outfit). I keep hearing that MAGA is “Evangelical” (which is to say, “Darbyist”). US Jews are mostly Deep State globalists.

    Choose your poison. I agree with you, that Carlson’s and Owen’s commentss should be treated as their own personal opinions. I had no idea they’ve gotten so far afield. Like you (I believe), I’m voting for Trump. I have a MAGA hat, and a red “NEVER SURRENDER” hat. That’s my politics. I don’t care what others think about it.

  22. I think it’s odd, that, with half my family living in China, and over 10 million invading my country from all over the year I should be grouped with the “isolationists”. This must be a “Jewish” thing of something. For the record, I think everyone else’s business is everyone else’s business — until it becomes mine, usually without my having been first consulted in the matter.. Call it whatever you want.

    Instead of pointing fingers at MAGA people (Yes, Owens and Carlson are as MAGA as they come), how about asking all those Russians, Ukrainians, Afghanis, Vietnamese, Palestinians, Venezuelans, Salvadorians, Mexicans, Chinese, etc. to explain why they think we should be spending our lives, our treasure and our sacred honor to care for THEM while we neglect our own.

    As for the people on Israpundit (yes, even the Jews) who complain continually about America, let me not be a hindrance to you while you leave.

    BTW Peloni, need I mention, that Owens and Carlson have almost identical views with you concerning Russia and Ukraine? Are you against their being “isolationist”? or just upset because they treat Israel just like every other nation that wants to take advantage of us?

    I don’t know what you want. You seem to want to live in America, while sitting on a high horse and judging us. When Israel starts giving a “birthright” to American goyim (not that I would want it, but it would be a nice gesture), the way we give a “birthright” to all our enemies here, you might have something to say. OItherwise, shut up about it.

  23. @Laura

    The isolationists have an outsized voice because of social media.

    They also have a few sizeable personalities, Carlson and Owens, to name the most obvious. They don’t speak for MAGA, and they don’t speak for Trump, but they pretend that they do, adding to the comfort level of their allies on Social Media to present their views as being more than just their views.