For your entire life, you’ve known that when you get vaccinated, you’re protected from a particular disease. You’ve probably been vaccinated for such diseases as polio, tetanus, measles, diphtheria, and others, and you no longer have to worry about them, because the whole reason your parents took you to the doctor to get those shots was to protect you from those diseases. Polio, in particular, has been completely wiped out in the United States thanks to the immunity created by vaccination.
A recent change on the CDC website should disturb all of us because it appears that the CDC is trying to change how we understand vaccinations.
Here’s the “Definition of Terms” for Immunization as captured on August 26, 2021. I’ve highlighted the key points.
Immunity: Protection from an infectious disease. If you are immune to a disease, you can be exposed to it without becoming infected.
Vaccine: A product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from that disease. Vaccines are usually administered through needle injections, but can also be administered by mouth or sprayed into the nose.
Vaccination: The act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease.
Immunization: A process by which a person becomes protected against a disease through vaccination. This term is often used interchangeably with vaccination or inoculation.
These definitions have been in place since at least May 16, 2018.
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Here’s the “Definition of Terms” for immunizations now, which was updated on September 1, 2021, with changes highlighted.
Immunity: Protection from an infectious disease. If you are immune to a disease, you can be exposed to it without becoming infected.
Vaccine: A preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases. Vaccines are usually administered through needle injections, but some can be administered by mouth or sprayed into the nose.
Vaccination: The act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce protection from a specific disease.
Immunization: A process by which a person becomes protected against a disease through vaccination. This term is often used interchangeably with vaccination or inoculation.
So in a week, a vaccine went from being something that “produces immunity to a specific disease” to something that merely “stimulates the body’s immune response against diseases,” and a vaccination no longer “produces immunity” to a disease, just “protection” from a disease.
Does anyone else find this disturbing? Why did the CDC suddenly redefine “vaccine” and “vaccination” to make them sound similar to your basic non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug or a prescription drug you have to keep taking regularly?
No explanation for the change is given.
Is this part of the Biden administration’s efforts to make the public accept regular COVID-19 boosters by changing how we understand the purpose of vaccines? Vaccines, we’re now supposed to accept, don’t provide us with immunity, just protection from disease. This vague definition essentially makes it easier for the government to recommend endless boosters for COVID (or any other disease) because vaccines, they say, no longer make us “immune.” And yes, there are several vaccines that do need boosters, but that never changed our understanding or the definition of vaccines and vaccination.
The Biden administration already had a problem with vaccine hesitancy in the wake of its Johnson & Johnson vaccine pause. You want to know how to increase vaccine hesitancy instead of decrease it? Do something like this.
Too much guessing about why they are doing what they are doing. What they are doing is illegal and harmful. I don’t care about the why and by choosing one scenario over another just creates tensions that cause diversion of attentions to the general effort to stop these policies that are, in fact, killing people. Just my view, but I find such conclusions as to why they are doing what they are doing irrelevant to the fact that they are doing it and they need to be stopped.
Ostensibly. Do you believe everything you hear?
Like I said – I don’t know how the process of making an appointment for “the jab” and then getting vaccinated works.
It is possible (although I don’t know that) that each vial is ordered for each particular person so there’s no need for anyone to be involved in complex conspiracies.
It was just a hypothesis, and I think it makes much more sense than senselessly trying to possibly exterminate human life on Earth including the originators and executors of this project.
It is because Pfeizer is using the state of Israel as a test study and they will be relating outcomes to previous exposures/conditions. It makes perfect sense, albeit no one likes to be considered a lab test, but the reality of this is well established I think.
I don’t agree that the different cohorts of society could be easily distinguished and the particular vials via serial # employed. The individual doing the injections goes to the back and retrieves a vial, they don’t search for a vial with a particular serial number. They would have to have perfect knowledge who should receive which group of vaccines, ie the vax or the placebo. I see you will not likely apreciate the complications and number of people who would be required to be aware or the scam, but the fallout would be enormous if any one of these multitudes of conspirators might grow a conscience or see a potetial for fame or a little extra $$ and reveal the story. I used to work in a pharmacy, very interesting job if you don’t mind not making much money. There is no chance this sort of thing could easily be hidden as the tasks are pursued as a group with each member of the staff picking up the slack as needed. The vaccine centers are everywhere and each would be involved. Too fantastic to be real and the benefit is too small. Though I do accept you will likely disagree. It would explain the inconsistency of vax efficacy, though.
It is not at all complicated given the availability of the modern technology.
The low level and even the high level workers do not need to be involved at all.
Here is a way to do it using the information technology or high-tech:
1) each vial has a unique code connecting it to the central data base;
2) the codes are grouped by what should be in the vials – placebo solution or the real thing (could be by different versions of the real thing);
3) when the vaccines are produced, the contents are put in the vials based on the batch code;
4) you are supposed to make an appointment to get “the jab”, you don’t get it the same day;
5) it is possible to match people who are to be vaccinated with the batch numbers they are supposed to be vaccinated with by having a computer program which selects the vials to be shipped based on the levels of “need” and “risk”;
6) Obviously, the people with the highest need to be vaccinated and the highest risk of catching COVID would be the elderly and/or sick/disabled, etc., i.e., this would be ostensibly done out of kindness to the “underserved populations” and not because of some, God forbid, Hitlerian euthanasia project to remove those “living whose lives are not worth living” and to save the government money.
I expect the objection that the data base (at least in the US) has to have the information about every citizen which is too detailed to obtain.
My answer (while I don’t know what info you are required to give about yourself when making a vaccine appointment):
1) there was a census taken in 2020;
2) how do you know that the government/corporations don’t already have this information from peoples online activities, shopping, government data, etc., etc.?
I think if we knew that we might be very unpleasantly surprised.
BTW, Israel received Pfizer vaccines in exchange for EVERY Israeli’s medical records – I wonder why.
I wasn’t correcting you, but simply noting it was a greater portion of the public at risk to the “booster” with or without the flu component.
Regarding the flu shot, the bianual “booster” will likely be required by everyone, so no further need to play with archaic concepts so outdated as voluntary vaccination which only capture the involvement of those motivated by fear of the flu. Also another consequence to everyone getting these shots by mandate means that there will be no comparison between the vaccinated and unvaccinated publics. So, the elderly to the new born, each will have their shot at this death lottery, which Pharma will either improve their product or hide their losses with false data and managed studies as they seem quite at ease to do currently. Either way they will achieve the stamp of safe and effective regardless of risks and effects.
The idea of the placebo vaccines was first described by some on the web who claimed inside knowledge. Months later, in India where they have the most important data on many things, it was discovered that a group who were suppose to be administering the vax were in fact administering placebo vaccines instead. It was a graft scam and to my knowledge the only such proof of placebo vaccines. This scam in India was exposed due to their using duplicate certificates of vaccination, which was easily discovered – very short sighted crooks. They initially created their plot because they were short of supplies, and then they realized there was a good profit selling sterile diluent as vaccines.
In the real world, these vaccines are applied by a great many low clinical staffers and druggists who would all need to be part and party to such a complicated scheme to choose the targeted boomers or whichever subset of the public to recieve either the vax or the placebo. I find this dubious at best. There are supply issues and the use of diluent substituted as vaccines could be argued to make sense (and dollars) to alleviate the supply issues, but the risk of their trillion dollar contracts and reputation around the world would seem to argue this theory as very suspect to me. They might choose to prevent known risks from befalling specific celebrities receiving vaccination on TV, such as Mariah Carey, but they would not by choice risk their vaccine scheme, I believe, with this second scheme of cheating the public of their product. The upside is too limited and the downside is too great, but just my opinion.
While you may be correct regarding “non-boomers”, I wasn’t trying to make a point that ONLY the “boomers” will be affected.
If you recall, when the COVID hysterics first started last year, the young Americans promptly dubbed the virus “the Boomer Remover”.
Also, as I already mentioned, I saw someone’s comment under an article, I think in Jpost.
This person stated that 50% of the “vaccines” (I don’t remember whether this comment mentioned the manufacturer or not) are placebos – there was no reference given.
I also knew from last year that every one of those vials has its own code on it.
IF this placebo info is, in fact, correct, then the whole thing starts making sense (unlike the hypothesis of a bunch of the criminally insane individuals trying to kill every human being on the planet) because different batches/types of “vaccines” can be given to different kinds of people depending on a certain number of factors/characteristics.
The more of those characteristics someone possesses, the closer they will be to the death sentence from the jab.
For example (the worst set):
someone who is elderly, no relatives or in a nursing home, dependent on Social Security payments, on Medicaid or Original Medicare, preexisting medical conditions or disability, living in a subsidized apartment (“Section 8” housing), etc.
I focused on the elderly because they are usually the ones who are strongly encouraged to get all kinds of annual vaccinations, and there was some information recently that if you get vaccinated against COVID, you’ll be more likely to catch the flu.
If they are the targeted population (or one of the targeted populations), it makes sense.
To make it short, I think we are way off if we keep thinking of “the random effects of the vaccines on the population”, especially (and I tend to think it’s true) IF placebos are being used for some segments of it.
An additional note to your point here. The outcome of serious disease and deaths are based upon an increased presence of ACE2 receptors, which is itself associated with chronic or severe illness as well as the upside down ratio of healthy blood markers in cholesterol commonly observed in unhealthy lifestyles. Hence, it is not just the elderly, but every person, regardless of age, with chronic/severe diseases including heart disease, diabetes, cancers, or obesity. The elderly are the largest single grouping of those affected, but they are very much not the only ones. Indeed, this vax is causing increasing numbers of those who would be affected by its harms if we are to accept the findings of the Israeli research describing increases in myocarditis, the reports of the VAERS/Yellowcard and the autopsies showing increases in cancers. So the increasingly population who may be expected to be sensitive to the harms of the vax may be expected to be evolving more quickly than the rate of those entering the rating of “boomers”, as you put it.
Now they can kill off even more of those pesky “boomers” who routinely vaccinate against the flu.
“Now you get two for the price of one!”
I think they need to settle the safety issues and efficacy issues on these covid vaccines before combining them in a mutli-vaccine. Is it just me, or is this just willful madness to be chasing offspring projects while the original vax is still killing some people in an alarming number and leaving others in a complete state of incapacitation.
Children vaccines are much more numerous now than they were years ago. Children are vaccinated in the first few years of life for so many things it defies belief. I believe in the first year they routinely receive either 25 or 50 injections. So, these things have been well accepted by the medical establishment including the outspoken critics who oppose the current vax program. The problem here with the Covid vax is that this vaccine is known to be ineffective, to some level, against the current Dellta and is known to have several harmful consequences in adults. Moderna uses the same mechanism as Pfiezer and myocarditis is being heralded by the Israeli health authority as having only a 324% increase in myocarditis with their vax. Many may be ignorant of the simple fact that myocarditis is not a disease for which you can have a mild case. The heart is permanently scarred. And the clinical occurrence of this is more present in the younger years. This is just one life altering complaint associated with the mRNA vaccines.
We know, for certain, the harmful effects of the Covid disease is caused by the spike. Yet we are injecting an enormous amount of spike producing mRNA and they are a more hearty mRNA in this vaccine – ie the vax mRNA is not degraded by the enzymes used to degrade non-vax mRNA – and we know that some people with a normal immune system have spike still in their blood 2-5 months post vax. How many have this occurrence we don’t know. We actually don’t know about a lot of harmful points about these vax because we don’t want to collect the data or the govts don’t want to share their findings and this is after 10months.
Hence, there is no need for this risk and there is no benefit for its protection because children don’t get the disease. The cowardice of some demand that children endure such risk of harm is in complete contradiction to the principle of risk mitigation associated with every other vaccination program, which is why no adult is ever vaccinated for child born illnesses. Children, especially infants, are not small adults. They are developing humans. Their immune system is incomplete, their organ systems are still maturing. The inflammatory disease that is associated with the spike inoculation is significant and the potential harm is well established in adults to include death. So, none of us should be so duplicitous as to claim an ignorance of the potential harms these vax hold for children. Still, anyone who would place their child under such risk should be clear eyed as to the zero limit of gain they are achieving for their child while truly risking the child’s life. And no detailed understanding of medicine is required for these basic thoughts. If people are so swayed by political games or medical shareholders to risk their child’s life on a whim, well, there is little chance of any talk of reason will dissuade them.
I view a need for a vaccine to prove that it provide a certain benefit without creating a more concerning virus while exibiting zero risk of death or debilitating disease. This does not seem to be a puritanical view to expect from something that is suppose to be safe and effective. But no doubt the CDC will change their websites and alter their definitions to accomodate any findings of these multi-vaccine boosters and label it safe and effective, and the mad masses will continue their vaccine worship.
Is it really ok to have over 13K Americans die from a safe and effective vaccine in just a few months. Are we to accept this every year or every 6months? Is all rational thought so displaced that this death lottery is to become our established fate? No, these boosters are very concerning. And the Medical shareholders have established that they are at best beyond any rational level of trust to meet out and report any harms that are present. Such as it is, these are my thoughts, but it will likely surprise few.
This is from Newsmax:
This report is significant for two reasons:
1) the very fact that they are developing a vaccine that they think will work for both Flu and covid at the same time seems to support my hypothesis that many of the supposed covid19 cases that have been reported in official statistics have been flu all along. That would also explain why reported flu cases supposedly dropped more than 98% once the covid19 epidemic began. Obviously, if one vaccine could provide protection from both illnesses, then they must be closely related illnesses, and one could easily be misdiagnosed as the other.
This also seems related to the request by the CDC that laboratories (I don’t know which ones) develop a test that can simultaneously test for both covid and flu, and also distinguish between the two.
The other important story in this report is that Moderna plans to test its vaccine on extremely low children, as young as six months old. This is truly outrageous! These children are obviously way too young to give anything like informed consent to be vaccinated. In addition, it is a well-documented fact that vaccines, nearly all vaccines, are extremely dangerous when administered to infants. I know a woman whose son was vaccinated as an infant (I can’t recall for what) and has been “non-verbal” (brain damaged) ever since, requiring her to care for him full time even though he is now in his thirties. Infamous.
What do you think about this report, Peloni?
Here is McCullough’s website:
This is a synopsis of Dr. McCullough’s lecture about Covid19 and related issues on Rumble:
Rumble — Dr. Peter McCullough: Full Lecture On COVID-19, Treatment, And Vaccines (August 20, 2021)
https://rumble.com/vm3kvi-dr.-peter-mccullough-full-lecture-on-covid-19-treatment-and-vaccines.html This is one of Dr. Peter McCullough’s most complete and thorough lectures on all aspects of the Covid19 and the vaccines recommended for it, and on effective medications for treating it, and especially home treatment.
Dr. McCullough has or had his own website in which he brought together many of his video talks and interviews. But I can’t find it now by googling it, or by any other means. Perhaps it has been taken down by Google as “misinformation.” If anyone knows the URL for his website, and if it is still available anywhere on the web, please post this information on Israpundit. Thanks.
From today’s Jerusalem Post.