The Left’s ELECTION INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX Is Run Like a 5th Generation “Weapons System”

By Guest Contributor, THE GATEWAY PUNDIT   15 May 2024

The Left’s Election Industrial Complex Part II.

There is a battle over US Elections going on today. It’s the Left’s Election Industrial Complex verses fair and transparent US elections.

While conservatives argue over whether we should vote early or on election day, the Election Industrial Complex is adding, deleting and managing entities that are clandestinely operating behind US elections.

A document produced by Higher Ground Labs entitled the – 2022 Political Tech Landscape Report – outlines what we have labeled the Election Industrial Complex (see diagram above).

This document shows the many entities and interactions between these entities and groups involved in the Left’s Election Industrial Complex. Higher Ground Labs is led by a group of far-left zealots and politicians. It started in 2017 after Hillary lost the 2016 Election.

Higher Ground Labs created and published its 2022 report that describes its landscape and connections in the election industry complex. This document outlines the many initiatives, connections and activities it is involved in and the players it interacts with to ensure radical far-left and increasingly communist anti-American Democrats win elections.

This landscape involves “non-profits” and publicly traded companies which prevent the public from requesting information that would be required to be provided by the government in FOIA requests.

Based on our initial analysis of this Complex, the Left uses money to manipulate these groups where conservative entities for the most part run on trust. Money is used to incentivize. “Trust issues” in a grass roots environment are minimized through the use of money and funding.

From the first article in the series (by Joe Hoft)

This document begins with an introduction and summary of the results of the 2022 election using the left’s bastardization of the word “democracy” and projection of their communist actions upon those who want fair and transparent elections (emphasis added):

Voter suppression and 2020 election deniers presented onerous challenges in 2022, with active efforts to attack vote by-mail, close polling places, harass nonpartisan election administrators, and spread misinformation in Arizona, Georgia, Florida, and beyond. Technology is playing an increasingly important role in supporting coordinated responses to attacks on democracy, from refining message development to enhancing on-the-ground organizing to informing and protecting voters.

The corruption in the 2022 Arizona election processes, for example, where tens of thousands of voters were disenfranchised was obviously ignored in this document while claiming the election was “an affirmation of the Biden Administration’s focus as well as a rejection of far right extremism.”

A review of Higher Ground Labs website shows the leadership team to include many far-left actors, including:


Genachowski was Obama’s FCC Chairman in his first term.  Genachowski’s connections with Higher Ground Labs indicates that this effort may have started under the Obama regime although Higher Grounds Labs indicates it started after the Obama regime ended:

Since 2017, Higher Ground Labs has built an enduring platform for technological experimentation and iteration. We have invested in dozens of companies, many of which have become integral components of political tech for the Left. In 2020 alone, our companies reached 7,500 campaigns and 70 million voters.

If this effort started under the Obama regime, it was likely paid for using government funds during the Obama years and then it was moved to the non-profit arena after 2016.

Higher Ground Labs claims its mission is as follows:

Higher Ground Labs is a startup accelerator and venture fund. We support startups building technology that helps candidates win.

Higher Ground Labs created and published its 2022 report that describes its landscape and connections in the election industry complex.  This document outlines the many initiatives, connections and activities it is involved in and the players it interacts with to ensure radical far-left and increasingly communist anti-American Democrats win elections.

This landscape involves “non-profits” and publicly traded companies which prevent the public from requesting information that would be required to be provided by the government in FOIA requests.

The Election Industrial Complex has the look of a military operation.  

In February, Mike Benz was interviewed on Tucker where he outlined the military rule taking place in America today and how it is the opposite of democracy.  The Election Industrial Complex appears to be much of the same.

CENSORSHIP EXPERT BENZ ON TUCKER – “What I’m Describing Is Military Rule…It’s The Inversion of Democracy.”

The Election Industrial Complex is professionally designed and thought through. The landscape shows relationships between non-profits and publicly traded companies.  It uses the law, money, and influence as weapons in an environment of political warfare.

Evil uses money for engagement because money influences immediately where trust takes time. 

Money is used to incentivize.  “Trust issues” in a grass roots environment are minimized through the use of money and funding.  This landscape runs like a corporation that can add to and delete from at any time at will.  Successful ventures get paid, unsuccessful ventures are eliminated.  But the money necessary to keep it running doesn’t appear to be a problem.

The heart and soul of the landscape is the Data Analytics and Modeling framework identified in the middle of the diagram above.

The entire landscape appears to revolve around real-time advanced communications which is why the Data Analytics and Modeling framework is so important.  Similar to military operations, accurate up-to-date information is the key.  This also can be the landscape’s Achilles heel.  It’s difficult to obtain up-to-date information in complex organizations.

In the military, operation fusion centers are the hub of information management.  With good information, a fusion center can tell you where to focus and where to make command decisions.  Authentic information in a military operation is beneficial while inauthentic information can lead to your death.

In the fog of war, if you can present an environment that is believable then you can leverage it to win.

The Data Analytics and Modeling framework lists a number of entities but it omits those that have been identified since the 2020 Election.  ERIC, Dominion, BPro, KNOWiNK, CIS and other entities are omitted.

Like a military operation, the placement of the commander is hidden at all times.  Critical components in this framework, like the entities mentioned above are not identified in the framework because they are so key.  Data Analytics and Modeling relies on these entities for up-to-date information coming from these key entities.

The landscape includes segments and related entities used to manipulate Democrat election wins.  This landscape includes the Democrat owned media and digital content using entities like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and many more.  Notably, these social media giants are referred to as “Owned Media”.

The biggest concern of the Left in the report is that messaging about the stolen 2020 Election was allowed on social media.  No discussion of the massive Censorship Industrial Complex is mentioned.  Also, no discussion of the mountains of evidence proving the 2020 Election never should have been certified is mentioned.

The truth doesn’t appear to be necessary.  Trust is not an issue.  Money runs the operation and messages that aren’t consistent with the Election Complex Industry are attacked through the Censorship Industrial Complex.

The fundraising landscape includes ActBlue, Stripe and Bonterra.  The landscape shares the following about ActBlue:

Once again, ActBlue helped funnel billions of dollars to Democratic campaigns and causes throughout the 2022 cycle. The platform processed $3.5 billion to 27,305 campaigns and organizations. These contributions came from 7.4 million unique donors who, in tandem, made 86 million individual contributions; their average donation size was $40.05. In comparison to the 2018 midterm cycle, the total number of contributions and dollars raised doubled, reflecting both the growth of the Party’s small dollar donor base and the sense of urgency felt across this cycle to take action in response to unprecedented challenges to our long held freedoms.

This document omits evidence that shows that millions in these “donations” are coming from “donor mules” with many of these individuals unemployed and unaware that their name is being used to launder money to the Democrat Party.  Of course, this type of information is omitted from this landscape because it is criminal.

Other frameworks within the Election Industrial Complex are also discussed in the document below that is referred to above – 2022 Political Tech Landscape Report – from Higher Ground Labs.

HGL 2022 Political Tech Landscape Report_033023 (Clean) by Joe Ho on Scribd

May 16, 2024 | 1 Comment »

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  1. Calling Biden a left person or calling British labour that is not true rather is one unending COLOUR REVOLUTION of Israpundit against the workers and socialism. Jews have to break from such lies AND WILL