The Betrayal of Israel by the US Administration Is Almost Complete

By Guy Millière, GATESTONE    12 May 2024

US President Joe Biden meets with Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Tel Aviv, Israel on October 18, 2023. (Photo by Brendan Smialowski/AFP via Getty Images)

  • The Biden administration does not appear ever to have issued the slightest threat, warning or ultimatum to the authors of the war: Hamas, Iran or Qatar.
  •  US Senator Chuck Schumer, after declaring himself a friend and defender of Israel, suggested overthrowing Israel’s democratically elected prime minister, and — as if Israel, and not America, were within his jurisdiction — called for new elections.
  • Meanwhile in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, where anti-government demonstrations began again, one of their leaders, Ami Dror, revealed on social media that the demonstrations and riots are part of a plan by the Biden administration to bring down the Netanyahu government…. The US State Department has, for more than a year, been providing financial support for protests hostile to the Netanyahu government.
  • Biden, it seems, is frustrated that Netanyahu is objecting to humanitarian aid — which basically resupplies Hamas. Hamas, Israel’s argument goes, released hostages only after unremitting pressure. Relieving that pressure by backing Hamas makes the probability of seeing any more hostages released less likely. Biden is also reportedly frustrated that Netanyahu, for some inexplicable reason, objects to the creation of a terrorist Palestinian state next door.
  • One cannot leave aside that the Biden administration, through ignoring sanctions on Iranian oil, has allowed the Iran’s regime to earn up to an estimated $100 billion… Without those funds, the massacre of October 7 would not have been possible, Hezbollah would not have been able to fire so many missiles into Israel from Lebanon, and Iran itself would not have been able to launch more than 300 drones and ballistic missiles at Israel in April, and to attack US troops more than 150 times on, just since October 7, 2023 — evidently in an attempt to drive the US out of the Middle East.
  • The Biden administration, it seems, does not want a definitive end of the conflict — as with Ukraine as well — especially if the end would entail the defeat of Hamas or Russia. Hamas is a protégé of Qatar and Iran, the world’s two leading state sponsors of terrorism. The Biden administration has been rewarding them — Iran with money and Qatar with renewing its protection by Al-Udeid Air Base, headquarters of America’s CENTCOM, as well as controlling the new terror pier the US has built in Gaza At the same time, the Biden administration is falsely accusing Israel of violating human rights.
  • The Biden administration may even be complicit in the arrest warrants for Netanyahu and other Israeli officials that might be issued by the International Criminal Court – possibly as a way to dispense with him.
  • The mullahs are, in effect, using their proxies – Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and so on — as their “human shields”.
  • The Biden administration has placed the existence of Israel in danger to protect Biden from the dangerous voters of Michigan.
  • Worse, with the Biden administration now having come down squarely against Israel and on the side of Iran, Qatar and Hamas, they have to feel no inclination to agree to anything. Why should they? Iran’s mullahs have a new proxy, the United States, backing their terrorism for them.
  • Even worse, at almost the same time as the US told Israel it was withholding arms shipments that Congress had already approved (a move for which Democrats tried to impeach then President Donald Trump), the Biden administration waived sanctions for arms purchases by Lebanon, Qatar and Iraq — countries that host groups working to destroy Israel.
  • Worst of all, if you are Ukraine, Taiwan, China, Russia, Japan – just about any US ally or foe — you probably cannot avoid thinking something like: We have watched the supposedly mighty US surrender Afghanistan, its ally of 20 years, to a bunch of terrorists, the Taliban. Now we are watching the US surrender its closest ally in the Middle East, Israel, the only democracy there, to terrorists: to Hezbollah in Lebanon with 150,000 rockets and missiles pointed at Israel, and to Hamas in Gaza by sending “humanitarian aid,” that will used by terrorists.
  • Where are any prosecutions or sanctions by the UN and international courts for war crimes and human rights violations on countries such as Qatar (here and here), China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, Nigeria, Indonesia, Pakistan, Turkey, Yemen and Sudan?
  • Currently, the Biden administration appears to want three things: Netanyahu OUT – reportedly to be replaced by a puppet who will do whatever the US tells him; a terrorist Palestinian state IN, and to preserve Iran and Qatar’s client, the terrorist group, Hamas. So far, all the pressure from Washington has been on Israel, none at all on Hamas or on its patrons, Qatar and Iran. The fighting could indeed stop tomorrow if either of them or the US seriously ordered Hamas to stop fighting and immediately return the 132 remaining hostages.
  • Did the Biden administration even ask?

The Biden administration, it seems, does not want a definitive end of the conflict — as with Ukraine as well — especially if the end would entail the defeat of Hamas or Russia. Hamas is a protégé of Qatar and Iran, the world’s two leading state sponsors of terrorism. The Biden administration has been rewarding them.

The genocidal anti-Semitic attack on October 7, 2023 by the Islamic terrorists of Hamas at first aroused horror throughout the Western world. It took only a few hours, however for the horror to fade — long before Israel had even begun to respond. Demonstrations against Israel, and in support of the terrorist group, Hamas — sometimes “cleaned up” to be labeled “pro-Palestinian” — exploded just hours later on October 8, before hundreds of charred bodies had been removed from their homes. These well-planned and well-funded professional demonstrations, complete with instant Palestinian flags and, later, instant identical tents — rapidly metastasized throughout North America and Europe.

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May 12, 2024 | 20 Comments »

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20 Comments / 20 Comments

  1. Dreuveni

    The CIA are not going to be marching in with wads of dollars throwing it around.
    I find it a shame that the regular people attending these protests in Israel cannot see through all the lies and US influence. Many people seem to think that the PM that stood up to Biden is at fault for everything since Adam and Eve were banned from paradise. This is not the Israeli population I know.
    Taking this a step further, we actually saw upper rank officers of the IDF supporting this nonsense. What a shame that they have been so indoctrinated.

    In actual fact it is infinitely nuanced and backed by an near infinity of media outlets which themselves have become carriers of the ideology

    How to fight that?

  2. A very good article. Did the college action support of Hamas really begin on October 8 that is the very next day. It did. I looked it up and found this timeline

    Answer is here. Also much else.

    Peloni a really good reply to Bear. Except this

    1. The Pandemic was real

    2. Origin in bats in Asia same as Sars 1

    3. Science expertise proves this

    4. Does no good to deny this. Same with Global Warming.

  3. @Bear
    Yes, I am aware of Ambramovitch’s situation. I was greatly opposed to what they did to him. The Americans are a dangerous lot with which to deal. It is not for no reason that the some of America’s closest allies among the Arab states are currently in discussions with the Chinese. Very unfortunate, but very predictable.

  4. @Peloni anything is possible but I have many things I am more concerned about personally. You are correct the USA government when they want they can do some nasty things. So can the Europeans, Russians…….

    I am very big soccer fan and a fan of Chelsea FC in London. Roman Ambramovitch was its owner had taken the team to great heights since he bought in around 2003. He was also a great giver of charity in many places London. During the pandemic he gave the Rooms at the Chelsea Hotel to government medical workers for free who had come from all over Britain to help out in London.

    He happens to be a Russian- Israeli Jew who knows Putin very well and was one of the original Oligarchs. He is worth billions of dollars.

    First the Brits would not renew he his work visa in-spite of owning a lot of property and Chelsea FC. Then they forced him to sell the team or they would close it down. The proceeds would be going to Ukraine Charities.

    He was also close with very important Ukrainians who trusted him enough to be part of cease-fire negotiations early in the conflict. So did Putin. He was in a unique situation as he was trusted by all. They still shafted him and to the dismay of the Chelsea FC fans he had to sell the team.

    He is also Israel’s richest citizen and has provided much to Israel in things such as Yad Vashem donations. Everywhere he has lived he has provided huge sums of money to the less fortunate.

    My view was the Brits did not deserve him to reside there and contribute to their society.

  5. @Bear
    Just for clarity, I wasn’t suggesting that he would be bribed, but quite the contrary, that his wealth, which he already owns, could be weaponized against him under threat of it being illegally seized by the US govt, much as they have done to Russian oligarchs whom they choose to arbitrarily penalize simply because they chose to do so. No doubt many of the Russians who are now sanctioned by the US consider themselves or are considered by their followers to be Russian patriots, but the ability to control a man’s wealth is a powerful tool in the hands of the unscrupulous or the untrustworthy, and the American leadership have demonstrated that they are simultaneously both unscrupulous and untrustworthy.

  6. @Peloni I did address it in my way but you did not catch it. Let me put it this way based on the man I see no issue. Not into hypothetical of assumptions not know.
    Barkat, Bennett and Shaked are the politicians least vulnerable into being bribed because they are independently wealthy.

    Independently wealthy people have what I call FU money so they are hard to intimidate or bribe. The ones who make their money from political connections are the easiest corrupted or bribed.

  7. @Bear
    Yes, I know all of that. But you failed to address the point I raised. His wealth makes him both vulnerable to American manipulation. In any event, it is something to think about.

  8. @Peloni Barkat is the richest Israeli politician by far (triple the net worth of the next three combined). He is an investor worth way more than $100 million based on public reporting by Forbes I recall. Israeli venture capitalist investing in Israeli companies. Does he have foreign holdings I have no clue.

    He took no salary as mayor of Jerusalem. He is a true patriot and has personal courage. He and his body guard physically repulsed a terror attack in Jerusalem.

  9. @Bear

    I concur but want it to be Barkat

    Yes, I know you have been a strong supporter of Brakat, but answer me this. How much influence do you believe the US would have with the threat of sanctions against a wealthy man such as Barkat? Are all of his financial holdings in Israel? I doubt it. This isn’t a slur against him personally, but anyone of significant means who has investments in the West could be manipulated quite easily by the use or threat of sanctions against those investments. Would you not agree?

    As to Bibi turning the reins over to someone else, I don’t think that is likely to take place, but time will tell. I quite agree with you that Bibi is politically stronger due to the actions of Biden, but I would argue more so that it is due to Bibi’s response to Biden’s outrages. As Biden was always going to make his Iran pivot, Bibi was always going to be a thorn in the side of the US. Which is why they began the color revolution against him last year just shortly after he took office.

  10. Biden might actually save Bibi because Israelis for the most part resent his threats about Israel going into Rafah. We will see.

    People who supported Bibi in the past believe after the war he needs to turn over the reins to someone else as he is being blamed in part as being responsible for the Oct 7 disaster.

    I concur but want it to be Barkat or someone else strong and not Gantz who would be a disaster of the first order!!

  11. @Bear

    I recently read from an Israeli protest activist that the State Department has been funding the protests in Israel for around one year

    Yes, this was known a year ago. Color revolutions are what the US does best. They don’t do manufacturing,they don’t win wars, and they don’t respect their public, but they are such experts at executing color revolutions that they carried one out against a sitting president of their own country, with a little help of a bioweapon release and coerced deployment of countermeasures in the guise of a vaccine.

    Regarding Gantz, he was always their man, something to which I referenced a few years back. While Trump was in the White House, they couldn’t color revolution Bibi in favor of Gantz, but when Trump was gone, and Bibi was back, well it was time to deploy the State Dept against the Israeli govt, as was done in Belarus, and Ukraine before that, and Georgia before that. There are many examples actually, not all have been successful, but most of them have been. Hopefully, Israel will respond as did Belarus rather than as did Ukraine and many others.

  12. I recently read from an Israeli protest activist that the State Department has been funding the protests in Israel for around one year to try and get rid of Bibi and get a PM who will work to the wishes of the USA. Seems like Gantz might be their boy now.

  13. They are playing right into the hands of the Biden regime. Israel should have completed this months ago and not have given enough time for forces to gather against them.

    I find it a shame that the regular people attending these protests in Israel cannot see through all the lies and US influence. Many people seem to think that the PM that stood up to Biden is at fault for everything since Adam and Eve were banned from paradise. This is not the Israeli population I know.
    Taking this a step further, we actually saw upper rank officers of the IDF supporting this nonsense. What a shame that they have been so indoctrinated.

  14. I find it a shame that the regular people attending these protests in Israel cannot see through all the lies and US influence. Many people seem to think that the PM that stood up to Biden is at fault for everything since Adam and Eve were banned from paradise. This is not the Israeli population I know.
    Taking this a step further, we actually saw upper rank officers of the IDF supporting this nonsense. What a shame that they have been so indoctrinated.

  15. @Michael

    Sebastien Gorka weighs in on Ukraine and Israel conflicts:

    I lost all respect for Gorka after his attempts to legitimize the election fraud which was plain enough for anyone to see. This being so, I gave him a listen in the video you shared and found him to be a bit idiotic in drawing importance that the current battle tanks were not in fact in the Victory Day parade. Only a nutty Neocon would find it rational to believe that the current battle tanks should be pulled from the current theater of war to fill the needs of a peace time celebration of victory in past wars. He then references the detriment of using conscripts soldiers just days after the new Ukrainian conscription law was signed and months after the videos of Ukraine’s forced conscription became normal. I gave up on his ‘analysis’ shortly after that. So, it seems that in the years in which I gave up any interest in what Gorka had to say, he hasn’t improved much.