By Ted Belman
The following hate-filled extract comes from The Myth of Undivided Jerusalem, published by The Atlantic and authored by Daniel Seidemann. I am in the process of writing a major critique of this article.
“Cumulatively, Israeli policies in East Jerusalem today threaten to transform the Israeli-Palestinian conflict from a bitter national conflict that can be resolved by means of territorial compromise, into the potential for a bloody, unsolvable religious war. This threat derives from Israel’s dogged pursuit of the settlers’ vision of an exclusionary Jewish Jerusalem — displacing Palestinians in targeted areas, politicizing archeology, handing over of the most sensitive cultural, historical, and religious sites to extreme settler organizations, and promoting a narrative that East Jerusalem is exclusively or predominantly Jewish, while marginalizing the other national and religious equities in the city. In the process, Israel is alienating even its staunchest allies and thus undermining its own claims in the city. It is also putting itself on a collision course with the forces of moderation in the Muslim and Christian worlds, who sense, with reason, that their equities are being marginalized in Jerusalem. Jerusalem is fast becoming the arena where religious fundamentalists — Jewish, Christian, and Muslim; domestic and international — play out their apocalyptic fantasies.”
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“The author, Daniel Seidemann, is the founder of Terrestrial Jerusalem is an Israeli non-governmental organization that works “to identify and track the full spectrum of developments in Jerusalem that could impact either the political process or permanent status options, destabilize the city or spark violence, or create humanitarian crises.” Unsaid is the fact that its goal is to divide Jerusalem as part of a settlement. The top three donors of this NGO are The Norwegian Foreign Ministry, The Swiss Foreign Ministry and The British Foreign Ministry, according to the organizations own website all of whom want Jerusalem divided.
The article is part of the effort of The S. Daniel Abraham Center for Middle East Peace to “help reach a just and comprehensive peace that will bring an end to the Arab-Israeli conflict”.
It can?
Who decided that it could?
— and the EVIDENCE that formed the basis of their decision is to be found where?
Who is it that is ‘promoting a narrative’ that there is such a thing as “East Jerusalem”?
— There is one city.
It’s been an overwhelmingly Jewish city since at least as early as 1850.
“Other national equities”?
What other ‘nations’ would those equities represent?
And who would those “staunchest allies” be?
How, “undermining”?
What does the “alienating” of “allies” have to do with the legitimacy of claims?
If claims are legitimate, then they are legitimate WITH the support of “allies” or WITHOUT that support.
What makes a claim legitimate is its TRUTH, not the support of ‘allies.’
Probably the backstroke.
— They go for the beaches (why else would anybody put up with the humidity?).
What part of Israel’s security do you not understand? Are you unaware of the almost daily rocket attachs?
HCQ, definitely, without question Jerusalem likewise all of the Holy Land should be in Jewish control.
No doubt about it fag parades should be disallowed throughout the Holy Land period.
What the hell is the US Embassy doing in Tel Aviv, the capital of Israel is Jerusalem?
Jerusalem absolutely must remain united and under Jewish control. Open to Christians, Jews and Muslims but it must remain under Jewish dominion. There can be no compromise on that.
There should never be fag pride parades allowed in Jerusalem; it’s bad enough they are allowed anywhere in the Holy Land. Let Tel Aviv host such celebrations of perversity but let it never be allowed in the the City of David.
Laura, right on.
In fact the American Embassy should relocate in Jerusalem, the capital of all of Israel, the Holy Land.
Time for the Israeli government to exercise her rights and continue to build in Jerusalem and throughout all of Israel and employ bulldozers where necessary.
Who will stop them, certainly not the UN (cesspool of bad characters and nations) and certainly not the US.
If they are waiting for permission, I hereby decree permission to move forward. By the way I am only the messenger, G-d is standing behind me.
Israel’s staunches allies are Christian Zionists and they are certainly not alienated, in fact they want all of Jerusalem to remain the undivided capital of the Jewish state.
What moderate forces exist in the muslim world?
Anti-Israel Israeli NGOs, like Zochrot, B’Tselem, Peace Now and Territorial Jerusalem receive 80-90% of their funding from foreign governments and NGOs and this is reflected in the agendas they pursue. New legislation being considered in the Knesset would hold them more accountable. No other country in the world would allow a foreign government or foreign special interest group to finance domestic groups hostile to its policies and national interests. This is not about freedom of opinion. This is about Israeli organizations taking foreign money to influence their country to adopt policies inimical to its very survival. If such Israeli NGOs cannot raise funds within Israel for their activities, they should be banned. And when you consider their English language websites are more heavily visited than the Hebrew language version, that should tell you who is their real audience.