The Devil wears Pravda…

Tierney’s Real News, August 15

The data is out. American taxpayers currently pay a total of $451 BILLION per year to provide housing, food, medical and other welfare benefits for illegal immigrants.

That amounts to an average of $5,782 per taxpayer HOUSEHOLD – each year – or roughly $500 per month.

THERE’S NOTHING CONSPIRATORIAL ABOUT THIS – IT’S MATH. American citizens are paying to replace themselves.

When your local church asks you why you don’t tithe more – tell them you already pay $500 a month to care for non-citizens – for people who shouldn’t even be here.

When your child asks you why you never go out to eat or take vacations or buy them new clothes or shoes, tell them you can’t afford gas or food because you’re already paying $500 a month to care for illegal migrants – for people who shouldn’t even be here.

When your retired parents tell you they can’t afford to buy groceries anymore because of Obama-Biden-Harris inflationary policies, tell them you’d help but you already pay $500 a month to care for people who shouldn’t even be here.

Got it?


August 16, 2024 | 1 Comment »

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