The Left argues for a liberal democracy rather than a populist democracy

By Ted Belman.

Today I tried to communicate with my daughter about what is really going on. She is in the thick of it. It turned into a shouting match so I decided to text her. The following is the exchange.

Both the Tablet article and the comments I have added, prove the elites are the enemy of democracy.

Highly recommended article about Basic Laws.

Barak “gave the Supreme Court the power to determine the constitutional norms of the State of Israel which should only be determined by elected officials, and the power to invalidate legislation of the Knesset, a power which was never authorized by the government.”

Martin Sherman dissects the Declaration. Very important read.

I asked her this question.

What right do you have to demand that Israel be a liberal democracy as opposed to a populist democracy?

She replied:

I thought you were a fan of the US Constitution. That constitution created the concept of liberal democracy. Liberal democracy has nothing to do with left or right wing but rather the idea of inalienable rights and checks and balances to safeguard them. Do you not believe that Israelis should have inalienable rights, like Americans do, and that simple majorities of the knesset should be sufficient for the government to repeal any civil or human right that they feel like?

I replied:

But not for Israel. We never agreed to it.

She replied:

I thought you were a supporter of the things the US Constitution represents. I guess i was wrong

I replied:

I am, for the US but not for Israel. Israel is the only Jewish state in the world and the Right wants to keep it that way.

She replied:

This is what the Israeli declaration of independence says: THE STATE OF ISRAEL will be open for Jewish immigration and for the Ingathering of the Exiles; it will foster the development of the country for the benefit of all its inhabitants; it will be based on freedom, justice and peace as envisaged by the prophets of Israel; it will ensure complete equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants irrespective of religion, race or sex; it will guarantee freedom of religion, conscience, language, education and culture; it will safeguard the Holy Places of all religions; and it will be faithful to the principles of the Charter of the United Nations.”

complete equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants irrespective or religion, race or culture is the precise part of the israeli constitution that this government takes issue with. it is hard to argue that this statement wasn’t saying that all Israelis regardless of religion, race or culture should have inalienable rights.

not to mention its commitment to be faithful to the principles of the charter of the UN. In other words, the founders of Israel 100% thought of the country as a liberal democracy, where all citizens have inalienable rights that parliament can not simply opt out of.

I replied by giving her this link. It is very important.

The word “democracy” was explicitly not included. Why? Ben-Gurion and his key deputy, Moshe Shertok (later, Sharett), were determined to obtain diplomatic recognition by the United States and the Soviet Union. Yet Soviet and American definitions of “democratic” were at odds; liberal democracy as conceived in the United States was very different from the communist version. As a compromise, Ben-Gurion turned to Judaism’s biblical heritage. In September 1948, he offered his point of view: “As for western democracy, I’m for Jewish democracy. ‘Western’ doesn’t suffice. Being a Jew is…also a matter of morals, ethics…. The value of life and human freedom are, for us, more deeply embedded thanks to the biblical prophets more than western democracy…. I would like our future to be founded in prophetic ethics.” The scroll said the society of the new state would be “as envisaged by the prophets of Israel.”

Several types of “rights” were to be protected by the Declaration: “National and historic” rights to enable Jews to once again become masters of their own fate. “Natural rights” constituted the prophetic democratic values during ancient Jewish sovereignty. Ben-Gurion clarified: “Here [in Eretz Yisrael] the Jews’ spiritual, religious, and political identity was shaped. Here they first attained to statehood, created cultural values of national and universal significance, and gave to the world the eternal Book of Books.”

Finally, ”inherent” human rights automatically were accorded to each person. To Ben-Gurion, these individual rights “do not come from the state.”


Below is PART of a letter from Israeli demonstrators’ LEADERS to readers around the world, but we added true evidence in [PARANTHESIS].

ON the SECOND PART BELOW, we bring very obvious evidence showing that demonstrator’s leader targeting a political coup against a democratic government:

 The leftist’s letter was sent abroad to the public to discredit Israel, without any factual basis – the RESPONSES will inform the Jewish, Christian and Israeli readers with the truth, BASED ON FIRM EVIDENCE ONLY (NO IDEOLOGY HERE):

= = =  = = = = = =  =

Part of a letter of Kaplan Force (demonstrators’ leaders) to their international contacts:

1. ” Kaplan Force is raising funds to fight for Israeli Democracy [Evidence RESPONSE: ISRAEL GOVERNMENT IS KEEPING DEMOCRACY IN ALL ACTIVITIES – LEFTISTS ARE NOT KEEPING IT]. Support us now

2. “There is an unparalleled attack by Bibi and his coalition members against the chief of staff of the IDF” [RESPONSE: THERE WERE SOME DEMOCRATIC  CRITICISM AGAINST THE CHIEF OF STAFF’S PAST ACTIONS  BUT NOT BY BIBI AND NOT BY THE GOVERNMENT],

3.  “There is refusing to ignore and hide the damage Bibi’s plan is having on Israel’s military forces [ RESPONSE: BIBI IS TRYING TO AVOID DAMAGE ON MILITARY AND ECONOMY – LEFTISTS LEADERS ARE TRYING TO DAMAGE IT BY PURPES- per evidence].

Is Israel now targeting its own officers, exactly what was done in Turkey…., if we let our guard down, we will be on a similar path to dictatorship [ RESPONSE: GOVERNMENT ARE NOT REPLACING LOTS OF OFFICERS AS IN TURKEY, WHILE LEFTISTS DID CHOOSE THEIR “OWN” OFFICERS SINCE 1948, IN A DICTATORSHIP WAY- per evidence].

4. The coalition (todays government) would like the security forces commanders to bend the knee to them, .. Just like what you find in Turkey, Iran and other proud “democracies” dictatorship [RESPONSE: GOVERNMENT is NOT REPLACING LOTS OF OFFICERS AS IN TURKEY, WHILE LEFTISTS DID IT SINCE 1948 – PREVIOUS LEFTIST GOVERNMENT CHOSE THE CHIEF OF STAFF WAY BEFORE TIME- BEFORE ELECTIONS, AS AN OBVIOUS POLITICAL – NON DEMOCRATIC ACTION- per evidence].

5. “..We shall continue our fight and stand strong against the attempt on Israel’s democracy, presenting a unified front…” [LEFTISTS’ LEADERS ARE TRYING TO DAMAGE THE MILITARY STRENGTH AND ECONOMY- IN ORDER TO DO A COUP AND REPLACE THE DEMOCRATIC GOVERNMENT – per evidence].

= = =  = = = = = = =  = = = = = = =  =

We show here very obvious evidence that demonstrator’s leader is targeting a political coup against a democratic government. Evidence show that none of their complaints and statements are true, as the Israeli Government and the right parties are keeping the DEMOCRACY as clean as possible, without any evidence of wrongdoing- and are trying to improve the UN-Democratic actions of the LEFTISTS :

In the video (all videos are in Hebrew just to show that we have reference to the data we sent) – Kobi Richter is in favor of an uncompromising powerful war and reveals that the purpose of the demonstrations is to overthrow the government by force and weaken security and the economy

= = =  = = = =  =

— Israeli Minister Galit Distel Atbarian wrote:

Ehud Barak, former Israeli PM, details his master plan in front of a camera, three years ago (2 years before elections):

 . Deliberately set fire to civilian fires.1

2. Create a false representation of a danger to democracy because it is effective, it speaks to everyone, it is catchy and it is the only fuel that can ignite a civil war.

3. Invest a lot of money in it, including buying flags.

 4. To reach a situation where there will be floating corpses of Jews slaughtered by other Jews in the Yarkon river (in Tel Aviv).

5. Kick out Netanyahu and make Ehud Barak prime minister because only he can save the situation (Ehud said so).

All the above is Ehud Barak’s own words.

 When Ehud Barak shared this plan, there was no reform, Yariv Levin was not Minister of Justice, Ben Gvir did not sit in the government and it was before the last elections to the kness***

August 24, 2023 | 27 Comments »

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27 Comments / 27 Comments

  1. @Ted I agree with you. In fact, Muslims should only be tolerated, if they continue to be tolerated, on suffrage by Jews and not by right, in the Temple Mount or any where else in Eretz Israel. That’s my view. But, being a liberal who wants to emulate the U.S., I would presume that your daughter believes in the truth of the lie that there is universal freedom of religion and equality on the Temple Mount and agrees with it. So, if that is the case, does she believe it should also be applied to Jews, who are 2nd class citizens on the Temple Mount, in fact the way Jews are treated is like that of South African blacks under apartheid even if it’s not based in skin color. Liberals tend to expose their hypocrisy, and without shame, when one asks them these kinds of questions.

  2. @Peloni, thank you for expressing your views. You do not understand the internal situation in Israel at all in my view. You do not understand the complex situation at play. To get a feel for it perhaps, I suggest you listen to the podcast.

    Israel must face its identity crisis to survive
    Jonathan S. Tobin

    Interview with Michael Oren talks about Israel’s problems and how to solve them.

  3. @Bear

    Judicial reform by itself is a current power struggle that is divisive

    Actually, judicial reform was a key topic in the election which won the Right its majority. As far as it being divisive, I don’t see this as being divisive, but the target of divisive elements within Israeli society.

    In fact, I believe that shutting down the country, calling for foreign inverters to crush the national economy while the military plots psyops to overthrow a legitimately elected govt would all be better descriptions of divisive activities than the any legislation that is being considered. Recall that none of these actions by the Left are specifically relatable to the Judicial Reform, as Barach planned these divisive activities to complete a coup against the people’s govt during the height of Covid, something which doesn’t get enough attention, IMO. In any event, the source of divisiveness should actually be seen as being due to the Left’s inability to find a legitimate path which will win them another election. Should the Right pretend that the Left are honestly reacting to any specific legislation being considered and respond accordingly, the Right would be acting in just as bad faith as the Left, while the demands of the public for reform go unfulfilled.

    The solution for this crisis is to seek a better remedy to the laws which are being broken by the Left with their acts of incivility and insurrection, not to seek to subvert the legislative agenda of the Right to the approval of the Left.

  4. Just a brief supplement to EVRe1’s excellent and informative post. The U/S constitution , prior to the adoption of any amendments, provided for only one branch of government, the House of Representatives, to be elected by the (white) “people.” The Senate was to be elected by the state legislatures. The President was to be elected by an electoral college, and only indirectly elected by the “people,” who could vote toelect the electors. Initially, the framers hoped that the voters in each state would electedthose individuals known to be the wisest and most learned statesmen in their state, regardless of party affiliation. In practice, however, from the earliest Federal elections, slates of electoralwere chosen strictly by party affiliation.

    Supreme Cout justices were to be nominated by the president with the “advice and consent” of the Senate, and then appointed by him, This elent in the original constitution remains unchanged to this day. Inevitably, it has led to the Supreme Court over the past 200+ years making rulings that favored thinterests of elite classes , such as businesmen and politicians, over the needs and desires of the “common people.”

    Anyway you look at it, the original U.S. constitution was not a pro-democracy document. The amendments adopted after the civil war did aim to make the country more democratic. But the elite classes have found way to sustain their disproportunate influence on government. Campaign contributions, which are little more than legalized bribes, have been the major instrument for sustaining elite control. It is relevant that the Supreme Court has overturned all legislation that seeks to limit campaign contributions.

  5. Judicial reform by itself is a current power struggle that is divisive and has not been worth the results. Again it is the picking the tree one does not like in the forest and focusing on it.

    Heal the whole forest and unite the country. The forest (or whole country) need a reset that can be achieved with a constitution. That is what a wise leader of the country would do. Do we have one? Can Bibi step up to plate and show wisdom?

  6. Many rhanks, Tanna, for your words of praise and encouragement. “I will study deserving” (Shakespeare)

  7. @Bear
    I am all for setting up a constitutional committee in which all Israelis are represented and let them come up with a proposal. First and foremost, it should articulate a Bill of Jewish Rights and then a Bill of Rights.
    In the meantime our current government should continue with the overhaul.. I don’t want the overhaul to be held hostage to the committee.

    Bill of Jewish Rights should include;
    – the right of return for Jews amended as desired
    – the embrace of all Jewish symbols now in use.
    – the banning of all mention of the “Palestinian” narrative and all mention of the Naqba.
    – expulsion of all people convicted of terrorism after they serve their sentences.
    – the banning of Hamas and the PLO and other terrorist groups just as Saudi Arabia, Egypt and others have banned the Muslim Brotherhood.
    – criminalizing polygamy
    – cancellation of the law allowing for family reunification.
    – supporting the right of Jews to live in Jewish communities to the exclusion of others providing such communities do not exceed 5,000 people or some other appropriate number

  8. @Ted read the Declaration of Independence. The idea is that it be the preamble to the Constitution. It is clear that Israel shall be a Jewish sovereign Nation State with individual civil rights for all citizens.

    By the way adding a bill of rights makes this crystal clear.

    I am for looking at the big picture in arriving at a constitution by consensus. This focus on this tree is bad in the forest does not allow one to think clearly.

  9. @Sebastien
    The rights you talk of are not inalienable rights.
    I once said to my daughter that I support Israel being a liberal democracy (because I am a liberal at heart as most Jews are) providing Israel as a Jewish state is protected.

    Several types of “rights” were to be protected by the Declaration: “National and historic” rights to enable Jews to once again become masters of their own fate.

    In other words, Jewish and democratic” are not equal values. The latter should not have the ability to diminish the former. Aside from that, I am all in favour of equal rights.
    What do you think the position of the left is on that issue? Remember the fight over the “Nation state law”. The left wants Israel to be a state of all its citizens. The right wants it to be the state of the Jews. The Arabs must accept this limitation of their rights.

    This position is set out in my 2005 article, “It Pays to be Jewish”and in my 2005 article “Particularism before Universalism”

  10. @Ted I’d be curious to know whether your daughter believes that Jews have the same inalienable rights as Muslims to enter, pray, and use drinking fountains on the Temple Mount and the same inalienable rights to live where they please, including Judea and Samaria. If Israel were the U.S., which she claims to admire, the answer would be, “of course.” However, if she is a consistent leftist, her answer should be, “no.”

  11. I can see there are strong feelings here felt by all.

    There is one problem I notice: The United States is not now and never was intended to be a “democracy.” The United States was formed as a representative republic. The founders were frightened of “democracy” because to them it meant mob rule. They were equally frightened of a powerful central government because they had just barely survived a very difficult war against a monarch and the last thing they wanted was a powerful central government.

    So they designed a representative government in which each of the 3 branches (executive, legislative, and judicial) would check the power of the other branches.

    Unfortunately, there was one flaw in the Constitution as envisaged by James Madison. Those who came together for the Constitutional Convention were all members of the colonialist elite. They were not necessarily aristocrats, although some were, but they all represented a highly educated group of men, something not available to all men of those days. The Constitutional flaw as written did not put in place safeguards against the elites of the country gaining so much power and money that they could make government officials subservient to them.

    In addition, the Progressive movement of the 1920’s, ’30’s, and ’40’s believed that government should be made up of “experts” who could, in their ‘wisdom’ guide government functioning. FDR massively expanded the government. The end result of these two flaws: one the lack of protections put in place for those who are not the elites and the progressive massive government expansion essentially led to the death of our Constitution.

    The way we know the Constitution is a dead letter is that legislation that began with the first public health legislation in the 1940’s and was added to in the 1980’s up until the present moment, has made it possible for the United States to have a biochemical weapons program and make it legal to use these bioweapons on the American people! This is evidence that the Constitution was essentially neutered by the so-called Military Industrial Complex that Eisenhower warned us about.

    So all the talk of democracy is fine, but the US was never meant to be a democracy. I notice that the people who tend to blame conservatives as a “DANGER TO DEMOCRACY!” are the same people who are destroying such democratic processes as federal elections and the functions of the FBI and Department of Justice.

    The real danger to our country has been the power hungry democrats who are today’s version of the Southern aristocrats who were determined to have their way with slaves even if it meant the country were destroyed.

    Similarly in Israel, the danger to your country comes not from your lack of a Constitution. It comes not from the legally elected Knesset Coalition and Prime Minister, it comes from power grabs by the Supreme Court, which has felt that its power is more important even if it leads to the destruction of the country! Similarly their cheerleaders demonstrating and trying to overthrow the government, the elites in Israel think they are somehow gifted with knowing what is best for everyone in the country, and they are determined to have their way no matter how much of the country they destroy.

    They are not for “democracy,” they are obsessed with staying in power and cannot bear to lose their power. In fact, they are the minions of the globalists who simply want to destroy Israel for the simple reason that it is a sovereign nation. And they won’t be happy until Israel is destroyed.

  12. The Israeli constitution must be based on halacha, as Israel is the Jewish state and its foundation must be the laws we received from Har Sinai.

  13. @Ted, left is very interested in negotiating a constitution.

    They have specific and a very good starting position. Similar to what I said in some cases such as a bill of rights, basic laws and using the Declaration of Independence as a starting point.

    Do not worry I know you can not stop looking at the tree you blame and I have zero chance to get you to open your mind.

    The IDI wants a constitution by consensus. They have a draft proposal it is 328 pages. They call it the Constitution by Consensus. (this how you would search on google to find it along with Israel Democracy Institute.

    Take a look at what the IDI proposed. They are interested in fixing the forest and not just a sick tree in the forest. Hopefully Bibi will demonstrate real leadership and pull the country together while creating a constitution.

  14. @Ted to solve the problems of the forest, one first needs to stop staring at one tree and blaming the one tree for all of the forest’s problems.

    Most people are not capable of doing that and just blame one tree or another. A real leader will see the overall problem of the forest and lead to solve the overall problem of the forest.

  15. @ Bear
    Nobody argues against the need for a constitution.. But until such time as there is consensus on one, the government must continue to function without unlawful interference by the Court.

  16. As a patriotic American, Mr. Dalgliesh’s long post is a must read. I am both ashamed and horrified to my core and at the same time proud to be living in a country where EVERYONE else in the world wants to live. How can we live with such tension.? From a previous comment, I pointed out how the evil leaders in our government have always undercover of twisted and distorted law perfected the killing, imprisonment and destroying the lives of their opposition. A close reading of Isiah 1-3 shows the same thing happening again. I wonder how this time will end?

  17. In my previous post, I didn’t even get into the severe discrimination against Americans of East Asion descent, who were denied citizenship and basic human rights from the passaage of the “Chinese Exclusion Act” in 1880s to sometime after World War II. Also part of this racist syndrome was the mass imprisonment of
    the entireJapanese-Americanscommunity in the continental United States from 1941 to 1945. Even as Japanese Americans in the U,S, Army racked up a record of heroism in battle well above the call of duty.

  18. Israelis are entitled to a bill of rights, checks and balances between different government branches and needs reform of its electoral system to something more stable and more direct elections in at least half the parliament (Knesset), Prime Minister.

    Prime Minister should appointment professional Ministers which will need approval from the Knesset in some fashion.

    A constitution needs to be formed, the current bi-laws should be included, a bill of rights, Declaration of Independence (would in my mind be perfect but Haredim would object as they are for control and not freedom of individual), bill of rights. Separation of powers and a fairly rigid and not easily way to amend the constitution.

    The country needs a constitution more than ever as the solution to the power struggle going on in the country.

  19. Ted, please lrescue and publish the comment I have just posted from the electronic wilderness. I spent a lot of time and effort on it, and I think it is relevant to the current debate about democracy in Israel. My point iwas that the U.S. has never been a liberal democracy, or any kind of democracy, in practice as distinct from theory. And therefore the Israeli left’s holding up the U.S. as an example od democracy for Israel to follow is a mislrading argument.

    If you think it is too long for an argument, could you please publish it as an article? Thanks for your help in this matter.

  20. TheUnited States has never been a liberal democracy in fact, as distinct from theory. For Example, most American Indians were denied the rights listed in the ten first amendments until 1924. Instead, Federal law treaed them as conquered nations, entitled only the rights of conquered nations subject ed to occupation by a conqueror. That is to say, no rights at all, The USG seized Indian property at will,The U.S. signed many treaties with Indian tribes, but never observed their terms for more than a few years at most. As soon as the United States had the military might to crush an i Indian tribe, it did so, even if this was a flagrant violation of a treaty. U,S, and state courts are even now, in 2023, are filled with petitions from Indian tribes demanding that long-broken treaties be enforced, The rarely rule in favor of these lawuits, which are often ignored, even when they are on a court’s docket, for decades.

    Most African-Americans were slaves from the day when all of the then-thirteen states signed the Constitution. until 1865, when Abraham Lincoln finally pushed through a Constitutional amendment through a very reluctant Congress. In order to secure Congressional consent, he had to promise well-paying Federal jobs to pro-slavery Congressmen in order obtain their votes. And these pro-slavery congressman did in fact receive these jobs after they “voted right.”

    In 1857, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in so many words (this is an exact quote or very close to it: In the United States a negro has no rights that a white man is bound to respect.”

    While Congress did pass a number of Constitutional amendments and other laws after the civil war that in theory gave black Americans basic civil rights, no attempts was made to enforce these laws in the for Confederate states until 1965, 97 years later! In order to enforce the right of black children to attend the school nearest them, President Eisenhower had to call up the national guard. During the Kennedy Administration, Attorney General Robert Kennedy had to personally escort black school children to school, holeding their hands, while Alabama Governmor “stood at the door” to block their entrance. Throught the south, White Citizens Councils organizes what they openly called “massive resistance ” to the civil rights legislation pushed through a reluctant Congress by President Lyndon B. Johnson. These councils vowed to protect the “purity of the white race” from ‘polution by intermarriage between whites and blacks, which
    they claimed would be an inevitable consequence they claimed would occur if the civil rights legislationwere ever enforced.

    Between 1865 and 1965, lynchings and pogrom-like riots of whites against blacks were commonplace occurances in the South, when attemps were made to organize voter registration drives in the black community.

    Whenever the U.S. has been at war with one or more foreign countries, vocal oppenents of the war were arrested and charged with crimes. Public opposition to American wars has always been banned in the u.S. There have always been many Americans thrown in jail when they dared to oppose American involvement in a war. Among those notoriously sent to Federal prison during and after World War I was a former Presidential candidate, Eugene V. Debs, who received 1 million votes for president in the 1920 election, even while he remained in jail.

    Despite the promises of freedom of assembly and freedom of speech, Congress passed laws in the 1950s specifically banning the U.S, Communist Party. All of themembers of the party’s central committee were then tried, convicted and sent to prison. They all served at least five years. Eventually the U.S. Supreme Court ruled the the law under which they were convicted served at least five years in jail.

    At present, the U.S. government is waging a campaign opersecution of the political opposition , including a former U.S. president. Imaginative reinterpretations of laws are being used to prosecute him and other leaders of the political opposition , for actions that had always been considered legal in the past. Every possiblemeans is being employed to prevent him from running for re-elrction in 2024.

    I could go on and on about the illiberal nature of American non-democracy, in practiv-ce as distinct from constitutional theory. But I am tired of the Israeli left holding up the United States as a “liberal democracy” that Israel should emulate.

  21. Howard wrote to me:

    Israel was intended to be a homeland for Jews. Applying the “liberal democratic” ideals of today (ie. globalism) to Israel will end its Jewish majority. Unfortunately too many Israelis want to imitate American liberals- they don’t care if there is “population replacement” as is being implemented in Western countries.
    To me this represents a complete lack of reading of our Jewish history and zero overview. Liberals lack logic ie. cause and effect does not operate in their brains. Otherwise they would sense the danger of Jews being swamped in their own homeland and the predictable awful result…meaning they could care less for the future of their children and grandchildren. Same as over here.