The Gaza Operation: Less a War than an Anti-Iran Coup

Israel’s operation was an intel coup to shut Iran’s gateway to Cairo via Hamas.


The eight-day Gaza duel between Israel and Hamas was the showcase. Behind it, a coup went forward, masterminded by at least three intelligence wizards: Israel’s Mossad Direct Tamir Pardo, Turkish National Intelligence Organization – MIT chief, Hakan Fidan and the Qatari Prime Minister Sheikh Jassim al Thani, who also heads the emirate’s intelligence service. The CIA was in close touch.

Their aim was to abort the military ties Tehran was cultivating with Hamas before the Gaza Strip is grabbed as Iran’s springboard to Cairo. To this end, wave upon wave of multiple missile assaults on Israel were provoked.

Obama’s overall Plan
The coup action was designed as Part One of US President Barack Obama’s overall plan, which is to harness the Arab Spring to key US objectives. His partners were – and are – Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi, Turkish premier Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu.

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Obama’s next stop is Syria where matters are coming to a head on several fronts.

The plan, if Israel’s Operation Pillar of Defense worked, was to chart a new future for the radical Hamas terrorists by their transformation into the legitimate voice of the Palestinian people for which they still need some grooming and more than a touch of the airbrush.

Hamas has the advantage of being the most popular boy on the Palestinian block, which is why the Fatah leader and Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas has avoided an election for six years.

In the short term, the Israeli miniwar was meant as a vivid lesson for Tehran about the fate awaiting its Arab allies. Hizballah is advised to watch what happened to Hamas before its leader Hassan Nasrallah looses tens of thousands of rockets with which Iran filled its armory against Israel.

For these objectives, Israeli ground action was not necessary at any stage of the Gaza operation.

Its opening shot was a bull’s eye, eliminating Hamas’s military commander, the pro-Tehran Ahmed Jabari and Iran’s kingpin in Gaza.

Iron Dome stole the show by knocking out most of the 1,000 missiles launched from Gaza before they hit town centers. Israel lost six dead. Many of the injured were shock victims.

So was the coup strategy played out in Gaza a success?

Time will tell; Israel has meanwhile begun easing its land and sea blockade on the Gaza Strip. Turkey and Qatar are committed to major investments in the Gaza economy to make it more prosperous than the rival West Bank. And the US and Egypt have undertaken a joint effort to stem the flow of Iranian arms to Gaza through the smuggling routes of Sinai.

A million things could go wrong along the way. However, the same coalition has meanwhile shifted it sights from Gaza to Syria. NATO is about to post Patriots with American crews on the Turkish-Syrian border and the rebels are finally beginning to hem Assad’s military resources in.

November 28, 2012 | 16 Comments »

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16 Comments / 16 Comments

  1. Why Israel isn’t taking stronger action, I will
    never know. She could take care of the Gaza with a good blow if she had to. Maybe a good
    blow to her neighbors. What does she have to
    lose? If I’ve learned anything about the
    muslims, – to try and make peace in a peaceful fashion, is a sign of weakness to them. They
    always retaliate with more violence. Their
    religion is one of Jihad. Israel do what you
    did in ’67, a “never again” response. The
    civilized world needs you.

  2. @ Ted Belman: thanks Ted. there was an article in the Israel Times which implied enmity of Haniyeh for Jabari because Jabari searched Haniyehs house on the request of Meshaal. The reason being that Meshaal suspected Haniyeh of contiuing to maintain Iranian ties. However, something appears wrong here as in Debka Jabari is said to be an Iranian connection so why would Meshaal have one Iranian connected person search another? IN the same Times article Jabari’s Iranian trained bodyguards are mentioned. There are still some blanks in the stories but overall it appears that that something is going on that is unsaid regarding Israel’s gaza “war”, the US installation of the MB in various arab countries, the defanging of syria, hezbullah and Hamas(in anticipation of a next phase against Iran?) The latest one of interest to me is that the M1 radar site which oversees Israel and south of Syria was taken out by the Syrian rebels. I would have thought that the northern radars, left in place, would have been more important to Turkey. I wondered if it was in advance to Jordan or Saudi attacks on Syria or possibly clearing a path eastward for (???). I am also wondering if current events have something to do with the gas finds off gaza and everyone jockeying to makes some cash. Positively, perhaps the possibility of biig bucks presents itself as an alternative to the usual jew baiting as a way of maintaining power. This would require Israeli cooperation. Not to wax idealistic but perhaps gaza(palestine, felastin, phillistia) could become an economic magnet for west bankers to relocate, a new wealthy Monaco, hence big arab money from Qatar. If they had sense they could create a gold mine.

  3. @ Bernard Ross:
    Good for you. You are right on the money. I recently wrote a major article which I expect American Thinker to publish on Sunday. In it I collect a lot of corroborating evidence in support of what DEBKA reported about the ceasefire. I wrote, if you believe DEBKA, all the incomprehensible becomes comprehensible. You have given a couple of supporting items.

  4. @ yamit82:I read your ink and also todays on nationalist judaism, what did you think of that?
    It struck me that unless I can believe that there is a method to their madness, things we do not know, a plan in the works, my mind becomes totally boggled by the GOI behavior. I cannot find any rational explanation for seemingly suicidal tendencies. E. G. the situation at the buffer zone. Perhaps I am an ostrich who cannot believe my brothers are capable of such ongoing obvious stupidity. In that case there would be no reason to have any sensible ideas or actions about anything; it would all be an exercise in futility. If that is the case then one would have to wonder about a reverse aliyah to escape from the crazy people.

  5. Bernard Ross Said:

    then I wonder why they dont, maybe there’s a reason or a “method to the madness”

    No I suspect madness in the method. The hand of political hand washing with the enemy or with elite corruption is there.

  6. @ Bernard Ross:

    Bernard Ross Said:

    then I wonder why they dont, maybe there’s a reason or a “method to the madness”


    A long essay can be made on each category and some I haven’t listed. Like This

  7. yamit82 Said:

    Israel could stop the inflow of weapons to Gaza by retaking the border between Egypt and Israel at any time and interdict, based on Intel weapons shipments. Drain the Hamas swamp by cutting off Israeli services and funds.

    then I wonder why they dont, maybe there’s a reason or a “method to the madness”

  8. yamit82 Said:

    I could understand if Israel were attempting to elevate Hamas in place of PA if the object were to make any negotiations mute for the present

    this may be part of it
    ; Israels latest threat to PA is to negotiate with other pal partners. Hams has conveniently taken pressure off negotiations for a while now.

  9. Got to say that some of these ideas would explain the strange series of events. I read that Meshaal said he would accept a state on 67 borders; all the arab players are involved in a sunni shiite struggle against Iran and its surrogates; Saudi ex navy head just wrote article that Israel is not an enemy; todays story re diplomat says qatar a bitter enemy of Israel: i think is disinformation with a purpose; Jabar(coveniently targeted by Israel?) represented Irans interests in gaza against Meshaal and Haniyeh who cast lot with sunnis; Qatar had prior trade ties with Israel and asked Israel recently to allow it to invest and rebuild gaza; the aborting of the ground operation; the war appeared to be provoked intentionally. I dont buy the entire debka explanation but it does appear to be a set up, dog and pony show, smoke and mirrors.

  10. Ditto me with Laura. Yamit sees through bullshit, Jewish or otherwise, and so do I.

    If the Jewish nation is to live on in its only homeland, with a Jewish state strong enough to assure its own long-term survival, then Jews must learn to start looking at threats through the lenses of objective reality rather than walking through life as though they were lightly chloroformed, as an American Jewish novelist once wrote about modern Jerusalem.

    Arnold Harris
    Mount Horeb WI

  11. Total BS. Sounds Like a list of talking points out of BB’s mouth to justify his cowardice and betrayal of the Israeli people. Obama could not hope for a more obedient, compliant vassal stooge.

    Israel could stop the inflow of weapons to Gaza by retaking the border between Egypt and Israel at any time and interdict, based on Intel weapons shipments. Drain the Hamas swamp by cutting off Israeli services and funds.

    I could understand if Israel were attempting to elevate Hamas in place of PA if the object were to make any negotiations mute for the present and immediate future but to expect Hamas to moderate itself into being a partner is ridiculous. They don’t want a State and never did. They are into the Caliphate ideology not nationalism. No reason either to believe Turkey Qatar and the CIA adhere to the same end game as Israel or what debka claims.

    Time will tell; Israel has meanwhile begun easing its land and sea blockade on the Gaza Strip. Turkey and Qatar are committed to major investments in the Gaza economy to make it more prosperous than the rival West Bank. And the US and Egypt have undertaken a joint effort to stem the flow of Iranian arms to Gaza through the smuggling routes of Sinai.

    Gaza today is more prosperous than the West Bank, they get much more donor $$$ than do the PA. Hamas leaders steal less and Gaza has a strong agricultural base where the West Bank doesn’t. With missile production and spinoffs they could be in a few years a force to contend with not only within the so called Pali communities but regionally as well. For Israel that’s a threat not a desired result.