The ‘Massacre’ Coming to Judea and Samaria

The Caroline Glick Show In-Focus

November 7, 2023 | 5 Comments »

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  1. @stevenl, ketzel2 Well, around here, I’m fairly certain I’d have to say, “Judea and Samaria, illegally mislabeled . the West Bank” or words to that effect for these loudmouth liberal know it alls to know where I was even talking about. They don’t know anything they haven’t seen on tv or in the NY Slimes. And only soundbites, at that. Ever tried to get one of them to read anything longer than a catchy meme? They think in platitudes. They’re just sooo stupid.

  2. @stevenl I used to wonder the same thing, but after intensively watching Israeli tv on youtube this past month, I’ve learned that Israeli liberals deliberately use the terms West Bank and even “settler” because they don’t want to associate with déclassé extremists (actual Zionists). Respectability is more important than honesty.

  3. Why is it so difficult for Israelis to ban the term, WestBank, which perpetuates the historically false western/Arabic narrative, and to impose the use of Judea & Samaria!!!
    The leftist ideologues have NO problem banning words, ideas or fabricating false narratives at their own conveniences!
    I am NOT religious. But facts must speak louder than repeated LIES.