The Arabs are slowly but surely taking over area C.

Women in Green

There is no vacuum!

We must act with all our energy to apply Israeli Sovereignty over
Judea and Samaria because there is no vacuum!

The Arabs are slowly but surely taking over area C.

Please take the few minutes to read this very important document
(below) written by Regavim (and translated into English as a public
service by Women in Green) detailing the daily take-over of Israeli
controlled area C by the Arabs.

If we will not apply sovereignty, the Arabs will succeed in choking
the Jewish communities that will become like isolated balloons with
strings in a sea of Arabs. The balloons are the Jewish communities in
Judea and Samaria, the strings are the roads. Everything that is
between the communities ­ the hills, the areas, the state lands, that
are the oxygen needed for the survival of the communities, are G-d
forbid being taken over by the Arabs. That will stop the Jewish
continuity and will prevent the communities from growing and
expanding. That is how, de facto, quietly, the Arabs are trying to
establish a Palestinian State that will threaten the entire Israel.

It is a document all of us must read, pass on to all and then we must
turn to our representatives in the government and the Knesset and urge
them to abolish the decree.

Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar

Position Paper

The Gradual Annexation of Area C Territories by the Palestinian
Authority – A Contemporary View

Sivan 5773
May 2013


As part of Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad’s plan to unilaterally establish a de facto Palestinian state, the PA is operating towards the establishment of various national infrastructures – civilian and security control structures, establishment of physical and economic infrastructures, and reforms in the central and local governments.

The PA’s blatant efforts to establish the physical infrastructures specifically in ‘C’ Territories, which are under full (both civil and defence) Israeli control, are clearly an attempt to actively annex more land and place it under PA control.

This dual modus operandi incorporates both coordinated actions as well as illegal actions that are not coordinated with Israeli authorities.

This Position Paper will show the PA’s methods of operations in a nutshell, using a small number of recent examples, while presenting the implications of these moves.

Background – The Fayyad Plan

In July 2009, Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad announced his plan to unilaterally establish a de facto Palestinian state.

This is not a theoretical plan ‘on paper’, but rather an assemblage of physical infrastructure projects, with clear rationale and organizing logic, that will form the physical basis for the Palestinian state.

The plan includes 3 major pillars – a structural reform of the central and local governments, restoring and re-establishing the security system (Palestinian Police, courts, prisons, etc.), and building the economic and physical infrastructures (banks, public and education facilities, electricity, water, sewage and roads infrastructures, etc.). The title of the Fayyad Plan is, therefore, to establish facts on the ground unilaterally, without the involvement or even the consent of Israel. The various projects are being funded by generous donations from the Gulf states, Europe and the USA.

The Fayyad Plan integrated nicely into the Israeli-led ‘Economic Peace’ policy in Judea and Samaria, which was striving to strengthen the PA and deepen the separation between the government systems in Gaza and those in Judea and Samaria. This Israeli policy was also built on large international financing involvement, and it was promoted with no mechanisms alongside it to ensure Israeli control throughout the entire process.

With time, the international involvement became a ‘bypass route’ of Israel, which the Palestinians use to advance towards the unilateral establishment of a de facto Palestinian state, while taking a two-faced policy against Israel. Abu Mazen presents a false image of striving to hold negotiations with Israel and Salam Fayyad advances parallely on an actual unilateral track. Abu Mazen’s appeal to the UN last summer would not have been possible if the emotional groundwork for unilateral steps, as part of the international involvement in the realization of the Fayyad Plan, had not been put in place in the international community.

As part of the Fayyad Plan, deliberate emphasis was placed on establishing large parts of the national infrastructures system in the ‘C’ Territories, which are defined by the Oslo Accords as areas under full Israeli civil and defence control. The intention of the PA is to ‘annex’ these areas under it’s control, create corridors and contiguous territories in them, create the opposite effect for the Israeli communities, and establish irreversible facts on the ground.

The Gradual Annexation method is being pursued simultaneously on two tracks. One track is pursued by the PA coordinating with Israeli authorities by turning to them and requesting the approval to construct projects of special significance (usually, these will be projects where the international budgeting is dependant on a ‘stamp of approval’ – Israeli consent). The other track is pursued by establishing facts on the ground – with widespread illegal construction and development activities, without coordination or approval from the Israeli authorities. In the second track, one can absolutely detect a systematic and deliberate hand, an organizing logic which includes attempts to create contiguous territories, isolating and cutting off Israeli contigua, etc.

Absurdly, the State of Israel, which fights on the international level against the unilateral establishment of a Palestinian state, does not utilize its control of the area to stop the practical steps the PA takes in order to establish a Palestinian state and, in regards to the first track, even actively helps them. An operative and effective promotion of the plan aspires to reach the point of no return, where Israel and the international community will be faced with fait accompli.

First Track – Israeli Stamp of Approval

As stated, the first track being used by the Palestinians to deepen their control of ‘C’ Territories goes through coordination with and even aid from Israel. We will demonstrate the absurdity by using 3 examples on the agenda:

1. The establishment of the town of Nu’eima in the Jericho region

Currently, the Civil Administration is promoting the establishment of a new Palestinian town in the Jordan Valley, near the village of Nu’eima. For this purpose, the ICA intends to allocate more than 9,000 acres of state lands, located north of Jericho. These lands are located in the municipal area of the Jordan Valley Regional Council, and the plan being promoted by the ICA includes the settling of thousands of Palestinians, who have illegally taken over many sites in the Jordan Valley over the last few years, in the planned town, some of them ‘housing enhancers’ from the Jenin region who fled PA
territories, while others are Bedouins from the Hebron Hills and the Southern Judean Hills areas. Recently, the ICA confirmed the existence of the plan in a response to Re’ga’vim (a letter from 19 Sivan, May 28th 2013), stating that: ‘The plan has been approved for the political level to promote the proceedings, and is currently being worked on administratively. When the administrative work is complete, the plan will be posted. In accordance with the law, the plan will be published as required, so that any person who views themselves as being harmed by the plan will be able to submit their objections’.

In this context, a senior official in the ICA confirmed, during a phone call with Ma’ariv newspaper, that ‘recently, decisions have been made to promote several development plans that will turn the Palestinians’ illegal hold of the land to legal’.

It is hard to find a greater stupidity than this, in almost every way
possible. Establishing an urban space does not consist of only
residential spaces, but rather naturally drags along with it
transport, economic, occupational, sanitation, and many other
implications. The plan will naturally lead to the immigration of
thousands of additional Palestinians to the Jordan Valley.
Demographically, establishing the town could prove to be the death
blow to the already flimsy Israeli hold on the Valley region. No less
than that, the new town could have devastating effects on the fabric
of life of the Israeli residents living in the region, further
complicating the already difficult life in the Valley.

In the strategic context – it is unclear how the plan, and the alleged
political approval that was given to it, coincides with the defensive
and strategic importance of the Jordan Valley and with the righteous
insistence of the political leadership that the Valley be kept in
Israeli hands as part of the framework of any permanent agreement.
Over the years, the Jordan Valley has been defined by generations of
Israeli governments as Israel’s ‘Eastern Security Strip’. Establishing
another Arab town north of Jericho contributes to the thickening of
the territorial contiguity north and west from Jericho. This is in
direct violation and contradiction with Israel’s defence concept, and
contrasts sharply with the Israeli position presented in the
international arena. What point is there in filling the area with
Palestinian settlements?! Common sense and past experience say that
areas which are settled by Palestinians become Palestinian
responsibility, because Israel has no interest in running the lives of
the Palestinians. How, then, do the Israeli Prime Minister’s repeated
declarations, that the Jordan Valley will remain in Israeli hands as
part of any future arrangement, fit with the active promotion of the
plan to establish this urban space in this region?!

We must listen to David Elhyani, Head of the Jordan Valley Regional
Council, who states that this plan will suffocate the communities
under the Council – ‘The lawbreaking, Palestinian criminals, who
settled on state lands surreptitiously, are being rewarded, as they
are now receiving thousands of acres as a gift. This is a delusional
and adventurous plan that will choke the Council’s communities’.

2. A Preventive Security Service facility near Route 443

During May the media published that the Civil Administration accepted
a request to establish a ‘security facility’ for the PA’s Preventive
Security Service, the Palestinian equivalent of the Israeli Shin Bet,
in ‘˜C’ Territories. ICA officials are currently examining the
request, which involves transferring large portions of land from
Israeli control to the PA.

According to reports and the investigation conducted by the Re’ga’vim
movement, this is for the establishment of a facility for the PA’s
Preventive Security Service, apparently in the area marked in the
attached aerial photo, which is an area designated as a ‘firing

This area dominates Route 443 which connects the city of Modi’in to
Jerusalem. Establishing such a facility in such a sensitive area in
terms of security and in a location which dominates one of the main
roads leading to Jerusalem, is obviously a folly and a real danger to
the security of the Jewish residents of the area.

The fact that Israeli officials are even considering such a request
and have not rejected it outright, indicates the loss of something
fundamental in the moral compass and common sense.

Attached is Amichai Atali’s article on the matter, which was published
in Ma’ariv newspaper on May 29th, 2013.

3. The ‘Ramon’ waste-collection site

Near the Rimonim intersection in Binyamin, the Civil Administration
has been promoting a regional waste disposal site which will serve
Ramallah, Al-Bireh and the surrounding villages, at the request of the
PA. Despite the fact that most of the waste will be coming from ‘A’
and ‘B’ Territories, the PA decided to establish this site in ‘˜C’
Territories, which are under full Israeli control. Moreover, the site
is being promoted despite the PA’s declaration that it will only serve
the Arab population of the area and despite its stubborn refusal to
allow use for the waste coming from Israeli communities in the area.

This plan also constitutes a folly in almost every aspect. First of
all, why should waste from ‘A’ and ‘B’ Territories be allowed to be
disposed of in ‘C’ Territories? Why won’t the PA take care of its
residents’ waste in its own area? Secondly, establishing the facility
at the discussed location would severely damage the transportation
fabric of the Israeli communities along the Rimonim axis, the quality
of life of the residents of nearby Rimonim, and no less worse, the
environment. The method of waste disposal by landfill is considered
the worse method of disposal, due to the severe pollution of the soil
and irreversible damages it creates. Absurdly, the Deutsche Bank is
funding the establishment of the site, while the landfill method has
been completely banned throughout Germany. Furthermore, the southern
border of the site is adjacent to the Makhokh River nature reserve,
which is characterized by permeable karstic rock, which presents a
severe threat to the Eastern Aquifer from which drinking water is

So far, over 100 (!) objections were filed against the establishment
of the facility, among them the objections of the Nature Protection
Society, the Binyamin Regional Council, the Municipal Environmental
Association of Samaria and Binyamin, and many more organizations, yet
the Civil Administration continues promoting the plan and striving to
execute it.

All this is happening, while years ago the establishment of a
supervised and approved site near Dir Dibwan had been approved, in a
location that was supposed to minimize the aforementioned
environmental damages; but due to Arab violence against the founders
of the Dir Dibwan facility, and due to the incompetence and lack of
governance of the ICA, this plan was removed from the agenda, and
instead emerged the far worse and more dangerous plan.

It follows that the Israeli authorities succumb to Palestinian
violence and impositions, and are promoting a plan which is harmful in
every way, which will deepen the PA’s affinity and hold on ‘C’
Territories while weakening Israel’s.

Second Track – Establishing Facts on the Ground

As previously mentioned, parallel to the coordinated policy, the PA
continues its vast construction and development activities, without
coordination or approval, with the intention of establishing fait
accompli on the ground.

An example of this behavior can be found in the PA’s activities in the
Al-Bireh – Psagot region. In the last few months, methodical and
deliberate activities have been identified in the region, with the
clear intention of tightening the noose around the Israeli community
of Psagot and strengthening the Palestinian hold of the region. This
goal is being implemented through several illegal projects, conducted
without ISraeli coordination and with vast international assistance.
In reality, due to the vigorous activity of the PA, a dangerous
chokehold tightens around the Psagot community, which is considered to
be the ‘center of the local government’ of the Binyamin Regional
Council, accommodating its offices as well as about 300 families that
live there.

Over the years, the Arab city of Al-Bireh expanded, until it reached a
distance of only 100 meters from the community’s fence. The
establishment of this noose is carried out through the illegal
development of infrastructures and construction of roads, as well as
constructing buildings on dominating points with the intention of
creating a buffer in the hills between Psagot and Beit El. All these
projects are being executed illegally in the area that separates
Al-Bireh and Psagot, as well as in the other areas around the
community, which are all defined as ‘C’ Territories, under full
Israeli control.

In the following aerial photo, projects that are being carried out
right now, sponsored by the complete disregard by the Israeli law
enforcement authorities, have been highlighted.

1. In 2009, the construction of a soccer stadium began in an
agricultural area on the outskirts of Al-Bireh, near and visible to
the Psagot community (Marking No. 1 in the aerial photo). Following
Re’ga’vim’s actions, the Civil Administration issued a stop-work order
on the construction, but it continued undeterred. In an appeal to the
Supreme Court, the Re’ga’vim movement demanded that the law be
enforced and the structure demolished, yet in 2011 a building permit
for the stadium was issued retroactively, allowing its construction
and operation. No imagination is required to evaluate the results of
15,000 fervent fans marching at the end of a game, with a 5 minutes
walking distance from the stadium to the community. Against the
background of popular uprising scenarios the IDF is preparing for,
this is a more than likely scenario.

2. In 2012, as part of the construction of a new road within the
boundaries of Al-Bireh, a breakthrough began that invaded into the
boundaries of the area which separates Psagot and Al-Bireh, with the
intention of performing a ‘silent annexation’ of this area into the
boundries of Al-Bireh (Marking No. 2 in the aerial photo).

3. On the access road south of the PSagot community, a WWTP (Waste
Water Treatment Plant) operates, serving the residents of Al-Bireh,
Psagot and Tel Zion. Late in 2012, extensive development work was
started in the area, and the road was widened and repaved, without
receiving the necessary permits from the Civil Administration (Marking
No. 3 in the aerial photo). Needless to say, there is no need for such
a road to reach a WWTP, and it appears that its purpose is to bypass
IDF checkpoints and connect to Route 60 undisturbed. In the petition
filed in the Supreme Court by Re’ga’vim, the Civil Administration
admitted that it had no idea who was behind the project. Just so, a
highway is paved in the middle of the Binyamin area, and the Civil
Administration does not know who the perpetrators are. Could there be
a greater failure?!

(In the right photo – the road when construction started. In the left
photo – the new road)

4. The communities of Psagot and Beit El are connected by a local road
nicknamed ‘˜the Garbage axis’, due to the fact that it serves as the
access road to Al-Bireh’s municipal landfill. Over the last few
months, work has begun to construct a road from Al-Bireh to a Sheikh’s
tomb, which is located on a strategic point that dominates the road.
During May, construction of a large structure began at an accelerated,
and several tents were pitched around it, with the intention of
solidifying a civilian presence in the area (Marking No. 4 in the
aerial photo).

Here too, it is clear that this is an illegal activity, yet the Civil
administration takes no effective action to prevent it. Stopping the
work in this place involves the most simple action. There are no
houses being demolished, with the sensitivity involved, only stopping
infrastructure work by confiscating work tools and other simple
actions that do not even require the allocation of large forces.

The Civil Administration’s disregard can not be explained in any other
way besides there existing a deliberate policy from above, to avoid
confrontations with the Palestinians and the international
organizations that are involved in these projects, and to allow their

Operations such as those conducted by the PA in the Psagot region are
being conducted these very days as well, in several dozens of
locations, and no one speaks up, while there are those who could not
care less about the law!!!


*The PA is promoting the Fayyad Plan with determination, using a
hypocritical, two-faced policy regarding Israel’s sovereignty over ‘C’
Territories, with the intention of establishing fait accompli.

*It is possible to identify the PA’s policy, as it establishes its
ever increasing control of ‘C’ Territories, and with negative
symmetry, Israel is being displaced from these locations.

*In the face of the PA’s systematic and tendentious operations, the
Israeli policy ranges from tacit consent to direct assistance, conduct
that makes absolutely no sense politically, defensively or civily.

*The Palestinian operations on the ground are being conducted at an
accelerated rate, and if we do not wake up and stop it, it may cross
the line of no return in the very near future.

Women For Israel’s Tomorrow (Women in Green)
POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel
For online donations to Women in Green:

June 24, 2013 | 4 Comments »

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4 Comments / 4 Comments

  1. Everything that is between the communities ­ the hills, the areas, the state lands, that are the oxygen needed for the survival of the communities, are G-d forbid being taken over by the Arabs.

    Since Israel did NOT annex Judea and Samaria, how can Israel call it state lands? Isn’t that a de facto change of status, forbidden by Oslo?

    Israel cannot call it state lands – for that would change the status – unless Israel annexes.

    I have NO problem if Israel annexes Judea and Samaria, but then either:

    1) Enfranchise the Arabs
    2) Pay them to leave

    Until you annex, they are NOT state lands, but lands in dispute.

    If you want the land … have the guts to annex it and the Arabs on it.

  2. The govt is trying to classify Price Tag (vandalism) as terror. Their goal is to neuter these youths with a police record in order to forestall the rise of new leadership. ~~~ While grassroots leadership has done wonderful things, it has not managed to coalesce into an independent political movement with clout. Youth with no political outlet may resort to vandalism to express their frustration. Their elders have failed them by diverting their energies into harmless activities such as building on hilltops and planting trees, instead of organizing them into an effective political movement. It does not matter if the numbers of activists is small. That’s how all political movements begin. They need to start by creating a Yesha Union, even if it only counts with a few dozen delegates.

    It is incomprehensible how the govt manages to implement anti-Jewish policies and even expel families every once in a while with hardly any reaction from the settlements. The govt takes advantage of this lack of solidarity and organization. ~~~ Youth should not count on their established organizations or fake-right-wing political parties. They are helpless to do anything against the PA-Israeli govt alliance to rob them of their land. Young people need to create their own independent organization to educate Israelis and to raise funds for the legal defense of Yesha rights. They need to do everything legally, so that the govt – that has infiltrated everything – won’t be able to delegitimize them as “terrorists”.

  3. If you think that the above is impossible, think back to Herzl’s Zionist efforts, all through the day of Israel’s Independence, and even beyond it. There was always a very active minority, mostly German Jews (who survived the Holocaust by escaping to Palestine) who were always furiously against the idea of an independent Israel. ~~~ Those well-educated and assimilated German Jews slithered into the heart of Israeli institutions from the start – into its universities, political parties, media, courts, the Knesset – and have been agitating for anti-Israel policies since. ~~~ As educators they have poisoned the minds of several generations of Israeli youth with their ideas. ~~~ As an example of their sympathies, when Eichmann was on trial in Jerusalem, Prof. Martin Buber and his many followers were desperately pleading for a sentence of lifetime of agricultural work in a kibbutz instead. (The Jewish State by Yoram Hazoni P.282). This respected and honored elite in Israel, with their cultural offspring, along with some business interests, are pulling the strings for the dismantling of Israel.

  4. It is a tacitly agreed game being played by PA/IS/US govts. Abbas plays hard to get, Bibi plays the eager pursuer of Two States (while telling Jews he will demand impossible conditions for a Pali state), and the US acts “desperate” for “peace talks,” so will Israel please make more concessions, (read further surrender of control and security). That’s it, in a nutshell.

    But what is behind all that play acting is a giant act of deceit for the gradual loss of Jewish land and sovereignty. The aim is to reach a tipping poing when partition will be such an established fact that it will be impossible to annex the land. ~~~ This is my theory, and I don’t know how long it has been at play (since 1967 with the failure to annex?), or how many MKs are aware of it. But every MK who has voted for concessions, or failed to vote for sovereignty, has been a part of it, wittingly or not. The ultimate aim for the elite pulling the strings (the actual planners of this swindle), the ultimate aim is the dismantling of Israel in stages. Once Yesha is lost, terror will take care of the rest.