In April of 1933, the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (Nazi Party) in Germany began a nationwide boycott of Jewish businesses; this occurred shortly after Adolf Hitler became chancellor of that nation. The official program of discrimination was the first of many measures with which most Americans of my generation are familiar, and which ended with the Holocaust.
In keeping with the uncannily Orwellian tack American liberals have taken, the war on Christianity that has been in progress for decades (in earnest for the last several years) was denied with such vigor that even some conservative pundits questioned its existence. Lately, however, outrageously discriminatory, blatantly hypocritical campaigns against individuals and businesses professing Christian values have been initiated by those on the left. These have made it obvious to all but the profoundly dull that a war on Christianity is indeed in progress.
Efforts on the part of militant homosexual activists and the hard left to demonize Chick-fil-A, the Atlanta-based fast-food chain, are the most recent of this type. The company’s president, Dan T. Cathy, recently came under fire for allegedly coming down against gay “marriage” during a recent interview. Jack Phillips, the owner of Masterpiece Cake Shop in Lakewood, Colo., refused to bake a wedding cake for a local same-sex couple and is now facing protests and a boycott (although Phillips’ business has increased by nearly 100 percent since the story broke).
In actuality, Chick-fil-A’s Cathy did not specifically articulate an anti-gay-union stance, but it is fair to infer one from what he did say. In any case, he made it clear that this was his personal view, and while the company maintains a Christian business culture, it has never institutionally discriminated against homosexuals.
It ought to be no surprise at this juncture that what actually transpired doesn’t matter; to the left, which is in the business of worldview subversion, disapproval of homosexuality now equates with discrimination against homosexuals. Within days, Boston Mayor Thomas Menino vowed to block Chick-fil-A from opening stores in his city. Shortly afterward, the mayors of Chicago, San Francisco and Washington, D.C., announced similar intentions based on Cathy’s advocacy for “the biblical definition of a family.”
I’m not going to go into the immorality of the left’s political exploitation of homosexuals, or the fact that homosexuality is deviant behavior by any coherent, objective analysis. I won’t belabor the fact that homosexuals cannot truly marry, regardless of how many people accept their redefinition of the term, or what is ultimately legislated in this area. Neither do I intend to expound upon the double standard that exists with regard to the left harassing a religious group for the sake of a miniscule and hostile demographic, nor the hypocrisy of persecuting American Christians for their beliefs regarding homosexuality, while materially and politically supporting Muslim regimes that routinely execute homosexuals.
No, my grievance here is much more straightforward.
Considering the perilous position whereupon our economy currently teeters, President Obama’s dismal record and his administration’s quiet communist coup, I do believe there is a certain diversionary component to this chicken-chain debacle. As with much of the sycophantic press’ dubious reporting in general, their imperative of redirecting voters’ attention from Obama’s wretchedness as a president is painfully evident.
The advent of socialist totalitarianism – as evidenced by the incremental persecution of Christians and other recent events – is, without question, a far more serious matter than where chicken chain executives’ sentiments lie regarding homosexuality.
Arguments over homosexual unions, like so many contentious issues advanced by the left, are diversionary by nature, apart from their current implementation for this election cycle. This is because the goal here is absolute power, the primary objective to supplant God with government. To achieve this, religious doctrine must be eradicated, and the chief impediment to that is Christianity.
Leftists continue to carp about Republicans, Christians and conservatives in general wishing to oppress gays, disenfranchise minorities, deny women’s reproductive rights, outsource jobs, reduce wages and benefits, empower Wall Street and the rich and, of course, institute a Christian theocracy. These charges might have been amusing to conservatives 20 years ago, but now they illustrate that we are now witnessing the sifting of the evil, the dangerously deluded and the grotesquely stupid. While the dangerously deluded and the grotesquely stupid among liberals may be hapless pawns, it is the evil with whom we should be concerned.
Replacing normalcy with deviance and morality with immorality are simply methods toward disenfranchising Christians, resulting in the convenient byproduct of a populace that is governed by its basest instincts – and thus easily controlled. As we have seen, such populations become willing to tolerate – and even participate in – all manner of atrocities.
During the 2004 campaign season, I recall video of entertainer and celebrated fag hag* Chér telling a predominantly homosexual audience that George W. Bush would ship homosexuals off to death camps in cattle cars were he re-elected. I do know that this did not actually occur, but that vast numbers of European Jews did suffer that very fate once upon a time.
It began with a boycott of their businesses … and the rest is history.
*”Fag hag” is a term gay men have used for decades to describe glamorous women who enjoy associating with gay men. Use of the phrase is not intended to constitute an ad hominem attack.
@yamit82 and Ted:
I tried to respond to Laura yesterday but I was denied access by the editor, while your spiritual brother, ShyGuy, was not. What I wanted to tell Laura is that racists do not accept people for who they really are.
As has also been pointed out by others, none of you seem to be aware that Marxism is a secularized variety of religious Judaism with a strong missionary drive. The Marxist “church fathers” mentioned above were practicing their Socialist belief just as intensely as other religious Jews are observing the Torah. That religious practice has in other parts of the world historically done more harm to humanity than Christianity and Islam combined. Over the past 200 years maybe as many as 200 Jews have been converted to Christianity as a result og Christian missionaries. In the same period, a lot more than 200 million people were converted to the lunatic beliefs of the said persons. The massacre their policies created on Christians and other believers is still continuing in countries like North Korea, Cuba and China.
To blame the evils of the world on Christians is no different from blaming the Jews for the Black Death. I really do not understand the purpose of the anti-Christian propaganda campaign that has developed on this blog. It looks like utter dhimmi-like cowardice in light of the Islamic threat.
This fact should not, however, be charged on Jews who seek to live in peace with their neighbours anywhere in the world.
Furthermore: I think your attacks on persons of Christian faith are unfounded and a severe violation of the 9th Commandment. It is also a rather primitive practice to deny access for people whom you attack in derogatory ways in your comments.
Good Day!
@ yamit82:
I tried to respond to Laura yesterday when I was denied access by the editor, while your religious brother, ShyGuy, was not. What I wanted to tell Laura is that only racists do not accept people for who they really are.
None of you seem to be aware that Marxism is a secularized variety of religious Judaism with a strong missionary drive. The people I mentioned in my comment (and I could have mentioned a lot more, including a majority of Israelis not so long ago, although your great grandfather lived before my time) were practicing their Socialist belief just as intensely as other religious Jews are observing the Torah. That religious practice has in other parts of the world historically done more harm to humanity than Christianity and Islam combined. Over the past 200 years maybe as many as 200 Jews have been converted to Christianity as a result og Christian missionaries. In the same period, a lot more than 200 million people were converted to the lunatic beliefs of the said persons. The massacre their policies created on Christians and other believers is still continuing in countries like North Korea, Cuba and China.
To blame the evils of the world on Christians is no different from blaming the Jews for the Black Death. I really do not understand the purpose of the anti-Christian propaganda campaign that has developed on this blog. It looks like utter dhimmi-like cowardice in light of the Islamic threat.
This fact should not, however, be charged on Jews who seek to live in peace with their neighbours anywhere in the world.
@ yamit82:
I tried to respond to Laura yesterday when I was denied access by the editor, while your religious brother, ShyGuy, was not. What I wanted to tell Laura is that only racists do not accept people for who they really are.
None of you seem to be aware that Marxism is a secularized variety of religious Judaism with a strong missionary drive. The people I mentioned in my first comment (and I could have mentioned a lot more, including a majority of Israelis not so long ago, although your great grandfather lived before my time) were practicing their Socialist belief just as intensely as other religious Jews are observing the Torah. That religious practice has in other parts of the world historically done more harm to humanity than Christianity and Islam combined. Over the past 200 years maybe as many as 200 Jews have been converted to Christianity as a result og Christian missionaries. In the same period, a lot more than 200 million people were converted to the lunatic beliefs of the said persons. The massacre their policies created on Christians and other believers is still continuing in countries like North Korea, Cuba and China.
To blame the evils of the world on Christians is no different from blaming the Jews for the Black Death. I really do not understand the purpose of the anti-Christian propaganda campaign that has developed on this blog. It looks like utter dhimmi-like cowardice in light of the global Islamic threat.
This fact should not, however, be charged on Jews who seek to live in peace with their neighbours anywhere in the world.
@ Per:
You assume the most simplistic syllogisms but reject the obvious of cause and effect. Toynbee the most antisemitic historian wrote that history is simply a matter of “Challenge and responses”
This is so true re: Jews who were very divided in their collective and individual responses to the same challenges; namely how to survive in a Hostile Christian and Muslim world. Different Jews responded differently to the same set of challenges as they do today.
My great grandfather thought Marxists were too right wing and conservative: He was an anarchist who was denied American citizenship for over 5o years before finally getting a court decision allowing him citizenship.
yamit82 Said:
Looks like I pissed Ted off – last line of my comment was deleted. Something to do with Bloatmeal being the antisemitic [expletive deleted] he’s always proven himself to be.
@ BlandOatmeal:
Looks like you really pissed Shy off. 😛
BlandOatmeal Said:
This is fun!
@ Catarin:
Catarin, you may feel free to believe any pseudo-scientific ideas you wish, but you certainly are not backed up by Biblical religions. Homosexuals are not mindless, will-less idiots who can’t control themselves, any more than adulturers “can’t help themselves” because they were “genetically determined” to be attracted to their neighbors’ good-looking wives. You would also get much support from your pseudo-scientific community, if you said that rapists have a “genetically determined” proclivity towards violence to women; yet somehow, it’s not “chic” to excuse rapists the way we excuse homosexuals.
@ Laura:
My comments were expunged by the censors, so I will try to re-post:
I agree with Per, Laura. Ma rx and En gels were of Jew ish blood and heritage, and their doctrine is just an ex treme extension of the “tik kun olam” doc trine of Judaism. You are disingenuous, to suggest that a doc trine like Com mun ism, which enveloped a third of the world, just “appeared” out of a cultural vacuum. Your are also flat wrong, if you think that the neo-Com mun ist lib eralism in US pol itics was somehow a “home-grown Chr ist ian” political system. It certainly has influence from New Eng land, Br it ish, Fr ench and Ger man anti-cler ical thinkers who rejected Bib li cal Chr istianity; but its strength in modern times has been the Inter nat ional Com mun ist movement started by Ma rx and his fellow Jews. They transformed the Utop ian ideals of ex-Chr ist ian goiim into a rev olut io nary for ce with ir on teeth. (Breaks in words are meant to get this posted this month, and not lost in mod era tion)
Per is much more on the mark than you are here. Chr istia nity has been under continual attack by Soc iali sts, and has everything to lose from them. Jews, on the other hand, have benefitted through leftist attacks on our pol iti cal system and society. You are not innocent bystanders, but are at the very forefront of this effort to con vert Amer icans to a belief system that our fore fath ers knew nothing about.
The first thing to understand about homosexuality is it’s not a choice, it’s a genetically determined characteristic. We have to decide if it’s not a choice, how do we accept it? It’s not the fault of the homosexual, he/she was born that way. Obviously it goes way back to the beginning, as many animals also have the trait. I don’t want to be prejudiced. I also don’t want to live around young gay men. When I worked a summer on the Maine coast. I found I was surrounded with gay young men. They were loud. They giggled a lot. They chased single heterosexual men away, they also came on to women, and generally took over the whole scene. So while I’ve determined I don’t want to live around groups of gay young men and be part of their culture, I know they are being who they are. I also wish they would have been satisfied with civil ceremonies to weld themselves to partners and not tried to claim the title of marriage. They already referred to themselves as married. This is a real problem where I live because local far right Christians will not accept them even when sued. It’s for wiser people than me to figure out the future.
Far right Christians in the U.S. may eventually start another religious war, because they refuse to learn from the past. The members of the Abrahamic religions feel threatened by each other. I wonder what the divine purpose of that is? To leave only one standing?
@ Per:
I will repeat my response to blandoatmeal who said he wished that Jews would accept Christians as who they really are. The Jews aren’t the ones trying to convert Christians to Judaism. The above you mentioned weren’t practicing Jews, they were marxists who rejected Judaism just as gentile marxists reject Christianity.
@ Laura:
That’s a lie, Laura.
Since the days of Moses Hess and his pupils and disciples like Karl Marx and Leon Bronstein, countless millions have been converted by these Jews and their henchmen to become followers of the secular Marxist, Leninist, Trotskyist and Bolshevik religion. That is what “liberals” and “leftists” are made of. Today these people have allied with neo-nazis, homosexuals and islamists in order to vipe Christianity (as well as religious Jewry)) off the face of the earth. That, I think, is what we now see a result of on this website.
In Victorian Britain, homosexuality was deemed immoral. In the first half of the 20th Century it was understood that it occurred in private. In the second half of the century, it became legal and “gays” came out of the closet. The way things are going, pretty soon it’s going to be compulsory!
@ BlandOatmeal:
I am an orthodox Jew and have tremendous respect for all people who practice a faith which fosters a caring society. One full of respect for each other and looking after the “stranger, orphan, widow, etc”. We all have our own path to G-d and when the messiah comes or reappears, we will find out who was right. I think unfortunately there are some people who are so obsessed with minutiae that they have lost the big picture of the Torah teachings. But I believe the majority may not like what the organized church has done to Jews in the past and are a little puzzled at the recent adoration from evangelicals and the delegitimization attempts by the United Church and others – there is no hatred and certainly not at an individual level.
Jews are not the ones trying to convert Christians.
@ BlandOatmeal:
Ridiculous claim.
I do. I hope Christians will do the same.
@ Eric R.:
Blandoatmeal is paranoid.
Why wasn’t it simply enough for this couple to take their business elsewhere? Why do they have to bully everyone into believing as they do?
@ BlandOatmeal:
Bland, I don’t know why you’re bashing Ted here. He is pointing out that Christianity is being persecuted by another religion – Marxism.
Where exactly do you disagree with him on this point?
For someone not wanting Christians to talk about the Scriptures, and someone who doesn’t claim to even be interested in the Jewish scriptures, you, Ted, seem obsessed with religion and with baiting Christian responses. To put the record straight, Right-wing Jews are as much at war with Christianity as Leftists are. Real Christians are on their own, hated by Atheists, Jews, Moslems and Pagans, as well as apostate Christians, and they know it. This is none of the Jews’ business — unless, of course, the Jews wish to knock it off and accept Christians as who they really are, namely, fellow worshippers (for those Jews who actually worship, who are few) of Hashem.