The Brexit Vote Is a New Milestone in the Global War on Elites

“In a sense, the result of this referendum is a victory for Trumpism the world over.”

By Simon Shuster, TIME

In a stunning victory for the anti-establishment forces that have upended mainstream politics across the Western world, British voters chose on Thursday to pull their country out of the European Union, sending global markets into a tailspin and encouraging anti-E.U. forces across the continent to push for their own referenda on whether to break away.

“The E.U. is failing, the E.U. is dying,” declared the leader of the U.K. Independence Party, Nigel Farage, one of the leaders of the campaign for the British exit, or Brexit, from the union formed from the ruins of Europe after World War II. “It’s a victory against big business…against big politics,” he told reporters early on Friday morning, as the results showed 52% of the votes had been cast in favor of leaving and 48% against.

That margin of victory – amounting to around 1.3 million votes – did not simply repudiate the British government’s calls for openness and unity with Europe. It also offered a blueprint for how ballot-box insurgencies across the West could, in the course of a single campaign, shatter the legitimacy of the ruling elites.

This formula is a familiar one, drawing fuel from a potent mix of xenophobia and angst over the loss of sovereignty and national identity. In the last couple of years, it has been deployed with explosive effects across Europe — and looks set to define the race for the U.S. presidency.

Donald Trump, the Republican presidential candidate, just happened to arrive in the U.K. to open a golf resort as the final results were announced, and wasted no time in linking them to his own insurgent campaign. British voters had “taken their country back,” he said, echoing a slogan that has helped him win over the base, if not always the old guard, of the Republican Party.

“In a sense, the result of this referendum is a victory for Trumpism the world over,” says Tony Travers, a noted political scientist in London and adviser to the British parliament. “It definitely has the same roots.” Trump supporters, much like backers of Brexit, tend to feel that traditional parties have ignored their concerns over migration and economic inequality for too long. Their response has been a wide-ranging revolt against the status quo that has opened the political arena to a variety of upstart candidates for the first time in a generation or more.

In France, Denmark, Sweden, Austria and the Netherlands, among other E.U. members, right wing and Eurosceptic parties have made enormous gains in popularity, especially after more than a million asylum seekers poured into Europe last year from across the Middle East and North Africa. Many of these parties have reacted to the U.K. referendum by urging their countries to follow suit. “Now it’s our turn,” the far-right leader of the Dutch Party for Freedom, Geert Wilders, told a local radio station on Friday.

For populists like Trump and Wilders, who have both referred to Islam as a threat to national security, the U.K. referendum has shown how hard it is for established parties to contain public resentments over mass migration and a perceived loss of national control. In the end, the most convincing argument for British voters to stay in the E.U. was, “better the devil you know than the devil you don’t,” says Simon Hix, a professor of political science at the London School of Economics.

It didn’t work. Weighed against the prideful nativism that fueled the opposing camp, such appeals proved ineffective in convincing a majority of British voters to stick with the devil they knew. Now, the British government will need to renegotiate its trade and political relationship with the European Union over a number of years, amending or repealing many of the laws and regulations that bind its state institutions with those of other members states.

It will be a gargantuan effort that Prime Minister David Cameron, for one,will not be involved in. He said Friday he would not lead the country beyond September, as the voters had rejected his pleas for the U.K. to stay in the E.U. “I do not think it would be right for me to be the captain that steers our country to its next destination,” Cameron said.

That destination looked so uncertain to financial markets on Friday that the British pound lost about 12% of its value against the dollar in the course of six hours, marking the steepest plunge on record. The Bank of England, the country’s central bank, tried to reassure the markets that it would “take all necessary steps” to maintain financial stability. But stock markets around the world still went into freefall, with Europe’s main indexes losing 8% in morning trading.

As these economic realities began to set in, some supporters of the Brexit had second thoughts about their decision. “I have a heavy heart this morning,” says Chris Morris, a 69-year-old cab driver in London. “It won’t affect me too much. I’m old. I got no debts. But I do worry for my daughters who have mortgages to pay,” he says. The referendum, however, cannot be taken back. “So we just have to wait and see what happens,” Moriss says. “It’s in the lap of the gods now.”

June 24, 2016 | 14 Comments »

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14 Comments / 14 Comments

  1. What is remarkable is that the famous “polls” had the stay folk vastly ahead even in the morning after.
    In the US the same poll industry is doing the same favoring the clinton presumptive candidate.
    I congratulate the British voters even if I know that their plans on us will not change much.

  2. lsatenstein Said:

    call Hillory “crooked Hillory”

    she comes complete with muslim brotherhood sidekick who guides her every move… speaking for all those millions the muslims gave her….. communicating regularly with her muslim brotherhood parents

  3. A triumphant Donald Trump on Friday pledged that the U.S. would remain a stalwart ally of Britain after the nation stunningly voted Thursday to leave the European Union.

    Trump, who had sided with those arguing for the so-called Brexit, slammed President Obama for lobbying Britain to stay in the EU. Trump called it yet another example of Obama getting it wrong on the international stage.

  4. lsatenstein Said:

    Lier Donald once again jumps on his bandwagon to claim a British decision as a policy supporting his opinions.

    how is it that you are always 100% wrong and usually projecting your own characteristics on others. The british vote is indeed a support of his opinions on the muslim flood and the cheap labor flood. If you had written your support for your claims I could answer to them specifically but as usual you just talk with no submission of support.lsatenstein Said:

    call Hillory “crooked Hillory”, when he can be demeaning and disrespectful to others, it’s time to show Americans and the world, what a nasty character is lier Trump.

    stating irrefutable facts is neither a lie nor disrespectful… except her crookedness is a disrespect of the american people… hillary is the nasty character, even bernie agrees…. not Trump. she and huma are likely guilty of murder of stevens when they supplied the muslim brotherhood the itinerary of stevens on their emails.

  5. It is more a revolt against a corrupt dictatorial elite who ignore the wishes of their citizens than a revolt against the concept of the EU. There was no major revolt until the muslim flood.

  6. Email received:

    I think Brexit is very good news for Israel as it weakens European Union and may create even domino effect similar to the collapse of the Soviet Union. EU will be weakened and will not be able to exert as much pressure on Israel as before. To survive, EU has to transform itself more into the free trade area and less into supranational state. Any way, economically, EU has been a failure for the last 10 years.

  7. Lier Donald once again jumps on his bandwagon to claim a British decision as a policy supporting his opinions.

    Lier Trump once again adds to the lies about his funding with his own money, his run for the Presidency, while all the time lying about revealing his income taxes, about all his products being “American”, and most of all, his employment of cheap “Illegal Mexican labour”.

    When lier Trump can call Bernie Sanders as in “Crazy Bernie”, and call Hillory “crooked Hillory”, when he can be demeaning and disrespectful to others, it’s time to show Americans and the world, what a nasty character is lier Trump.