The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Policies: A Danger to Jews and All Americans

By Gila and Adam Milstein

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) policies and programming are increasingly embraced in American institutions. This is particularly true in education, from leading American universities to elite prep schools. The ostensible goals of DEI are positive: to promote the representation, participation, and fair treatment of historically marginalized groups.

However, DEI, which is closely linked to critical race theory (CRT), has been deployed to advance a radical agenda that undermines fundamental American values by promoting equality of outcome over equality of opportunity, collective identity (race, gender, etc.) over individual character, censorship of opposing viewpoints over freedom of speech, and a victim culture that crudely bifurcates society into oppressors and oppressed.

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Along with embracing other favored radical causes, DEI is also being weaponized against Jewish students, maliciously portraying them and the Jewish State as wanton oppressors.

In our latest op-ed,”The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Policies: A Danger to Jews and All Americans, we discuss how DEI undermines American values and contributes to campus antisemitism. For example, many DEI staff members describe Israel as an “apartheid” state, and frequently accuse Israel of “ethnic cleansing” and committing “genocide.”

Schools that enforce a DEI agenda have been confronted by concerned Jewish students and parents. For example, a Jewish father recently discovered that the DEI agenda at his daughter’s school seeks to indoctrinate children to reject Western values, and led to discrimination and ostracization of Jewish students and their parents. When the father expressed concerns, his daughter was asked to not return to school, leading him to rightfully file a lawsuit against the Brentwood School. To read more about the Brentwood lawsuit, see the second featured article below.

If you’re interested in partnering with us to combat antisemitism and fight BDS, we would love to hear from you.

Lastly, we invite you to learn about Parents Defending Education (PDE) in this newsletter. PDE is a national grassroots organization working to reclaim our schools from activists imposing harmful agendas.

July 10, 2022 | 3 Comments »

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3 Comments / 3 Comments

  1. DIE (my preferred order) is a truly evil concept. It is against our Western civilized values, which owe so much to the Jews. It’s worst in the USA but definitely coming to the UK, and should be fought in every place it manifests its ugly head.