The birth of pragmatic Political Jihadism in the Middle East

Dalia Ziada tweeted the following:


The birth of pragmatic Political Jihadism in the Middle East

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We are witnessing a critical shift in the history of the Middle East. What we are seeing today is similar to what happened in the 1980s after the Islamic Revolution took over Iran.

The success of Islamists in Iran in taking over power with minimal bloodshed and under the slogans of freedom and democracy encouraged Islamist groups all over the region to seek a bigger role in the politics of their countries.

Thus, they converted from ideological groups doing “Da’awa” (Islamic preaching) into pragmatic political blocs with religious backgrounds seeking political power.

This was the time when the political impact and ambitions of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, and Algeria began to grow and expand and gain momentum of support. This was also the time when #Hamas was born and #Qatar started to invest in these Islamist organizations and amplify their message.

Today, the situation is even more scary than it was in 1979.

This is the first time that an armed Jihadist organization (the #HTS) succeeded in toppling a dictator regime – a very hardline regime like Assad – using force.

The success of Al-Julani and Ha’ayat Tahrir Elsham #HTS in #Syria and their commitment to a smooth transition of power right now, which is very pragmatic and very unexpected of such Jihadist groups, may actually infect the Jihadist and Salafist groups in other Arab countries to try using force to make political changes and remove regimes in their countries.

December 12, 2024 | 8 Comments »

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8 Comments / 8 Comments

  1. David M Friedman ex-ambassador will try to convince Trump’s Adm of the futility of a fake Palestinian state!
    Only tsuris!

  2. @EvRe1

    The only “pragmatic” thing about Al Julani is his willingness to lie to infidels, and that is neither pragmatic nor anything “new.” He’s just one more in a string of Muslim terrorist liars.

    This is the point which Dalia was making. She is drawing a comparison between the manner in which Khomeni initially masked his designs in Iran with what al-Golani is doing today in Syria.

    Dalia is a political activist who spoke out against the horrors committed by Hamas following October 7, while still living in Egypt. She fled her home to avoid being murdered while leaving everything behind including her family.

    You can read more about her here:

    She routinely appears on Alt Media where she shares her concerns on topics covering the treacherous Egyptian regime and the threat of rising Islamist radicalism, the latter of which was the purpose of her comments posted above.

  3. I’m sorry but I don’t see HTS as pragmatic at all. It would be pragmatic if the West were to simply cave in to every lie that Islamic terrorists tell. Perhaps someone like Biden or Harris or any other of the more or less ignorant pro-Palestinian liberals would fall for every lie, but Biden and Harris are history.

    I do not see Donald Trump falling for any lies Islamic terrorists tell. Boulos notwithstanding, Donald Trump is the most pro-Israel President in US history, bar none. He is also clear-eyed about Islamic radicalism. Remember his putting limits on Muslim immigrants from countries that could not be counted on to properly vet their emigres?

    The only “pragmatic” thing about Al Julani is his willingness to lie to infidels, and that is neither pragmatic nor anything “new.” He’s just one more in a string of Muslim terrorist liars.

    I don’t know what Dalia Ziada is talking about.

    I believe what is new is that the American public, like the Israeli public, are finally united in being sick and tired of the monsters of Islam going around murdering and massacring innocent people and infecting young people around the world with their victimology. Americans and Israelis want them out of our country and put somewhere where they can fight each other to the death.

    They actually belong behind bars where they can no longer harm innocent people.

    European countries are putting their toes in the water by refusing to accept anymore Syrian refugees. But what the people of Europe and Great Britain really want is deportation of every single one of them that doesn’t want to integrate into the country.

    It’s the globalist elites “in charge” who have set our countries up for destruction by unfettered mass immigration of Muslims into countries with cultures that cannot absorb Islam, which is a totalitarian religion and political order.

    Democracies or Republics based upon the people being free and the sovereign over our governments are the opposite of Islam which is based upon submission to Allah. The two cultures are not assimilable.

    Because Islamic radicals believe they should rule over the earth and destroy Western civilization, they cannot be tolerated in Western countries. This realization by the majority of Americans, Israelis and also Europeans is really what’s new.

  4. Sebastian is right that no piece of paper is worth the trouble. Possession is better than a promise as we can see in Jerusalem.
    If the Jordan Option ever takes place (next month?), then there is a Palestinian state. It is just not what they have been screaming about, but should fill the declared bill of Saudi Arabia making peace with Israel when a Palestinian state exists. On the other hand, claiming that Jerusalem is the “furthest holy site” rather than, for example, Baghdad, is just polemic and only serves to rile up the peasants.

  5. @Sebastien,
    I agree entirely with your comment. Boulos is a problematic choice whose connections and background stand as a complete counterweight to Trump’s otherwise pro-Israel cabinet choices so far.

  6. Trump’s Middle East adviser says path to Palestinian state is key to Israel-Saudi ties…Massad Boulos, President-elect Donald Trump’s adviser on Middle Eastern and Arab affairs, said that the United States would have to discuss laying out a “roadmap” to Palestinian statehood if it hopes to establish relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia.

    Saudi officials have long made it known that they would not establish ties with Israel absent progress toward a Palestinian state. But for Boulos — a Lebanese-American billionaire and the father-in-law of Trump’s daughter Tiffany — to emphasize the point is significant because other Trump appointees, in addition to Trump himself, are seen as close to the Israeli right, which rejects Palestinian statehood.

    My comment: As the above article points out, All Arab and Muslim regimes are built on sand. The Abraham Accords should be seen as a hudna. It would be absolutely insane to make this or any other strategic concession in exchange for a piece of paper that could become worthless at any time. This, aside from the fact that giving up any part of the Jewish homeland to Nazis is utterly crazy, in and of itself. The only deterrence lies in annnexing and settling not only YESHA but any contiguous territory from which attacks on Israel are planned or carried out aside from questions of historical right.

    I hope this won’t presage problems with the Trump administration and I pray Bibi continues to hold the line. Israeli governments have been more susceptible to caving to friendly American administrations than hostile ones and every U.S. administration has played at even-handedness to one extent or another.

    Monty Python “The funniest Joke in the world” parody of Chamberlin waving a piece of paper and saying, “peace in our time” at 5′ 20″