The Diplomatic option toward Iran is self destructive!!

January 24, 2024 | 4 Comments »

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  1. @Peloni

    When you go to war in a foreign land, first make an offer of peace.”


    Deuteronomy 20

  2. @Laura

    They wouldn’t be forever wars if we actually fought to win.

    Indeed they wouldn’t but the reason wars are not fought to win is because they are led by Neocons who simply prefer forever wars.

    I am all for wars against our enemies.

    It is said that war is simply negotiation by other means. In truth this statement suggest that negotiations were ever pursued to begin with, and in the case of the looney Neocons, this is rarely true. As a consequence, war in their hands is simply a tool of domination, destruction and devastation, and no one is better for it.

    While it is always important to have the means to make war and the temperament to eliminate any threats which might be brought against us, I would argue that war should never be a desired first choice, or we run the very real risk of proving to be more terrible than those upon whom we might choose to make war. Indeed, speak softly and carry a big stick, or speak loudly and carry a big stick, but for G_d’s sake, speak before you use the big stick…Unfortunately for their desired targets, Neocons prefer the silent diplomacy format.

  3. I am all for wars against our enemies. They wouldn’t be forever wars if we actually fought to win.

    It has always puzzled me as to why the Neocons, who love their forever wars, pursue the Mullahs with an adoring affection and endless diplomatic options to help the corrupt and dangerous Iranian regime become more corrupting and more dangerous. There was always a nice little forever war waiting to be popped in Tehran, but instead the Neocon faithful have specifically pressed one failed diplomatic measure after another, getting further from anything which resembles either peace or stabilty for their efforts, and yet, they still employ such false tactics to this day. Hopefully the page will soon turn, so that whatever measures are needed to end the Mullahs and their genocidal Armageddon cult once and for all time.

  4. It has always puzzled me as to why the Neocons, who love their forever wars, pursue the Mullahs with an adoring affection and endless diplomatic options to help the corrupt and dangerous Iranian regime become more corrupting and more dangerous. There was always a nice little forever war waiting to be popped in Tehran, but instead the Neocon faithful have specifically pressed one failed diplomatic measure after another, getting further from anything which resembles either peace or stabilty for their efforts, and yet, they still employ such false tactics to this day. Hopefully the page will soon turn, so that whatever measures are needed to end the Mullahs and their genocidal Armageddon cult once and for all time.