Tierney: “The best and most detailed summary of COVID I’ve seen”

Tierney’s Real News

This is an anonymously posted letter by someone who calls himself Spartacus. It’s the best and most detailed summary of COVID I’ve seen. It’s gone viral. It’s not hysterical. It’s thoughtful & thorough. I’d summarize but I think you need to read it and digest it yourself. It’s long but worth the read.


September 27, 2021 | 4 Comments »

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  1. https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/the-war-on-reality-gutentag

    This report in Tablet magazine is by far the most comprehensive and encyclopedic account of all the falsehoods and myths about cv2-19 and the vaccines distributed to prevent it. It is equally encyclopedic in its expose of all the crimes committed by the CDC , FDA and Big Pharma in their efforts to profit by the epidemic at the expense of human lives. This includedt he banning of life-saving medication for the virus because they were generic and would not profit the Big Pharma companies and numerous other acts of deceit by and profiteering by and/or on behalf of the Big Pharmy corporations. And it reports in detail on the outright mass murder of the elderly and sick by some politicians, most notably Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York, who ordered thatelderly people suffering from coronavirus be removed from hospitals and placed in nursing homes and homes for the mentally disabled, where they were left to die and to infect the other residents of these facilities, many of whom also died. Cuomo killed some 15,00 elderly and/or disabled people this way.

    All in all this article is the most comprehensive summary yet to be published of all the crimes against the American people of Federal, state and local governments and big corporations, carried out under cover of preventing the spread of the virus. Again, this is a must read for everyone!

    Ted, could you please ask Tablet for permission to republish this report?

  2. Sidney Powell:

    The Dept of Defense knows damned well about it also because they patented a process for real time monitoring of the election and doing exactly the same things back in 2005…and also the govt has an interest in a patent that allows for the predetermination of election results.

    From Stew Peters show today.
    Here is the Link:
    Her interview begins at ~18min mark.