To watch the course on YouTube, CLICK HERE.
About the Course
Have you ever asked yourself why, despite more than ten years of efforts –involving, among other things, the loss of thousands of lives in wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, well-over a trillion dollars spent, countless man-years wasted waiting in airport security lines and endless efforts to ensure that no offense is given to seemingly permanently aggrieved Muslim activists – are we no closer to victory in the so-called “war on terror” than we were on 9/11?
Thankfully, we have been able to kill some dangerous bad guys. The sad truth of the matter is that, by almost any other measure, the prospect of victory is becoming more remote by the day. And no one seems able to explain the reason.
In an effort to provide the missing answer, on April 24, the Center for Security Policy is making available via the Internet a new, free ten-part video course called “The Muslim Brotherhood in America: The Enemy Within.” This course connects the proverbial dots, drawing on a wealth of publicly available data and first-hand accounts to present a picture that has, for over a decade, been obscured, denied and suppressed:
America faces in addition to the threat of violent jihad another, even more toxic danger – a stealthy and pre-violent form of warfare aimed at destroying our constitutional form of democratic government and free society. The Muslim Brotherhood is the prime-mover behind this seditious campaign, which it calls “civilization jihad.”
To watch the course on YouTube, CLICK HERE.
For those who wish to be teachers, yes- to have education you need civilization but.. again… if you fight civilly, you will lose your civilization. So decide-,when you enter the battlefield, do you want to educate your enemy or defeat them?
Fighting the smile that is Islamic terrorism-
Ilhan Omar and the Three Muskateers – This is what we’re up against- calling a spade a spade: Using our civilization as a weapon against us so, we too, can’t play dirty. Answer, double down and make sure to play even dirtier. Remember, the worst thing that can happen to a fighter is to become civilized They would use our legal system to protect them in their effort to undermine it and out civilization to disarm us against fighting it. It’s a Cold War -only this one could be won before we’re even aware we’re in it.
The Islamists are using the promise socialistic paradise to get elected as Democrats to Congress with a side of hostile takeover for the purpose of stealth jihadi purposes of replacing, with Sharia law, the Democratic Common law we’ve lived under the umbrella of our Constitution the nation was founded on and they “ostensibly took an oath of office for to defend against all enemies, foreign and domestic”. The three musketeers that just got elected should be a warning to everybody- there’s no reason to believe they can’t be re-elected consistently in their current Congressional districts. Add a few more on every two years and before you know it they have a considerable voting block that will ostensibly be fighting for “America’s” socialism and social justice duping (maybe not)their constituents but really gaining the power, through sheer numbers, to implement the true agenda to undermine that very Constitution and dismantle the country’s check and balances thus allowing, using what in psychoanalytic circles would be referred to as the power tactics of Jesus Christ to gain hold of the masses, get their votes permanently and, then demographically push and perhaps pass congressional legislation liberalizing the courts to allow for the consideration, or steady infiltration, of Sharia Law in what would be classic “the foot in the door technique” of slowing manipulating and seizing control decreasing the constitutionality of the courts with more and more Sharia acceptance and personalization in the courts until Constitutional law is considered outdated, no longer progressive enough or possibly just not sacred or even relevant anymore and nobody will know what happened. Keith Ellison (and this is the point of this comment re:this article) said that Judge Gorsusch was just doing what his “paymasters” told him- an example of the foot in the door method where here he tries to delegitimize a storied federal court judge, chipping away at our constitution by trying to make us question Gorsudch himself too, a staunch symbol if nothing else of the constitutionality of America, by the random, simple name-calling accusatory notion that he, like Jewish Congressmen and apparently Americans in general who Omar claims inherently must have dual loyalties to the State of Israel, cannot think for themselves and need people like Muslim-Brotherhood affiliated congressmen like Keith Ellison and now Ilhan Omar to straighten them out because Gorsusch’s law school was a sham and most Americans wake everyday defending Israel and really don’t care much about their own freedoms or free speech in America. If ever an example of what should be the penultimate example of “the pot calling the kettle black”-this is it. Nothing like what I call “Smiling in the service of Jihad”(Capital J- because they mean it). You’ll be caught in a trap where you can argue your case for the right of freedom of speech or expression to draw cartons certain Muslims find offensive to a lot easier than fighing the subliminal use of our very freedoms to undermine and supplant them (slowly, but surely, with Sharia compliance) You’ll be defensiveless and ultimately defeated because you won’t know what happened or what hit you until it’s too late. Maybe someone(and I don’t mean maybe) should ask Omar whether all Muslims in America have inherent dual loyalty to nationless jihad and Sharia Law (because their Koran says so) and therefore need to recuse themselves from the American political process.
Fighting the smile that is Islamic terrorism-
Ilhan Omar and the Three Muskateers – This is what we’re up against- calling a spade a spade: Using our civilization as a weapon against us so, we too, can’t play dirty. Answer, double down and make sure to play even dirtier. Remember, the worst thing that can happen to a fighter is to become civilized They would use our legal system to protect them in their effort to undermine it and out civilization to disarm us against fighting it. It’s a Cold War -only this one could be won before we’re even aware we’re in it.
If you fight civilly, you’ll lose your civilization..