The C0VID19 Genocide of 2020, A synopsis of the greatest genocide in mankind history

Uri, Weiss. It uncovers the entire milieu of oligarchs psychopaths who are determined to regress us to the medieval times of slavery and despair. They think that this time they will be successful, in their words they own the “science” to be used to usher the era of TRANSHUMANISM, by first reducing the world population, getting rid of undesirables and subjugation of the remaining, by tampering with their DNA, to turn them into obedient sheep. This was their plan, in the words of Claire Edwards:

by Claire Edwards  2022

1. COVID19 PLAN-DEMIC was long in planning by the Eugenics. Numerous simulation were performed in past years with the latest at the Event 201 on October 18, 2019, sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation.

2. Numerous attempts were made in the past, this time the coordination was air tight. Politicians, medical associations, doctors, judges, business were bribed aggressively and opposing dissidents were terrorized and marginalized.

3. The end scope of this conspiracy was to usher a genocidal “vaccine” to be mandated on all people of the world with unparalleled brutality.

4. At the heart of this psychotic hoax stood the PCR test, which was never designed to diagnose disease and was proven to yield 94% false positive results. In fact the criminals from the CDC, NIH and World Homicide Organization invented a new disease for perfectly healthy people.

5. It is highly conceivable that the expeditious launching of 5G made people sick from Electromagnetic radiation from the 5G towers.

6. Lockdowns were the cruelest draconian measures used by the politicians psychopaths to terrorize the very people they were supposed to protect.

7. Governments around the world lost their legitimacy, as they failed to serve and protect their constituents.

8. A general call to the freedom fighters of the world to shun the organizations and people who engaged in this Holocaust. Police must join the ranks of the revolution as they will also be replaced by machines in the utopian, futuristic, psychopathic New World Order.

9. To all those who opine, that COVID19 PLAN-DEMIC is behind us and we must resume our lives and forget it ever happened, they are in for a rude awakening. The psychopaths don’t miss a beat, they are just warming up, with more draconian measures than before. Ban on eating meat, climate lockdowns, increase surveillance and terrorism targeted not only against dissidents, but on everyday citizens, all for the sake of control and domination. These criminals psychopaths will stop at nothing, they are determined to go full steam ahead to implement their psychopathic agenda.

August 14, 2023 | 5 Comments »

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  1. @Raphael

    As corrupt as the politicians, medical establishment, et al. are, the Media is the main weapon in the Left’s quest for total control.

    Quite so, but I would go further to state that a free media is actually the most powerful tool which acts in defense of a free people and a representative republic. Recall Thomas Jefferson statement that

    “were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.”

    This is quite an important fact, and the editors of the various news media are more specifically the source of the betrayal by this important fourth branch of govt. If they editors would not permit the circular news coverage, the lack of valid sourcing, and the corruption by federal money and federal control, the world would be working with far more competent and responsible govts than run the various nations today.

  2. Numerous attempts were made in the past, this time the coordination was air tight. Politicians, medical associations, doctors, judges, business were bribed aggressively and opposing dissidents were terrorized and marginalized.

    Don’t forget the Media, both MSM and Big Tech. They were fully on board, and the scamdemic couldn’t have gotten off the ground, or have been sustained, without them. As corrupt as the politicians, medical establishment, et al. are, the Media is the main weapon in the Left’s quest for total control.

  3. I highly recommend watching the video. In the video, the author explains that the lockdown was used primarily as an opportunity to build out the 5G infrastructure especially near or on schools without people knowing. In addition, electromagnetic radiation of certain frequencies can cause symptoms similar to symptoms of COVID. The author connects the 5G rollout and potential for human damage from this, with the COVID genocide. I have corroborated evidence from other sources, individuals who have studied electromagnetic radiation, and they also have acknowledged that 5G is a military weapon, it has surveillance capacity that can “see” inside buildings, and wireless technology such as cell phones can make it deadly. In addition, medical schools do not train students in the pathology caused by high frequency electromagnetic radiation.

    Thank you for this article and the video which is very powerful.

  4. yes. unfortunately, we cannot look at other issues from judea & samaria to trump vs jack smith, without considering implications of this genocide rolling out in front of our eyes. at least this news service, israpundit, gets it. most others do not especially in the jewish media world. JNS writers are unwilling to even broach the subject.

  5. The same people that brought you the Covid Scamdemic are behind the Climate Change Scamdemic… same agenda.. you are the Carbon they want to get rid of.. depopulation