Tel Aviv blocks anti-Jihad websites

Confronting anti-Semitism and Israel hatred in the UK

Anyone who spends a lot of time in Israel or with Israelis living in Europe or the USA will know that a very sizable number (especially those under 40) have been indoctrinated with left-wing (and at times extremely anti-Zionist) views that would put most Guardian readers to shame. It can also be surprising to discover, given that they are effectively ‘living in the eye of the storm’, how little those same Israelis know of the extent to which Islamists hate them and want them destroyed.

This is especially true of many in Tel Aviv. The main stream Israeli newspapers and TV channels are not much different to those in the UK both in their left-wing bias and in covering up Jihadist activities around the world (e.g. still no main stream comment anywhere on theJihadist suicide bombing in Beijing which the BBC -when it mentioned it –  tried to convince viewers was down to ‘democracy dissidents’).

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Religion of Peace website:blocked as “Discrimination”

I discovered today an example of the above, which confirms that those in power in the Jewish State are determined to show that they are the biggest ‘dhimmis’ of all.  On LaLa beach in Tel Aviv today I noticed that the Municipality was now providing a free wifi service (FREE_TLV). I’m not sure how new this is because I normally go to Bograshov beach and I have never noticed this service before. After checking my emails I decided to catch up on some real  news only to discover that websites like Robert Spencer’s excellent jihadwatch andthereligionofpeace (which simply documents jihadist attacks and news stories) were blocked as either “Discrimination” or (strangely) “Advocacy Organisation” (curiously one of the only anti-Jihad sites not blocked was Pamela Geller’s). I did a quick check of some well known antisemitic and anti-Israel websites and not one of those was blocked.

Jihad Watch website blocked

Isn’t is great to imagine that you can avoid a problem simply by trying to make sure nobody knows about it?  And is it any wonder therefore that the Israeli Government can actually get away with releasing convicted terrorist murderers (like the latest bunch freed yesterday to appease Obama and the PLO) without there being mass demonstrations?

November 2, 2013 | 13 Comments »

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13 Comments / 13 Comments

  1. The Ciity likely provides Pamela Geller’s site because Pamela has been so successful in overcoming attempts by cities in the US to block her ads in subways and buses.

  2. This is really bad because not Tel Aviv can claim that they are not violating anyone’s freedom. They can just that they have the right to do that on their service.
    However since their service is free, (paid by the tax payers), a lot of people will use it and these people will be prevented from accessing the information on these anti
    jihadi sites.

  3. 1) Go a translation engine like

    2) insert the link

    3) ask it to translate from Simplified Chinese to English.

    What it cannot detect as simplified Chinese it will leave as English

    The Wifi will detect

    It will not detect the inserted link which only works between itself and

    the info would go from Jihad Watch to Translate Google Then from Translate Google to you

    The censor would ONLY detect the second half.

    Very easy to defeat censors,

  4. CuriousAmerican Said:

    I believe in free speech.

    Free speech is the right of private individuals and entities to say and not to say what they want. No one is forcing anyone to use Tel Aviv’s free wifi service.

    This sounds like too much PC on the part of 012’s Internet service for the TA municipality. They are obviously using filters and someone needs to argue what should or should not be included/excluded in the lists.

  5. Laura Said:

    I take it that Israelis in Tel Aviv can access these sites from their own personal wifi connection? This blockage is just limited to the free public wifi the city provides?

    You can use VPN to bypass firewalled sites. So even if Tel Aviv has a censorship policy, there are ways to get around it.

  6. I take it that Israelis in Tel Aviv can access these sites from their own personal wifi connection? This blockage is just limited to the free public wifi the city provides?

  7. @ NormanF:
    It could be a technical or provider service issue. The problem of Islamic terrorism won’t go away even if Israel’s establishment media ignores it. And Internet censorship is both futile and stupid. Savvy users can find ways around it.

    I doubt it is a technical issue.

    You are right. Anyone can defeat censorship. The USA arrested a man for providing al-Manar TV over cable; YET … you can get it on the internet.

  8. @ Ted Belman:

    It could be a technical or provider service issue. The problem of Islamic terrorism won’t go away even if Israel’s establishment media ignores it. And Internet censorship is both futile and stupid. Savvy users can find ways around it.

  9. @ Viiit:
    I don’t know because I am not in Tel Aviv. But I can tell you that Atlas Shruggs is not blocked.

    Israel has not blocked them. The Municipality of Tel Aviv just started providing WiFi through out Tel Aviv for free. They are the ones who clocked these sites only on their signal.