The Fraudulent Case Against ‘Violent Settlers’

U.S. officials using pro-Palestinian NGO sources to back controversial effort aimed at sidelining Jewish state

BY LIEL LEIBOVITZ,  TABLET  February 5, 2024

The parents of Israeli settlers, brothers Yagel Yaniv, 19, and Hallel Yaniv, 21, mourn during their funeral at the military cemetery in Jerusalem on February 27, 2023, a day after they were shot dead while driving through Huwara town in the occupied West Bank

In early November of last year, barely a month after Hamas terrorists breached an internationally recognized border, murdered more than 1,200 Israelis, and kidnapped hundreds more, Michael Herzog attended a meeting on Capitol Hill. Israel’s ambassador to the United States, accompanied by his military attaché, likely hoped that the briefing would focus on the Jewish state’s efforts to defend itself from the heaviest blow it had ever sustained.

But the conversation took a very different tack. Instead of focusing on Hamas or Hezbollah, the lawmakers in attendance, sources told Tablet, including senior ranking senators from both parties, wanted to focus on the risks posed by Israel—specifically, by roving bands of allegedly violent settlers in the West Bank. Lawmakers pressed the Israeli officials, going so far as to assert that uniformed IDF soldiers were escorting Israeli settlers to attack Palestinians.

Much of the information that these lawmakers were citing came from a single, ostensibly impartial source whose words carry weight in Washington in part because of his rank: Lieutenant General Michael R. Fenzel, a three-star general who currently serves as the U.S. Security Coordinator to Israel and the Palestinian Authority, colloquially known as the USSC. Fenzel’s USSC is well-known for its regular, sometimes daily briefings and reports about “extremist settlers,” which it provides to members of Congress, policy hands, Israel-related advocacy groups, as well as to foreign countries’ forces in Israel.

February 8, 2024 | 4 Comments »

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  1. @pdale5 Actually, Biden has been consistent in his opposition to Jews living beyond the 1949 armistice lines since his days as a freshman senator when he threatened Begin with cutting off aid and pounded the table like Kruschev prompting Begin’s historic speech beginning, “I am not a Jew on trembling knees…”

    By contrast, Trump made generous donations for infrastructure, parks, and playgrounds in Judea and Samaria, also as far back as the 1980’s when he was still a liberal democrat and not even close to considering a career in politics. And he did it without publicizing it.

    And yes, it is shocking that an Israeli bank would do that. Bibi worked in high finance in the states before making Israel an economic powerhouse on the world stage. Maybe he can figure something out though I’m curious about the bankers who made that decision. I wouldn’t be surprised to learn they are part of the anti-Bibi leftist, American-led, anti-judicial reform TSS cabal. Either Ben-Gvir or Smotrich, I forget, said he would take it to the Knesset. Bless them both. They are truly treasures.

    I have to say, I wonder how much of Biden’s dysfunctionality is due to his dementia and how much due to his being a typical Democrat. Look at all the messes Democrat presidents after Truman and especially post LBJ, caused. And not just Presidents. Look at Hillary Clinton, Victoria Nuland, Leon Panetta, so many others. One disaster after another. And Hillary Clinton’s aide came from a prominent Saudi Jihadist family but Biden takes the cake with radical leftists, Jihadists and even Iranian agents!!! in key positions. And of course, he is probably totally compromised by China making him truly a Manchurian Candidate. The Big Guy.

    Somebody asked me who I thought the worst president was and caught off guard, I just remembered the conventional answer from my school days, James Buchanan, the Democrat who immediately preceded the civil war but you know, there’s so many Dems to choose from, God Dem it. 😀

    (though I have to say that in spite of everything else, when Israel is not on the table, for state wide elections, and Republican candidates want to slash the economic safety net, I have no choice but to vote Dem since I’m not suicidal.)

    But, thankfully, Trump is no extremist on these issues.

  2. What is especially shocking is that Israeli Banks are bowing to the dictates of a demented fool in Washington. The Israeli government should take action to compel the banks who freeze accounts of Israeli citizens to obey Israeli law and not that of a foreign power.

  3. Last week, President Biden, invoking the International Emergency Economic Powers Act, signed an executive order imposing severe sanctions on “persons undermining peace, security, and stability in the West Bank.”

    If he were willing to check other sources, he might change his executive order, but since that order follows the desired narrative, we should not hold our breath.
    for instance, checking the numbers we read in this article would insinuate that the Palestinians should be the object of the executive order rather than Israelis, who, it seems, have connections if not roots in the USA.
    I guess these people should get a lawyer to force their case.
    The administration cannot deny entry to the USA to US citizens. Quite apart from that, these settlers were neither charged nor found guilty, so this action against them is purely political.