Geller: “The Jewish Left Betrays the Jewish People”

On June 5th, I posted an angry letter to Steve Linde Editor, Editor in Chief of JPOST written by Simone Simmons and prefaced it with this:

    Here’s a great letter to the Post Editor-in-Chief Steve Linde, who refused Pamela the opportunity to reply to the libelous article by Rabbi Jaffee and shunted the reply to Sara Miller, Managing Editor ofJPost.comeditor of JPOST, who refused to publish it. Everyone should write a letter to him and her.

I also sent a letter to Steve Linde who replied to me.  I then forwarded the reply and Pamela hit the roof because she didn’t like what he wrote. I suggested to her that I would ask Steve to publish an op-ed by her in order to put all the “unpleasantness behind us” which I did and Steve Linde to his credit immediately agreed.  Pamela then sent her op–ed and Steve accepted it and extended a gracious apology to her.  This is her Op-Ed.  Ted Belman

In condemning Jews who speak out against jihad and Islamic supremacism, leftist rabbis are enabling the worst enemies of the Jewish people.

Protester burns Israeli flag with swastika on it in El Salvador

Protester burns Israeli flag with swastika on it in El Salvador Photo: REUTERS

Last Monday in the Toronto Star, Rabbi Dow Marmur wrote an article criticizing what he referred to as my “customary rants against Islam,” saying that they would “create tensions between the two communities.”

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“Rants against Islam,” i.e. condemnations of Islamic anti-Semitism, hatred of infidels, wife beating, honor killing, clitoridectomies, murder of apostates, denial of the freedom of speech, and so much more. On the heels of three anti-Semitic attacks in Montreal, another Canadian rabbi saw fit to condemn a fellow Jew for the crime of telling the truth about how jihadists use core Islamic teachings to justify various kinds of violence.

Nor was he the first rabbi to do so – a chorus of rabbis have condemned my work, claiming that it interferes with their dialogue with Muslims. But what are these rabbis really accomplishing with his dialogue, other than to obscure the root causes of the Islamic anti-Semitism that is increasing around the world? Rabbi Eric Yoffie recently published a vicious and defamatory piece attacking me in The Jerusalem Post. Where was Yoffie countering “hate” when Islamic jihadists murdered the Fogel family in Israel? Or when jihadists targeted the Chabad house in Mumbai for a savage and bloody attack? Or when Christians are persecuted on an increasingly frequent and violent basis in Egypt, Pakistan, Indonesia and elsewhere? Instead, he opposes me for standing up against this real hatred.

Jewish dissembling and obfuscation about the religious motives behind the jihad against the Jews only serves the enemies of the Jewish people. Now it has become common to assert that if Israel returns to the 1967 lines, there will be peace. But before 1967 the war against the Jews raged, and before 1948 the same war raged against the Jews – led before and during World War II by the then-leader of the Muslim world, the mufti of Jerusalem, Hajj Amin al-Husseini. Hitler’s ally, Husseini lived in Berlin during the war, raised a Muslim SS division, and cited Koranic chapter and verse as the mandate to annihilate the Jewish people. This is clear from the texts of his weekly pro- Nazi radio addresses to the Axis powers and the Islamic Ummah.

The 1,400-year history of Jews living in Muslim lands is brutal and oppressive.

Has Marmur never read Bat Ye’or or Andrew Bostom on Islamic anti- Semitism, or Sir Martin Gilbert’s history of the Jews in Muslim lands, In Ishmael’s House? All of them show that Jewhatred is a constant of Islamic history.

Historian Phillip Hitti states: “The caliph al-Mutawakkil in 850 and 854 decreed that Christians and Jews should affix wooden images of devils to their houses, level their graves even with the ground, wear outer garments of honey color, i.e. yellow, put two honey-colored patches on the clothes of their slaves… and ride only on mules and asses with wooden saddles marked by two pomegranate-like balls on the cantle.”

Andrew Bostom’s work shows much more. One thousand years later, in 1888, a Tunisian Jew lamented a similar situation: “The Jew is prohibited in this country to wear the same clothes as a Muslim and may not wear a red tarbush.

“He can be seen to bow down with his whole body to a Muslim child and permit him the traditional privilege of striking him in the face, a gesture that can prove to be of the gravest consequence.

Indeed, the present writer has received such blows. In such matters the offenders act with complete impunity, for this has been the custom from time immemorial.”

In 1291, Isaac ben Samuel, a Palestinian Jew, said: “In the eyes of the Muslims, the children of Israel are as open to abuse as an unprotected field.”

The philosopher Maimonides said: “You know, my brethren, that on account of our sins G-d has cast us into the midst of this people, the nation of Ishmael, who persecute us severely, and who devise ways to harm us and to debase us…. No nation has ever done more harm to Israel. None has matched it in debasing and humiliating us. None has been able to reduce us as they have…. We have borne their imposed degradation, their lies, and absurdities, which are beyond human power to bear.”

And today, because of this mass Muslim immigration, the Islamic anti- Semitism has increasingly rendered Europe hostile to Jews. Norway’s Jewish population is almost nonexistent, French Jews are fleeing in droves, and a Jewish school in Belgium has been forced to shut down. In Sweden, Muslims shot rockets and hurled pipe bombs at Jews and attacked Jews at a peaceful pro-Israel rally. In Germany, Muslims rioted, chanting “Jews out, Germans out, Allahu akbar, kick the Jews out, burn the Jew!” A Hezbollah courier was found guilty of playing a role in a Cyprus jihad terror plot. Hezbollah was also behind the bombing of a bus full of Jewish tourists in Bulgaria. In Italy, a Muslim was jailed for a Milan synagogue bomb plot.

There are now sweeping “no-go areas” for Jews in Europe.

Why are rabbis more comfortable condemning me than candidly discussing the ideology that drives the war on the Jews? Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon said that any peace deal Israel might sign with the Palestinians will fail as long as Palestinian children are taught that it is a good thing to kill Jews and that Israel must be destroyed. Yet they are taught this as part of the mandate of Islam.

At Vatican II, the Catholic Church repudiated Christian anti-Semitism – why can’t we get any Muslim groups to repudiate jihad, Islamic supremism, Islamic Jew-hatred, Islamic oppression of women and non-Muslims, etc.? It is not wrong to challenge them and ask Muslims who supposedly reject “extremism” to address the Islamic teachings that give rise to that “extremism,” and to reject and reform those teachings. Genuinely peaceful Muslims should be calling for the same thing, and standing with us.

In condemning Jews who speak out against jihad and Islamic supremacism, leftist rabbis are enabling the worst enemies of the Jewish people.

The writer is the president of the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), publisher of and author of the new book Freedom or Submission: On the Dangers of Islamic Extremism & American Complacency.

June 13, 2013 | 64 Comments »

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14 Comments / 64 Comments

  1. yamit82 Said:

    Narvey is baiting you so he can argue

    Oh Sweetie, look who’s talking. Good morning, beatiful day in June. Flowers are wonderful. Enjoy yawl.

  2. Just can’t let it go, can you Bill. Yamit was right about you: you love to argue. Go have tea with your Muslims friends. Maybe you could reach out to Mohammed Elmasry.

    Leave it to a lawyer to try to exculpate Islam. Another Johnny Cochrane.

  3. I’m not here to answer your questions. This is not your courtroom and I am not your peon. I will never accept your view that we must “reach out” to the Muslim community. We’ve done enough for the Muslims, too much as far as I’m concerned. My “reaching out” days are OVER. The Muslim community can kiss my ass. They owe us, we don’t owe them. I will never understand why you would defend “the moderate Muslims.” When did they ever defend the Jews. I’m not talking about the Muslim lesbians and the Muslim atheists and the apostate Muslims. I’m talking about those clerics and real religious Muslims whose statements in defence of Judaism and Zionism (and Jewish university students!) could make a difference. Like Mohammed Elmasry (that piece of shit). There is no one of these clans who speak up against anti-Jewish hatred. This is the point rongrand made too. So stop playing the sage with me. I’m not impressed. To me you’re nothing more than a retired lawyer with a big bank account and the connections that money and travel can acquire. That’s all you are to me. You want to play Kissinger, go right ahead. As I said, I’m not impressed. I don’t need your approval. I’ve been doing this since my teens, back in the seventies and eighties. So stop disesteeming me and my views on this blog, just because you sit at a computer. You want to mouth off to me, come meet me somewhere. Otherwise, shut your arrogant, self-aggrandizing mouth. Go do your Muslim outreach, have tea with your Muslim friends. STFU and leave me alone.

  4. Obviously not that tough Michael because anything I ask of you or say to you sends you into uncontrollable paroxysms of hate filled anger and vitriolic false accsuations as to what I have been saying. As I said before Michael, your anger clouds your mind and judgment.

    You obviously are tough enough to bring it Michael but calling me names is not exactly proof of your toughness. What is obvious to all however, is that you are not tough enough to take it.

    As I said, too bad, so sad.

    One good thing I can say about you, not that you would care, is that you stand with JDL.

  5. “Grow up and wise up Michael.”

    I’m wiser than you’ll ever be, Mr. Narvey. And tougher. I can take anything you can throw at me. Find someone else for your fan club.

  6. Thanks, Yamit.

    I guess this means you and I and rongrand won’t be on Mr. Narvey’s “outreach” team. My youngest son is named after an Israeli soldier who did some “outreach”… in Lebanon. But an entirely different kind of outreach than Mr. Narvey is talking about. As in the proverb, “Israel has long fingers.”

    Canada has done too much already for the Muslims. We got less than nothing in return. Islam has profiled itself and its religious by means of its violent ways. If Mr. Narvey wants to be Mother Theresa with the Muslim community, go right ahead. I’m not with him. I don’t hang out with those whose religion teaches hatred against the Jews. Apparently Mr. Narvey is OK with rubbing shoulders with those whose “holy” Quran teaches that Jews are the sons of apes and swine. A vile religion that has spawned only egregious and malefic cultures for centuries. And now Mr. Narvey calls me an extremist because I pointed out the stupidity of his methods and his foolish and imprudent expectations.

    Hey, Bill Narvey wants to call me names, let him meet me in person in Toronto next time I’m there with JDL Canada. He can share his outreach ideas with my Orthodox friends, see what they think of Bill’s Muslim friend’s views on Zionism and the State of Israel. Everyone is a big tough guy when they’re at a computer. I do both. Better yet, let Mr. Narvey talk with the Muslim university students we face off against in downtown Toronto. They tell everyone they’re good Muslims and not extremists. Hell, they attend universities in Toronto. Come on out, Bill. Put your feet on the ground in the fight against Muslim anti-Jewish hatred. Bring your Muslim friends to stand with us and condemn say, Omar Khadr, or the al-Quds celebration from our side of the street. Bring noticeable Muslims, girls with head-scarfs. They can condemn from our side of the street the other side’s anti-Jewish and anti-Zionist slogans.

  7. Michael,You’ve convinced me I was wrong to credit you with insight, reason and intelligence.

    Intuitively however, you must have realized you can’t make a case to explain your position and challenge mine by answering the questions I posed to you.

    So Michael, what are you left with? Nothing but your frothing at the mouth as you spew your hate and contempt for me.

    Really Michael, your malicious, mendacious ad hominem attack on me is a perverse exercise in projection.

    Look in the mirror Michael and you will see that it is you who is hateful and contemptible. Too bad and so sad.

    Grow up and wise up Michael. When you do, perhaps we can have a civil discussion. Until then, obviously not as civility is beyond you.

  8. @ M Devolin:

    Narvey is baiting you so he can argue. That’s what he does. His tactic is worn thin over the years and if you are interested in learning his methods just Google Narvey Israpundit from 2007. He ran out of opponents to argue with and disappeared from this site for over a year.

    You are the first in eons to read his stuff and reply.

  9. Your letters are worthless to me now, Mr. Narvey. Before you wrote that BS about moderate and silent Muslims, maybe I might have believed your efforts were efficacious, but not now. You might as well be throwing snowballs at tigers.

  10. “Michael, some debating tactics employed by the left are picking out of context, a sentence or 2 from a submission, mis-quote, mis-attribute words or mischaracterize views to base a counter position. Those tactics are decried by the right as deplorable, but those edging towards or who are on the more extreme right wing are blind to their own failings for they do the very same thing.”

    Kiss my ass, Mr. Narvey. You’re just pissed that I exposed your multiculturalist stupidity. If anyone is blind, it’s you. Big time intellectual. Thinks atheist and lesbian and apostate Muslims are going to rehabilitate the Muslim extremists in Canada. Dahh. Let us know what your Muslim friends think of Zionism and “Zionist Jews,” Mr. Narvey. We’ll go from there.

  11. My post was eaten by the spam monster.

    Please tell me where I said the only good Muslim is a dead Muslim, Mr. Narvey. Word for word.