The Greatest Revolution in Human History


“Cowards die many times before their deaths; the valiant never taste of death but once.”  Shakespeare, Julius Caesar

A global war has been declared.  This is not hyperbole, this is not conspiracy.   A violent revolution IS taking place.  It will be the greatest revolution in human history.  It has already begun and too many people are choosing to be oblivious.  It will radically change the lives of billions of people and has already ended the lives of millions.  It is a global WAR on the middle class…a war the enemy intends to win.

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The Elites, the globalists, the billionaires, the ‘stakeholders’, those that meet in secret places to decide your future have decided, and you have no choice.  Your vote has already been made moot.

They will frighten you, and then lure you, reel you in like a fish. They will use your ignorance, your fear, your natural desires against you. They will then spring the trap and finally put you in your place.

Contrary to what Wikipedia insists on saying, it is not a conspiracy theory.  That is enough reason to never go to Wikipedia again. They are a tool of the Left.  This revolution is the French Revolution in reverse.  Where the revolution in France, begun in 1787, was a revolt of the proletariat (commoners) against the Elite.  This revolution, this push for The New World Order, is a revolution of the Elite against the middle class.  They want their power back.  They don’t care about government of, by, and for the people. They no longer want to share with or acknowledge the middle class as having any privileges or rights… saved only for the Elite.  The poverty class will always take anything they can get.  Democrats have seen to that these many years.

Millions of migrants, with thousands more arriving daily, are waiting to take your place.

The Elites’ solution is to use climate change and the environment as a pretext.  Literally billions of what Stalin called, ‘useful idiots’, are believing them, having allowed their governments to tax, regulate, and scare them to death with bogus predictions of doom.  Not one prediction of oil depletion, destruction of the ozone layer, icecaps melting, acid rain destroying crops, another ice age, or cities disappearing under the waves, has come even close to coming true these past 60 plus years.  That’s how long they have planned this.  Obama’s mansion off Martha’s Vineyard is still there.

The only prediction that has come true is their forecast of pandemics. As it has turned out, it’s the pandemics that THEY have created and are still creating.  Their ‘gain of function’ research, turning viruses not harmful to humans into deadly pathogens, have now killed millions, if you count the deadly DNA-altering vaccines. Their approaching new mask mandates are, and always were, control experiments. They are about to test us again.

Speaking of control, Bill Gates and the Chinese Communists are some of the largest owners of farmland in our country. Land they own allows them to control the cattle (dairy and meat) and the vegetable crops. By control I mean they can easily destroy the dairy and meat industry (they say cattle produce too much greenhouse gas).   As Rush Limbaugh used to say, ‘for those in Rio Linda’, that means they control much of the food.  New York City has already reduced meat and dairy within city institutions. Yes, other countries own farmland in the USA, but they are not enemies.  Read on.

Part of their plan is to initiate C40 cities 15-minute cities, or call them ‘smart’ cities. They will soon become familiar to you.  There are 96 cities around the world that signed up to ‘fight climate change’, reduce carbon emissions to zero.  These cities represent over a billion people.  A few of them are: New York, Boston, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Seattle, Houston, Los Angeles, New Orleans, Miami, Portland, Austin, Chicago, Phoenix & Washington, D.C., almost all Democrat cities. Internationally, a few are Beijing, Hong Kong, Tokyo, London, Paris Copenhagen, Berlin, Milan, Rome, Warsaw, Lisbon, Madrid, Stockholm, Istanbul, Tel Aviv, Melbourne, Sydney, Mumbai, Jakarta, Hanoi, Durban, Seoul, Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver, Lima, Rio, São Paulo, Athens, Auckland.

The 96 cities will only be the start.  They will divide cities and towns into ‘neighborhoods’ where you will live, be controlled and monitored.

The leadership of many of these cities think they are going to get a free makeover. Amazing how easily people and politicians can be bought.  What they are going to get is a repackaged tyranny, closer to fascism than communism.

These C40 cities, they promise, will allow people to be within 15 minutes walking distance to anything they need.  It sounds great until you delve deeper. The cities will be monitored by surveillance cameras…facial recognition, even recognizing you by gait.  They will restrict free movement, even outside your assigned neighborhood.  It will be designed to control and remove choice.  There will be fines for breaking the rules.  It will be a copy of China where 650 million cameras monitor the every movement of China’s citizens.

They want you to stay within 15 minutes walking distance of your home, but they are selling it as a convenience to you.

The C40 cities will have strict rules.  There will be dietary and travel restrictions.  A max of 2,500 calories per day per person, no meat, no dairy… veggie burgers and locusts.   No private car ownership. There will be strict travel, holiday and flight restrictions.  Energy use will be restricted via SMART Meters.  Purchases will be controlled via Carbon Credit System, Digital ID and central Bank Digital Currencies… no more privacy.

In other words, you will be living in a relatively attractive prison where food, movement, and comfort will be prescribed and controlled.  They will make all these decisions for you.

Oxford is to be trialed in 2024.  Thetford will be considered the first trial town.  Ipswich will be one of the first 15 minute towns.  They want the rest under active development or complete by 2030.

You may ask, how will they possibly get 8 billion people into these SMART or C40 cities and towns.  They won’t have to.  That’s being taken care of as we speak. Every day I get inside news from very qualified and reputable physicians and scientists of people dying from the vaccines.  It will take a number of years, granted, but I’m sure every reader of this article has heard or read of people who have died unexpectedly…athletes in their prime, young teenagers dying in their sleep, pilots dying in flight.  It gets worse every day.

They say this is a race to zero, zero emissions.  I say it is a race to zero freedom, zero rights, zero choice, zero privacy, and most of all, zero GOD.  But, maximum control.

These globalists and their toadies are the lowest form of human life, godless, greedy, murderers of innocent life, purveyors of perversion, destroyers of civilizations.

At the risk of sounding like a raving conspiracy theorist, this is going to be the greatest revolution in human history because people are going to die by the millions, if not, billions. The globalists are designing a world that the current population cannot fit in.

And who is protecting you from these animals?  No one in government.  The hapless Republicans are playing the old style politics in a whole new game.  The Democrats and RINOS have forever changed the rules, but the Republicans still don’t get it.  Trump certainly does.  He’s learned the hard way.

I have done my homework, now you do yours.  I encourage everyone to do their research.  Get beyond the fluff.  The World Economic Forum and the globalists do not hide their plans, they are proud of all their work to make the world a better place (for them).

You see, the Elites don’t want to see you, or hear from you, or deal with you.  The rest of the world will be their playground. They give up nothing. To them, there are only two kinds of people…those getting their shoes shined and those shining them.

This is a global revolution, a revolution we must win.  If you want freedom, if you want to protect and cherish your children, if you want to sweep away the rot and stench in your governments, put traitors, criminals, and those hiding in the shadows where they belong, you’re going to have to fight.

August 26, 2023 | 8 Comments »

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8 Comments / 8 Comments

  1. The Diane Bederman blog post was dynamite! These are freedom singers, singing about what the majority of us feel.

    I have also been positively affected by an interview with Dr. David Martin:

    He makes a powerful case that the New World Order is already dead. There are a number of facts that spell this out to him. In the course of the interview he explains how he came to this point of view.

    Yes they are still able to cause grief and they will still try to terrorize us. But the people aren’t going to fall for it again. For one thing, the uptake of the new mRNA gene shots is only about 10%. Not only that, but people have been stopping the childhood immunizations, and there is very low interest in the flu vaccine.

    They have only one weapon: Fear.

    If you are not afraid of them, they cannot control you.


    This is a follow-up to my earlier post about the “mysterious” company that is buting up land and attempting to force people to sell their land in California. The above URL provides a link to the article. The land-grab is in Solana County in central California, near a major U.S. military base. Local officials maintain that this raises “national security concerns: My guess is the secretive company that is buying up the land is owned and run by the CCP. Partly to make a killing for the Chinese investors, perhaps. But also to have a listening post near a major U.S. military base.

  3. This is written by somebody who is (a) literally too young and climate short sighted; and (b) riding a bad political fallacy and (c) insufficient history.

    I have lived in Manchester UK for near 60 years. My garden Lilies of the Valley used to bloom in the week of the 1st of June and now they do so in the last week of April. The blackberries in local hedges used to be out in mid September and now they are out in mid August. Shakespeare’s “gentle rain from heaven” has become squalls of downpours. The climate is changing and was notably so for those with instruments even forty years ago which is an adult’s work life but seconds for the geology and climate. The US will wake up with a bang when that nitwit is flooded out of Florida.
    Like everything to do with the US obsession with guns the fallacy in the premises of this article is, “If I can afford something I am entitled to it regardless of consequences to society at large. That was precisely the sort of royal whimsy the Revolutions of the Cromwellians, the Founding Fathers and the French and Russians were against. But Thatcherites do not believe there is such a thing as society let alone a need to steward it. Sorry… the whole point of society – “governments formed among men/citizens” is to allow, plan with consents, and execute with consents, social behaviour to the benefit of all on the principle that the whole is more than the sum of the parts. Most of our towns were not built for traffic jams and our bodies did not evolve for petrol fumes. We now have to take our heads out of those sacks.
    As for the “Middle” class originally eg at the time of the Revolutionary Era, those of trade and profession between the nobility living off the rents of their property whether farms or (town) buildings, and the mass of day labourers,sailors, soldiery and share croppers. By this classical definition middle class tradesmen and professionals have expanded their percentage of the working population mightily since the end of WW II and are unlikely to disappear neither from market demand for their abilities and knowledge nor from voters rolls. However if you put a lot of eg potatoes, on the market their price drops. This piece is not about the Middle Class but the concept and assumption that being Middle Class will bring you a better life in income and security than being a day labourer/ menial / factory hand. Elites have little to do with it as they are Middle Class by virtue of holding their positions by training and ability and NOT by being “born into the purple” as with grand landlords of yester century. Note how in Europe the upper class these two centuries have led the way in buying their sons and now daughters too, the best education available. Property like “Patriotism is not enough” and in the traditional US metaphor, “the frontier has now closed,” so some rearrangements need organising.
    As for bashing “elites” people have always been very cagey about those with the wit to talk rings round you: clergy and lawyers for a start and now scientists or financiers. It is not for nothing that in English “being clever ” is an insult. While on that, the words “cunning” [from kennen, D’ye ken John Peel] and “crafty” [crafting so making the works work] are also deep into valid knowledge and apparently abusing the ability. The only answer to sustaining liberty is to be alert and learned.

  4. I agree we are going to have to fight to get our freedoms back.

    But I think many people are starting to become aware, and are not going to just accept much more tyranny. There will be a final straw and then there will have to be a reckoning.

    It turns out that more than half of Americans, closer to two thirds of Americans are against the parasitic elites. Not all billionaires are evil, but a small subset of them are. We already have 68% of Americans who know the enemy and are willing to fight. This is a figure based upon US voting preference for Trump in the last election, once all the fraudulent votes are removed from the count.

    I believe the elites currently in power are getting scared. The numbers of people who are for Trump might be such that no amount of fraudulent activity can hide, especially given that the fraud is now so clear to so many. If they are going to call for masking and lockdowns again, that too implies they are scared they are losing control of the messaging. The number of indictments against Trump which appear both ridiculous and corrupt to the people of Europe, who were never big fans of Trump, also implies they are scared. They can’t get enough in the way of “insurance plans” in place!

    While the parasitic elites appear to have all the power, We The People have not even begun to let our power be felt and they are already scared.

    I think they figured after the trial run of the fake pandemic it would now be easy to get complete control of the populations of the world, who would be too scared to do anything but go along with their terror campaigns and PSYOPS. I don’t think they figured anyone would have the courage to go against their “fact checkers.”

    They thought if they controlled all the news media, the truth would not get out, but instead what happened is it brought cable TV’s business model down all the more rapidly, as people turned more to streaming and to the internet for alternative news sources.

    The truth is completely out there in the open for all to see. The only ones who can’t see are those who are covering their eyes, and only checking and re-checking “fact checkers.”

    It seems to me that everything the Biden Administration does, fails, and shows their utter corruption and incompetence for all to see.

    I am sure the parasitic elites will make it difficult for us, as they have a huge bureaucracy in place (in the US) to fight against us along with the whole military industrial complex.

    But more and more police are on our side. More and more service men and women are on our side. This is why they tried to defund the police and why they fired service men and women who wouldn’t take the gene therapy shots. They more they try to destroy the republic, the more they aim their police state at us, the more Americans come to our side.

    There is a medical freedom movement that is making tremendous strides in getting factual, helpful information and good medical care available to Americans. We need a People’s freedom movement to develop the means of winning our political freedoms back.

  5. Right as we write, a mysterious company which has “a complete lack of transparency”–it doesn’t reveal the names of its shareholders, directors, CEO, etc. Has bought up 50,000 acres of undeveloped land in central California, It has distributed brochures claiming they intend to build a major city on the land, as well as suburbs. They have acquired this land by offering well above market value for the land they are acquiring, often to landowners who are in financial trouble. They even have the hutzpah to threaten landowners, most of them farmers, who have declined to sell their land to them to them. And they have even sued these non-sellers for “restraint of trade” for refusing to put their land on the market.

    The mystery corporation is registered in Delaware, which allows companies to incorporate while maintaining complete secrecy as to their ownership, leadership, and all other matters of legitimate interest to the public.

    I will provide the details and specifics in a later post. It is all on Youtube.

  6. The are burning everything down.. ‘Build Back Better’ …. Hawaii.. Canada .. Greece… either you die in the fires or they force you into poverty and buy the land