The Jordan Option – full speed ahead

By Ted Belman

Increasingly, Israelis and their government have turned away from a two-state solution as envisaged by Pres Obama, and began looking for an alternate solution.

Many such solutions have been tabled by various Israelis, chief among them being Naftali Bennett, Caroline Glick, Martin Sherman, Moshe Feiglin but none of which have gotten any traction.

The same goes for the many variant “Jordan is Palestine” proposals made by such people as the late Benny Elon, Arieh Eldad and David Singer.

Nevertheless, I have been working with Mudar Zahran for six years, to formulate a plan, involving Jordan, which is a vast improvement over all other proposals. We call it The Ultimate Alternate Solution.

The goal of this plan is to enable Israel to annex the entire West Bank (Judea and Samaria) without the need to provide a path to citizenship for the local Arabs.

The beauty of the plan is that it doesn’t require the consent of the PA or of Jordan. It just requires the embrace by Pres Trump. He must engineer a  way to remove the king from power and to install Zahran and his coalition as the interim government.

To make it even more attractive, such interim government plans to offer citizenship and the “right of return” to all “Palestinians” wherever they may live. Needless to say, it will mean the end of the PA and UNRWA to a large extent.

This then opens the door for Israel to incentivize the local Arabs to emigrate to Jordan. Zahran intends to build a new city in Jordan to accommodate a million new residents.  This will create jobs and stimulate the economy. These homes will be purchased on behalf of any Arabs willing to emigrate and given to them on arrival.

We have organized an all-day conference on The Jordan Option – The Ultimate Alternate Solution  and began promoting it. The conference is to take place at the Begin Heritage Center in Jerusalem on October 17/17. Go to this link to register and learn more about it.

On learning about the conference, King Abdulla was not happy. In fact, he was apoplectic. He coordinated his efforts with Abbas. He mobilized Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood to make public pronouncements against such a plan.

I then wrote King Abdullah of Jordan needs to abdicate.

In response, Abdullah went so far as to have the Jordanian press publish an article a few weeks ago totally devoted to this conference, which read in part:

““There are Jordanians participating, and the state must take all deterring measures, and the Jordanian state’s mind must be firm in reacting to these pro-coup stances and to punish those taking part and also recall the Jordanian ambassador and take all legal and diplomatic measures to stand in the face of these major  changes to come, which target the national security and have put together a full program on purpose aimed at creating a perfect picture for the reader and for the mind of the Jordanian state as well as the consciousness of the Jordanian citizen, who, by the way, shall never tolerate anyone touching our national security, and is willing to give away his blood and soul for that.“

Since then, the entire Arab world is discussing the conference and the plan. Over 150 articles have been published there dealing with it.

We have brought this plan to the attention of Pres Trump and PM Netanyahu. Based on feedback we have received, they find it interesting. And we are just beginning.

See you at the conference.

September 7, 2017 | Comments »

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