The Big Change Ahead: NATO Starting a War With Russia?

The British Want to Blow Up Russia and “Win” the War

Stephen Bryen | Weapons & Strategy | Sept 13, 2024

There is no other way to interpret it: Washington and its client NATO members are declaring war on Russia.  That is the direct meaning of the forthcoming visit of Zelensky to Washington where the parties will agree on targets inside Russia.

To say this is an insane, reckless move is understatement.  This is the most dangerous step possible for the US and NATO and it will lead to World War III.

Don’t believe any garbage “justifying” the use of long range missiles on Russia.

Putin has pointed out that while Ukraine will host the missiles, they will be fired by NATO personnel who will also insert the targeting data coming from overhead satellites covering Russian territory.  Those satellites are American.

The upcoming Zelensky-Biden meeting should also include Harris, so she takes full responsibility for starting a war.

No one can presume what the outcome will be.  Will Russia unleash nuclear weapons and bring a definitive end to the Ukraine war?  Will it shoot down American satellites?  Will Russia send rockets to hit supply depots in Europe, especially in Poland which is the jumping off point for military supplies to Ukraine?

There are many other possibilities open to Russia. Russia could transfer nuclear weapons to Iran, for example, or to Syria.

The truth is Washington wants to take up Zelensky’s proposals for deep strikes on Russian territory because Ukraine is losing the war and could be defeated even before the Presidential elections in November.  The Biden-Harris “team” will have to explain why they kept backing a loser, causing tens of thousands of casualties, instead of seeking a diplomatic settlement that was easily within their grasp. Here again Washington stopped a deal in the making between Ukraine and Russia, and Biden and Harris are directly responsible for that.

Zelensky’s strategy is easy to grasp.  He knows everything is falling apart and Ukraine won’t be able to fight anymore by winter, as the infrastructure of the country, especially electrical power, but also fuel, dries up. Polish Foreign Minister Rados?aw Sikorski says that Ukraine’s electrical power has been degraded by 70%, perhaps more.

So Zelensky’s strategy is to bring NATO directly into the war.  And, stupidly and arrogantly, Washington is playing the same game.

No one, other than the UK, wants to see a war in Europe.  The UK is no longer an important European country and lacks a land army worth talking about. Instead its government built a couple of massively expensive aircraft carriers that function poorly, if at all, instead of strengthening its military and rebuilding its defenses. In any case, the UK dances to the US tune.  The British are anxious to attack Russia, but haven’t bothered to figure what will happen when Russia blows up the UK.

The big question is why Washington wants to fire missiles into Russia?  It means that Biden, Sullivan and Blinken know that their Ukraine policy is a disaster.  Instead of trying to open communications with the Russians, they are upping the ante and taking huge risks, with little idea how things will end up, unless they are really getting ready to send in NATO troops and use NATO airpower in the Ukraine war.

Russia may not match the US in many military categories, but it occupies a large landmass and has strategic and tactical nuclear weapons.  We have known for years that Russia’s military does not really differentiate between tactical and strategic nuclear systems; rather they see them all along a continuum to be used as necessary.  What this means is that Russia  can launch ICBMs and submarine IRBMs against US continental targets.  People in Washington should understand that the US has almost no continental air defenses capable of stopping a Russian nuclear attack.

For years strategists have worried about a so-called “first strike” capability.  I can’t say Russia really has that, but no one should want to find out.

The only hope is to persuade our current leaders, soon to be replaced, that they will be held accountable for starting a war without any grounds for doing so.  One of the features of government is that people make decisions without taking responsibility. In the case of World War III, no matter what soap opera propaganda flows into US newspapers, our leaders will have a lot of blood on their hands if they go ahead with bombing Russia.

September 14, 2024 | 13 Comments »

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13 Comments / 13 Comments

  1. ADAM-

    Not praise but fact. You are as modest as Rabbinic Sages. You could be posting your own articles. We’e been friends for a long time so you should know I say it as I see it.

    Your observations re dictators and fake outside threats are spot on.

  2. @Edgar G. I am moved and flattered by your praise, Edgar. I will do my best to deserve it.

    It is pure mishigas that the U.S. NATO, Ukraine etc. is planning to “Nuke” Russia. It sounds to me like Russian propaganda for internal consumption. It has always been the practice of authoritarian regimes to try to get their people to focus on an alleged external threat to them, i order to discourage them from focusing on the harm done to them by the policies of their own government.

    Sorry it has taken me so long to reply to your post. Israpundit only gives me permission to post here intermittently. Most of the time I get a screen saying I must log in to post, but when I go to the login screen, it tells me that Israpundit has forbidden me to post.

  3. ADAM-

    Noting your comment about your “many flaws” why not entertain us with a list of them.?? All kidding aside, I think that when you “lose your temper” as you call it, results in an internal “backlash”. You make your excuses far too humble and not deserving of such self- criticism.

    Many posters let loose in far more explosive fashions than you, and I for one, read your well researched posts with great interest.

    I just can’t see any civilised nation these days using a nuclear bomb. Their effects were so horrifying 80 years ago that they shocked the world and still would.

  4. @Adam

    And Ukraine has never been an existential threat to Russia.

    Of course not. But NATO has always been so, even while Russia was inclined to disbelieve this to be the case.

  5. I will stand by my earlier statement that it is mishigas that the Western powers and the United States are planning a nuclear attack on Russia. The White House and State Department officials don’t strike me as especially suicidal. They would all be dead if they launched a nuclear attack on Russia. And surely they know it. I don’t think Zelensky wants a nuclear attack on Russia either. Ukraine would also be totally destroyed if the Western powers launched a nuclear attack on Russia, Also every member of the nATO alliance. I don’t any of these country’s leaders are suicidal or seek the annihilation of their fellow countrymen.

    It is Russia that has threatened to ‘nuke” the West if it provides Ukraine with permission to use certain NATO-supplied (non-nuclear) weapons to Ukraine that can strike targets in Russia–not vice versa. However, Western “experts” on Russian-NATO relations say that Western governments consider these empty threats, possibly for domestic consumption, and don’t take a Russian nuclear threat seriously.

    To summarize my view–I don’t think Russia or the West want to go to war with each other or expect to go to war any time in the foreseeable future. It is all mishigas, bupkis, you name it.

  6. Ted and Peloni, please rescue my comment about whether or not Israel would be justified in destroying Gaza’s power grid as a measure to help them defeat Hamas. from electronic oblivion. I just posted it a moment ago. Thanks.

  7. @peloni: As to whether Israel would have been justified in destroying Gaza’s power grid. It is a purely hypothetical question. The Israelis are goodie-two- shoes when it comes to their relations with the Arabs and Iranians who are waging war against them .Although Israeli Jews abuse each other, they make nice to their Arab enemies, even giving them lots of cash to build tunnels with.. In any case the United States has not allowed Israel to take any such action. And Israel is dependant on both arms from. and trade with, the United States for its survival.

    But hypothetically, if Israel was free to act in delf-defense against Hamas without interference from “Uncle,” the EU , Russia and China, they would be completely justified in taking this and many other harsh measures and Hamas, even if the Gaza civilian population was negatively affected. That is because Hamas, acting in concert with numerous other terror organizations, Iran, and the Assad regime in Syria, is an existential threat to Israel To defeat an existential threat, nations are justified in taking measures that nations engaging in “wars of choice” are not.

    The U.S. and its NATO allies never faced an existential threat from Serbia. And Ukraine has never been an existential threat to Russia.

  8. @peloni. Yes, the U.S. did destroy the electric power grid in Serbia. Tyhey also bombed a civilian radio station in Belgrade, killing many journalists. But the fact that the U.S. and NATO did these things doesn’t make them right. The u.S.-NATO war against Serbia was unjust and a violation of international law. And that is true even though the UN suported it. It was still wrong.

    Indirectly, it may have set the stage for Russia’s attack on Ukraine and its destruction of electricity, roads, apartment buildings etc. relied on by Ukraine’s population. I don’t think NAO’s wars in the former Yogoslavia 1993-99. Created any strategic necessity for Russia to invade Ukraine and attack its civilian population. However, it certainly set a precedent for the Russian invasion. And that may well have influenced Putin’s thinking. If the Americans can do something this outrageous and get away with it, why not us?

  9. Everyone, please accept my apology for losing my temper and comparing people who disagree with my opinions about the Ukraine war with Nazi sympathizers. That is absolutely untrue and unfair. When I feel passionately about a matter, I have a way of losing my temper and going into a rant. One of my many character flaws.

    Of course the overwhelming majority of people who support Russia’s point of view about the Ukraine war are not Nazis. Obviously they trust and rely on different sources of information about the conflict than the ones I rely on. Hence my “parallel universe: analogy,

    However.The Russians allegations accusing the Ukrainians of being Nazis are also false. There are no Nazis in positions of authority in Ukraine.

    At some point, if the restoration of peace that nearly everyone involved in the conflict wants, there will have to be a standing-down of this rhetoric about “Nazis.” No one can make peace with Nazis. But neither side in this conflict are Nazis. And both sides, despite their stark differences concerning who is the rightful sovereign in Ukraine, both sides want and badly need a restoration of peace.

  10. @Adam
    How is destroying a countries electric power grid, leaving Ukrainians to freeze to death in winter, a commendable act?
    The destruction of a countries electrical, communications and transportation infrastructure has both civilian and military uses, and is therefore usually one of the first targets in war. The notion that Russia should leave the electrical grid untouched would appear to be something akin to the logic which calls for Israel to feed the Pals. Russia should have taken out the Ukrainian electrical grid over two years ago, regardless of the consequences to the Ukrainian public. Indeed, how long did it take the US/NATO to target such infrastructure in Serbia? How about in Iraq? How about in Libya? Far less than

  11. @Adam

    its genocidal slaughter of its people.

    Once again, there is no genocide taking place in Urkaine, except perhaps by the Ukrainian govt which has chosen to act the part of a Western proxy fighting Russia to the last Ukrainian, and even here, this fails to demonstrate the primary objective of eliminating the Ukrainian people by Russia any more than the reverse. These nations are at war with one another and there are casualties and collateral damage on either side, but they are neither side committing wholesale slaughter of one another’s people. In fact the objective of each side is the destruction of the other’s armed forces which was not the focus of either the Holocaust nor October 7. When comparing the disparity between the Ukraine war and either of these two examples of what genocide truly is, only serves to cheapen the truth and tragedy of genocide when it is in fact implemented towards the specific objective of the destruction of a specific population, again, such as took place in both the Holocaust and on October 7.

  12. Also reminds me of Nazi Germany’s claim that Jewish financiers in the U.S. and Britain had manipulated their governments into going to war with an innocent, peace-loving Germany, Also, that Germany’s invasion of Russia in 1941 was justified because Russia was about to invade Germany, on orders from Jewish Communists in Russia (Stalin was said to be only their puppet). No truth in either of these accusations. But many people who should have known better believed them. And not all of these believers in Nazi propaganda were Germans.. Some were Americans, Englishmen, Frenchmen, Hollanders, Danes, etc.

  13. Pure mishigas. NATO has no desire for war with Russia. Or vice versa.

    What is really suprising is how many people blame Ukraine for Russia’s brutal aggression and invasion of Ukraine, and its genocidal slaughter of its people. How is destroying a countries electric power grid, leaving Ukrainians to freeze to death in winter, a commendable act? Why should “Z” be condemned for asking for permission from the U.S. and Britain to hit Russian military bases and fuel storage facilities, in order to at least slow down the aggression against his country and his people? And why are the governments of the United States and Britain denying Ukraine this permission, if they really want a war with Russia? In reality, they are attempting to appease Russia.

    The people who blame the Ukraine for the armed aggression and genocide committed by Russia against them remind me of the people who blame women who are raped for wearing two short skirts. Disgusting and disgraceful.