The Middle East Long–War

Israel defending itself may save Western Civilization, despite the west’s disposition to whither.

By Mordechai Ben-Menachem,  7 October 2024;

On 7 October 2023, Hamas unleashed a well-planned and coordinated attack, launching 4,300 rockets in a day to divert Israel’s defence establishment from a multi-pronged ground assault on Israeli territory, with a resultant massacre of over 1,200 Israeli and international civilians; in addition to military personnel killed, including rape of women and slaughter of children, directed by Iran.

Most of these women and children were then subsequently butchered.

On 7 October 2024, Hamas fired 4 rockets, all intercepted by Israel’s Iron Dome.  While 4 rockets is already 4 too many, the contrast displays the shift in the Gaza ‘section’ of this war, over the past year.

Israel has been at continuous war since its 1948 founding, while recently implementing peace routes with several Arab states, tensions remain, mostly from mislabelling the non-Jewish population as ‘natives’ despite most of them have not been so historically.  In Israel’s present war-for-survival against its genocidal enemy, Gaza is one of seven active fronts; all managed by the usurpers of Tehran.

In the Lebanon ‘section’ of this Long-War, Hezbollah, Iran’s primary “armour” was destroyed in days, its command structure and its man-power.  This includes eradication of all significant leadership, from Nasrallah down almost the entire chain-of-command – beckoning a significant Middle East Geopolitical turning-point.

Hezbollah’s decimation, Iran’s prevailing stooge, changes the Middle East; weakening Iran and shifting power dynamics.  This was strategic, not tactical.

Israel’s success presages a realignment of both relationships and, perhaps more importantly, accepted security frameworks.  Hezbollah is confronting confusion; Nasrallah’s replacement was killed within a day, and his replacement, within hours.  Is this shift regional or global?

Israel is acting to capitalize on Hamas’ and Hezbollah’s vulnerability (the Houthis also appear to have been seriously compromised).

This situation strongly impacts Israel’s standing, at least regional and perhaps global.  The UN, no friend of Israel, projects that by the end of this century, Turkey’s labour force will drop 50% and Iran’s by 40% while Israel’s will double.  Israel’s per capita GDP is already five times that if Turkey.  Israel’s new-earned status opens the door that Iran tied hard to shut, to more public ties with Saudi Arabia.  In addition, more than anything else, Israel has declared and exposed that it is not a ‘vassal state’ of the United States, neither diplomatically nor in weapons.

The most optimistic Turkish and Iranian projections show extremely low fertility rates.  Israel is the world’s only industrial country with a positive fertility rate.

In parallel, Israel is acting to limit Qatar’s influence, particularly after them spending billions of dollars to buy European members of Parliament and US universities.

Israel Defends Western Civilization

What Israel has done for its own defence ranks as one of the most important contributions to Western civilization in the past four centuries, enhancing security of all.

Biden/Harris equivocation should cause Americans shame; but also they should feel profound civilizational fear.  Western civilization is in the greatest danger since the 1683 Ottoman incursion towards Vienna.

After absorbing a devastating attack, Israel in the first 12 months of this war, has redrawn the global security balance – not regional, global.

Israel has:

  •  eliminated thousands of terrorists committed to a theocratic regime that has taken innumerable lives across the world for decades.
    with extraordinary tactical accuracy, transmuted masterminds of the worst evil on the planet, including Hassan Nasrallah.
  • repelled the heretofore-thought inexorable advance of one of the world’s most terrifying autocracies, the Islamic Republic of Iran.
  • demonstrated to all the West’s foes, including Moscow and Beijing, that the West’s free markets concept, generates resources and a well-educated, strongly-motivated population (including as symbolized by Israeli positive female fertility) can prevail over numerical superiority.
  • Above all, it has provided an unexpected but crucial reminder to our enemies that there are at least some who are willing and able to pursue and defeat them, whatever the risk.

The only appropriate responses to Israel’s gallantry, fortitude and skill from its nominal allies, especially the U.S.—are “thank you” and “how can we help?”  Several European countries now openly discuss embargoes against Israel for its effrontery of winning.

Time and again Israel’s supposed friends, including the present US maladministration, have expressed “sympathy over the outrage of October 7” while repeatedly uttering the dishonest platitude of “Israel’s right to defend itself” – and yet, continuous attempts to restrain it from doing so.  They continue to connive with anti-Israel extremists in their party.

Before Israel had buried its 7 October dead, and while Hamas was murdering its hostages, America and Europe called for Israel to cease fire (but not Hamas).  Continually, we hear their “balanced condemnations;” knowingly committing a false equivalence of Western society moral decay.  Europe went further, rewarding Hamas and Hezbollah by nominally recognizing a non-existent Palestinian state, while prosecuting Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu; the historically-usual European/Christian insolence, judging Jews differently from anyone else.

Israel is prevailing despite the historical chorus of hecklers.

It is blatantly untrue that there has been a loss of innocent lives in Gaza!  Given Iran’s stated genocidal objective and its unswerving efforts to achieve it, Europe’s perfidy against their own indigenous population remains constant.

At this point in time and in this war, one may observe that the strategic, tactical, intelligence and technological genius proven by Israel has so damaged Iran’s proxy armies and their military and political leaders that they will be ill-prepared and equipped for the bigger struggle to come, and Israel— let’s hope, reliable allies—better placed to defeat its enemies.

Perhaps Iran’s usurping cabal will be deterred; do not hold your breath.  Defeat of Iran and its stooges is clearly achievable.

Never in the field of human conflict has so much been owed by so many to so few,” Winston Churchill said of the UK Air Force upon resisting Hitler’s Luftwaffe in the Battle of Britain – interesting, except the ones that need to be thankful are those who have historically been most hateful.

It will be interesting to perceive whether they will ever be capable of learning, even for their own survival.


October 9, 2024 | Comments »

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