Ten Reasons Why Friends of Israel Should Vote Trump

By David Rubin, INN

The two major political conventions of 2016, now completed, raised many questions relating to the proper response to Islamic extremism and terrorism, spoken about extensively at the RNC, but almost ignored at the DNC. Furthermore, there were harsh charges of anti-Semitism thrown back and forth, as well as lingering questions about which party would be better for the U.S.-Israel relationship. Admittedly, there have been many doubters about Donald J. Trump, a political novice who achieved great success in the world of business, but from the biblical heartland of Israel, the answer is clear. Take note of the following facts, broken down into ten succinct reasons why American friends of Israel should vote for the GOP candidate to be the next President:

1. Donald Trump has pledged to move the American Embassy to Israel’s capital, Jerusalem.

2. Trump has expressed support for Israel’s right to grant building permits for its citizens in Jerusalem, its capital city.

3. Trump has expressed support for Israel’s right to grant building permits for its citizens in its historical, biblical heartland, Judea and Samaria (the so-called West Bank).

4. Trump has been a consistent and strong opponent of the dangerous Iran nuclear deal, which the Obama administration signed and which Hillary Clinton strongly supported, along with most of  the Democrats in Congress.

5. According to a recent Pew Research Center poll, “There continue to be stark partisan differences in Middle East sympathies. Conservative Republicans maintain strong support for Israel with fully 75% saying they sympathize with Israel compared with just 2% who sympathize with the Palestinians. By contrast, liberal Democrats are much more divided: 33% sympathize more with Israel, 22% with the Palestinians.”

6. A Trump administration is likely to consist of consistently and unquestionably strong, passionate friends of Israel, such as former Gov. Mike Huckabee, former Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, and Dr. Ben Carson. All of them share the strong pro-Israel po?sitions cited above.

7. Trump’s running mate, Gov. (and former U.S. Congressman) Mike Pence, has been a strong and consistent supporter of Israel. He, too, shares the strong pro-Israel po?sitions cited above.

8. The Influence of Family: Trump’s daughter Ivanka, with whom the candidate is very close, is a convert to Judaism, her husband is Jewish, and Trump has three Jewish grandchildren who attend a strongly pro-Israel Orthodox synagogue with their parents.

9. Hillary Clinton, during her term as Secretary of State, was harshly critical of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, most notably in her infamously stern 45 minute telephone reprimand, the details of which her State Department quickly publicized after Israel announced that building permits were granted for 900 apartment units in Jerusalem, Israel’s capital.

10.  A President Hillary Clinton is likely to be surrounded by strongly anti-Israel politicians from her Democratic Party, the platform of which explicitly supports the establishment of “Palestinian statehood” in the biblical heartland of Israel. On the other hand, the GOP platform pointedly does not mention the possibly of a Palestinian state –  which would be based on the dangerous land for peace formula that failed so miserably in Gaza, bringing rampant Palestinian Islamic terrorism on Israel’s civilian population.

Last, but not least, unlike Hillary, who has consistently minimized the danger, Donald Trump truly comprehends the existential threat of Islamic terrorism to the free world and has made it abundantly clear, not just that he will ruthlessly destroy ISIS, but that he will turn to the experience and common sense of America’s ally, Israel, as a trusted adviser in that struggle.

The danger to Israel of a Clinton victory is clear, while the prospect of a Trump administration bodes well for the flourishing of the U.S.-Israel relationship. All American friends of Israel, as well as American-Israelis should spread this message to all doubters. I am absolutely certain that Trump is, far and away, the better candidate for Israel.

David Rubin is former mayor of Shiloh, Israel. He is founder and president of Shiloh Israel Children’s Fund, and the author of four books, including The Islamic Tsunami and his latest, Sparks From Zion.

July 31, 2016 | 4 Comments »

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4 Comments / 4 Comments

  1. Donald Trump truly comprehends the existential threat of Islamic terrorism to the free world and has made it abundantly clear, not just that he will ruthlessly destroy ISIS, ….

    this for me is a flaw of Trump. IS is just one of the many groups, labels of jihadi orgs. IS is a sort of red herring in that focusing on IS allows those who fund and direct muslim terror generally to pretend that they are in a war against jihad. It is muslim terror not just IS and one of the reasons I will vote for Trump is that he relates the terror to muslims. However, I beleive that it is because he is an outsider and not yet privy to in depth research and study on muslim terror over the last decades. I beleive that one of Trumps businessman characteristics will be to adjust his plan to new found information rather than try and cover up prior misunderstandings.

  2. Hilary sent Khan to his death!!!! As Benghazi demonstrated how much she cares: What does it matter now!!!

  3. So DT will go AGAINST the USSD!
    Islamism is a threat to the West, to Russia, to China and to India and I do not include sub-Sahara Africa, S & C America.
    This is probably 2/3 of humanity!!!!
    We have the leaders we deserve.