The Biden Administration’s War against the Government of Israel

By Caroline Glick, JNS    9 April 2024

Anti-government protestors rally in the center of Tel Aviv, Israel on April 6, 2024. (Photo by Jack Guez/AFP via Getty Images)

  • Based on what he referred to as a conversation with his contacts in the White House, [riot leader and entrepreneur Ami Dror set out in granular detail the White House’s four-part plan to overthrow the government. The components involved actions on the ground in Gaza; the use of the U.N. Security Council; extortion of government ministers; and mass protests.
  • The purpose of the U.S. campaign for humanitarian aid, [Dror] explained, was twofold: undermining the control of the Israeli Defense Forces in Gaza and blackmailing government ministers.
  • “At the start of the war, the Americans demanded that [Israeli Minister Benny Gantz] join the government. He was their man. The man that would ensure that Netanyahu and Ben Gvir didn’t set the world on fire. He… promised that he… would take the government apart. After six weeks, he… promised that by January 1 they would deliver the goods… the final deadline the Americans gave him was Ramadan. When he didn’t deliver for the U.S., the administration understood that they can’t trust Gantz. Maybe he’ll be a comfortable prime minister in the future. But the Americans seized full control over management of the war [against Netanyahu].” — Ami Dror.
  • “And the most important thing? … President Biden’s request from us: The American method of dealing with misbehaving states, includes the destruction (economic and legal) that is centered on the leadership on the one hand, and driving a wedge between ‘the nation,’ and ‘the leadership.’ In our case … for this to work—the nation of Israel must show (in the streets!) that it is fighting the leadership. … The American administration needs to see the nation in Israel fighting the government of Israel.” — Ami Dror.
  • So far, the new protests have done more to turn the public against Dror and his comrades than against the government.
  • The riot leaders and the administration may well believe that the enemy is the Israeli government. But the Israeli public isn’t buying it. On Oct. 7, the people’s eyes were opened, and they will not be closing any time soon. Israel is waging war and will continue to wage the war against its actual enemies—Hamas, Hezbollah and their puppet master Iran—until victory.

Israel’s far left is reinstating the anti-government riots that occurred regularly through the first three-quarters of 2023.

The newest round of leftist political violence began officially on the night of Saturday, March 31 in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, in the first of what was billed as four days of protests. As was the case in the anti-government protests before Hamas’s invasion of and one-day holocaust in southern Israel on Oct. 7, in the current round, demonstrations are followed by riots in which a few dozen participate.

As before, riots feature bonfires along major traffic arteries, assaults on police and ultra-Orthodox Jews, threats to murder Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and storming police barricades protecting the premier’s home.


April 9, 2024 | 1 Comment »

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  1. “The odd thing is not that we are in the business of overthrowing other people’s governments, but that we can still be surprised when somebody reminds us of it. In Asia, in Latin America, Africa, the Mediterranean and the Middle East we have been propping up and knocking down governments more or less openly for the past twenty-five years.
    It is an established policy. Everybody knows it. It is supposed to be done covertly, which is only sensible if you hope to succeed since publicity in matters of this sort can only make the natives restless and defeat the project. Imagine the chauvinistic rallying around President Nixon that would have occurred if Canada, say, had announced that her agents were going to destabilize United States society so that discontented Americans could heave the Nixon Administration out of office.
    “Our Uncle Is Now Dorian Sam” (p.93)”

    -Russell Baker/Wikiquote

    Oct. 1, 1974. NY Times article on CIA reading room site I found googling. 😀