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  1. Yo Yo Mah? Really? So, what are we supposed to do, quit listening to cello music? I have a great problem with such lists, generally. How accurate are they? Don’t you think the real bad guys’ identities are well-hidden? Publishing such lists just doesn’t seem like a productive thing to do, and can leave the Right looking like fools. Does anyone remember the McCarthy hearings of the 50’s? Sen. Joe McCarthy was actually right. Communists had deeply infiltrated Hollywood, etc., but by using similar tactics, he gave the media all the ammo it needed to discredit him. It would be too bad if the Covid (and other) issues ended the same way.

  2. Interesting information. Dustin Muskovitz… hmmm… He tops the list; Claus Schwab, Bill Gates & Mark Zuckerberg make the list; but the large majority are relative unknowns. Even Donald Trump turns out to be a facilitator of the Evil League. George Soros, Biden and Fauci don’t even get mentioned.

    This puts a new perspective (to me) of the personalities involved.

    As for Doc Martin, there’s something about him that doesn’t match up — beyond his bowtie/ blue jeans combo.

  3. No Mr. Nice Guy indeed…

    The following comment is written into the Pfizer briefing document regarding children 5-11 vaccinations:

    The number of participants in the current clinical development program is too small to detect any potential risks of myocarditis associated with vaccination. Long-term safety of COVID-19 vaccine in participants 5 to <12 years of age will be studied in 5 post-authorization safety studies, including a 5-year follow-up study to evaluate long term sequelae of post-vaccination myocarditis/pericarditis


    So, as Dr. Rubin quite coldly but honestly stated, we will have to inject them to find out if there are any adverse effects. They authorized this madness because there was no oversight precluding them from doing so. The shareholders within the NIH/CDC/FDA are are all complicit in this tragedy. As Dr. Malone noted we will have to have some children die before anything will be done. The question is what is the acceptable number of deaths in children before this tragedy will be halted. Note that we are still waiting to find out what is the acceptable number of deaths in adults as the death tally approaches 20K in VAERS.