The alarming rise of Hamas in America

America is headed towards very serious and blinding headwinds. Opinion.

  Oct 29, 2023, 4:46 PM (GMT+2)

Elie Wiesel said it best. “Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.” The silence from University Presidents at Harvard, Princeton, University of Pennsylvania, Columbia, Brown, George Washington University, and Cooper Union is deafening. Paid protesters, agitators and rabble rousers have wreaked havoc on campus’ around the country.

At Cooper Union Jewish Students were subjected to a Pro Hamas Mob that terrorized them. At George Washington University the statements,”Glory To Our Martyrs” and “Free Palestine From The River To The Sea” which is the code for the annihilation of Israel was projected on its Library Wall.

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At Penn well known Anti-Semites were featured at the Palestine Writes Festival held on the eve of Yom Kippur-The Jewish Holiest Day of the Year. This was met with total silence from the hierarchy and carried extra meaning of outrage in light of the massacre on October 7th not long afterwards. Similarly, Princeton’s inclusion of Jasbir Puar’s book entitled, “The Right to Maim: Debility, Capacity, Disability” for a Humanities course eerily predicted and encouraged the Hamas abhorrent behavior on October 7th. At Harvard a student group penned a letter saying that Israel was “entirely responsible” for the October 7th Evil.

Besides a number of protests in support of Hamas at Columbia, one of its Full Professors, Joseph Massad called the horrific actions of Hamas on October 7th, “astounding” and “incredible”. 34,000 signatures were garnered asking for his firing.

Pro-Hamas demonstrations have sprouted up like wildfire. After the slaughter of well over 1400 men women and children using the cruelest, most vicious and barbaric methods in the history of the human race, one might think that Pro-Hamas supporters might run for cover. Quite the opposite. They are more vocal, more violent and more emboldened than ever.The rise of Hamas in America is alarming.

When did society become so twisted? Although according to a Harvard (CAPS)/Harris poll performed by Harvard’s Center for American Political Studies, Harris and HarrisX the majority of Americans from both Republican and Democratic Parties overwhelmingly support Israel over Hamas. 84% of Americans support Israel and 88% say Israel has the right to respond militarily. The kicker is that among 18-24 year olds in the USA only 48% feel the same way. The 18-24 year old group do a little better at 65% when asked if Israel has the right to protect its citizens by retaliating against Hamas. The generational divide is disturbing, and shocking. It also points to the brainwashing that has been going on campuses around the country.

Unless the USA’s 18-24 year old voter bloc has a total transformation which is unlikely, America is headed towards very serious and blinding headwinds. How anyone on this earth can justify the beheading of babies, the murder and kidnapping of Holocaust survivors and the rape and sodomizing of women is beyond the pale. There is something seriously wrong and utterly despicable that this demographic of young people can hold such an opinion. It is beyond comprehension. It requires more than just an attitude adjustment. Unless America reverses course it does not forebode well for this Great Country.

October 30, 2023 | 3 Comments »

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3 Comments / 3 Comments

  1. Soros and the Rockefeller Foundation have been supporting genocide against the Jews and against Israelis.

    At this site:

    you can see both the federal funding through grants and universities given to Iran, in terms of thousands of dollars, as well as the $60 billion dollars US government gave Iran in exchange for hostages and removing sanctions on Iranian oil sales since Biden became President.

    US Colleges which have become indoctrination centers in critical race theory have become hotbeds of antisemitic hatred, empowering genocidal hatred of the Palestinians to be acted out towards Jewish college students.

    Nothing will change on college campuses until Jews stop giving their money to them and until major donors realize they are funding the next holocaust against the Jews and decide to pull their donations.

    In addition, the whole system of automatic federal subsidies to colleges needs to be changed to subsidies based upon curriculum changes: no more funding for any DEI or CRT on campuses. Having these courses and making campuses a welcome place for attacks on or crimes against Jews should automatically disqualify a college from federal subsidies.

    Hiring teachers or professors to teach CRT or course material based upon CRT should automatically disqualify a college from federal subsidies.

    Hounding invited conservative speakers out of campuses should automatically disqualify a college from federal subsidies.

    Students who assault Jewish students should be charged with Assault and Battery, tried, and if found guilty, lose their place in the college otherwise the college should lose its federal subsidies.

    Hamas and other radical Islamist groups should be banned from colleges unless the college lose its federal subsidies.

    I have today received communications from local temples informing us of antisemitic incidents in near by towns amongst high school students.

    I would say that the communities near me (in a Blue State) are well to do, and many people had signs on their lawns saying “Black Lives Matter.” This apparently was the virtue signaling of those on the left to imply they are “good” people who don’t discriminate against Blacks. But also these signs indicated to me that they are in denial about the leaders of BLM who are race grifters and who hate white people, even those who give them money.

    When a community is so liberal that many proudly support the latest George Soros brown shirts and thugs, you know that Jew hatred is not some thing of the past, but is there around you just waiting for the right time to emerge.

    The sad thing is, the most liberal of all groups are the Jews in my state, dedicating themselves to Tikkun Olam (if they go to temple) or their progressive belief system (if they are secular). These people have supported the Palestinians more than they support Israel, something that initially shocked me. They truly believe that people like Trump are racist, whereas the Palestinians are innocent civilians.

    Similarly in Israel, there are those who think Netanyahu is a bigger threat to peace than the Palestinians. I have tried to understand their logic, but there is no evidence upon which they can base this belief system. They truly believe the Palestinians of the West Bank are somehow more able to be partners for peace than those of Gaza. But don’t they know about the violence in J&S from those “peace loving” Palestinians? What about Abu Mazen’s PhD thesis denying that the holocaust ever happened? And he’s a partner for peace?

    So it’s like a kind of madness that has overtaken many people. They grasp at straws but cannot make sense of the world around them because their belief systems interfere with their capacity for judgment and objective reasoning.

    It was Obama who set the stage for all that is happening in the US and the Middle East. And the progressive Jews on the two coasts still love him and think he was the best President ever.

    These are people who, if surrounded by cannibals would be convinced they could change them into nice people by Tikkun Olam.