by Emanuel A. Winston, Mid East Analyst & Commentator
I was reminded by several incoming Emails that we Jews have been thrown a bone to distract us and it’s called “Jerusalem” for the coming International Conference for “Peace In Our Times” at the Annapolis Naval Academy in Maryland. It’s not that they wouldn’t like to divide Jerusalem at this time but, for their purposes it’s something they can use for negotiations but then give up the JERUSALEM PLOY to get what they really want. It was vital in their planning to get Jewish and Christian supporters of Israel to ignore the planned main take-over and have us focus primarily on Jerusalem.
[..] The Annapolis Conference for “Peace in Our Time” is the American version of the infamous Wannsee Conference. The main goal of Rice, Bush – and others – is to divide Israel and build another Palestinian state out of what’s left.
Manipulating us to dwell only on the vital issue of Jerusalem, we would leave the rest of Israel to fall into Muslim Arab hands. Weakening Israel by dividing an already minuscule and vulnerable nation is a definitive obsession for those who have been invited to what amounts to a pre-execution ceremony.
Now that they’ve turned what was once a veritable Garden of Eden in Gush Katif/Gaza into a Global Terror Base, they wish to “move on” to their primary goal of eliminating a militarily strong, democratic non-Muslim nation. Once they have Judea, Samaria, the Jordan Valley and the Golan Heights, it’s just a matter of time before Jerusalem would fall into their hands like a ripe apple.
We could go back to Baker’s Jew-Boys: Dennis Ross, Aaron Miller, Daniel Kurtzer and Martin Indyk. Then there is always Baker himself, presently advising C. Rice and the group dedicated to dismembering Israel. Here we also find former President Jimmy Carter as a selected advisor to C. Rice who brings to the table his pathological hatred of the Jewish nation. Carter is currently making millions by promoting his virulently anti-Semitic, anti-Israel book, which makes him an ideal advisor to Rice for the Annapolis Conference.
We cannot forget the wicked machinations of those un-Jews of Israel: Ehud Olmert, Shimon Peres, Ehud Barak – among others who wish to de-judaize the Jewish nation while they retain political power. As is said, they know what makes us tick! Rice has also been consulting with the Saudis and Mubarak of Egypt as to how to get Israeli and American Jews to negotiate their fate away at the Annapolis Conference.
This unholy gaggle of people have wanted to divide, if not eliminate Israel since her first days. The Jews of the Left never grasped that they too were slated to be eliminated, as indicative of their mind-set. They opened themselves, all Jews and Israel, up for elimination when they ruled that there could be no praise of G-d for the miracle of winning the 1967 Six Day War against three powerful armies. The word: “G-d” could not be mentioned in any official documents.
By waving the danger of losing Jerusalem in our faces, they trick us into ignoring their Greater Plan. They want Israel to be divided into a reservation for Palestinian Muslim Arabs with the unworkable thought they can pacify the Arab Muslims and eliminate terror against the Free West from other Muslim Arab nations. With Hamas and Fatah as heirs to Arafat’s Terror, once Judea and Samaria are in their hands, 3 to 5 million Arab Muslim Palestinian, supposedly the descendants from the 460,000 who left in 1948, will be pushed into those areas by the surrounding Arab nations who now house them in squalid refugee camps. They will ignore any agreements promising not to permit the flooding of what was Israel with 5 million immigrants.
Anyone who believes that the Iranians, Syrians, Saudis, Egyptians, ‘et al’ give a damn about Palestinian Arab Muslims had better start re-thinking their position. To them, the Palestinians were good for one thing only which was/is to keep the Arab Muslim and International pressure on Israel. They want Israel gone – along with the Palestinians. This kind of planning that is doomed to fail is typical of the Arabist U.S. State Department, particularly if it is only Israel who must pay the ultimate price.
The Annapolis International Conference meeting has only one purpose and one purpose only. It is to establish a space to gather Palestinian Arabs, now spuriously said to be in the millions, with a sovereignty and civil rights that heretofore have been refused to them by their brethren and co-religionists in the Arab Muslim nations. No Arab Muslim or Muslim Arab nation has permitted the Palestinians to have passports and citizenship in the country where they’ve settled. Only Israel has offered the Arab Muslim Palestinians more civil rights then they’ve received anywhere else. But, the world and the Muslims spat on the Jews for being generous. Now, Israel is foolishly offering herself on a silver platter as a human sacrifice – just to be divided up at the Annapolis Naval Academy, a name and a place that will become synonymous with Wannsee and the planning of the “Final Jewish Solution”.
But, first Jews and Christians must be led to expend their energies on only saving Jerusalem at the expense saving Israel’s heartland, eastern security border and Heights as their primary goals. At the moment, Jerusalem has been decided to be one of the temporary “give-aways”.
Any businessman or honest diplomat can tell you, they always come to a negotiation with a few intended “give-aways”. The other side thinks they have won points when, in fact, they lost the larger issue, sometimes called the “Trojan Horse”. At Annapolis, Jerusalem will be one of those “give-aways” during negotiations to lubricate the transfer of Judea, Samaria, the Jordan Valley and the Golan Heights – all of which includes two-thirds of Israel’s fresh water resources. Once those are in hand, they will come back shortly for Jerusalem and the 1947 borders. (Not the 1948 after the War of Independence in which Israel gained more ground than what had been pre-planned by the State Department and United Nations. The 1947 borders were intended to create a vulnerable Jewish State, surrounded by a hostile Muslim Arab state – including the heartland of Judea and Samaria.) Abba Eban called those the “Auschwitz borders”.
Rice has invited every enemy nation and organization who want Israel dead and gone. This includes the Olmert-led Israeli contingent who will offer all the most holy parts of Israel’s Jewish sites as a gift for “confidence-building measures” to Abu Mazen’s Fatah who are presently discussing a merger with Hamas. Whose confidence are they trying to build up? Certainly not Israel’s.
We have been set up like country bumpkins who just came to the Big City. But, we Jews have been set up before. Remember the sign over the entrance of Auschwitz: “Arbeit Macht Frei” (Work Will Make You Free). We were led to believe what they wanted us to believe. You know the rest.
We are being led like the proverbial sacrificial goat – Azazel – into the Annapolis trap. The Arab Muslim Palestinians and the Muslim Arab nations want most of Israel first and can wait a little while for Jerusalem. In the end, they get all (IF) we let them. The maps in their schools, TV, uniforms, stationary, etc. show the new, second state of Palestine covering ALL of Israel with ALL of Jerusalem as the capital for the second state of Palestine.
We’ve been lied to by experts but, worst of all, we have lied to ourselves. We usually know what’s coming and pretend it’s not. We Jews have died in the millions – throughout generations by ignoring reality. Rice tells us there will be peace after we evacuate the Land G-d gave us. She ought to know better. She should know how G-d gave Israel to the Jewish people from being raised as a pastor’s daughter. But, her childhood has molded her into a powerful woman who, despite her brilliant intellect, still sees things through a black and white perspective. In her childhood psyche the Muslim Arab Palestinians are her oppressed “blacks” and the Jews are her “whites”. How comforting it is for we Jews to be advised by such friends! We know that Rice, Bush and Baker wish us well (ill). We know that Arafat and now Abbas want the best for us. The Saudi Kings, Bashar Assad of Syria, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran, Hosni Mubarak of Egypt – all want us to succeed. Yes, indeed, it’s good to have such supporters – especially the U.S. State Department.
Every country or nation who has mistreated, exiled or killed their Jews has suffered a decline and fall. However, that did not help the Jews already dead or exiled by the those nations. They say we are a stiff-necked people. If not, we would have fragmented eons ago instead of trekking onward. We do not have to crumble because the nations have gathered – again – to deliver their “Final Solution” for the “coup de grace” (deathblow) in Annapolis!
Get the word out! Fight hard for Jerusalem but, save most of your energy and contributed protest organizing funds to insure that Israel does not disappear in a deal (hidden or open) at Annapolis. We have proven ourselves by contributing disproportionately to mankind and have no apologies to make. We have given more to the people of the world than most others and yet, we are hated. Now a new generation of Nazi-style Islamo-Fascists wants to destroy one of the miraculous and productive civilizations on this planet while their contribution is ceaseless destruction.
Regrettably, we can do nothing to please the nations except to disappear and this WE WILL NOT DO! If, as G-d had intended, we are to live alone and follow His commandments – So be it! May G-d forgive them, for I cannot.
Professor Eidelberg states emphatically that the Israeli population, by and large, has been victimized by a self perpetuating system of governance. Israeli style ‘democracy’ is not manifested by representative government. The entire country is one voting block. The voters are beholden to a party or coalition (which chooses its members, they are not elected by the people) which garners enough votes (61)to form a government.
Each party has its list of candidates which are chosen by the leader of the party.
Recycled garbage like Peres has been able to remain in politics so long because of this despicable form of governance. So what if Israel is governed by a better system than Arab Muslims – that isn’t saying much.
Israel needs representative government where politicians are individually held accountable for their actions and decisions.
Israel also needs a Constitution.
The Israeli Supreme Court has and continues to run amok.
Judicial tyranny cannot be tolerated without incurring severe, negative consequences.
Given the fact that those in power wish to remain in power, the system trudges on and on.
Israeli Jews deserve better than the present Parliamentary system to which they have grown accustomed. They certainly deserve a better government – not one run by treasonous, seditious, greedy and evil cowards.
I do not believe that the average Israeli deserves the government that is presently in power.
I hope and pray that sometime in the near future the Israeli system of governance will undergo a revolutionary transformation which will culminate in representative government. I also hope and pray that the Jewish Israeli nation will survive long enough to implement a fair and just form of government with adequate checks and balances.
Jeff (sanderzack@yahoo.com)
Jeff,you have said nothing I can disagree with! One can also say the our leaders are a reflection of ourselves, or we deserve who we choose! take your pick?
Has anyone pointed out to GWB or Condi or anyone else who is trying to gut Israel about the Joint Chiefs Of Staff assessment of Israel’s security needs following the six days of war in ’67?
Is this assessment now passe?
On the Israeli side, has any respectable politician (I guess that is an oxymoron) or citizen ever confronted Shimon Peres for open pandora’s box by committing treason and sedition in the early 90’s with the PLO?
Peres’ lap dog, Beilin, negotiated on behalf of Israel illegally. Beilin and Peres violated Israeli law with impunity and nothing ever came of it. Oslo followed. Since the ‘infamous’ handshake on the White House lawn between Arafat and Rabin, over 1500 innocent Israelis have been murdered (10,000 + casualties).
Prior to returning to Judea/Samaria and Gaza, the PLO was living in ignominy in Tunis.
Beilin, Peres and all other fellow travelers who facilitated Oslo and beyond have innocent Jewish, Israeli blood on their hands.
Why is this point hardly ever discussed on considered?
I guess it is an indictment on Israeli society in general that a treasons, seditious skunk like Peres can now be President of the country.
Do you agree with professor Paul Eidelberg in his assessment that the average Israeli has been victimized by the elitist oligarchy which is self perpetuating?
When whores run the nation, what can the nation expect?
Jeff (sanderzack@yahoo.com)
IN RECENT WEEKS I HAVE SUGGESTED EXACTLY MORE OR LESS SAME SCENARIO SEEMED TO BE HAPPENING. OLMERT AND CONDIT RAISE THE RED FLAG OVER JERUSALEM AND PREDICTABLE JEWISH KNEE JERK ACTION SPRING INTO MOTION. IN THE MEATIME THEY HAVE MORE IMMEDIATE FISH OF JEWS TO FRY AND WE ARE IT. I said yesterday that HEBRON=JERUSALEM=THE WHOLE OF THE LAND OF ISRAEL! the fight should be in defense of every grain of sand, ever inch, every meter, every mile etc. weakness over a grain of sand will lead to the ultimate destruction of the whole. Battles must be waged in every sphere. Not just over Jerusalem. Today Olmert and rice reinvoked demand to make gestures for Abbas for removing hill top settlements. I would suggest a united and major stand here as even a small victory there(the hill tops) will only encourage more and more. A steep prohibitive price must be exacted for every hill top. for every grain of stand if we fail hear we may never recoup our strength for the future battles ahead.
In Israel there are no go zones for the security forces and the police. Areas where they dare not penetrate as the dangers are too great.These areas are in the Arab and Druse sectors , in the cities towns and villages and in Tents and shacks of the Beduin squaters all over the Negiv. They are allowed to steal, rape even murder as long it is among themselves but it is rare to see Israeli police enter an Arab village or town to enforce law and order of the state. THE REASON IS FEAR ABJECT FEAR BY OUR VAUNTED SECURITY SERVICES.
Not just Jews but evangelical Christians, political conservatives, and other self-proclaimed Zionists who have been duped by the “Israel’s best friend” mantra. This includes prominent blogs which began life as pro-Israel conduits but quickly sold out to the RNC for visitor traffic and advertising dollars [you know who you are Charles].
Posters on these sites continue to cling to the risible notion that feeding Israel to the wolves is part of a brilliant strategic plan devised by Bush or that he simply has no control over Rice and the other Saudi lackeys at the State Department. Well, here’s word from the horses mouth:
Hadley also made it clear that the White House is fully coordinated with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, dismissing any impression that Rice is acting independently and that her efforts do not enjoy the backing of President George W. Bush.
— Haaretz
Suck on that LGF…
Not just Jews but evangelical Christians, political conservatives, and other self-proclaimed Zionists who have been duped by the “Israel’s best friend” mantra. This includes prominent blogs which began life as pro-Israel conduits but quickly sold out to the RNC for visitor traffic and advertising dollars [you know who you are Charles].
Posters on these sites continue to cling to the risible notion that feeding Israel to the wolves is part of a brilliant strategic plan devised by Bush or that he simply has no control over Rice and the other Saudi lackeys at the State Department. Well, here’s word from the horses mouth:
Hadley also made it clear that the White House is fully coordinated with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, dismissing any impression that Rice is acting independently and that her efforts do not enjoy the backing of President George W. Bush.
— Haaretz
Suck on that LGF.
I can only see Manny Winston’s theme accomplished by a rehabilitated Sehedrin exercising the doctrine of excommunication.
I believe a few years ago a Sehedrin restarted in Israel. I also believe concurrently the Shinui Pary sought to make herem illegal.
The Yevsektzia/kapo’s weakest link is Judaism….for their legitimacy, their overseas fundraising and their repellant against challenges to their policies.
A Sehedrin can resolve the “Jew-boys” Manny Winston alludes to.
If it’s not realistic to reconvene in Israel, perhaps a Beth Din as an adjunct in the US can substitute. Surely Denise Rich and Abraham Foxman can provide office space since they trade on the noun “Jewish” for their wealth.
As long as Alan Dershowitz can operates as a Jew, expect problems in Israel re morbidity and mortality. In Iran, anticipate a genocide and an enhanced sex slave trade re the approximately 30 K Jews living there.
Is time of the essence?
Joshua took them by surprise, marching all night from Gilgal JOSHUA 10:9
Kol tuv,
You point your finger at many people — Baker, Ross, Miller, Kurtzer, Indyk, Rice, Carter, etc. — who you hold responsible for the developing Annapolis fiasco, but it is refreshing to see that you include George W. Bush in your list. After all, Bush is the “decider,” the number-one person who is responsible for the sell-out of Israel currently underway. More than ever, I’m puzzled why so many Jews in Israel and America still see Bush and his cronies as friends. Their rhetoric is okay, but their actions betray our trust. Anyone who doubts the harm the Bush years have done to America and Israel should look back a few years and remember just how much our positions have deteriorated on Bush’s watch. His strategic ineptitude is staggering. Hopefully, the Palestinians will end up refusing to attend Annapolis and thus prevent the Bush team from working its ill-conceived diplomatic mischief once again.
On the isue of dividing Jerusalem, even an Orthodox Rabbi advocates it. Pathetic!;-(
Read here article in The Jewish Journal
(sorry, the link key does not seem to operate)