The Depravity of the Democrat Party, the American Left, and the Media

By Steve McCann, AM THINKER

After nearly 17 months, the Chinese laboratory manipulation of coronaviruses as the origin of Covid-19, the Federal science bureaucracy’s complicity and cover-up, and the motivation behind the overwrought government- and media-sponsored solutions to the pandemic are finally being exposed and can no longer be suppressed by the Democrat party (i.e., mainstream) media.

It is difficult for the average American to fathom the depth of dishonesty and potential treason of those motivated by self-preservation to keep hidden their incestuous relationships with the Communist Chinese and the part they played in the Chinese development of highly infectious viruses as potential military weapons.  And with the Democrat party and their allies in the media abetting the Chinese Communist hierarchy in denying that the Covid-19 virus almost certainly escaped from the laboratory in Wuhan and was maliciously allowed to spread throughout the planet.

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But far worse is the absolute depravity of many of these same bureaucrats and Democrat politicians who demanded, without any reliable dataunwarranted economic lockdowns and mandatory quarantines with the primary intent of so undermining the economy and self-confidence of the American people that their nemesis, President Trump, would be unable to win re-election in November of 2020.

For the first time in human history, a nation effectively quarantined the healthy instead of only the sick.  For the first time in American history, elected officials on the state and local levels illegally and unilaterally suspended rights guaranteed in the Constitution.

For the first time ever, millions of medical patients in need of preventive medical care were told they could not be served, thus condemning tens of thousands of them to a premature death.  Never before on such a massive scale have residents of nursing homes been denied visitations by friends and relatives and left to die alone and uncared for.  Under no prior circumstances have those with a contagious disease been deliberately sent to nursing or medical facilities to potentially infect a highly susceptible population.fession denigrated and effectively outlawed proven medicines (e.g., Ivermectin and the hydroxychloroquine regimen) because a president mentioned them.  To further exploit national anxiety, the reporting of fatalities due to the virus was deliberately overstated to include those who actually died of other causes but had been perhaps exposed to Covid-19.

Thus, the unnecessary deaths of tens of thousands of Americans, the permanent closure of millions of small businesses, the loss of a year’s worth of education and development of America’s children, the unfathomable rise in suicides, the six-plus trillion dollar increase in the national debt and inflation running amok.  All to ostensibly mitigate a pandemic that has essentially the same survival rate as a severe flu outbreak.

Yet, this cost to the American people and the nation was immaterial to the Democrats, the American left and their media allies so long as Donald Trump was defeated and his voters fully marginalized.

Further, while the nation was focused on the pandemic, the Democrats moved to overturn the nation’s voting system by introducing fraud on a massive scale via mail-in voting.  And the left attempted to precipitate, via riots and intimidation, radical cultural and societal changes using “systemic racism” as a cudgel.

While this cabal was motivated by their irrational hatred of Donald Trump and determination to seize power in perpetuity, they were also convinced that the bulk of the American people, in their ignorance and naiveté, would not see through their tactics.  Considering how the vast majority of Americans so meekly and unquestionably acquiesced to their illicit and draconian methods, and a majority are still doing so even though the pandemic is essentially over and 200 million have been vaccinated, perhaps they were right.

What is happening in the United Sates today with the rapid and unbridled ascendance of this autocratic oligarchy is not unique in the annals of mankind as it is the near inescapable end-product of basic human nature unleashed.  Over the 200,000 years that the human race has been on earth, it has been inevitable that once a tribe or society achieves a semblance of stability and the underlying human need of survival essentially met, a few members of that tribe, with an insatiable need to dominate, come to the fore with the acquiescence of the rest of the tribe.

Over many millennia, it has been that small segment of humanity with insatiable megalomaniacal tendencies that has precipitated conquest of other nations as well as manipulating, exploiting and enslaving their fellow human beings.  The founders of the United States were well aware of this base aspect of man and attempted through the drafting of the Constitution to mitigate as much as possible those possessed with these traits from assuming dictatorial hegemony by disbursing political power as much as possible.  But they also knew that it was ultimately the citizenry and not the governmental structure that would decide the nation’s fate.

In Philadelphia, on a clear unseasonably cool September 17, 1787, forty-one delegates to the Constitutional Convention met to finalize and sign the newly drafted United States Constitution.  Ben Franklin wrote a short speech in support of the newly minted Constitution and asked for unanimity among the signers.  Among Franklin’s remarks were:

…Sir, I agree to this Constitution with all its faults, if they are such, because I think a general Government necessary for us, and there is no form of Government but what may be a blessing to the people if well administered, and believe farther that this is likely to be well administered for a course of years, and can only end in Despotism, as other forms have done before it, when the people shall become so corrupted as to need despotic Government, being incapable of any other. 

…Much of the strength & efficiency of any Government in procuring and securing happiness to the people, depends on opinion, on the general opinion of the goodness of Government, as well as the wisdom and integrity of its Governors. [italics added]

In light of their complicity in abetting the barbaric actions of a declared adversary of the United States and their heinous willingness to sacrifice the lives and fortunes of their fellow Americans to achieve their ends, the current government (i.e., the Ruling Class) is irretrievably devoid of any goodness, wisdom and integrity.  What is in question is having seen and experienced the depravity of the current government have the people have become so corrupted as to overlook their deeds and acquiesce to their despotic governance?

That question will be answered within the next three and a half years.  The key to defeating the current government is embedded in the Constitution and the disbursement of political power.  Every election for a school board member, a sheriff, a mayor, a city or town councilman, a state representative, a state governor, a member of House of Representatives and the Senate exemplifies that disbursement.

The turnout and the results of all of these elections over the next three and a half years plus the willingness of the populace to boycott those private institutions that unabashedly promote anti-Americanism will determine the fate of the nation.  And whether it will be the current iteration of the American citizenry that will bring to pass Ben Franklin’s bleak prophecy.

June 8, 2021 | 3 Comments »

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  1. UPDATE: Accurate List of 2020 Election Fraud Cases Shows 87 Total Cases – Trump and/or GOP Won 71% of Cases Where Merits Were Heard
    By Joe Hoft
    Published June 8, 2021 at 8:55am

    The 2020 election will go down as arguably the greatest fraud in world history. The tremendously popular incumbent candidate, President Trump, was easily winning the race on election night in a landslide and then suddenly multiple states took a break, quit counting, and by the end of the week the election was flipped to Joe Biden.
    Then, as the President and his team attempted to address the fraud and alleged abnormalities, the courts refused to hear many of the important cases that impacted the nation and the world.

    We’ve heard over and over from Big Media that President Trump and his team lost numerous court cases linked to the 2020 election. But this is not accurate.

    Here’s what we identified as provided in an accurate and updated list of court cases:

    There are 87 court cases to date based on the 2020 election
    In 26 cases President Trump was the plaintiff
    In 56 cases President Trump was not the plaintiff
    In 5 cases President Trump is the defendant
    In 24 cases the case was decided on the merits
    In 17 of the 24 cases (71%) decided on the merits President Trump and/or the GOP prevailed
    12 cases remain active

    Here is a link to the list of cases. Notice this file is updated on an ad hoc basis so numbers are subject to updates.

    In the 2020 election:

    Thousands of instances of fraud were observed and/or alleged
    Multiple states changed laws to provide for absentee ballots and the manner changes were made is alleged to be illegitimate
    The FBI to date has done nothing to review the alleged fraud
    The DOJ denied any alleged material instances of fraud
    The Democrats are accused of the alleged election fraud
    The state legislatures certified their results with millions of ballots in question
    The US Congress accepted these certified results which ignored the thousands of instances of election fraud
    VP Mike Pence accepted the results despite state legislatures asking him to examine the results

    And now we know President Trump and/or the GOP won 71% of the cases where merits were heard.
    Americans are livid with the actions that took place in the 2020 election and believe the election was stolen. There are numerous reasons for this.

  2. The DOD has refused an order from Biden.

    How does that work? If Biden is president and Comander in Chief, how can the bureaucracy that answers to him ignore an order? Either the president is not the President or the Deep State just planted its own flag of defiance of presidential authority. One of these statements answers this obvious disregard for presidential dictate.

    DOD breaks with Biden admin, refuses to fly Pride flag

    Breaking from the Biden administration, the Defense Department announced that it will not allow the Pride flag to be flown at installations under its purview.
    June 7, 2021 1:29 PM 1 mins reading

    Breaking from the Biden administration, the Defense Department announced that it will not allow the Pride flag to be flown at installations under its purview.

    “After some careful consideration the department will maintain the existing policy regarding the display” at military bases, Defense Department spokesman John Kirby told reporters. “There won’t be an exception made for the Pride flag.”

    Kirby said that the move “in no way reflects any lack of respect or admiration for the LGBTQ+ community,” but more about “the potential … for other challenges that could arise from that exception,” Fox News reported.

    Secretary of State Antony Blinken had issued an authorization in April for United States diplomatic outposts around the world to fly the Pride flag on the same flagpole as the American flag at embassies or consulates showcasing support for LGBTQ+ rights. The Biden administration reversed an order issued by former President Donald Trump’s then-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on flying the Pride flag at some United States embassies, including in India and Australia.

    Overturning the Trump-era policy on the matter, Foreign Policy reported in April that Blinken authorized for diplomats to fly the Pride flag before May 17, which marks the international day against homophobia, transphobia, and biphobia, and through June, which is Pride Month in numerous countries around the world.

    Rep. Nicole Milliotakis (R-NY) had introduced new legislation, dubbed the “Stars and Stripes Act” that would ban Black Lives Matter among other “political” flags, apart from the American flag, from flying at United States embassies. A leaked memo revealed that the Biden administration authorized the display of Black Lives Matter flags at state department buildings including embassies to commemorate the one-year anniversary of George Floyd’s death that sparked outrage.

    “We encourage posts to focus on the need to eliminate systemic racism and its continued impact,” an internal State Department memo read.

  3. Much as I agree with the sentiment of this article, the underlying problem is still alive and well. The elections cannot be trusted if they are determined by post-in ballots and cheating ballot counters.