The Israeli Government and the Jewish People


The government of Israel does not make an effective case for the rights of the Jewish people.

POINT I. Negotiations are for solving conflicting claims.

It is said that the government of Israel is prevented from negotiating with the Arabs who live in Judea, Samaria, and Aza, because they have no government which is authorized to negotiate, and to enter into an agreement, on their behalf.

That is true, but secondary. The essential point is that no negotiation should be conducted, unless both parties have some claim to the disputed property.

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Example 1: I lent NIS 10,000 to Mr. B. He did not repay the principal of the loan, and he did not pay the interest on the loan. Inasmuch as Mr. B has no claim on my money, there is nothing to negotiate.

Example 2: M, a manufacturer, sold and shipped NIS 5,000,00 worth of goods to D, a dealer. Some of the goods were defective. D lost money, because it did not have enough goods on hand to meet customer demand. M has a claim against D: payment for the shipment. D has a claim against M: fewer sales than expected. When each party has a claim, there is something to negotiate.

Regarding the Land of Israel, there is nothing to negotiate. The Land of Israel belongs to the Jewish people only.

Ditto for unified Jerusalem, inclusive of the Temple Mount and the City of David. They belong to the Jewish people only.

The Temple Mount is sacred to the Jewish people only. The Moslem fairy tale, which does not reference Jerusalem, about a journey on a winged steed, is a laughable basis for Moslem barking about the Temple Mount. The fairy tale is rubbish (a) of itself; and (b) in contrast with the 4,000-year association of the Jewish people with the Land of Israel, beginning with the Patriarchs; and (c) in contrast with the 4,000-year association of the Jewish people with the Temple Mount, beginning with the presence of Abraham and Isaac on Mount Moriah.

The government of Israel falls down on its job of representing the Jewish people, by ignoring that only the Jewish people have historical, political, economic, and cultural connections of with the Land of Israel, inclusive of Judea, Samaria, Aza, Jerusalem, and the Temple Mount. The connections are irrevocable. To the contrary: Netanyahu, Herzog, Lapid, Livni, and others prattle about two states for two peoples. Their starting point is the falsehood that Arabs have a legitimate claim to the Land of Israel. In their view, there is something to negotiate. That is a disservice to the Jewish people.

POINT II. Language matters. That’s why lawyers choose their words carefully.

That is why “alleged” and “asserted” are used by lawyers to maintain the idea that something is disputed. If I represent Mr. P, and he disputes that he signed a contract, my obligation is to say “the asserted contract”. I cut the ground out from under Mr. P, if I am careless with words, and I refer to “the contract”.

The government of Israel is careless with its words, to the detriment of the Jewish people. “West Bank” is used by the government of Israel, no matter that the term concedes the legitimacy of the illegal takeover by Jordan, in 1948–1949, of Judea and Samaria. The government of Israel should use “Judea and Samaria”, which concedes nothing.

The same for Aza — “Aza”, not “Gaza”. The latter term concedes the legitimacy of the illegal control of Aza by Egypt, which began in 1948–1949. The government of Israel should use “Aza”, which concedes nothing.

Also, it is harmful to the Jewish people for the government of Israel to use the term “Gaza Strip”. In the territorial context, “strip” indicates land which is politically different from nearby land. “Aza” means that the 140 square miles controlled by the Hamas terrorists are part of the Land of Israel. “Gaza Strip” means that the 140 square miles are not part of the Land of Israel.

Other words used, to the harm of the Jewish people, by the government of Israel, are “Palestine” and “Palestinians”. In fact, those words are associated only with Jews. E.g., “Jewish National Home in Palestine”; Palestine Post (now Jerusalem Post). Arabs resident in Judea, Samaria, and Aza usurped those words. The government of Israel goes along with the usurpation.

POINT III. The government of Israel aids the Arabs who live in Judea, Samaria, and Aza

The government of Israel aids the Arabs who live in Judea, Samaria, and Azathrough banking services, car registrations, cement deliveries, electricity services, tax money, UNRWA support, and much else. Here’s a news flash for Knesset members generally, and for Netanyahu and his cabinet particularly: there’s a war going on. It’s Jews vs. Arabs. Jews are the white hats. Arabs are the black hats. The war is winner take all. The term for aiding the enemy in wartime is “treason”. The term for Netanyahu shaking hands with Abbas, who murdered many Jews, is “disgusting”.

POINT IV. The story of Israel should be told to the world by the government of Israel, but is not.

One starting point of the story is the Bible, and the association of biblical places with cities and towns in present-day Israel. The related starting point is that biblical figures, who lived in the Land of Israel, were Jews. Not Arabs. All that is ignored by the government of Israel.

Fast forward to the 20th century. The story of Israel has to include the Balfour Declaration (1917), the San Remo Conference (1920), and the Treaty of Sèvres (1920). None of those significant events is mentioned by the government of Israel.

The extensiveness of the Jewish National Home in Palestine is not brought out by the government of Israel. The Jewish National Home in Palestine included present-day Israel, Jordan, and south Syria. The last of these took in the Golan Heights (the biblical Bashan). Over the past 100 years, the size of the Jewish National Home in Palestine has been cut, and cut some more. Israel today is 15% of the size of that which the Jewish National Home in Palestine should be. Division of present-day Israel between Jews and Arabs would be yet another cut in size.

Had the size of the Jewish National Home in Palestine not been illegally cut, there would be sufficient room to take in the Jews of Europe. They are threatened with pogroms by Jew-hating Arabs, who were allowed into Europe by globalist elitists. Yet, the Jews of Europe have no place to go. Present-day Israel, with a population of eight million, is bursting at the seams. Through advocacy of the two-state solution, the government of Israel does harm to the interests of the Jewish people.

July 11, 2017 | 3 Comments »

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3 Comments / 3 Comments

  1. The government of Israel does not make an effective case for the rights of the Jewish people.

    There’s no such thing as a collective right.

    If an individual [Jew] needs to defend his right, his asking the Government to do the job for him would not be unreasonable, but it would be foolish; as are all requests for government-oriented services.

    He needs to stand up for himself (or hire a PR guy).

  2. Good article. To focus on one minor point: The silliness of the tale of Mohammed’s “night journey” is well illustrated by the following chestnut:

    A tenor tells a conductor that he wants to sing a Bach aria in a different way because he met Bach in a dream and Bach told him that’s how he wanted it done.

    The conductor goes along.

    The next rehearsal, the conductor tells the tenor that they will do it the traditional way because he met Bach last night at a party in a dream and Bach said he never heard of him (the tenor).”

  3. Once again…… Some months back I posted several times objecting to the term “Disputed Territory”. I said that for a dispute there needs to be (a minimum of) two parties to make a dispute. But as there is only ONE party who owns the Land,and another which is trying to make a spurious claim (paraphrasing) it can’t be called “disputed territury”. .There is nothing to dispute………………………..Hmm