Catherine Austin Fitts:
November 30, 2010
Former Assistant Secretary of Housing under George H.W. Bush Catherine Austin Fitts blows the whistle on how the financial terrorists have deliberately imploded the US economy and transferred gargantuan amounts of wealth offshore as a means of sacrificing the American middle class. Fitts documents how trillions of dollars went missing from government coffers in the 90?s and how she was personally targeted for exposing the fraud.
Fitts explains how every dollar of debt issued to service every war, building project, and government program since the American Revolution up to around 2 years ago – around $12 trillion – has been doubled again in just the last 18 months alone with the bank bailouts. “We’re literally witnessing the leveraged buyout of a country and that’s why I call it a financial coup d’état, and that’s what the bailout is for,” states Fitts.
Massive amounts of financial capital have been sucked out the United States and moved abroad, explains Fitts, ensuring that corporations have become more powerful than governments, changing the very structure of governance on the planet and ensuring we are ruled by private corporations. Pension and social security funds have also been stolen and moved offshore, leading to the end of fiscal responsibility and sovereignty as we know it.
The World Bank CARTEL: “And he will serve a god of forces, a god your fathers did not know.” It seems that this Cartel can be a candidate for the identity of ” a god of forces.” Money will rule the entire world and the system by which humans may participate in it, is to Sign Up or Be Left Out of Everything. No health care. No Social Security checks. No safe place of privacy left anywhere. Yep.. sure sounds like it could be a strong candidate.. the one Daniel in Babylon was warned about.
Hi, Kim
Thank you for your comment. What you say is essentially true. It doesn’t matter to me, what your particular end-time scenario is concerning Russia, Afghanistan, etc. The important thing for Christians, Jews, etc. who believe the Bible, is that they can glean from God’s word some sense about what’s going on — and, more importantly, what WILL happen, at a moment’s notice, in the near future. We have and advantage over nonbelievers, in that we can foresee the coming disaster while they still think they are on the way to a rosy Bush/Obama future. This means that we are able to prepare, something which requires seeking out wisdom.
Here’s as much as I can glean from things right now: There is a cartel of the world’s wealthiest people, called the Federal Reserve. I don’t mean that these people are wealthy because, like Donald Trump, they have title to a few billion dollars worth (PAPER value, you should note) of real estate, in hock to the major banks who hold the mortgages. Neither am I talking about industrialists like Bill Gates, whose income depends on returns from their investments, which in turn depend on a healthy economy to keep those investments growing. I am talking about a government-sanctioned cartel, the Federal Reserve, which consists of the heads of America’s (and hence, the world’s) major banks. This cartel is authorized, literally, to print money with no backing and use it any way they please. That is power on a phenomenal scale, that leaves Bill Gates in the dust.
There is a way, on the books, to end this madness:
1. Freeze the assets of the major banks
2. Arrest the bank heads, audit their books, and indict them for plundering the American economy
3. Dissolve the Federal Reserve, and turn its money-printing authority back to the US Treasury
4. Appoint a non-banker who does not have binding attachments to the big banks as Secretary of the Treasury (Our current and past SOTs were and are all officials of Goldman Sachs and other big banks).
5. Cancel all debts, public and private
6. (corollary to #5) Nullify the US dollar, and do not honor backing it
7. Print a new currency, doling out an equal amount to every American, as a temporary measure to help them cope with a devastated economy.
The President and Congress have the authority to do all these things. They will ALL have to be implemented, in order to break the backs of the bankers.
Unfortunately, the President and Congress largely owe their elections to the financial backers (who themselves are backed by the bankers) who feed their campaigns. Even with a bold, honest Jehu of a President, they and the entrenched bureaucrats such as the State Department will sabotage his efforts at every turn. It is a gargantuan task, that I believe only Messiah is up to.
Note that the SOLUTION requires the collapse of the economy as we know it. If this tack is not taken, the bankers will continue to take us along into a fool’s paradise, which the video correctly described as a black hole, until, AT A TIME OF THEIR (the bankers’) CHOOSING, THEY collapse the economy. They may even go through the very steps that I outlined above, only using a puppet President in their debt.
How do you prepare for such a crisis? If you have lots of money, you can invest in tangible assets such as precious metals, land held outright, etc. I said “if you have lots of money”, because as the time of crisis approaches, middle-class Americans will be slowly impoverished. They will have to sell their metals at discounted prices and mortgage, then default on, their homes and properties. As much as you are able, you could develop a bartering network to get out of the money economy. Understand, of course, that the government is already making bartering essentially illegal, quantifying and taxing such transactions. The thing the government CANNOT attack, is the network itself, which consists of relationships. But be forewarned: Both the Old Testament and New Testament prophets warn us that we will be able to trust nobody, even members of our own family.
Ultimately, the power of the Mark of the Beast can only be overcome by a committed community of trustworthy and fearless individuals, bound together by their sincere trust in the word of God and willing to endure dire hardship for each others’ sake. It is that community, which Bible-believers must be working on NOW, starting, as much as possible, with their own families.
Shalom shalom.
Things written above is true. I wonder how the same communist plan that brought on the Holocaust can be replayed and the people are falling for it, hook, line and sinker. G-d tells us He is in the wind and will destroy all the nations doing evil against Israel. I see how the floods here, tornado’s and the taking down of America is happening so fast and the PC which is calling good evil, and evil good is happening along with the apostasy and the hate for Israel is bringing on the end of the age. How G-d warned the world in Genesis 12 how He said to bless Israel or be cursed. And we all know sin is a reproach to all nations, an G-d means what HE says. Going on from Rome to today, same ole iron mixed with clay. even tho Rome was the leaders of that war, the clay was the arabs they used then and in Germany and beyond, even with taking down Russia , the leaders of the world convinced Russia that Afghan was going to attack them. And so Russia flew over and saw all the tanks and weapons the Afghan had etc given and trained and the soldiers brought in from around the world.and Russia fell. Some of the old tanks and fallen planes are still on the ground from that war. G-d is fulfilling all His word and we none will have any excuse . One thing for sure for me is the May 1948 when Israel became a nation, a generation of sixty years..WE are the generation that will still be standing when He comes. most Americans are sleeping, many are waking up to late to stop the train crashing on America and now we have a ilegal in the Gingrich and McCain and even Huck are all ilegals best friends. All the old dog Rep and Dem’s have worked together for this nation to be handed over to a one world gov and how we can’t see it and read it in G-d’s Word is beyond me. Prayer is powerful and we all need to be on our faces in praise for our G-d and not to ever forget how Isaiah tells us in chapter 64 that He is coming to destroy the His enemies, the enemies of Israel and those who destroy the earth. To take any mans word against HIM is insanity gone to seed as we all know that Israel is His Chosen, always will be and no one will ever replace them but can be adopted into the Olive Tree that Israel will always own. For anyone not to love Her and bless Her is also beyond me..they have blessed the world so very much. I love everyone of them, will stand forever with them and when Messiah comes roaring thru Zion , HE will destroy the enemies, chase and kill them as they flee and into their countries and kill the men, women and children and the ox…I read it often and stay in His word and try to do all I can for Israel. WE are not to worry about who can kill our bodies but who can kill our soul and body..One thing for sure is the above remarks are true and so is G-d’s Word..This is the time when He is destroying and trying to get our attention..and more sleep. We are to follow the laws of the land, vote in G-dly people and hold them accountable..G-d says that but instead it is a people who seem to love things more than HIM..but He will not be mocked, He is coming soon and He does follow the feasts whether people like or believe one can sit on the fence we are either for HIM or against HIM. I will stand with HIM and the Jewish people forever and like Obadiah says, will rejoice in that day with all of those who love the L-rd and HIS chosen..I do ~~
I don’t know if I was botted, though it seems nobody wants to respond to the questions I asked. Thank you again, Sam, for having taken the time you did.
Linda, your link at was very enlightening. I have never seen these matters put together so skillfully before. I come away more convinced than ever, that the only effective weapon we have against the world of lies and evil that is being constructed around us, is faith in the God of Israel. This is a tremendously effective weapon; because those who do not have it will be misled, then disillusioned, then horrified without remedy; but we who trust in the Truth will be like the eye in the storm: we will not be moved in this life, nor in the world to come.
Many points were raised which are difficult to fathom. I thought it worthwhile to look up “derivative”, for instance:
Put simply, as I see it, it boils down to this: Once upon a time, we had real money: Our money was in the form of silver or gold, precious metals that had a real, intrinsic value. By and by, paper currency was issued for large amounts of money, to make it more portable. Upon the demand of the one holding the paper, he could exchange it for the stated amount of metal and the paper was then theoretically voided (It served, essentially, as an IOU). By and by, our “real” currency, our silver certificates, were replaced by “Federal Reserve notes”, worthless paper printed by the cartel of the world’s richest bankers known as the Federal Reserve. This money cannot be exchanged for gold or silver, or for anything of value, because it is not backed by anything other than the good faith of the United States Government, which insures the Federal Reserve (read, “the big banks”)
Enter derivatives. These are pieces of paper or electronic information, which are not even backed by the good faith of the American government. They’re something like lottery tickets: They don’t assure the holder of anything, but represent his hope of obtaining a prize. Derivatives today, according to the video you linked to, have a face value of many times the value of all our money. That’s why they say that in terms of dollars, we collectively owe, with government and private debt, about three times the value of all goods and services produced in the US in a year. That would be like earning $7/hour, but having to pay over $21/hour for debts. Anyone with a basic understanding of arithmetic can see that a person in such circumstances is doomed to eventually lose all that he has and become a pauper. It’s a bad situation; but with obligations on derivatives out in the market, you would have not just $21/hour of debt, but many times that — in fact, more like $700/hour. Of course, the US can finance its debt by printing more money (This task is completely at the discretion of the banking cartel, the Federal Reserve). In the long run, though, this only exacerbates the problem. This is the “black hole” spoken of in the video, or the nightmare scenario that Yamit sees for the US.
There is no effective way to end this pillaging, as long as the Federal Reserve is able to print money to “honor” (a real misappropriation of that good word) its obligations. If we (meaning Congress) shut them down, they threaten to call all their paper, which they have legally but unethically beyond imagination issued in OUR name. We will not be able to pay, and then we AND THEY will go broke. We both already ARE broke in reality, since we are no longer actually manuracturing and otherwise producing the things we need: cars, tractors, food, etc. Those things are increasingly produced overseas, and they cost money. Because we won’t have any money of value, we will not be able to buy them. Besides going hungry and starving ourselves, the overseas producers would be glutted with useless goods, such as cars that they cannot drive because they can’t afford the fuel for the ships to go fetch fuel. In short, the world economy would stop, as it did during the Great Depression; but, because our debt is so highly leveraged, coming on far more suddenly than the last Depression.
The Fed wants to ensure that when the great crash occurs (triggered, according to the video, by the bankers themselves), they will be sitting on heaps of tangible assets such as gold, silver, yachts, works of art, jewelry, etc. while the rest of us suffer extreme privation. We would then become their slaves, doing their bidding simply to stay alive.
Bedtime zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Apparently, I was botted yesterday.
Watch it. And weep for our great nation and people:
FALL Of The Republic – The Presidency Of Barack H Obama – The Full Movie HQ
A major investor states America is going to reach Zimbabwe hyperinflation.
Organic, non-gmo fruit and nut trees and berries must be planted in all of our nation’s cities’ and towns’ parks and wherever there is space to help the many millions of Americans who will soon be in a desperate struggle to survive.
An inferior health care plan that no one wants and cannot afford to pay. The threat to jail and/or fine those who don’t purchase the government enforced plan.
Massive spending as if there is no tomorrow. Fighting wars we have no money for. Massive borrowing.
The Massive giving away of Billions of dollars every year to other countries, including the oil-wealthy Middle East, Hamas-controlled Gaza and the Palestinian Authority organization who fill their war chests, build mansions and laugh all the way to the bank with free infidel money. Whilst in America, homeless shelters are filled to capacity; tent cities have sprung up all over the U.S. filled with desperate, jobless, homeless, neglected Americans.
Massive debt. The massive printing of paper money. There is no question that the total DESTRUCTION of America’s economy is planned. The results will be horrifying. In the once wealthy and great nation of America, millions of Americans will become destitute, hungry and homeless with no money or resources to help them.
Thanks for your answers, Sam.
The latest Real Clear Politics poll averages:
Romney 16.6
Huckabee 16.4
Trump 12.9
Palin 10.6
Gingrich 7.7
Paul 7.3
Bachmann 4.3
Pawlenty 3.6
Daniels 3.3
Santorum 2.0
You seem to agree with the mainstream media in declaring Trump a clown, but, with Huckabee having just dropped out of the race, he polls second only to Romney. The only poll the MSM mentions about him, lately, is the Politico (Democratic Party) Poll — the same one that, just a few weeks ago, had Trump polling more than three times what they poll him as lately — and their latest poll is way off base, compared with other recent polls. Many pollsters simply refuse to acknowledge Donald’s existence. I’ve never in my life seen so much intentional ignorance on the part of the media regarding a candidate. Even comedian candidate Pat Paulsen got better coverage in his day. The more the MSM ignores the man, the more I like him. As for the Politico poll; if you didn’t think it was bogus, consider this:
Seventy-two percent of Americans approve of Barack Obama? They must have been polling a cross section of Chicago Blacks and New York Jews. The cited article continues:
If Trump were a horse about to enter the Kentucky Derby, the press would be all over him with odds like that; but I don’t even see a blip on the MSM radar screen.
I certainly don’t consider him a clown; but I asked your opinion, and I got it. I wish someone on Israpundit would give an honest, SERIOUS (preferably informed) opinion on Trump’s stands on issues. I don’t base my vote for US President on whims; I honestly would like to know about the candidates.
BTW — You also listed Palin as a clown. She has her own serious cheering section here, in the form of Ted Bellman; so I needn’t add to or subtract from that. I have yet to get excited at all about Newt Gingrich; and I look at Mitt Romney as MSM SPAM being pushed down my throat. As for Yamit’s favorite Chris Christie, who is said by some to be the front-runner, despite even less visibility than Trump in the polls, he seems more adamant than Huckabee about not running.
FOX’s Martha MacCallum interviewed Donald Trump a few days ago. Here are a few Q/As:
It took me a long time to scare up that interview. Donald seems to agree with me, that the MSM’s snub of him is unprecedented. The article goes on to more substantive issues, but breakfast is hot and on the table. Gottarun.
In this morning’s paper is the reason for high gas prices. Wall Street and other investors are leveraging the contracts, driving prices up, making trillions. There is talk of reinstating controls to stop the profit taking.
It’s time to prosecute Goldman Sachs people.
Republican candidates:
1. Trump: a clown.
2. Palin: a clown.
3. Romney: a fraud. Romneycare=Obamacare.
4. Huckabee: I like him. But goofy name and goofy face.
5. Gingrich: I really like him. But a really sordid personal life.
6. Paul Ryan: I like him. Probably too young, but who knows?
Republican prospects of beating Obama: less than 50-50.
Ltd Colonel Alan West? I told my daughter that this is the time for someone to rise up out of nowhere, without and party support, as John F. Kennedy did. Now I am not a democrat, I am republican, but putting that aside, I love the Messiah.
Who knows, today we can pray for a good man to rise up.
God bless you all
The situation did not begin with Obama. Think back and rewind the tape further back.
Remember the closing months of his administration with Paulson at the helm? His press meetings were as plastic as saran wrap. The last vestiges of The White Wash were in
2005-2006.. that we could ‘PERCEIVE’.. anyway. Truth be told, our Government is a
Soap Opera complete with good guy and bad guy. But all meet together when SUMMONED
by Rome. and the EU. Remember when the Pope showed up here one spring day on INCOME TAX DAY April the 15th. Come’on… how much more symbolic can it get?
We pundits who meet for shabbats saw this coming like a train whistling down the tract. Children and dogs smell rats way before the grown ups get the clue.
Bland Oatmeal told it straight. It will be DARK before the DAWN of Messiah’s Great Arrival; May He Come Speedily for Israel and the World who Await His Appearing.
In answer to the question as to which Republican candidate will do the least damage or putting it positively which candidate is best for this country and Israel the answer right now is none. So far only establishment type politicians have put their hats in the ring. Their loyalties are essentially to themselves and or the Republican party and not to the people. They are gutless all of them and afraid to directly confront the evil of Obama and his gang.Who would I like to see run? Lt.Colonel Alan West; a fierce patriot keenly aware of the danger of Obama and his Marxist friends and not afraid to fight them.And incidentally an African-American on the right side.
Hi, Sam
You obviously have no faith in the Democrat coalition, and neither do most of us here. Do you believe the Republicans can come up with anyone as a Presidential candidate who can put a dent into the problem? I specifically want your opinion on The Donald, but am curious about the others as well. Feeding the Wall Street Tapeworm has been a bipartisan effort, and the likes of John McCain voted in favor of the bailout.
From a Biblical standpoint, this process cannot be stopped. The Great Tapeworm is described in Revelation as The Beast, and in Daniel as the statue and various creatures, all of which describe the succession of empires in the world that are the spawn of Nimrod. They collectively represent the centralizing of power, which Austin talked about. By contrast, the Bible describes the Messianic Age as a time when “Everyone sits under his own vine and his own fig tree” — in other words, a completely decentralized economy.
The Bible offers no man-made solution to the problem; but instead, it predicts that the situation will get worse and worse, until a dictator described in Revelation as the Antichrist and inferred in Daniel by the archetype, Antiochus Epiphanes, rises up and leads the world into a final, ruinous war against Israel (described in detail in Zech 14). The outcome of that war is the near-annihilation of Israel, followed by the miraculous arrival of Messiah. It’s a very unflattering prophecy, in terms of showing what we can do to reverse the problem we’ve made for ourselves: We all utterly fail, including the wisest men and women in Israel, and Messiah has to come and clean up the mess we’ve made. I suspect that Leon Trotsky wasn’t very fond of that prophesy.
Meanwhile, I am here, and want to do what I can to at least speak in the right direction. Which Republican candidate do you think will do the least damage to the world and to Israel during his term in office; and why do you think he/she will?
Obama and his cronies obliterate the American middle class:
1. Obama and his liberal friends despise the white christian conservative middle class which made America great. So he is in the process of obliterating it. He is doing so in slow stages, so that it goes under the radar. When he is finished, America will be a second class country like Mexico and Russia.
2. A threefold process is in place. The rich get richer (and are in league with Obama). The white christian conservative middle class is impoverished, and the lower class is enriched by the transfer of money from the middle class.
3. Imagine yourself in the middle class: you work for a living at a standard job. Your salary no longer goes up. You cannot hide your income and have to pay full taxes. You don’t qualify for tax loopholes. If you save, the banks no longer pay you any interest. You have no insider information in the stock market. The value of your house is in decline. Prices keep rising, but Obama’s government (Bernanke) uses accounting tricks to deny that there is stagflation (stagnant salaries in the face of rising prices leading to decreased wealth).
4. Meanwhile, look at the illegal latinos. Obama refuses to call them illegal, and instead uses the Orwellian term of “undocumented”. And, he prosecutes any American State which tries to keep them out. Of course, at least two thirds of them vote Democrat. Many do not have standard jobs. Instead, they work off the books for cash, and then, because they pay no taxes on their “undocumented” income, Obama rewards them with welfare, food stamps, free health care, and free education, paid for by the shrinking incomes of the white conservative middle class.
How grim is that? And how soon before the American economy crashes altogether? But clearly, that is the goal of Obama and the Democrats. The Democrat coalition of white-hating liberal whites, white-hating blacks, and gringo-hating latinos is determined to commit national suicide, and like watching a slow-motion train wreck in progress, it cannot be stopped.